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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Whoah haha, OK thanks for this. I'll look into what items he has and figure out whether it's worth putting them in the bank. He has a level 50-something warrior so I assume he has a solid number of worthwhile items.

Edit: Actually, how do I get to a bank? Can I ask a guard where the bank is, WoW-style? Does every major city have a bank?

Heh, sorry to sort of overload you with a ton of info, I just wanted to make sure you checked everything before you accidentally deleted something you might really want (something I've done myself, thankfully it was just a silly cosmetic item I wouldn't be likely to use anyways).

Banks are in all of the five major cities and Lion's Arch, and random spots throughout the world. They are marked with a gold circle with a bag icon. You can also visit any crafting station and access your bank from there (so if you're out doing events and come across a little crafting village, which every starting zone has, you can do some banking there too.


Been using a Phalanx strength build in pugs. Not entirely sure if its better, but it does seem like the groups have 25 might more often than not. I wish I'd not wasted all my hotw tokens before the troll, now its hard to find pugs for it.
Been using a Phalanx strength build in pugs. Not entirely sure if its better, but it does seem like the groups have 25 might more often than not. I wish I'd not wasted all my hotw tokens before the troll, now its hard to find pugs for it.

Seems to make shit die some 30% faster if there is no other source of might in the group.

Obviously it fluctuates considerably.

Every once in a while I get a makeup without might and go "oh gods, what the fuck is this" because the boss is being bored to death.
Outside of the Pre-cursor dropping for me in CS, yesterday was the best day i have ever had in terms of loot. i got a 2 glove boxes and 6 exotics..


On another note , Now there are 4 of these massive pulsating vines burrowing into the ground in the Silver wastes .



Wathever that pink flowery thing is i think i'ts making it's move soon .


TIL you can turn off the "content guide," aka the compass and message pointing to nearby events and vistas, on the first option page.


what is not peaceful in canada?

i mean, what exactly is not peaceful?

other than the mooses. ( i heard they kill people )

Canada banned peacefulness in the Stress Increase Act of 1987. It is now law that anytime someone settles into a chair and says "Ahhh" indicating a peaceful feeling that mounties will burst through their door and chase them around the backyard beating pots and pans with spoons. If they manage to put their feet up before the first spoon makes contact with the pot then that's actually a capitol offense. But in Canada that just means you are shipped to the Maple Fields for 10 years of hard labour.
Canada banned peacefulness in the Stress Increase Act of 1987. It is now law that anytime someone settles into a chair and says "Ahhh" indicating a peaceful feeling that mounties will burst through their door and chase them around the backyard beating pots and pans with spoons. If they manage to put their feet up before the first spoon makes contact with the pot then that's actually a capitol offense. But in Canada that just means you are shipped to the Maple Fields for 10 years of hard labour.
Good imagination, Retro.
Since it came up in guild chat tonight, this might be useful for some newcomers.



Movement And You
or: why we don't need mounts anyway...

In Guild Wars 2, all characters move at the same speed, regardless of race or size. Although, a smaller Asura does feel like they run at warp speed, compared to a large Charr or Norn - but this has more to do with animations, than actual movement speed.

The base speed in GW2 does vary depending on a variety of factors: moving forward is the fastest, with strafing left and right being slightly slower, and backpedaling being the slowest.

Your movement speed is also adjusted when you're in or out of combat: when in engaged in combat, your forward speed drops quite a bit, but your strafing and backpedaling speed stays about the same.

You Too Could Outrun a Centaur!

Boon of Swiftness

There are a variety of ways to boost your movement speed. The most direct is by getting a boon on you called Swiftness. Swiftness increases your movement speed by 33%. Applying it multiple times doesn't make you faster, it only increases the duration of the boon. You can get Swiftness from a variety of ways, like Traits, Signets, Weapon Skills or from the Combo Field: Lightning if someone does a Blast Finisher in it. Usually when you get Switfness from one of these methods, it only lasts a few seconds. But in certain situations, like a huge group of people in a World vs World map all blast-finishing in a Lighting Field, over and over, you can get several minutes of Swiftness.

Examples of some skills that cast Swiftness are the Warrior's Charge, the Guardian's Symbol of Swiftness, the Ranger's Call of the Wild, the Elementalist's Windborn Speed and the Necromancer's Locust Swarm.

Classes like the Guardian have Utility skills like "Retreat!" that will grant Swiftness to themselves and anyone nearby.

Passive Increases

Certain classes have passive skills that, when slotted, provide a constant bonuses to movement speed. For example, the Ranger can put Signet of the Hunt on their toolbar which will grant them a 25% boost to speed, for them and their pet. The Necromancer has Signet of the Locust that does the same thing, the Thief has Signet of Shadows, the Elementalist, Signet of Air.

Beyond passive skills, there are Traits. These take a while to unlock as you level up, so don't worry about them too much until you're higher level. If you're a Warrior, an example of a Trait you can pick that increases your movement speed, is Warrior's Sprint, which gives you +25% speed as long as you're holding a melee weapon. The Engineer can pick Power Shoes, the Thief gets a nice +50% while in Stealth if they go for Fleet Shadow.


If you don't want to sacrifice a skill slot or a Trait for speed, two alternatives are the Superior Rune of Speed and the Superior Rune of the Traveler. Both give a flat +25% boost to movement speed, as long as you have all six runes slotted into your six pieces of armour (one in each). It's a bit expensive, and of course you'd be using up all six rune slots for a specific function, which isn't always ideal if you're the type that likes to min-max numbers. The benefit to these runes however, is that the bonus to speed is permanent and always-on, so you don't need to rely on getting Swiftness from somewhere. If you've been running around with these Runes for a while, it's hard to go back to not using them.


Another alternative for some movement boosts comes in the form of consumables. Certain foods will grant you Swiftness, depending on a few factors. Bowl of Coleslaw for example, has a 36% chance on killing something, of giving you Swiftness. Bowl of Seaweed Salad has a 60% chance on kill of giving Swiftness. Having a bunch of Swiftness-granting foods in your inventory when you know you're going to be fighting a lot can be a big help, since movement plays such a big part in Guild Wars 2.

Movement speed bonuses do not stack

If you get Swifness, and are running with Signet of Air or other passive speed increases, they don't stack. The maximum out-of-combat movement speed is capped at 133% (and Swiftness gives you +33% already). So if you're running Signet of Air for +25% speed, then get Swiftness cast on you, you'll only move 8% faster. It's worth noting that your movement speed does affect the distance of certain skills, like leaping skills. So if you're an Engineer, using Super Speed before hitting Rocket Boots, is pretty amazing. There are lots of interesting effects from combining skills, so be sure to experiment.

In Closing

Boons are very important, not just Swiftness. Understanding which of your skills grant which boons, how often you can apply them, and what they do, will go a huge way towards feeling very empowered on the battlefield. While most professions generally have access to all Boons (in terms of giving them to yourself or others), some professions are better at granting certain Boons, than others. The Guardian, for example, is the master of Aegis (blocks one hit) and Stability (prevents knockdown, pulls, pushes, stuns, fears and more). Those two Boons alone can turn the tide of battle, save an entire party from a wipe, or just make life a heck of a lot easier overall. Knowing what your profession is good at, or figuring out neat tricks to grant a lot of Boons to you and your friends, is a lot of fun. Might (everyone hits harder) is another very important Boon, and something every profession should be contributing to the party when fighting together in dungeons, so I recommend reading up on it.

TL;DR; Guild Wars 2 has no mounts, but there are lots of ways to move faster either permanently, or for short bursts when needed. Since there are
Waypoints everywhere, it's rare that you need to travel far on foot anyway.

So don't be like Tyver Serenaes. Outrun a centaur.


Damn, that's a nice, thorough write-up, Miktar. Very well said, I'll link to that post in the OT as soon as I get up tomorrow. Thanksgiving wore me out (or more specifically, the cooking and dishes did).

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I started a bunch of characters in order to get a feel for the various classes (I've played those initial human quests so many times at this point...) and I've narrowed it down to Mesmer or Elementalist. I like the visceral impact of the Elementalist's fire spells but was a little disappointed with how weak the water spells were. The Mesmer has access to a wide range of weapons, which sounds like it could be fun, and the clone mechanic seems like it could really open up once you get some more advanced skills. However I feel like the class is less about straight-up nuking enemies like the Elementalist is.

For anyone who's played the two, which do you prefer?


The Cryptarch's Bane
I started a bunch of characters in order to get a feel for the various classes (I've played those initial human quests so many times at this point...) and I've narrowed it down to Mesmer or Elementalist. I like the visceral impact of the Elementalist's fire spells but was a little disappointed with how weak the water spells were. The Mesmer has access to a wide range of weapons, which sounds like it could be fun, and the clone mechanic seems like it could really open up once you get some more advanced skills. However I feel like the class is less about straight-up nuking enemies like the Elementalist is.

For anyone who's played the two, which do you prefer?
They're both fantastic classes, and were my second and third 80s.

I prefer mesmer because I've never played anything else quite like it. Managing your clones and the odd capabilities the weapon and utility skills give you is a play experience I can't really compare to any other RPG class. It definitely takes getting used to (at first, you'll resent how your clones are tied to you current target) and has a high skill ceiling, but is absolutely incredible at high-level play. Access to some of the best reflection in the game, psuedo-tanking with Blurred Frenzy and Diversion, and just the entire concept of long range greatsword, it's nuts how much fun it is to play. In advanced play in PvP and WvW, mesmers are infuriating to fight against, and the Portal ability is unique and gives you a role even having nothing to do with combat (good at jumping puzzles?). Great class.

Elementalist (alongside thief... okay and engineer) is the class I always think of when people say GW2's combat is just like standard RPG fare watching cooldowns and standing still spamming skills. If you're playing elementalist well, there are so many skills and choices to manage at any given moment, so many options to respond to certain threats, it's outrageous how difficult it can be to stay alive in the early game. I love how all the weapons feel except focus and while water is mostly for support and doesn't have strong attack skills like you mentioned, try out the 4 attack on ice bow before you write off "water damage" altogether ;) Elementalist is a really interesting and incredibly fun class if you're okay with the fact that you constantly need to switch between all four elements, rather than commit primarily to one like you would for many caster classes. It also excels at stacking group Might, which is one of the most valuable things you can bring to a party. Also a great class.


For anyone who's played the two, which do you prefer?
Both are great and worthy of playing. Ultimately I would give the nod to elementalist; the versatility and skillcap of all the attunements are too fun. However as you suspect, mesmer only opens up at the highest levels (or immediately in pvp). I prefer my mesmer to ele for pvp, and mesmers have unique utility properties as well.


My brooms and carpet say the game does have mounts. They might not be the kind people want, but that is their own fault.

Not entirely sure I want to spend 70-80 gold on a set of strength runes. But spending 60+ on Hoelbrak is even less appealing.

I started a bunch of characters in order to get a feel for the various classes (I've played those initial human quests so many times at this point...) and I've narrowed it down to Mesmer or Elementalist. I like the visceral impact of the Elementalist's fire spells but was a little disappointed with how weak the water spells were. The Mesmer has access to a wide range of weapons, which sounds like it could be fun, and the clone mechanic seems like it could really open up once you get some more advanced skills. However I feel like the class is less about straight-up nuking enemies like the Elementalist is.

For anyone who's played the two, which do you prefer?

I had a much worse time leveling my elementalist, and taking her through the LS solo was also a huge pain. But prefer Elementalist to Mesmers overall. Better and easier dps in groups, good support. Playing mesmer requires a bit more thought, but its rewarding when everything goes right.
Strength Runes for which class?

At least for Warrior, Scholar > Strength in pretty much every group situation. Strength Runes vs Scholar Runes, Groups and Solo

And if you can cleave and keep your health above 90%, Scholar wins in solo too. Scholar Runes for Solos. Wait what?

Unless a Warrior is shooting for world record solo times, Scholar is all you'll ever need. It's much cheaper on the Trading Post as well. Hooray for Warriors!

(EDIT: Skimming over the other meta builds, Scholar is recommended on Guardian, Thief, Necromancer, Mesmer, Engineer, and one Elementalist build. Ranger is the only one left out, and it recommends Ranger runes. The second Ele build uses Strength, however.)


Strength Runes for which class?

I started using a Phalanx Strength build on one of my warriors solely for pugs. Strength and Hoelbrak are suppose to make them better. I'm iffy about it given the price, and that ANet could do another rune patch at some point. Maybe sooner than later with Perplexity rage creeping back up.

I'm hitting 25 stacks of might easy enough without them, but against solitary bosses or long fights it seems to drop off into the 12-15 range.
I started using a Phalanx Strength build on one of my warriors solely for pugs. Strength and Hoelbrak are suppose to make them better. I'm iffy about it given the price, and that ANet could do another rune patch at some point. Maybe sooner than later with Perplexity rage creeping back up.

I'm hitting 25 stacks of might easy enough without them, but against solitary bosses or long fights it seems to drop off into the 12-15 range.

I assume you are using Sigil of Strength on your GS? That with Forceful Greatsword and For Great Justice usually keeps a lot of might floating around the party.

Parties shouldn't be expecting the Warrior to be the sole provider of might for all five people. And if they are, they don't deserve 25 stacks. You're already sacrificing a lot of personal DPS to trait for Phalanx Strength. I wouldn't go further and empty my wallet on runes for pugs in any case.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Wow, lucked out on a Gloves chest just before I managed to get 1k badges. Neat.

I guess I'm done with Silverwastes until the next LS.
I wish I get good stuff in the toilet.

I know i got Lucky, but a few months ago my luck is horrible i put over 1200 rare Greatswords into the forge and got nada, and even after i gave up Sunrise and crafted Moot, i still continued, I am around 1560 GS into the forge and nothing...


I assume you are using Sigil of Strength on your GS? That with Forceful Greatsword and For Great Justice usually keeps a lot of might floating around the party.

Parties shouldn't be expecting the Warrior to be the sole provider of might for all five people. And if they are, they don't deserve 25 stacks. You're already sacrificing a lot of personal DPS to trait for Phalanx Strength. I wouldn't go further and empty my wallet on runes for pugs in any case.
Yep, using the sigil/trait. Thinking of just throwing on some scholar runes and calling it good. For the price of strength runes, I could make a set of Ascended weapons for the character.

I'm envious of WoW's Garrison system. I hope ANet finds a way to do something like that, or some other sandbox(?) style stuff. It would be nice to have gold sinks that aren't gear or appearance related. I'm mostly sitting on my resources these days since Just Another Skin isn't as exciting as it used to be.


Tell me about it. Five plus hours of cooking. Two hours of cleanup.

But totally worth it.

Yeah, we got one load of dishes going, rinsed off the rest and cat-proofed the kitchen before crashing. At least there were two of us, did you have to manage on your own or did your better half help out?

Also, added a link to your post in the OT.

For anyone who's played the two, which do you prefer?

I have a Mesmer and Ele at 80, but I wouldn't say I've sunk a ton of time into them (at least compared to, say, my engineer or warrior).

Ele is a blast with Dagger / Dagger since it's very close-range and has a lot of interesting skills. Scepter / Dagger is also fairly fun. Staff is very effective but a tad dry, but I'm a little biased against that playstyle (I usually don't play casters in MMOs because they always stay back and just nuke). Utility skills to try out are the Arcane Shield and the Conjure <weapon> skills, which aren't the BEST but certainly a lot of fun (and useful in a group, especially Ice Bow).

Mesmer is one of the most unique classes in gaming and worth checking out for that alone. They take a while to get rolling because there's a lot of very useful traits that are set behind level 60 (especially Deceptive Evasion, which generates a clone on dodge... so good). I prefer Greatsword (for the range, knockback and clone / phantasm generation) and sword/sword (for the evasive attack, block and phantasm). Good utilities are feedback (it reflects both ways), Null Field and Time Warp is one of the most desirable elites in the game.

did you have fam

Just the parents-in-law.

Wow, just one day? Lame :(

I believe last year they had sales all weekend with different items each day. They also had the whole gift exchange program too, so it might be a good idea to stock up on gems now, or ask Santa for a gem card.

Started playing and 2 hours slipped by.

That'll happen, welcome to the party.

Alright I just transferred to Stormbluff Isle and started an Elementalist. Time to dig into this game!

Excellent, welcome to you too. Feel free to ask any questions in guild chat, GAF is notoriously helpful.
Aaand somehow, Gamestop sold me a bum Gem card. The code behind the scratchoff is... utterly wrong format.


And yet, it worked - in spite of being a totally different style of code. Huh.

Usually Gem Card codes are XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, letters and numbers. This one was XXX XXX XXXX, all numbers.

At least there were two of us, did you have to manage on your own or did your better half help out?

It was a team effort all around.


elementalist tip:

during level up, if you want to make it easy ( as in its so easy its boring [ dont even think that just because i said it its going to be easy thro... ]) pick up a scepter and use the auto attack.

its really going to make your time easier since you will be able to focus on moving and less on PRESSIN THOSE BUTTONS.

( plus theres a button for insta blind in scepter, fire 2 gives you a boon called vigor, which increases your energy regeneration, water got a nice skill of easy placement and low coldown on 2 and earth gets a hard to time but useful projectile reflector )

on the offhand pick whatever you like, but daggers shouls give you a bit of mobility in combat.

D/D is a option but i must warn you its hard and you'll probably wont have the armor+health necessary to stay alive for long. well, if you cant stay away and dodge stuff ( believe, it is trouble. )

i think i might make a 101 on eles one day. i know the basics and i know i can teach those, but the advanced can go to other players. Callunah used to be a Ele i learned my basics and advanceds from her, the rest i got from the people of the guild + experimentation.

surviving as a elementalist is kinda tricky, and getting used to attunements can be quite challenging at the beginning, but will soon become second nature to you.
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