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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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The timegated needed for crafted items can b really annoying.

i have everything i need to make my first piece of ascended gear but due to the cooldown i have to wait two more days .


Just crafted an ascended musket. Yeah, the timegating is annoying, but you can just get the T7 mats off the TP if you are in a hurry. It's not that much more expensive.
Who wants a level cap raise announcement coming on the 24th? Anyone?

I hope they don't I really don't know what it will add by going up a few more levels.


Who wants a level cap raise announcement coming on the 24th? Anyone?

I hope they don't I really don't know what it will add by going up a few more levels.

even if they did , most people have so many tomes of knowledge stocked that the new level cap would be reached in just 5 minutes .


I've done 6 fractal runs before this one >>. I had to do it 5 times for Mawdrey (wearing it on my back in the screen!). Only rolled the asura one once though, and I don't remember the thing about the blob at all somehow. Only thing I remember about that one is the final boss being like the Ganondorf fight from OOT - must've been one of the first fractals I did a few months ago.

I think that was part of the one fractal I did with gaf/you. If it's what I'm thinking of, that was a fun encounter design.
Who wants a level cap raise announcement coming on the 24th? Anyone?

I hope they don't I really don't know what it will add by going up a few more levels.
I hope they don't; levels weren't part of their original plan to begin with. I don't see the point when better enemy encounters and more horizontal progression are better alternatives.

even if they did , most people have so many tomes of knowledge stocked that the new level cap would be reached in just 5 minutes .
I have zero stocked since I gave them to my alts.


even if they did , most people have so many tomes of knowledge stocked that the new level cap would be reached in just 5 minutes .

I may have a couple in my inventory but I still feel like it'll be trivial to reach whatever new cap they put in. Dungeons and the like give solid exp


Mai Trin is the best fractal boss to get, Jade Maw's pretty rote and the Molten Duo feels too brief (probably an odd complaint about a boss fight). Mai keeps you on your toes for a good few minutes at least. More fun bosses and fractals in general please 2015.

I wish I had an earlier screenshot, but it wasn't something I thought about at the time. I was already level 80 at that point.

I swear you just sprung from nowhere one day, already at level 80 and in T3 armour.


Who wants a level cap raise announcement coming on the 24th? Anyone?

That's about as close to a deal-breaker as it goes for me.

Levels mean next to nothing in this game and only exist because some people need that carrot to lead them through the content. Having to replace all of my exotic / ascended gear for new versions due to what is essentially just mathematic padding would piss me off more than anything else I can think of.
I hope that old rumor that "marketing" might want a level cap raise because other MMOs do it, does not come true because it is not needed in this game.


Brand new level 80 guardian is able to singlehandedly hold up over a dozen people while his team captures a tower. Seriously, he's not even fully geared up yet, and he's able to cause such disarray and delay - which is predominantly what I've built him for.

Love it. Just delicious. So nice to finally have him at level 80. Leveled him up from level 24 to 80 in WvW.


I hope that old rumor that "marketing" might want a level cap raise because other MMOs do it, does not come true because it is not needed in this game.

Given how "increase the level cap" is not even heard in the more vocal parts of the community, I have a hard time seeing that happen.
Who wants a level cap raise announcement coming on the 24th? Anyone?

I hope they don't I really don't know what it will add by going up a few more levels.

I'm with you Kossy. It would be a pointless exercise.

No, I want Quaggans and Polearms.

And I would love inter-changeable skill unlocks between professions.

Wouldn't it be cool if we could get small tactical variation by unlocking weapon skills for other weapons? Like, skill 1-2-3-4-5 are still locked in place for each weapon, but for example, you could unlock Hammer skill #5, Main-Hand Axe #2 and Off-hand Mace #4 for your greatsword weapon set.
The function of the skill would carry over to the new weapon, but as hybrid. weapon effect would mostly be the same, but the idea is that the function and stats of skills is becoming a hybrid by whatever weapon you're using it with.


1) You get to keep the many of the same spell effects, animations and sound effects with minor differences or hybrids between two weapons. Some would require new function though. This is realistic because you're multiplying the amount of skills in the game by a massive amounts.

2) You can control balance more effective when the hybrid skills are controlled and conditioned by the fixed position on the skill bar. Greatsword #2 Hundred Blades, no matter what weapon you would want to transfer that skill to, would still have to be in #2 slot too. This is easy to understand, and not intrusive to people who are not dedicated enough to want to unlock or tingle with hybrids.
The point is - you get to make a lot more choice and variety, by mixing and match all your weapons in hybrid configurations without ruining the game balance.

3) You get a lot more mileage out of all the spells and attacks in the game. Some people won't care. they will feel that the differences are too small, but for other folks, those that care about making their own build, those dedicated to pvp and so on, will really appreciate the hybrid variations of all the skills in the game, and seeing them in new light.

4) It leads to a lot of creative ideas. What happens when you take Ranger off-Hand Axe #5 and put in the slot of Ranger Warhorn #5? How will that work animation wise? The ranger spins like a tychoon, but instead of wielding axes, he is surrounded by a shield wall of insane Birds hacking in a black tornado?

5) It's about compromise. GW2 wants to expand horizontally. This could be a massive leap forward, while still not risking the foundation of GW2. Some people would call Anet Lazy for not making new animation for every single hybrid but you're talking about an amazing amount of skills. and I have no idea how it could even work for something like atunements for Eles or Engineers Utility skills. I also have no idea how it could possible work for traits. If you specced for Greatsword Mastery in the Warrior trait line, would the benefits of GS #3 Whirlwind Attack, carry over when you unlocked the skill for Main-Hand Sword, Main-hand Axe, Main-Hand Mace, and other Warrior weapons? It would warp the whole idea of trait speccing on its head.
You could unlock every Axe attack and put it on Mace. How would that work as a hybrid? What would the stats of Axe and Mace builds be?

Just an idea.


It's interesting, but I'm pretty sure people would figure out a way to break the hybrid system by pairing extreme damage (mitigation) with extreme mobility that could lead to people who don't choose to go hybrid at a very real disadvantage. After all, there are definitely skills in every weapon that I would like to swap out for a different one - which is why that inherently is a dangerous prospect.


It is done .

I decided to say "screw it" and bought the last 2 t7 mats i needed instead of crafting them and having to wait 2 more days .

My first piece of crafted Ascended Armor

Also a special thanks to Kos For Donating 12 gold so i could buy tier 3 human boots and finally finish my guardians look . ( also thanks for Techwolf who also wanted to donate but was just a bit too late )



That's about as close to a deal-breaker as it goes for me.

Levels mean next to nothing in this game and only exist because some people need that carrot to lead them through the content. Having to replace all of my exotic / ascended gear for new versions due to what is essentially just mathematic padding would piss me off more than anything else I can think of.

Same. I feel like it would basically just be emptying to everyones time, patience, and bank gold stash to have them replace all their gear just so they can go to the new level 90 dungeon and nothing is actually different except the numbers are 5% bigger. It would also penalize players who play the most (most alts, or most ascended gear to replace).


Fear is the converse of hope (or in this case, hype). If you believe that the game will be radically altered for the better, then you implicitly acknowledge that it can also be made drastically worse. I accept GW2 for what it is, so I have no fear of this nonsense.
They should increase to 100, and leave it at that for all future expacs.
Then tweak all current ascended gear to match ilvl100, and just have new ilvl80-99 rares/exotics for those without them.

Some other possible stuff we could expect:
- Base game F2P with no purchase
- Return of trinity
I swear you just sprung from nowhere one day, already at level 80 and in T3 armour.

That's sort of how it happened. I never asked to join the guild initially and was only added because Zeroth transferred servers and forgot to get his stuff out of the Crystal Desert GAF guild bank. He had me made a member just so I could mail him his stuff.

I didn't start representing the guild and meeting people until I had already been playing for four or five months.
- Return of trinity

I seriously doubt it. There's just no way they would undo the good they've done by not having it - and why compete against games that already have it, instead of focusing on what makes your game different.

The trinity is really nice, simple, and there are people who like slotting into those roles, and enjoy the structured nature of encounters designed around it. But it is not the solution to GW2's issues, nor is it a system GW2 needs in any capacity, as it clashes with the existing Unity paradigm.

Just because popular shooters have ironsights, doesn't mean all shooters need them.


Yes. I can see it already. Colin enters the stage, standing ovation. He starts saying how GW2 is a game built for players, by players, and that they wish to please the fanbase and their wishes. So he readies up the powerpoint and goes:

"All classes have been revamped to fit the trinity based gameplay everybody loves. Each class has a designed role and removed any room for customization. That way, you will know a Warrior is just a tank blob, a Elementalist is a DPS madhouse and a Ranger is a Ranger."

"In order to adapt to this new metastyle, all encounters in the game have been adjusted so that you need at least 2 players with different roles to succeed. You will find that doing map completion with 3 people is so much fun!"

"We also decided, based on player feedback, to remove weapon swapping. It is a too confusing system, and we hope that by making players stick to one weapon, they will be able to fully understand their role and not deviate from it during encounters"

"Furthermore, we have decided to improve dungeon content that players clamor for so much. Now, doing a dungeon remove 1g from your wallet, and for every 3 seconds you stand still you will be charged for another 1g. Completing a dungeon will earn you dungeon tokens as usual, which can be exchanged for..."

"Yes, we decided to step up our equipment. From here on, GW2 will have no level limit, so players can expand their levels and equipment as they wish. The dungeon tokens will now be exchanged for boxes of luck, and throwing 4 of them at the mystic forge will give you the chance of earning equipment at the same level as you, with a small chance of they being "Epic", our new tier that outclasses all others in the game."

"Speaking of tiers, we decided to abolish legendary weapons and refund players with 1 "legendary" ticket for each legendary weapon they have. These tickets can be exchanged for new titles, which we named "Tryhard". The more legendaries, the more suffixes will be added to it, to the point a player with all legendaries will have a title so big that they won't be able to find pants big enough to suit their new status"

"And of course, how could we forget the content? We are adding two new regions of the size of the current map each, Cantha and Elona. There, you will find that we incremented even more hearts to give a sense of progression, and completing all hearts in a map is necessary in order to progress to the next one."

"Speaking of regions, we took a look at WvW and realized the way it is currently set up is too chaotic to players. So from now on, WvW will only have 2 sides, "Horde of Iron", "Alliance of the North". The class you pick will decide your side, and you will find that this infinite, ever going battle will be able to satiate all players."

"And of course, we have PvP! Given the new classes, we realized PvP was meaningless to the game, so we removed it altogether. Players will be rewarded with a mini in the form of their PvP rank for their dedication to this mode!"

"And finally, in order to accomodate all these changes, we had to turn GW2 into a subscription model game. From here on, we will charge a small amount, $19.99 per month, in order to assure players will have the best content possible. Gem currency will be even more focused here on, to satiate those who like to dress up their characters, and in fact, we are looking into removing all fights in the game so that players can play the game as a real simulator of dress up with no combat"

"I know what you all are thinking: When will we be able to enjoy all this? The answer is: Now. The patch is being downloaded as we speak, so I hope you enjoy Guild Wars 2: A World Awakening".


Yes. I can see it already. Colin enters the stage, standing ovation. He starts saying how GW2 is a game built for players, by players, and that they wish to please the fanbase and their wishes. So he readies up the powerpoint and goes:

"All classes have been revamped to fit the trinity based gameplay everybody loves. Each class has a designed role and removed any room for customization. That way, you will know a Warrior is just a tank blob, a Elementalist is a DPS madhouse and a Ranger is a Ranger."

"In order to adapt to this new metastyle, all encounters in the game have been adjusted so that you need at least 2 players with different roles to succeed. You will find that doing map completion with 3 people is so much fun!"

"We also decided, based on player feedback, to remove weapon swapping. It is a too confusing system, and we hope that by making players stick to one weapon, they will be able to fully understand their role and not deviate from it during encounters"

"Furthermore, we have decided to improve dungeon content that players clamor for so much. Now, doing a dungeon remove 1g from your wallet, and for every 3 seconds you stand still you will be charged for another 1g. Completing a dungeon will earn you dungeon tokens as usual, which can be exchanged for..."

"Yes, we decided to step up our equipment. From here on, GW2 will have no level limit, so players can expand their levels and equipment as they wish. The dungeon tokens will now be exchanged for boxes of luck, and throwing 4 of them at the mystic forge will give you the chance of earning equipment at the same level as you, with a small chance of they being "Epic", our new tier that outclasses all others in the game."

"Speaking of tiers, we decided to abolish legendary weapons and refund players with 1 "legendary" ticket for each legendary weapon they have. These tickets can be exchanged for new titles, which we named "Tryhard". The more legendaries, the more suffixes will be added to it, to the point a player with all legendaries will have a title so big that they won't be able to find pants big enough to suit their new status"

"And of course, how could we forget the content? We are adding two new regions of the size of the current map each, Cantha and Elona. There, you will find that we incremented even more hearts to give a sense of progression, and completing all hearts in a map is necessary in order to progress to the next one."

"Speaking of regions, we took a look at WvW and realized the way it is currently set up is too chaotic to players. So from now on, WvW will only have 2 sides, "Horde of Iron", "Alliance of the North". The class you pick will decide your side, and you will find that this infinite, ever going battle will be able to satiate all players."

"And of course, we have PvP! Given the new classes, we realized PvP was meaningless to the game, so we removed it altogether. Players will be rewarded with a mini in the form of their PvP rank for their dedication to this mode!"

"And finally, in order to accomodate all these changes, we had to turn GW2 into a subscription model game. From here on, we will charge a small amount, $19.99 per month, in order to assure players will have the best content possible. Gem currency will be even more focused here on, to satiate those who like to dress up their characters, and in fact, we are looking into removing all fights in the game so that players can play the game as a real simulator of dress up with no combat"

"I know what you all are thinking: When will we be able to enjoy all this? The answer is: Now. The patch is being downloaded as we speak, so I hope you enjoy Guild Wars 2: A World Awakening".

And then i awoke Screaming .


Who wants a level cap raise announcement coming on the 24th? Anyone?

I hope they don't I really don't know what it will add by going up a few more levels.

Wouldn't worry about that. Going to be all sorts of goofy rumors about.

Do think there'll be some new pvp advancement at some point. WvW is also in need of a measuring stick that isn't EotM-able. But I'm putting all my money on sandbox elements with pve.


Does anyone have a full set of ascended light armor? I think it looks pretty bad in the screens I've seen but now I'm thinking it might just be the shoulders. Was kinda curious what it looks like without them and with decent dyes.


Does anyone have a full set of ascended light armor? I think it looks pretty bad in the screens I've seen but now I'm thinking it might just be the shoulders. Was kinda curious what it looks like without them and with decent dyes.

I only use two parts and I made them for the looks. I like them on this character but most of my characters look pretty bad in all the ascended armor sets :p



Retro and I have talked about a level cap increase at length and it's ultimately pointless. You get what a level an hour through normal means, even quicker in other ways. So they increase the cap by 10? What's the point you're capped again on launch day. Increase it by 50? It's just an arbitrary number for people who are so damn fixated on filing a bar, but serves no actual purpose in the overall design of the game. I know many people at ANet are against a level cap increase and I really can't see them doing it as it completely defeats the purpose of horizontal progression.
Can we get a side-order of context with that drive-by?

Didn't you have me on ignore?

Y'all be brothers but ad hominening and strawmanning the shit outta each other, false dichotomies up the ass. The fuck?

Coming back to have a look, since vacation ending, and leaving all

Shit's rough, mang.
Miktar's incessant cyber bullying is disconcerting.

And you only ever seem to have anything to say when it's to complain about me, or to make snide grade-school whines about asinine things. Or do that faux trolling thing, which you might think is cute, but is actually pretty pathetic. Like a class clown that doesn't realize he isn't funny.
Oh hey, took you all of five seconds to miss his tease and try to legit bash him.

Stop the hate train bro.

Look at that, one asshat standing up for another asshat. What a shocker.

Everyone else might put up with a lot of the crap around here because they're too damn nice for their own good, but I'm tired of people using this thread as their personal little troll haven, since it doesn't have the protection of a pet mod like other game OTs.

So I'm gonna call you on it. And hiding behind that "it's just a joke bro, lighten up" defense doesn't work outside high-school. Nor does that "oh look at the plebians and their antics, I'm so above it all" attitude. You might call a lot of things a strawman, nice and convenient putdown, but if the shoe fits...

I came preaching love and asking for less ad hominens. you proceeded to ad hominem the shit outta everything.

You're so incensed you can't even write a post without having to edit it right after.

And you try to call me on it?


The silent majority argument hasn't worked since nixon, bro.
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