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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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DA:I is awesome, seriously legit. Lightyears better than Skyrim. And the MP is surprisingly badass, like a far better version of Vindictus. I love being a tank dwarf that when he blocks, increases the armour of people around me.
Ashodin monsters, dick justice indeed.
Huhh, is it that kind of game? in comparison to DA1?

Yeaaap. I was shocked too. Huge open world (though the giant maps are split into zones you move between), fast travel, side-quests up the wazoo, lots to do in the zones, if you kill all the wolves, the rabbits breed out of control (ecology systems you twist to your advantage for crafting and such), the party members you have with you determine what incidental side-quests/areas you can access. etc. I know people who've spent 8 hours just in the first zone, trying to 100% before moving on. It's crazy how much content there is, and pretty good stuff too.

It's... shocking how much better a *game* DA:I is compared to all that came before. The combat is solid too, and I like that you can play it as an action game, or use the Tactics mode to play it as a kind of turn-based thing. To be honest, if it wasn't called Dragon Age and referenced characters and lore from the past games, I'd think it was a new IP.
And it's pretty. Screenshots don't do their lighting model justice. I'm playing on PS4, incidentally.







Miktar, what is it with you and horns??

What is it with most guys and wanting to play female avatars with big boobs? People like what they like. Dude plays muscle-bound superstud or hot female warrior in skimpy armour, and nobody bats an eye. Miktar likes horns and tails, people lose their shit. :p Though in all honesty, I only picked Qunari in DA because it's the only non-generic human thing you can play. Everything else is bland 'human elf dwarf' crap. If they had a lizard-like dude, like the Argonians from Skrim, or Iksar from EQ, I'd be way happier.

plz to quote big images!

it does look rather nice.

Man, quoting makes them ugly, besides, images scale to the frame! It's not like quoting them makes the images take up less download until you click them. But there, fixed. Hawkian hates pretty screenshots. ;..;

may i ask you why people went back to WoW because of the expansion?

I don't think anyone here did that.


Got the Grand Weapon Crate. Deciding what to take. Karka bows are the most expensive at 200 gold. Would cost another 200-300 gold to complete the collection. Not sure if the Karma converter is worth that.


That was more of a kerfuffle than I was expecting, my bad.

Probably minor Silverwastes thing what I noticed (in spoilers just in case):

Somewhere on the northern edge of the map a choppable tree spawned on a ledge above me, reminded me that the new area starts off on a ledge you reach through an opened skritt hole. I did see a boarded-up hole somewhere nearby but I can't recall where I was, didn't think anything of it at the time. It's either a node spawning where it shouldn't yet or I'm being dense and not finding a way up to it.



We now have more peeps pencilled in for whatever level nostalgia fractals we end up doing so figure out what times are good for you and post it hereabouts or let my secretary Ms. Vaulderie, my valet Mr. Breaker (you both just got volunteered BTW) or myself know so we can get organised. Having more than 5 people interested means there will be at least 2 runs, in the extremely likely event that we don't have exactly 10 people mention if you're up for a repeat run to ensure everyone gets a proper GAFfractal.

"But I've never done fractals! Won't Agony destroy me?"

Almost certainly but don't worry about it, I'm looking to re-live the glory days with as many of the old GAFfractals crowd as I can. However:


I've noticed there's been a bunch of people in gchat recently looking to try out FotM, whether it's for Mawdrey or just curiosity. Here is my top tip: everyone wants to do FotM but nobody wants to lead FotM when they're starting out, so they sit back and hope someone else starts a group. You're doing it right now, aren't you? I thought so. I was like you once.
Let the thread know you want to pop your fractal cherry. I'm positive there's at least a party's worth in here. I'm happy to help fill out a party if I'm wrong and I'm confident that there are enough cool dudes in this guild that a beginner's run will catch some experienced volunteers if necessary.
So speak up, it's a GAF party, nobody cares how awful or inexperienced or conditionmancer you are but don't expect a party to spontaneously form in gchat at some point like every other dungeon. The GAFfractals regulars (some of them at least, i.e. me) would still be saying "I need to do fractals" if Zeroth hadn't started actively recruiting people to carry him.

My warrior's boobs are very well contained. Hmph.

Sleazy, demure, athletic.


may i ask you why people went back to WoW because of the expansion?

Ooooh no, I'm not touching that one. There's already enough drama in this thread at the moment, I'm not dragging WoW into it.

What is it with most guys and wanting to play female avatars with big boobs?

In previous MMOs I usually end up favoring female characters just because the male models are all muscle-bound, barrel chested he-men. Which is fine if you're playing a Warrior, but for a thief or mage it's problematic because I want those characters to look lithe or wizened. As unrealistically top-heavy as the female models are, at least their proportions suit a greater variety of roles.

I've actually been very careful to balance the gender of my characters in Guild Wars 2 (and race, for that matter) and it's taken me nine characters to finally end up with a female character in skimpy armor (my new Sylvari Mesmer). Of the female characters I have, 2 are Asuran (Mesmer and Warrior), one is the skinniest Sylvari you can make (Thief) and the two humans are both average proportions (ele and guardian). None of them wear any kind of revealing outfit (well, my ele shows off some back and arm pit...). I didn't set out that way, it just sort of happened except with the Guardian.

It's funny because my warrior is currently showing more skin than all of my other characters put together: http://abload.de/img/characters4jjus.png

I seriously need to roll more Charr. Leaning towards a female engineer next.
The question was, of course, a joke at my own expense, claiming that the reason I like dragon/lizard type dudes with horns and tails is because I like horns and tails the way guys like boobs and butts.

Which is 100% true, naturally. :p

One of my friends always plays female characters/avatars when they can, and I asked them why once. They said "because if I'm going to be staring at an ass for a hundred hours, might as well make it a nice one." Can't argue with that.

That wasn't as much about armor as it was [I]fashion[/I]. You can't just stick the Fractal Capacitor on any outfit and make it work.



Great post. Fractals are among the absolute finest PvE content in the game, so anytime we can get more people into them, I'm all for it.

I won't be around tonight to do Fractals if anything gets planned, but I should be available almost every other night to help fill parties.

...my secretary Ms. Vaulderie...

Haha, I guess we can go with that.



... it means im going to start leading a dungeon group right now at 9:10pm gmt-3 which means, it has alrady begun which means get your gear over here and lets have some dungeon fun!




Yeees, yeeeees!

Arria Sootheart, The Blazing Light. :D

I was kind of leaning towards a fluffy death machine using the last face on the right here;
But I really like yours too, and I've already done the "Adorable" thing twice (once intentionally). To balance out my race selection, I need three Charr, and to balance out my gender selection I need 4 males and 2 females. I was leaning towards a Norn thief (I only have one Norn, so I need to roll two), so only one Charr would be female.

And of course, this assumes I actually stick to my plan instead of saying "Fuck it, I play what I want!" like I usually do. I kind of wanted to roll a male human Elementalist since I saw somebody with a particular look I really like that wouldn't fit any of the other races. The problem is, I'm waaaaaay over budget on humans. =p



i only play female because i cant find myself in male shoes. its simple as that.

but i do not use skimpy outfit, well ammy DO HAVE cleavage, but i really only wear that armor because cabalistic is the closest thing i can get from a kimono.

all my other ladies are pretty well clad, exception for my beloved guardian. cultural norn is too beautiful to simply not use it because its skimpy.


You know when people say things like, "oh, [insert x game] has such a shitty community"? That's us. It's individuals that person is talking about. No matter what game I'm involved with, I keep in mind how fucking badly I want to be on the plus side of that equation.
This is why it matters how we dungeon. You demand more of Anet? Fine. But you should demand just as much from yourself and your guildies. Don't pass the buck saying the devs haven't yet perfected the game. Take the base game and play it in the most fun way possible.

Fun has aggressive diminishing returns. Eagerly awaiting dopamine patch.
I also find your sexism horrifying.
The diminishing returns on digital loot are much higher.

And my grammar was correct. I find the encroachment of GAF OT into community topics horrifying. I've already had to temporarily abandon another thread.

I was kind of leaning towards a fluffy death machine using the last face on the right here;
My female charr engi uses the leftmost face. Charr engi is a great combo because you can go Charrzooka instead of Supply Drop.


My female charr engi uses the leftmost face. Charr engi is a great combo because you can go Charrzooka instead of Supply Drop.

It was basically down to Norn or Charr Engineer, and since the Norn racials don't have toolbelt skills it was kind of a no-brainer. Charrzooka is also a solid check in the pro-charr column. Plus I like the idea of playing a Charr with dual pistols and a hidden pistol on the side, even if my final build won't use it it might be fun while leveling (and honestly, the evade could be useful in places).

Engineers seriously need some kind of Rifle Weapon Kit to make up for our Rifle weapon skills all being shotgun-type skills. I still think having a "Swiss Army Rifle" with all sorts of strapped-on barrels, blades and unnecessary flashy bits would be great. Give it an auto attack with range-sensitive damage, a rapid fire barrage, an underslung grenade launcher (ground-targeted) and a 5-skill that lets you throw the gun away, converting it into a proximity mine. Bonus points if a friendly player can pick it up and use it like a conjured weapon. Maybe the fourth skill can be a "spring-loaded bayonet" that inflicts cripple and bleeding (more stacks based on how close they are). Oh, and hammer or mace while we're at it...

... yeah, none of those are happening soon.

What time is the gafguild dungeon run in Australia/SEA time. I can't into timezone.

Pretty sure he's running them right now.


I was thinking about an engie elite that replaces Mortar, which is basically a portable mortar with a mix of Charrzooka. Make it a limited use kit with charges ala conjured weapons and buff the damage a bit, and maybe keep the stab, but that might be too strong. It's mainly cause I don't like that fact that Mortar roots you of you want to use it.


I was kind of leaning towards a fluffy death machine using the last face on the right here;

But I really like yours too, and I've already done the "Adorable" thing twice (once intentionally).

I had that face on my thief for a while
Fluffy death machine was a good description for her too ;)
She has the face to the left atm but I'm not that happy with her (again! It's her fourth face...) so I'm waiting for the supposedly upcoming new stuff and maybe I'll change her again.

To balance out my race selection, I need three Charr, and to balance out my gender selection I need 4 males and 2 females. I was leaning towards a Norn thief (I only have one Norn, so I need to roll two), so only one Charr would be female.

And of course, this assumes I actually stick to my plan instead of saying "Fuck it, I play what I want!" like I usually do. I kind of wanted to roll a male human Elementalist since I saw somebody with a particular look I really like that wouldn't fit any of the other races. The problem is, I'm waaaaaay over budget on humans. =p

Hah :D I only restricted myself to the same amount of characters per race. Genders just... happened. :)
I know the "particular look I really like" feel. Especially if it's using cultural pieces.
Just did my first
event, and it was hilarious. I was on a map that had a lot of people that didn't know what was going on, so it was death and carnage and destruction, until people figured out
the transform spots that speed you up and give you the stun
. Watching the little
bio dog icons
move around the map and leave a trail of dead body icons was way too funny.


Plus I like the idea of playing a Charr with dual pistols and a hidden pistol on the side, even if my final build won't use it it might be fun while leveling (and honestly, the evade could be useful in places).
Yeah, it's certainly flavorful but the problem is that the hidden pistol toolkit skill is power-based, whereas dual pistols are condi.

Engineers seriously need some kind of Rifle Weapon Kit to make up for our Rifle weapon skills all being shotgun-type skills. I still think having a "Swiss Army Rifle" with all sorts of strapped-on barrels, blades and unnecessary flashy bits would be great. Give it an auto attack with range-sensitive damage, a rapid fire barrage, an underslung grenade launcher (ground-targeted) and a 5-skill that lets you throw the gun away, converting it into a proximity mine. Bonus points if a friendly player can pick it up and use it like a conjured weapon. Maybe the fourth skill can be a "spring-loaded bayonet" that inflicts cripple and bleeding (more stacks based on how close they are).
I would be wary of an engi that gets range-based damage bonuses like a ranger or mesmer, given all the keep-away tools they can slot on their utilities.

Oh, and hammer or mace while we're at it...
Mace would come before hammer to me. Imagine the control/defense of mace/shield + my gadgeteer utility combo (rocket boots/throw mine/slick shoes). I'm warming to the idea of engi hammer- but what if only the auto-attack actually swings the hammer, and the other skills are more like mes greatsword where the engi uses the hammer to cause pbaoe gadget-like effects.


I had that face on my thief for a while

That's looking pretty good too. I want to go Norn Thief just because A). Norn Medium Cultural is pretty cool and B). Nobody ever goes Norn Thief. Plus I have a particular look in mind there that's as far from pretty, and only Sylvari and Norn can pull that one off because of their hair selection.

Hah :D I only restricted myself to the same amount of characters per race. Genders just... happened. :)
I know the "particular look I really like" feel. Especially if it's using cultural pieces.

That's honestly not a bad policy there. I feel like I kind of gave Charr the shaft because I actually really like them but they just didn't fit any of the professions I had left. I was originally going to go with a Charr Engineer at launch, but because of naming issues it made more sense to go Asuran (which is still not a bad way to go).

As for the particular look, it's not so much armor related as it is body and face options. I spotted somebody with a Necro that looked really old and thought it would be perfect for an Elementalist. Norn are too bulky and Sylvari are too young-looking to pull that off, so it's gotta be a boring old human.


Can't do runs on weekdays, will the dungeon runs on the weekends be around the same time?

And Spyware i hope my earlier post clarified my position, i was pretty shocked by the hostility in your post.

at weekends there will be plenty people running dungeons.

just ask when you're up to it and i'll get your back.


That's looking pretty good too. I want to go Norn Thief just because A). Norn Medium Cultural is pretty cool and B). Nobody ever goes Norn Thief. Plus I have a particular look in mind there that's as far from pretty, and only Sylvari and Norn can pull that one off because of their hair selection.
Since I have everything, I obviously have a norn thief ;D But yeah, it's not common. I really like T1 and T3 medium on male, not really looked much at the other ones, especially not on females.

As for the particular look, it's not so much armor related as it is body and face options. I spotted somebody with a Necro that looked really old and thought it would be perfect for an Elementalist. Norn are too bulky and Sylvari are too young-looking to pull that off, so it's gotta be a boring old human.
Ah, yeah. I don't have any old looking characters actually. Cresc has a bunch tho, and some I helped design (I basically have 90 characters to dress up and tweak!).

And Spyware i hope my earlier post clarified my position, i was pretty shocked by the hostility in your post.
Huh, it was never my intention to sound hostile. I apologize!
I was just sad. Posts like that one makes me feel that I'm posting "wrong". That I'm disturbing the "balance" of the thread and should be more negative even tho I really don't feel like focusing on the things I don't love about this game (I really don't see the point, it doesn't give me anything and doesn't make me happy). And since I don't want to do that I feel like I shouldn't post.
Or felt, is perhaps better to say. Your post made it clear what you meant, sorry I didn't respond to it earlier.
You never have to apologize for enjoying the game, or wanting to focus on the positive things instead of the negative. The idea that there has to be a balance between positive and negative about the game is a false equivalency some people like to perpetuate to make themselves feel more important.

Enjoying the game, and focusing on the good, is more important. That's all.

People are here, and posting and playing, because they're fans. And there's nothing wrong with that

To quote someone: "haters hate, players play".


Huh, it was never my intention to sound hostile. I apologize!
I was just sad. Posts like that one makes me feel that I'm posting "wrong". That I'm disturbing the "balance" of the thread and should be more negative even tho I really don't feel like focusing on the things I don't love about this game (I really don't see the point, it doesn't give me anything and doesn't make me happy). And since I don't want to do that I feel like I shouldn't post.
Or felt, is perhaps better to say. Your post made it clear what you meant, sorry I didn't respond to it earlier.

It's all cool, like i said earlier i do enjoy reading your impressions, please continue doing it!

You never have to apologize for enjoying the game, or wanting to focus on the positive things instead of the negative. The idea that there has to be a balance between positive and negative about the game is a false equivalency some people like to perpetuate to make themselves feel more important.

Damn dude i feel like you are constantly taking potshot at me without addressing it to me directly. That's not very nice. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to read the negative impressions and i don't see how that me feel more important.


Yeah, it's certainly flavorful but the problem is that the hidden pistol toolkit skill is power-based, whereas dual pistols are condi.

Yep, it probably won't end up in my final build. I'm thinking of trying out the Static Discharge build people keep saying is a lot of fun, which is a power-based build. Hidden Pistol could provide a little extra evasion / damage and the cooldown is comparable to most other skills. Again, probably won't be my final result but it's something I'd like to try and it's a HELL of a lot more useful than the Norn racials.

I would be wary of an engi that gets range-based damage bonuses like a ranger or mesmer, given all the keep-away tools they can slot on their utilities.

Yeah, it would definitely be something that needs to be watched. I'm just always surprised that my Engineer is rolling around with firearms that can't shoot beyond 1000 range while Warrior rifle is at 1200. Giving it some kind of long-range long-cooldown burst shot might be nice.

Mace would come before hammer to me. Imagine the control/defense of mace/shield + my gadgeteer utility combo (rocket boots/throw mine/slick shoes). I'm warming to the idea of engi hammer- but what if only the auto-attack actually swings the hammer, and the other skills are more like mes greatsword where the engi uses the hammer to cause pbaoe gadget-like effects.

Mace definitely compliments the existing weapons better and since there are only two professions using mace, it seems like an oversight (plus, you know, the Fixer Upper skin).

I see a Mace Engineer as being melee-centric. Shield has the reflect / push and stun/daze for control and off-hand pistol has a mix of melee damage and control. Both would compliment an up-close play-style well enough. I dunno what the actual skills could entail.

Hammer I see as being a "Building Tool" thematically. Give it an Unsteady Ground-style barrier that's actually a physical barrier, like one of the sandbag-and-barbed wire ones from Marionette / Silverwastes. Give it a 360 degree spin attack that repairs turrets in the area of effect as a bonus. Maybe some kind of crazy "Harmonic Hammer" attack that opens up a Steam portal and little watchwork minions come out and follow you around.

I was just sad. Posts like that one makes me feel that I'm posting "wrong". That I'm disturbing the "balance" of the thread and should be more negative even tho I really don't feel like focusing on the things I don't love about this game (I really don't see the point, it doesn't give me anything and doesn't make me happy). And since I don't want to do that I feel like I shouldn't post.
Or felt, is perhaps better to say. Your post made it clear what you meant, sorry I didn't respond to it earlier.

This is an incredibly sad post. You should never feel like you're wrong for enjoying something. Don't let the comments of a few malcontents ruin your experience.

I don't see anything wrong with wanting to read the negative impressions

There's different levels of negative, just as there are different levels of positive. If you're interested in reading negative impressions, that's fine, but remember that this is the Official Thread for the game so you're more likely to find people who enjoy the game. That is not to say that it's a criticism-free zone, just that the manner in which it occurs isn't going to be antagonistic (or as repetitive). I have never liked the way Traits are set up, for example, but we've had that discussion already and there's no point in harping about it constantly.

The manner in which things are brought up also makes a world of difference. On one hand, you have snarky drive-by posts and on the other you have posts like Xeris'. The sentiment may be exactly the same ("I didn't like it"), but the way in which it is conveyed matters. The former is sort of the 'internet meme' approach to criticism; it's just a lot of nasty noise intended to provoke that gives you little if anything to actually respond to. In the case of Xeris' post, he takes the time to at least say why he dislikes it. It's not even a terribly long post, but he at least gives us something to work with. You'll notice that nobody outright objects to Xeris' post, because he's providing some measure of constructive criticism. And even from that small post, I can still say "You know, I liked it, but I agree that it was short and he's right, the ending was anticlimactic" and we can actually discuss that (which we did on Steam, actually...).

Do all negative opinions need to be well-thought out and explained? No. But this is a forum where discussion is meant to take place, and with the "L0L, SO BAD!.gif" approach, there's simply no discussion to be had. In the same way that a post that says nothing but "THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER" gives us nothing to work with either. That rarely happens though, because as I mentioned in my post last night the positive voices always have to stay on their toes because of internet cynicism.

Also, I don't think you were the person Miktar had in mind when he posted.


A minion creation weapon would be interesting, but will probably fall in the same territory as turret Engies: useful only in very narrow and specific situations. It might be interesting if the minions were more support based, like a shield bubble minion or a buff minion, but it might be stepping on the toes of other classes, especially Guardians.

I would like a minion Engie though. I love commanding a legion of steampunk robots.


A minion creation weapon would be interesting, but will probably fall in the same territory as turret Engies: useful only in very narrow and specific situations. It might be interesting if the minions were more support based, like a shield bubble minion or a buff minion, but it might be stepping on the toes of other classes, especially Guardians.

I would like a minion Engie though. I love commanding a legion of steampunk robots.

I was thinking something like the Elementalist's Rock Barrier. You'd strike the hammer's haft against the ground and the head would act like a tuning fork, and out pops a couple floating steam minions that follow behind you. While active maybe they have a passive buff, but you could use the skill again to issue a command.

Depends on what purpose the hammer serves, I think Engineers have decent enough support so maybe you can just send them out to self destruct. if it functioned like a Mesmer mantra, with you having multiple charges for multiple orbs, that'd be kinda sweet.


There's different levels of negative, just as there are different levels of positive. If you're interested in reading negative impressions, that's fine, but remember that this is the Official Thread for the game so you're more likely to find people who enjoy the game. That is not to say that it's a criticism-free zone, just that the manner in which it occurs isn't going to be antagonistic (or as repetitive). I have never liked the way Traits are set up, for example, but we've had that discussion already and there's no point in harping about it constantly.

The manner in which things are brought up also makes a world of difference. On one hand, you have snarky drive-by posts and on the other you have posts like Xeris'. The sentiment may be exactly the same ("I didn't like it"), but the way in which it is conveyed matters. The former is sort of the 'internet meme' approach to criticism; it's just a lot of nasty noise intended to provoke that gives you little if anything to actually respond to. In the case of Xeris' post, he takes the time to at least say why he dislikes it. It's not even a terribly long post, but he at least gives us something to work with. You'll notice that nobody outright objects to Xeris' post, because he's providing some measure of constructive criticism. And even from that small post, I can still say "You know, I liked it, but I agree that it was short and he's right, the ending was anticlimactic" and we can actually discuss that (which we did on Steam, actually...).

Do all negative opinions need to be well-thought out and explained? No. But this is a forum where discussion is meant to take place, and with the "L0L, SO BAD!.gif" approach, there's simply no discussion to be had. In the same way that a post that says nothing but "THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER" gives us nothing to work with either. That rarely happens though, because as I mentioned in my post last night the positive voices always have to stay on their toes because of internet cynicism.

Also, I don't think you were the person Miktar had in mind when he posted.

Oh yeah i totally agree with you there, just wanted to clarify my position as i felt i was being attacked.

Anyway i'm strangely excited for the gafguild dungeon runs this weekend. I don't have much experience dungeoning so as a Guardian what are considered the essential skills, traits and weapon to bring?
Anyway i'm strangely excited for the gafguild dungeon runs this weekend. I don't have much experience dungeoning so as a Guardian what are considered the essential skills, traits and weapon to bring?
If you're running with [GAF], bring whatever you want. The majority of us couldn't care less. Heck, the vast majority of PUGs couldn't care less, either, from my experience.



I'm game, though I don't really know what a Fractal is and how it might differ from a 'regular' dungeon. Also time differences etc.

Re some of the negativity. I'm not sure its as prevalent here, as maybe what it is being made out to be, but there does seem to be a little bit of an undercurrent. No different to almost any other OT for any other game though I spose. I'm curious as to what the general tone of the other OTs [1-3] was though.

Something positive, I discovered Hoelbrak last night. Sort of stumbled across it too. Turns out I mapped out around most of the city before wandering in. Looks freakin fantastic. In fact the whole snowy area is great. Reminds me of what I pictured Icewind Dale looking like when I read those books as a kid. There's even a little area called Icevine Dale....

Now, if only I could play as a duel scimatar wielding dark elf...


I can lead a low level Fractal.

They're basically a set of randomized mini-dungeons, each with their own gimmick. You run through 3 standard fractals and 1 boss fractal to complete 1 fractal run. You also have a fractal level, which increases the difficulty (and loot) as you do more fractals. I prefer them to normal dungeons cause they're more interesting.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Do all negative opinions need to be well-thought out and explained? No. But this is a forum where discussion is meant to take place, and with the "L0L, SO BAD!.gif" approach, there's simply no discussion to be had. In the same way that a post that says nothing but "THIS IS THE BEST GAME EVER" gives us nothing to work with either. That rarely happens though, because as I mentioned in my post last night the positive voices always have to stay on their toes because of internet cynicism.

Also, I don't think you were the person Miktar had in mind when he posted.

I've talked with Miktar about this before, and I think the hypothetical person being referred to is that sort of personality that makes drive-by crap posts purely because they're actually aggravated at the sight of people enjoying something they dislike.

I feel it is often pent-up irritation at those sorts that catches everyone who has a criticism with a shotgun backlash. But when some people say "ignore the haters", they really do mean those people who specifically want to ruin others' enjoyment out of sheer sour grapes. Not merely anyone who happens to dislike something.


If you're running with [GAF], bring whatever you want. The majority of us couldn't care less. Heck, the vast majority of PUGs couldn't care less, either, from my experience.

recently there is a wave of " YOU'RE A GUARD DERP DROP WoR HERP HUUUR DUUR "

people want to set rules in the stone because anything not stable frighten them too much.

i'd start my hate comment, but that'be ridiculous.

( sidenote: i've seem guards dropping random WoR around in the silverwastes even when there are no sight of reflectable projectiles [not all projectiles are reflectables, try to reflect a trebuchet or a catapult boulder, it does not work ] )

(PS: i tried, it hurt my feeling and HP bar.)


Re some of the negativity. I'm not sure its as prevalent here, as maybe what it is being made out to be, but there does seem to be a little bit of an undercurrent. No different to almost any other OT for any other game though I spose. I'm curious as to what the general tone of the other OTs [1-3] was though.

OT1 was basically over in a month; conversations moved too quick for there to be any particular skew towards positive or negative. I skimmed it occasionally, but was more interested in playing so I couldn't tell you exactly what the main takeaway would be. OT2 and 3 were pretty normal, other than the OT2 getting trolled by a mod.

It's the random gaming side threads that tend to be pretty negative, because there's a pretty stable group of people who always show up to spout the same kind of posts over and over again (literally). For whatever reason, they tend not to post in the OT.

I've talked with Miktar about this before, and I think the hypothetical person being referred to is that sort of personality that makes drive-by crap posts purely because they're actually aggravated at the sight of people enjoying something they dislike.

TV Tropes Warning: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FanHater

I feel it is often pent-up irritation at those sorts that catches everyone who has a criticism with a shotgun backlash. But when some people say "ignore the haters", they really do mean those people who specifically want to ruin others' enjoyment out of sheer sour grapes. Not merely anyone who happens to dislike something.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I can't speak for everyone, but I don't believe this thread is or ever has been anti-criticism, just the useless, ugly kind that doesn't contribute to the conversation. In other words;



I can lead a low level Fractal.

They're basically a set of randomized mini-dungeons, each with their own gimmick. You run through 3 standard fractals and 1 boss fractal to complete 1 fractal run. You also have a fractal level, which increases the difficulty (and loot) as you do more fractals. I prefer them to normal dungeons cause they're more interesting.

Sounds good. Is that to say its like an endless dungeon, where you do your 3 standard and a boss, and keep on going as far as you can, with the level increasing after each boss? Or is it a case of choosing what level you want to run at the beginning of the instance, doing your 3 stages and a boss, going back to the open world and lathering,rinsing and repeating?

Wow. Holy shit. I mean...... Why bother


If you're running with [GAF], bring whatever you want. The majority of us couldn't care less. Heck, the vast majority of PUGs couldn't care less, either, from my experience.

Cool. I was kicked from a PUG group earlier this week because i didn't bring any stability and i didn't know the dungeon mechanics. Then i forced myself to watch a walkthrough on youtube. Did a lot better then 2nd time but it's not the way i want to experience a dungeon.
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