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leng jai

Half the new BL skin designs don't even make sense. They've just shoehorned the crystal ball in somewhere in the middle regardless of how stupid it looks. The pistol reminds me of the car Homer came up with.
Mace Guardian is a healing beast of a tank..every 3 swings heals, with Symbol of Faith the second skill heals a ton, if you trait the guardian and use boon runes to for long durations with food, you can have Symbol of Faith up long enough to keep it up permanently..


Sonic handles my blue balls
Half the new BL skin designs don't even make sense. They've just shoehorned the crystal ball in somewhere in the middle regardless of how stupid it looks. The pistol reminds me of the car Homer came up with.




Just to advocate for the devil a moment: for people like me who love thief skills, I found Caithe's moveset sublime and so, so much fun, and of course it made me thirstier than ever for new weapon skills. That elite is the most gloriously broken thing I've gotten to play with in GW2 and I'm very thankful it's available in a repeatable context.

I can easily see how such a rigid shift in how you must approach encounters- compared to every other episode prior, really- would be frustrating to plenty of people though.

Oh, no need to be devil's advocate here Hawkian!

The thing is, the mission makes me grumble and I dislike it personally, but in principle I'm actually glad that it's there. One thing GW2 has done well and even improved on since launch is provide different types of encounters and things to do, to try and cater to different gameplay preferences. I disliked the Caithe mission, but perhaps for someone else it's interesting and makes up for ones where you don't do anything but talk to NPCs. So the fact that this mission exists doesn't bother me too much because I know I'm not gonna like everything. I'm just probably gonna cuss a bit as I finish. ;)


Patch just went in for fixing the animation bugs.

Had a fun time with various gaf groups today doing all sorts of things. Even got to do the infinirarium with some Anet Leah. She turned down a guild invite though
In the inaugural GAF DDF (Dungeons Done Fast), we cleared AC 1/2/3 one after the other in a grand total of 45 minutes. We were all at different levels of experience with the paths, so next time should be even faster.

Tomorrow is CM 1/2/3. Bring your Powerful Potions of Outlaw Slaying! This is one of the rare daytime dungeons too, so ditch the Superior Sigils of the Night!



Hi Everyone from the second JP in Dredgehaunt! It's pretty snowy, so I've purchased the Winter Explorer Outfit to explore!

Say Hi, Zuzu.



Anyway, you can get mysterious grubby packages from Jumping Puzzles!


What's in them? So far I've found only junk, but who knows!


Now I just need to find my way back down... Come on, Zuzu! "meowr."

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So any trick on playing bell choir? Input lag ruins the fun. I don't think I even got the achievement last year.


So, I am at family's over Christmas for a few days with no way to log in, does that mean no exotic chest / ascended chest for me?

Sucks if so, most people are away this time of year.
I think you are talking about the log in reward chest which you get on the 28th day of loging in.

You won't miss out on it you wil just get it a bit later than people who are able to log in during this time.

Note it's not 28consecutive logins.


I think you are talking about the log in reward chest which you get on the 28th day of loging in.

You won't miss out on it you wil just get it a bit later than people who are able to log in during this time.

Note it's not 28consecutive logins.

Oh great, I did wonder, seemed like it was consecutive to me.


So how viable is a guardian build build entirely on thoughness vitality ?Armor,trinkets ,runes all focused on thpughness and vitality.

In short , a build who takes punches in the face with a smile :p a true bunker build


Am I crazy to think that the new dailies should be randomized per player so that you don't have every single player trying to complete events in Queensdale or--even worse--all trying to win a sPvP game as the same class?
Am I crazy to think that the new dailies should be randomized per player so that you don't have every single player trying to complete events in Queensdale or--even worse--all trying to win a sPvP game as the same class?

That sounds like a good idea.

Will probably lead to people complaining that they got the "really" hard dailies.


Am I crazy to think that the new dailies should be randomized per player so that you don't have every single player trying to complete events in Queensdale or--even worse--all trying to win a sPvP game as the same class?

While i am with you on the PVP side i am hesitant to ask the same for pve .

it is really nice to see ( for me ) that those events have many people participating in them .

Usually when i decide to run it it was either solo or with a random small group .

Yesterday , i did that escort mission with 20+ people and it felt great .

And the wurm where normally only 30 people max join in when i did it we had so many people there we hardcapped the map .

It felt refreshing to see so many at those events again .


Yesterday , i did that escort mission with 20+ people and it felt great .
I did the escort with a huge group and it felt boring. There were several 80s in maxed out gear running half a mile ahead of the escort to destroy the entire pack of attackers in under a second. I could barely tag anything and felt like I was just RP walking to a cheevo. I can't imagine that's fun for new players. Maybe it would have made more sense if high level accounts were assigned to Orr events or something.

And the wurm where normally only 30 people max join in when i did it we had so many people there we hardcapped the map .

It felt refreshing to see so many at those events again .
Yeah that I could see being fun.


So how viable is a guardian build build entirely on thoughness vitality ?Armor,trinkets ,runes all focused on thpughness and vitality.

In short , a build who takes punches in the face with a smile :p a true bunker build
What you're basically talking about is Nomad gear. I don't play guardian, but I wouldn't think it would increase their utility over Cleric or other options. For WvW at least, there is a point where more tankiness is unnecessary- not due to diminishing returns, but because your squad will be wiped and you'll be standing all alone.

I outfitted my ranger with Nomad gear because armor stats have no impact on pet dps.


What you're basically talking about is Nomad gear. I don't play guardian, but I wouldn't think it would increase their utility over Cleric or other options. For WvW at least, there is a point where more tankiness is unnecessary- not due to diminishing returns, but because your squad will be wiped and you'll be standing all alone.

I outfitted my ranger with Nomad gear because armor stats have no impact on pet dps.

Well i intend to use it for dungeon runs / fractals/ pve .

After doing so many runs on berserker gear i wan't to experience the other extreme .


Well i intend to use it for dungeon runs / fractals/ pve .

After doing so many runs on berserker gear i wan't to experience the other extreme .
You can play how you like, but I would think you would offer significantly less than a Cleric. You'll heal for less and hit for less (<1k every time).

And you don't even heal as much as a warrior anyway. :p
Nomad is akin to gently slapping at stuff with a toy Nerf sword. Ranked by DPS, it just barely breaks above dead Berserker. I wouldn't recommend it for PvE.


Theorycrafting for Nomad's gear is difficult. I've previously outlined my reasons for ranger and against guardian. A trolly member of SF made a warrior, and the survivability was indeed insane, but it didn't really bring enhanced utility. I'm dubious of the benefits to necro or even my zergbusting gadgeteer engi (which uses Soldier's).

If there's value in Nomad's, I see it as amplifying a profession's utility aspects. So some type of battlefield medic thief or a melee zerg mesmer would be my suggestions. And a very specialized case could be made for a D/F ele WvW commander.


Am I crazy to think that the new dailies should be randomized per player so that you don't have every single player trying to complete events in Queensdale or--even worse--all trying to win a sPvP game as the same class?

Not too long ago, before megaservers, people complained there wasn't enough people in X zone. So megaservers came about and resolved that quite nicely. People always asked ANet for reasons to go to specific zones each day so this is a way for that to happen.


Not too long ago, before megaservers, people complained there wasn't enough people in X zone. So megaservers came about and resolved that quite nicely. People always asked ANet for reasons to go to specific zones each day so this is a way for that to happen.

They are not complaining about making certain dailies specific to zones Jira, but randomizing them so that you don't get all the playerbase trying to do events in a single zone every day.


I wouldn't put any kind of daily in a starter zone, it's too disruptive to new players. People always take the path of least resistance, so I can see it bringing back some Queensdale Train-like behavioral issues.

Purposely failing events to farm then repeatedly, accusing new players of "sniping" events or activating them "out of order" or "inefficiently." Plus just the general increase of players leads to higher chances assholes will be around to troll map chat.


I wouldn't put any kind of daily in a starter zone, it's too disruptive to new players. People always take the path of least resistance, so I can see it bringing back some Queensdale Train-like behavioral issues.

Some people got really mad when not everyone was announcing events. High level characters were murdering everything needed for events immediately by spamming every skill possible so that no one else could get credit and so on. It's already as bad as it could get. I do think it will be less and less people doing it tho. It's just the new and shiny atm.

I will need to play during the off-hours the upcoming days so that I don't get as frustrated when hunting for events.
I wouldn't put any kind of daily in a starter zone, it's too disruptive to new players. People always take the path of least resistance, so I can see it bringing back some Queensdale Train-like behavioral issues.

People were doing the grub event and you had level 80s trying to get 10 when all you need is 1 to complete the event, some real ass holes in Queensdale yesterday, level 80 characters should only see stuff for high level zones, Frostgorge, CS, ML, Straits, Dry Top, Silverwastes, etc, hopefully it gets better as we see more and more...


I meant more social disruption, all of that stuff is totally already happening. There were two engineers who had dropped turrets where the bomber bandits spawn for the "defend the pipes" event and nobody could get a hit in. I was thinking things worse than that.


Definitely something they can tweak. I think the foundation is good though. Was cool to see so many people escorting the various npcs in Queensdale and protecting places from centaurs.


GAFractal reporting in .

Level 19 fractal succesfully completed .

Unfortunately Freckle and i fell victim to the bug that caused us to miss the fractal UI chest ( which the just now released patch fixed , talk about bad timing :p )


Are you jealous?

Of course he his, what a silly question.

The fact that you guys are always so inclusionary is the best part. I've seen you grab first-timers, people like me who have done them before but are regular Fractal runners, fractal vets... everybody is welcome. I point it out because with Agony and the way Fractal Levels work, this is the part of Guild Wars 2 that is most likely to create and reward cliquishness, and you've completely sidestepped that trap.


Really wish I could start doing fractals....
Was never really sure what the barrier for entry was, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask...

They're just challenge mode dungeons?


Really wish I could start doing fractals....
Was never really sure what the barrier for entry was, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask...

They're just challenge mode dungeons?

I wouldn't really call them more or less challenging than dungeons. They just have a different setup.
GAFractal reporting in .

Level 19 fractal succesfully completed .

That's a great shot!

Really wish I could start doing fractals....
Was never really sure what the barrier for entry was, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask...

While there's no real barrier to entry - you can try it at level 1 - I'd say that once you hit 80 is the best time to try Fractals with people. They're small, bite-sized mini-dungeons - but you have to do three in a row, and then a boss dungeon. They're tricky, with a lot of specific mechanics. They're not the most challenging content in the game, but it's something you really want to be doing with other first-timers too, so you can enjoy going through at your own pace. There are many people in GAF who'll gladly take first-times through, so don't be afraid to ask!


Got that new choir bell from a present. Basically another unbreakable bell with different sounds, and it pretty nice. Wintersday Meta should be pretty easy so I get back to catching up on silverwaste stuff in some mornings soon so I can prepare for the next LS update (which is pretty sucky how they are taking a break with the way they ended Seeds of Truth).

I just got a recipe for the griffon tonic, so with also having two other endless Wintersday tonics, I might aim at finishing that collection, cause that tonic you get looks really funny.

New dailies and log in rewards seem nice. Should able to get the WvW dailies naturally quite a few times.

My guard at least is suited for the festivals.:p


Also have the mini Infinirarium, one of my favorite minis, and pretty much have been her main mini for a while. Time to get out the toy minis for my other characters too.
Got that new choir bell from a present. Basically another unbreakable bell with different sounds, and it pretty nice. Wintersday Meta should be pretty easy so I get back to catching up on silverwaste stuff in some mornings soon so I can prepare for the next LS update (which is pretty sucky how they are taking a break with the way they ended Seeds of Truth).

I just got a recipe for the griffon tonic, so with also having two other endless Wintersday tonics, I might aim at finishing that collection, cause that tonic you get looks really funny.

New dailies and log in rewards seem nice. Should able to get the WvW dailies naturally quite a few times.

My guard at least is suited for the festivals.:p


Also have the mini Infinirarium, one of my favorite minis, and pretty much have been her main mini for a while. Time to get out the toy minis for my other characters too.

Mini looks like it's on fire and about to crash. :p
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