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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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What happened last week?

Last week you could run through the episode on a different character and get another Carapace Shoulder Box as a reward for completion, so if you did it three times you had all of the shoulder items. This week, you can't do that because the Carapace Glove Box is tied to the achievement, so it's one-and-done.

But since you can buy them for 1000 crests and 1g, plus they probably drop from champions like the shoulder boxes, it's seriously not that big of a deal.

But, you know, you can't mindlessly repeat the same content over the span of an evening to get it, therefore it is The Worst Thing Ever™.

Sometimes it's something you enjoy (Silverwastes and Marionette being my favourites so far) and so you end up buying everything you want without feeling you had to grind for it but everyone has a point at which they're sick of event or map X. I'd like to see some alternatives to temporary currencies and last episode's system was interesting to me because of that.

The thing with Bandit Crests is that you get them from just about everything in The Silverwastes. The zone is packed with events that award them (the four fortresses always have an event going on, there are always yak escorts, there's random Mordrem events), they drop from Bandit chests, you can trade Mordrem organs in for a bunch at a time... Yeah, temporary currencies have their disadvantages, but one way to soften that is to let players earn the currency in a multitude of ways. The only thing missing is a PVP reward track that gives you Maguuma currencies and reward chests.

Having an alternative way of obtaining stuff can only be good and I guess I'm disappointed that this go-round there isn't one.

You can still complete the story (once per account) or buy them from a vendor (1k cress and 1g), and though it's not confirmed yet the Shoulder boxes dropped from the five champions so I imagine the glove boxes will drop there (or somewhere else) too. It's also worth keeping in mind that getting all three is only important if you want the Luminescent skins, which seem like they're intended to be more of a special reward for going the extra mile.

Other than the fun of taking him down.

You can't vendor fun or salvage it for ectos, nor can you use it to buy any kind of gear or cosmetic. Fun has absolutely no value whatsoever. /sarcasm.


Finally powered through the personal story. Zhaitan is easily the coolest looking dragon in any game. Look at those baby Zhaitains coming out if its mouth.


In fact all the dragons looks incredible in this game.


I appreciate your presence in this thread. The Anet love is a bit too strong here.
I really don't get this. Is this a serious post?
I don't have a problem with people posting critique, suggestions or people whining about the problem with out-of-wallet-currency (because they are right ;P).
The exaggerations are a bit tiresome. Like that horrible gif "being the best thing about the patch".
My biggest problem tho, is posts like this one. I reallty don't get these posts and they make me so sad.


I really don't get this. Is this a serious post?
I don't have a problem with people posting critique, suggestions or people whining about the problem with out-of-wallet-currency (because they are right ;P).
The exaggerations are a bit tiresome. Like that horrible gif "being the best thing about the patch".
My biggest problem tho, is posts like this one. I reallty don't get these posts and they make me so sad.

What i'm trying to say is there need to be a balance. I like reading your posts for example, it makes makes me excited to get home from work and gets stuck into the game but we also need people like Coriolanus and Xeris to balance things out since i also i enjoy reading the less than positive impressions as well. I hope this clear things and we can still be friends.
0___0 that depends on how you were speeced.

i went there with my support build.

i suffered.

Lately been running a zerker build on my guardian, it was easy, the one fight i had problems with
first mini boss before Tera, didn' realize i had to range, Melee battle=infinity HP..


The Cryptarch's Bane
Much as I have to say about why different subgroups of people play videogames and/or publicly discuss them, all the meta-community commentary is basically off topic. it's best to just keep the conversation focused on the game. I know that makes some of this post hypocritical and I apologize; I ask your patience in just voicing the position of GAF's GW2 guild on this stuff.

I am going to defer again to this post, which was made during a more negative swing of the undying pendulum than this one, but certainly has to do with how I feel. Obviously, this community OT is not "GAFGuild: The Thread," and no individual member can or should moderate its contents; furthermore, this is the thread for discussing Guild Wars 2 on GAF, and it's where you should come to voice opinions of the game, even if universally negative. There's nothing anyone could ever say to change the fact of that.

But I've been a part of a lot of gaming subcommunities. I've been told I couldn't stop riding a videogame's dick. I've been told that things I felt excited about and wanted to post to that effect about were disastrous and embarrassing. I've been told that game developers were incompetent and egotistical in response to my suggestion that they deserved basic civility and respect when interacting with the playerbase. I've had my position distorted so severely that it was claimed I believed that "anyone who didn't think this game was the greatest thing in the world was an idiot." And while it might seem as though this paragraph was stuffing an army of straw men, in fact I am referencing four personal, specific anecdotes, about four separate games. Individual experiences, but unpleasant ones.

So what? My big boy feelings got hurt. Tough shit. This is the internet, and if I want to take part in discussion, I have to have thicker skin. Just get used to it.

That's absolutely true. The way I feel about gaming in general is just going to rub some people the wrong way, and it's not something that changes. It's something you just have to deal with, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you, and honestly, I understand exactly how Spyware feels. You read things and you wonder how can you possibly be looking at things so differently to evoke such completely different sentiments, both in nature and degree, about the same topic? That GIF reddit put up just made me feel sort of uneasy and ashamed, lacking even the redemptive virtue of being funny- not least of which because the developer it specifically lambasts, complete with headshot and "quote" apropos of nothing, is an individual who takes the time to personally interact with the guild. That might not count for a half a damn to everyone, but it means a significant amount to me as someone who cares a lot about the companies I support with my money, as well as game design and the gaming marketplace in general.

This has what to do with the thread exactly? Well revisiting the idea of what this thread is: yes, it's the appropriate venue for negativity to be voiced. Certainly the only permanent home for it that this forum makes available. But it's also the home of this game's representative community. You know when people say things like, "oh, [insert x game] has such a shitty community"? That's us. It's individuals that person is talking about. No matter what game I'm involved with, I keep in mind how fucking badly I want to be on the plus side of that equation. It's not something that's important every day, but I always keep in mind how it would feel to someone stumbling onto our community, or looking for help after a search, or lurking this thread based on a recommendation from a friend. So much as I can be a part of it to any degree, I'd like GAF's GW2 community, and any videogame subcommunity I choose to be a part of, to be a generally positive group of people who like the game, and want other people to see if they like it too. In my naïveté, this doesn't strike me as that controversial a position.

But I know it's more complicated than that. I'm posting this as the official position of the GW2 guild leadership on the matter, but besides that, nothing but food for thought.

I apologize again for the off-topic post, and hope for a nice long stretch of talking about the game itself for better or for worse.

I had some awesome nontraditional dungeon runs tonight, and I'm going to switch up my regular approach to a dungeon I've done hundreds of times as a result. Feels pretty cool. Also, keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming "GAF Pac-Man" event, with no further spoilers for those who haven't made it through this week's episode yet. In terms of story and content, I feel this was a good but light release, lacking all the meat from last time but compelling enough in terms of advancing the story and incentive. Definitely appreciate the creative expansion of the map. Need to start blowing off guild stuff sometimes and just grinding out some of the story achievements ;) I'll have such a huge backlog of bonus achievements to get to after this season, I should really start eating into the trickier ones from the first half that I never did. a date with the challenge mote is in my future...
Just wanted to say that I'm glad members of the guild are taking the time to help folks out in regards to dungeons! I look forward to going on some runs with fellow GAFers when I'm not buried in work, so maybe this weekend?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just wanted to say that I'm glad members of the guild are taking the time to help folks out in regards to dungeons! I look forward to going on some runs with fellow GAFers when I'm not buried in work, so maybe this weekend?
If you can make it on for or around our mission times- 9:00PM EST on Sat. and 3:00PM EST on Sunday- I'm usually running a few dungeons either before or after. We're setting up something to do weekly to lead people who are new to dungeons in general as well, but anyone is always welcome on these runs on the weekend regardless of experience level.
Really enjoyable SE1 4-man GAFsmash with Hawk, Moondrop and a newer [GAF] member ele (L?). I've only fought Troop Commander Kaeyi once before, but didn't realize the quips she makes at certain health percentages.
If you can make it on for or around our mission times- 9:00PM EST on Sat. and 3:00PM EST on Sunday- I'm usually running a few dungeons either before or after. We're setting up something to do weekly to lead people who are new to dungeons in general as well, but anyone is always welcome on these runs on the weekend regardless of experience level.

Sure, I'll be there! Looking forward to exploring the new stuff from the latest episode as well.


Good Stuff

Well said, and for me it really just boils down to one thing (which you touched upon); what is the perception of the community as a whole? When people complained that the thread was getting too snarky, taking potshots at Reddit and the Official Forums, we dialed it back because that's not the kind of community we want to be. Even the most positive posters in this thread (myself included) are critical of the game, but those individuals often express their dissatisfaction, explain why, and then move on. This is not the "Guild Wars 2 is the best game ever" thread, and no one has, does or likely ever will try to make that case. There's always something that could be better.

On the flip side, we do not want potential players to jump into the thread and get the impression that this is a terrible game. It can be assumed that if you're actively posting in this thread and playing the game, you find at least something about it enjoyable (I mean, it's not like people just hang out in the thread to bitch about a game they don't even play, surely that never happens.

The problem (which I will not get into much, this is already longer than I intended) is that the default tone for all internet discussions is rampant cynicism. Those who enjoy or support something are met with suspicion ("marketing shill") or contempt ("fanboy"). Call people on their excessive negativity or correct the misinformation and you're a "rabid defense force". There's nothing to be done about it because that's just how most people approach things, but it needs to be said that the burden of proof rarely, if ever, falls on the voices of negativity.

The one thing that I find completely intolerable and the last thing I will comment on are the "Lazy Devs"-type comments and the various forms they take. Not only are several developers active members of the guild, but they regularly read this thread and participate with this community. Remember that there are human beings who make this game and if you have something you dislike it should be directed at the game and not at the people who make it. Try to show at least a little civility. Besides, those developers are much more likely to consider your complaint if it's explained clearly and isn't buried in animosity.

Retro, is that you

No, but that's the direction I would have gone in.
Retro, as the guild's resident skritt expert, have you checked up on the bottle-throwing rodent in Camp Resolve? Both that skritt and that soldier it was attacking are a little different this week.
Other than the fun of taking him down.

Fun has aggressive diminishing returns. Eagerly awaiting dopamine patch.
I also find your sexism horrifying.

You can't vendor fun or salvage it for ectos, nor can you use it to buy any kind of gear or cosmetic. Fun has absolutely no value whatsoever. /sarcasm.

What? Strawman is evolving!
Strawman evolved into False Dichotomy!

The exaggerations are a bit tiresome. Like that horrible gif "being the best thing about the patch".
That is a retread of this joke.

Which went over well 5 months ago.

Plus i liked the music in the new one.
No one finds it worth it to play through story on alts for the BLTC key?

Initially I was confused about the open world stuff and started complaining about mini games but once I figured out how it played I really liked it. Especially having gaffers on mumble to laugh and joke with when trying to get to the
greater nightmare chest

Story was good but way too short in my opinion but my suggestion of having living story happen everyday will probably not happen.

There seems to be a lot of hints to future story using a new Mysterious Character. Love that people find this and post about it on reddit because I always miss it.

I'm probably gonna run story on my 3 other 80s just so I'll have 3 more BLTC keys.


Retro, as the guild's resident skritt expert, have you checked up on the bottle-throwing rodent in Camp Resolve? Both that skritt and that soldier it was attacking are a little different this week.

Nope, but I'll go have a look now. I wonder if more Skritt tunnels will be usable in future updates. There's quite a few of them scattered around the map, though most are boarded up. There's also the northeast corner that's still behind a gate.

Edit: Aww, somebody made a friend. The mysterious one that used to pop up
near the labyrinth entrance
appears to be gone. The four doing their weird circle around the giant are still there too.
This morning I discovered that I have the power to make a lonely wolf puppy happy.


Turns out that was the final objective all along. Game's over; I beat it. Tyria is safe at last.

Nope, but I'll go have a look now. I wonder if more Skritt tunnels will be usable in future updates. There's quite a few of them scattered around the map, though most are boarded up. There's also the northeast corner that's still behind a gate.

I was thinking that (since there are no direct waypoints to any of the forts and there are skritt tunnels outside all of them) they would eventually open up and allow for faster travel around the map. But who knows. There could always be more underground areas to dive into in the future, or they could sadly end up being nothing.


I was thinking that (since there are no direct waypoints to any of the forts and there are skritt tunnels outside all of them) they would eventually open up and allow for faster travel around the map. But who knows. There could always be more underground areas to dive into in the future, or they could sadly end up being nothing.

That was my thinking as well, that they'll become a sort of fast travel at some point but only after some process where you become friendly with the skritt.

There are also changes in Fort Vandal
The Seraph have a prisoner locked up, and there's some Asurans attempting to reverse engineer the gate.
. I was surprised there wasn't much change to Camp Resolve, the structures still seem to be at the same point as last week.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Finally, connection is better.

In order to get those Fang parts, do I need a different extractor? If I do, is it fine to have both extractor buffs active?


Man, can't the women of Tyria wear clothes properly? Why do they have to tie their shirt and expose their cleavage and midriff, in an outfit that supposed to wear while exploring a jungle out to kill them? Ugh, it's otherwise perfect for my engie.
Finally, connection is better.

In order to get those Fang parts, do I need a different extractor? If I do, is it fine to have both extractor buffs active?

No the buffs override each other.
I am still not sure what the new extractor does. I was able to get 2 extraction items for glove collection using the original extractor.

Not sure exactly what the new extractor gives. I used it once and it gave me a part for shoulders I think.

This seems interesting. Can't access on my work computer, will have to read it on my phone.

Someone wants to post the article below please do so.


New extractor is just tendons.

Old is tendons or fangs, or a slight chanice at the other rarer ones like toxic gland, spleen, or heart.


In order to get those Fang parts, do I need a different extractor? If I do, is it fine to have both extractor buffs active?

Nope, use the same old extractor. They're just adding in a very specific one with each update to purposely get the previous update's required part. In the next update I am sure there will be a "Mordrem Fang Extractor," so if you want to wait you can.

Someone wants to post the article below please do so.

Guild Wars 2® to Launch Major Updates to PvP on Eve of First World Tournament Series
New features to encourage more fans to participate in high-level competitive play will launch the same week ArenaNet’s MMO crowns its first global PvP champs

Bellevue, WA – November 19, 2014: ArenaNet, developer of the acclaimed Guild Wars franchise, today announced that it will be releasing significant updates to player vs. player (PvP) mode in Guild Wars 2. The studio is adding and overhauling game features in the MMO that are meant to pave the way for more high-level competitive play. That includes big upgrades to areas such as matchmaking, player ranking systems and map selection, giving players more opportunities to find level opponents and hone their skills. The updates are slated for release on December 2.

The release marks one of two major milestones in early December for ArenaNet and how it’s embracing the increasingly popular competitive play modes in Guild Wars 2. On December 5, ArenaNet and KongZhong, publisher of Guild Wars 2 in China, will host the inaugural World Tournament Series (WTS) Championships in Beijing. Top teams from North America, Europe and China will vie for $50,000 USD in prizes during the live event, which is being televised on Chinese video game network GTV and livestreamed globally on Twitch. Fans around the world will watch the first-ever Guild Wars 2 global PvP champions crowned in the same week that they’re given better-than-ever building blocks to try their own hand at becoming high-level competitors.

One of the biggest building blocks they’ll get is an overhaul to the matchmaking algorithm. When the updates launch in December, PvP matchmaking in Guild Wars 2 will use Glicko2 ratings, a widely accepted player skill evaluation method, in addition to other factors such as player rank and team party size. The updates also introduce a dishonor system, where behavior such as quitting matches mid-stream will affect a player’s rating. With these changes affecting leaderboards, ArenaNet will launch a new Ladder Formula and conduct a test season in mid-December, an exercise that could be a step towards organized league play. Other big changes coming with the update include new PvP modes that encourage practice skirmishes, such as an unranked “Practice” mode where players can hot-join to quickly sharpen their skills.

ArenaNet is publishing a series of blog posts starting today through the end of this week detailing each PvP update as well as outlining the upcoming Ladder Formula Test Season at www.guildwars2.com.

In today’s announcement blog post, John Corpening, Associate Game Director on Guild Wars 2 at ArenaNet, said: “We are very excited to bring you all of these updates to PvP because they further enhance the experience and commitment to competitive gaming that makes Guild Wars 2 stand out among MMOs.”

“This year we worked with our community to bring you the ‘Tournament of Legends’ as a path to Legendary weapons, the ‘Tournament of Glory’ to earn unique skins through skill based play in PvP, the ESL GO4 tournaments where players can earn weekly cash prizes and an even bigger monthly cash prizes, and the World Tournament Series, where the very best players of each region can become legends on the international stage,” Corpening continued.

Announced in August of this year, the WTS is the first cash-prize tournament for Guild Wars 2, with $150,000 at stake over the course of three championship tournaments planned for 2014-2015 in China, North America and Europe. The event in Beijing represents the first championships and is the culmination of months of competition that began with an open tournament inviting all players. The field was whittled down to four finalists after WTS Invitational Qualifiers in October – two teams from the host region China and one team each from North America and Europe.

Pretty much just improved matchmaking and new modes... Maybe?

It does mentioned new PVP modes, a "Practice" mode and blog posts all this week. I guess we'll see, the one mentioned in the press release isn't up yet.


Minor content spoilers, marking them just to be safe.
The Labyrinth is actually a really clever extension of the Silverwastes map. Now everyone is pushing really hard for 5/5 Champion clears for the free key (I've had more full 5/5 clears since this update when live than I had over all of the prior two weeks). The Labyrinth itself sits nicely between the high pressure Breach phase and the next round of Defense. It's fun, far too fast-paced to be rage-inducing, gives decent rewards and always makes progress towards the big chest. There's just that tiny little breath between the end of Labyrinth and the next defense phase to pause, empty your bags and get ready. Zeroth and I did a couple rotations this morning and it was a blast.

My only complaint; there needs to be a "streak meter" that tracks how many pods you've opened before being downed. I'm not sure how hard it would be to implement, but just being able to track and beat your high score would just add to the experience. I also wonder why they have it damage your armor, though why armor is damaged at all anymore when repairs are free is odd too.

Also, people in map chat are reporting that the Large Nightmare Pod drops the Carapace Gloves Box (there's a thread on reddit as well), and it's also the full reward for completing the Silverwastes PVP Reward track. That means there are now more ways to obtain the glove skin (story, chest, pvp reward, vendor) than there were the shoulder skin (story, drop, vendor), even though one method was 'removed.'

The wiki also oddly lists that they're a drop from Bandit Chests, but that's the first I've heard of it.
You can also get them from killing the breach bosses, but you know RNG so yeah people will not see that as equivalent.

It is really hard but I've learned to not give a shit about what people think of something that I like.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
No the buffs override each other.
I am still not sure what the new extractor does. I was able to get 2 extraction items for glove collection using the original extractor.

Not sure exactly what the new extractor gives. I used it once and it gave me a part for shoulders I think.
New extractor is just tendons.

Old is tendons or fangs, or a slight chanice at the other rarer ones like toxic gland, spleen, or heart.
Nope, use the same old extractor. They're just adding in a very specific one with each update to purposely get the previous update's required part. In the next update I am sure there will be a "Mordrem Fang Extractor," so if you want to wait you can.

Man, I hope it wouldn't get too complicated with so much mordrem part pool.


You can also get them from killing the breach bosses, but you know RNG so yeah people will not see that as equivalent.

I haven't seen anything about the Breach bosses also dropping the glove boxes, but that sounds about right.

Man, I hope it wouldn't get too complicated with so much mordrem part pool.

Seems like getting the Luminescent Armor is going to involve getting a tendon / fang / whatever from all 4 Breaches. You can either use the Experimental device and hope you get it as a drop or wait an update and pick up the tendon / fang / whatever-specific device.

We'll have to see how many more parts we need. My gut (lol) tells me it'll be 6 different types all together, but since Episode 7 will have both the Boots and Leggings together, and Episode 8 will have the Chest and Head items, maybe those two weeks you only need to grab one. I doubt it though.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Ahh the PvP reward track is repeatable too, right? I didn't release it gave you the gloves. Thanks for the PSA. Give it a shot if you've never done so before- the rewards from PvP tracks are really good and worthwhile, and you can progress even if you lose.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Seems like getting the Luminescent Armor is going to involve getting a tendon / fang / whatever from all 4 Breaches. You can either use the Experimental device and hope you get it as a drop or wait an update and pick up the tendon / fang / whatever-specific device.

We'll have to see how many more parts we need. My gut (lol) tells me it'll be 6 different types all together, but since Episode 7 will have both the Boots and Leggings together, and Episode 8 will have the Chest and Head items, maybe those two weeks you only need to grab one. I doubt it though.

Ahh didn't know we'll have two armor parts for later eps. Man, those weeks would be super busy especially if they keep the "can't repeat story mode for armor skin of other armor class" .
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