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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Trolly shitposts

Too bad Guild Wars 2 sucks so hard, or we could have moderator who plays it hanging around in the thread, regularly handing out some bans.

Some people need new hobbies.


Yikes, this thread has really turned hostile since the start of the new year, i hope this doesn't spill over to the guild missions.

Anyway do you guys have wishlist of things you want to see in GW2 for 2015? Not something nebulous like i want new expansion or i want more stuff, something more specific than can realistically be done this year. My wishlist:

1) Tone down the spell effects - GW2 is usually a very pretty game but looks really messy when combat starts. It's difficult being a melee character especially a melee guardian, everything is covered in blue fire and i can't see my character half the time. I have the particle effects turned off in my settings but this is still a problem.

2) A way to track dynamic events - DEs is the best thing about GW2. I love doing them , i just want to know if I've done them all in a zone. They could be added to your journal. So you have Personal Story, Living world story then maybe Zone story (I'm sure Anet can come-up with a better name). So let's say you're done the Ogre Wars DE in Field of Ruin. It would add an entry in the journal summarizing the event. A majority of the overarching story for a zone is told through dynamic events so it would be nice to track them in a journal.

3) Less way-points - I never liked them, i feel they make the world feel small. But i don't want them to be removed and be replaced with mounts either. Just less of them like the way it's done with the newer zones. Walking is fun, you may discover more dynamic events along the way.It also make combat more tense, if you die you have to make that hike again.

4) A change in the Living world schedule - The last few LS updates has been really light on content. I think releasing updates every 2 weeks just doesn't work. I would prefer if we had meatier LS updates done once per month. One of the reason Anet initially decided on the 2 week schedule is because they want people to log in as much as possible. But now that we have the log in rewards perhaps they can space out the LS updates better?

5) Less loot - The introduction of the Silverwastes really exacerbates this. It's constantly raining chest and nearly all of it is green and blue items. I think this game is suffering the same problem Diablo 3 had before it introduced loot 2.0. Too many useless loot.

6) No more items inside bags that inside another bag - This is related to the too much loot problem. I notice i spend a lot of time managing my inventory in this game, a lot more than i do in other mmos. I'm clicking those luck things for magic find. I'm clicking bags. Inside is another bag. I click that. My inventory is full now. Time to salvage, more clicking. An open all button might make things better.

So yeah that's my wish list most of it is small QoL improvements.


So yeah that's my wish list most of it is small QoL improvements.

I know you said to pick something aside from just "expansion" but here is my list.
1. Expansion

And that is it. I'm tired of QoL patches and living story where you do a few missions and maybe a little side area where you zerg for hours.

I want an injection of NEW things. New maps, weapons, race, classes, skills etc.
To bring some freshness back to the game, I want to be able to "dig in" to some more gw2.

I also certainly agree with you on loot. Opening boxes in boxes and getting my inventory full of worthless sigils and junk is really lame. I would also like a new WvW map. I think it would be neat to have a couple WvW maps that get cycled through weekly just for some variety, though there are some potential issues with that.
i think ANET has done some good things with rewards and not so good.

Good: Carapace/Luminesence armor, collection completed armor, PvP rewards.

Not so good: The infinite number of Halloween ToT bags, Giant WintersDay Gifts and Champ Bags (Silverwastes) which just give you other bags. How many gathering tools that give snowflakes do I need? Not this many.

Hope they continue the new armor/new weapons per new zone and figure out a better way to reward us during holiday events.

Need to also figure out a way to increase rewards/or increase quality of rewards the more you help to organize a map to complete events/metas.

What is your biggest problem with rewards in GW2?
There's a few things I've always wanted to see in GW2, but it's mostly just silly stuff:

The "aggro" lines from FFXII is something I'd like, since I think it'd be a good assist to cut through some of the visual carnage in the game. Even with Spell LOD on, there are so many effects you're never sure if that thing in the melee blob is aiming at you or not.

I'd also like a little pip display that shows your inventory space, not unlike how FFXIV does it (lots of FF in my post, I'm noticing). Little dots that represent your total bag space, and filled dots showing how full you are. Just so you can have a heads up.

Proper gamepad support. We all know it works, is great, and it'd do a lot for making the game more accessible.

Slightly more clear designs on the buffs/debuffs icons, perhaps collapsing a few together if there are too many. Also, the ability to set 'show only my own debuffs', so you can cut through the icon noise on boss encounters a bit.

Fixes for the wallet - the currency situation is kinda out of hand. Not quite sure how to solve that problem visually, perhaps just a second pane behind the inventory pane, that has a list of what there is and what you have.

Outfits/Gear Lists: I'd like to save gear loadouts, so you can swap to them when you go change your activity.

Trait save/loading presets, of course.

A gorram quickbar! Like a bar on the right, that you can drag and drop things into, like Slaying potions, food, pet shortcuts, etc. Perhaps let you define 'groupings' of things on there, like 'all my foods', and 'all my slaying potions'.

Dynamic Events should just show up on the map, with a name and timer if you hover over it.

I got about a million more, but that's the nature of playing a game you like - there's always ways it could be better. I'd settle for just a few of these though.
I love the aggro lines from FFXII.

It's such a clever visual effect. I like to think of it as a visual representation of what your character hears, or senses", off-screen. It solves the perception problem you have when your camera is tied to a specific agent on the field. I think it'd do wonders in GW2, and could even help with timing issues brought about by lag - as long as you block when the aggro line does its 'arc' animation, you know you're synced with an incoming attack depending on the enemy. Obviously, this is a PvE only thing. I doubt it'd be a good idea for WvW (numbers!) or PvP (can't sneak up on people).


My wishlist:
- Dungeon parties capped at three members.
- Courtyard PvP map filled to the ceiling with water.
- Scouting Mastery track in WvW.


What is your biggest problem with rewards in GW2?

It's hard to pin down. Guild Wars 2 isn't a loot-based game in the same sense as something like Diablo or Destiny or even most other MMOs. There's a very low ceiling, so that once you're in exotics nothing of value will drop for you except minor upgrades (ascended), cosmetic choices or that once-in-a-lifetime precursor drop. Everything else is just salvaged or sold, so instead of loot being a source of potential thrills, it's more like housekeeping.

The low ceiling is a good thing in my mind however, because one of the ways in which games make loot valuable is by constantly requiring you to earn more of it to advance (i.e. the gear treadmill). So the question is, how do you make the rewards feel rewarding without relying on raw statistical superiority? So that when you find an item you might actually consider it instead of instantly dismissing it as trash.

I feel like the existing Stat system is the least interesting way of handling things, and while GW1's attribute system wouldn't really work here something in that neighborhood might. Instead of a system built around raw math, the attributes could be more mechanic-oriented. You might get an armor piece that has, I dunno +1 target to cleave attacks or +10 Minion health. Something that's flexible enough to have overlap (rangers would benefit from both of those, Warriors only from the first, Necros more from the second) without being too narrow (i.e. "Only warriors want +1 Cleave Target").

You might find a pair of boots that has -10 fall damage, and since you're not worried about stacking raw stats anymore, maybe your build has room for that attribute as a nice perk. Maybe there's a mystic forge-like element to the game where you can put items with different attributes in and mix-and-match the final product (so, for example, if you want -10 fall damage and +10 minion health on the same item). So then you're looking at shit like greens and blues and going "Oh crap, that blue item has +1 AOE target, I could really use that". All sorts of little variables and gameplay tweaks rather than the usual variations on "you hurt things better" and "You get hurt less."

I like that they're adding more "prestige items" (Liadri mini and Luminescent gear, most notably), items someone won't have unless they've demonstrated a certain level of skill (rather than just having a shitload of time and/or gold). More stuff like that is fantastic, though I do wish they'd pick one distribution method and stick with it.

I dunno. I don't really play GW2 for the rewards, I play it because it's fun.


The flood of blues and greens was intentional. The price of mats can veer off. I'd guess that is the reasoning behind the flood of sigils and runes with wintersday. While it might not seem like it, salvaging is a gold sink too. That is how most of the game is, a lot of interconnected systems. Making sweeping changes to one is going to impact everything else.

On the wants front:

I wouldn't mind if thieves - and possibly every class - had quicker weapon swap times. A third weapon set would be nice as well. Ideally getting everyone to the engineer & elementalist level.

Unrealistically, I'd love to see WvW be overhauled from a passive-siege dependent thing, to being much more active. Everything from upgrades requiring player crafting and installation -- opposed to an npc emoting while a bar fills -- to having ways to get inside of towers and keeps beyond breaking down the door or wall.

More realistically, less combat, less goal oriented stuff. Housing, fishing, and all that. Content like that generally can't be blown through in a week like with new world bosses, dungeons, and so on. Things that aren't all about fighting or chasing the next carrot.

One vain thing - I'd love to be able to upgrade Eternity more. Not with better stats--never better stats--but some form of evolution. I'd like to keep advancing it in some manner as I keep playing.


Wish list time? There is one thing I've been longing for...the ability to customize the backpack when equipping a kit as an engineer. Considering I'm in kit 80% of the time, it's depressing to think that I'm stuck with looking at a basic backpack when I have much more interesting skins.


I wouldn't mind if thieves - and possibly every class - had quicker weapon swap times. A third weapon set would be nice as well. Ideally getting everyone to the engineer & elementalist level.

Unrealistically, I'd love to see WvW be overhauled from a passive-siege dependent thing, to being much more active. Everything from upgrades requiring player crafting and installation -- opposed to an npc emoting while a bar fills -- to having ways to get inside of towers and keeps beyond breaking down the door or wall.

More realistically, less combat, less goal oriented stuff. Housing, fishing, and all that. Content like that generally can't be blown through in a week like with new world bosses, dungeons, and so on. Things that aren't all about fighting or chasing the next carrot.

One vain thing - I'd love to be able to upgrade Eternity more. Not with better stats--never better stats--but some form of evolution. I'd like to keep advancing it in some manner as I keep playing.

Faster swap times would be awesome (and again, another mechanical thing that you could implement as an attribute that just about every profession would want but would benefit some more than others). Not sure about a third weapon swap, if only because then you'd need extra keybinds to designate which weapon you want to swap to.

WvW being more active would be great. I've been hoping that things like building / destroying bridges in EotM, putting up barriers at marionette and all of the stuff in the Silverwastes are tests for a more dynamic WvW map. I've been saying for ages that being able to build and destroy bridges, walls, simple structures, minefields and stuff all over the map would make things more interesting.

I'd also like to see them ditch the Borderlands concept entirely and just have 4 unique maps where no one side has a stronger position, each with unique terrain and mechanics that give them a completely different vibe and play style. So instead of jumping between 3 identical BLs, you might stay in the Jungle Battleground because you like the terrain or your group is well suited to its particular play mechanics.

I'd prefer Guild Halls to player housing since that tends to suck the community out of your game world (see: Wildstar) and having guild halls at least means you see your guildies often. But yeah, more non-combat stuff would be fantastic. As would upgrading Legendaries (since they're so common, they hardly seem like the prestige items they were intended to be).

Wish list time? There is one thing I've been longing for...the ability to customize the backpack when equipping a kit as an engineer. Considering I'm in kit 80% of the time, it's depressing to think that I'm stuck with looking at a basic backpack when I have much more interesting skins.

I seem to recall a dev post where they said they're working on this, but you've got my vote.


Wish list time? There is one thing I've been longing for...the ability to customize the backpack when equipping a kit as an engineer. Considering I'm in kit 80% of the time, it's depressing to think that I'm stuck with looking at a basic backpack when I have much more interesting skins.

Or at least let us hide the backpacks. Best case scenario would be a choice of several better looking backpacks, but just being able to hide them would be good enough.


I wanna see 90 minutes of permastowed ranger pets

Include a jade maw fight where I don't have to see jaguars get needlessly slaughtered over and over :<.
Wish list time? There is one thing I've been longing for...the ability to customize the backpack when equipping a kit as an engineer. Considering I'm in kit 80% of the time, it's depressing to think that I'm stuck with looking at a basic backpack when I have much more interesting skins.

Definitely. Heck, I'd be happy with the bomb kit and tool kit no longer sharing the same skin.


Sonic handles my blue balls
How was that wrong doing though

It has to be that! I mean, how could it be GW2-related?

In this thread, going a page back, it looks like Zeroth posted a heck of a post.

To which we see:
Ye gods, the fuck.
After a number of reactions posts already, so actually no target has been designated for this. It's a candle in the wind. But!
Can we get a side-order of context with that drive-by?
It looks like there's a bit baiting! Even though Coriolanus' post didn't pick anyone out in particular, it looks like his post is being picked at!
A defense of Zeroth's post? A noble gesture of defending other guildmates? Probably not considering this reaction to Zeroth's post just a few posts prior:

And Adriaaa is Adriaa but only ever here. It's light hearted and acts a means of humbling those with rose colored glasses. The "trolling" is merely a devil's advocate, because a true troll wouldn't play the game as much as he does. The same is true of anyone who posts here regularly and is "negative". When I think guild wars troll, I think of that guy who really enjoys Warcraft who would just lied and shit in the thread at launch.

So then what, what could possibly have gotten these individuals banned? Clearly sushi fish and clean rooms.


Ok, let's all drop the passive-aggression for a moment and speak plainly. The last time I tried to mediate in a community thread it blew up in my face, but I care about this guild and everyone in it so I must at least try.

Kanik, you don't have all the facts. Coriolanus's initial post was not in response to Zeroth but to multiple things going on in the thread. I know because it was prompted by PMs I'd been sending him in response to a holiday message. And he was trolling Miktar; he acknowledged that to me in a PM as well.

Coriolanus, I'm sorry for putting that information out there and I don't believe you deserved to be banned. I've been banned for alleged "shitposts" and I don't understand why these are wrong. Isn't brevity the soul of wit? It seems like "shitposts" are highly subjective.

Adriaaa, I've interacted with you enough to know you're a good guy at heart, but obviously trolls receive what they put out there.

Miktar, I support you policing the thread internally and calling people out on their bullshit. But I wish you would've let Coriolanus's post just go by. I'm sure you know much more about internet culture than me, but obviously trolls start by attacking the game and then when you catch their attention they switch to trolling you.

I don't have a solution; personalities will always conflict. But let's get back to seeing the good in each other even if we make shitty posts.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
After playing FFXIV for a week, I did come to realize I'd be playing GW2 more if it had the armory system from FFXIV. Especially because of trait configuration in GW2; they're pretty important for different weapon sets. I'd like to be able to swap easily between different weapon / gear sets and trait configurations.

Aside from that, I'm not sure how I would specifically "fix" the game because I've come to feel that some of its downsides are closely tied to its fundamental nature. GW2 goes out of its way to make many things (aside from lack of an armory) extremely convenient but convenience can come at a cost of activities feeling significant. Much of what there is to do in the game is purely cosmetic.


I'd like to be able to swap easily between different weapons and trait configurations.
Yeah that's the top thing on my wishlist. Saved armor sets, weapon sets and trait builds.

On a less serious note, I really wish new faces and hairstyles would get released soon. The message in the gem store today "new hairstyles available in makeover kits!" made me hopeful for a second, until i realised it's the old new stuff :p
I need to remake about 20 characters, it's been way too long since I did it last ;D

This is not necessary. I had nothing to do with getting them banned, though I did rise to obvious baiting from Markot, Coriolanus and Jeng - they'd been baiting the thread for a long, long time, looking for someone to fall for it. I expected a ban myself, for the way I was disrupting the thread by falling for their crap. That I didn't get banned, I'll take as a sign that I've been given a second chance, so I'mma heed that.

Moondrop is right - I should have just ignored the bait Coriolanus put out there, but I was tired of the constant threadshitting. I figured I'd let it play out, and have the mods decide. I have no problem with people being critical of the game - look at how often Moondrop and I disagree. But I never feel like Moondrop is wasting my time when we butt heads, because I find nothing disingenuous in how he talks with me. He's a straight-shooter, and I can respect that, even when we don't agree. As for the others, yes, Jeng's shtick was more jokey, but it looked, acted, and smelled like threadshitting - so even if the intent wasn't malicious, the end result is the same. Coriolanus was just outright trolling, and has a history of outright trolling. If I went into the Destiny thread and said 'You should just trade in this abomination of a game' I'd be banned before anyone can make a Bish reference. Moderating an OT can be hard - because of the culture that evolves in each one being different, but they shouldn't be immune from repercussions either.

And that's all I'll say about it.

In other news:

I realized last night I'd still like all the existing dungeons in GW2 to get a Hard Mode - let them have modifiers like limited professions, adding Mistlock Instabilities, or just plain upping the difficulty with adds that do more CC or mobs that nuke you if they detect the players are stacked. The existing dungeons have a lot of great flow to them, most of them anyway.

I also think they should add a pure Beginner's Dungeon - Ascalon Story Mode isn't bad, but I think GW2 fell into the trap at launch of expecting most people to be quicker on the uptake than they were. One thing I've learned from FFXIV is that having total rudimentary tutorials for everything, from understanding what 'aggro' is, to reminding people that 'those guys on your team in a dungeon are *real people* so treat them well*, really goes a long way in the end. The New Player Experience was a start along this line. along with the dodge tutorials in the newbie areas - but I think they could do more, and might need to.

And the game needs fishing.


I had an idea for something I wanted yesterday but I've completely forgotten what it was, so I'll just +1 other people's suggestions.

1) Tone down the spell effects - GW2 is usually a very pretty game but looks really messy when combat starts. It's difficult being a melee character especially a melee guardian, everything is covered in blue fire and i can't see my character half the time. I have the particle effects turned off in my settings but this is still a problem.

This most of all, I barely play melee because I have no idea what's going on half the time. My warrior can take the hits and heal away and my guardian can spam blinds and put up a shield but neither of those solutions is seeing a tell and dodging the attack like I'm meant to be doing.

Not so good: The infinite number of Halloween ToT bags, Giant WintersDay Gifts and Champ Bags (Silverwastes) which just give you other bags. How many gathering tools that give snowflakes do I need? Not this many.

On top of bags within bags, let me destroy crap without having to type the name in. I'm saving up all my wintersday finishers so I only have to type 'Page from Wintersday Rituals for Honoring the Recently Vanquished' once when I'm sure no more will drop. Royal Terrace pass expired? You can't get rid of it without confirming that you want to get rid of this 100% useless item. I got a duplicate letter from the xmas orphans in the mail yesterday and had to confirm I wanted rid of it.

Slightly more clear designs on the buffs/debuffs icons, perhaps collapsing a few together if there are too many. Also, the ability to set 'show only my own debuffs', so you can cut through the icon noise on boss encounters a bit.

Ooh, this. I don't pay attention to my boons anymore because it takes too long to sift through all the yellow to check if the boon you're after is there. I'm sure I've been monstered by Lupi's bubble despite having stability because I have no idea that I have stability.

I wouldn't mind if thieves - and possibly every class - had quicker weapon swap times. A third weapon set would be nice as well. Ideally getting everyone to the engineer & elementalist level.

I'd love to be able to switch from two melee weapons to having a ranged weapon on swap easily but now I think build templates would cover that for me quite nicely. Wouldn't complain about having 3 equipped sets depending on how the switching between them happens i.e. having a 'next set' and a 'previous set' keybind or just cycling through them in a fixed order using the single binding.

Lupi's concept art is too good.

That dude at the bottom seems to be the guy from the Cursed Shore loadscreen, fresh from robbing the Risen Grand High Superwizard Archmage outside Arah of his Eternity. That also explains why the mage is holding an axe on the CS screen, that human robbed it.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I hate how adding finishers turns the hero menu to the finisher tab rather than simply adding them in there.

Oh random question, Fear doesn't "count" on Defiance much like how Immobilize doesn't count right?
I hate how adding finishers turns the hero menu to the finisher tab rather than simply adding them in there.

Oh random question, Fear doesn't "count" on Defiance much like how Immobilize doesn't count right?

I thought Fear did lower Defiance - and the only two that ignore it was Float and Sink. The wiki says all Control effects other than those two, will lower it. I don't play a Necro much, so I don't have much insight beyond that.


I hate how adding finishers turns the hero menu to the finisher tab rather than simply adding them in there.

Oh random question, Fear doesn't "count" on Defiance much like how Immobilize doesn't count right?

It does and I dislike the recent tendency for bosses to be completely immune to CC effects as a decent chunk of my damage comes from fear and various traits benefit from the number of conditions on an enemy. Defiant enemies take damage while the fear condition is on them but the newer enemies can't even have it applied to them.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I thought Fear did lower Defiance - and the only two that ignore it was Float and Sink. The wiki says all Control effects other than those two, will lower it. I don't play a Necro much, so I don't have much insight beyond that.
It does and I dislike the recent tendency for bosses to be completely immune to CC effects as a decent chunk of my damage comes from fear and various traits benefit from the number of conditions on an enemy. Defiant enemies take damage while the fear condition is on them but the newer enemies can't even have it applied to them.

Huh weird, I thought I saw enemies with defiance getting fear indicators on their heads... but I guess that's just an indicator without the effect.


I couldn't stop myself from poking around in a makeover kit. Iddia suddenly became a color bomb.
Also, I want more clean orange dyes and more colors for hair accessories.


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Man I don't like femsuras, they removed the impish/gnome look on them to make them look "adorable".


Huh weird, I thought I saw enemies with defiance getting fear indicators on their heads... but I guess that's just an indicator without the effect.

Fearing an enemy with defiant will remove a stack of defiant and the fear condition will appear on their health bar (and above their head I think) and count down like any other condition, doing damage as it does if it was applied by a terror-spec necromancer. All defiant is doing is stopping them from running away when feared, it's still worth fearing unshakable enemies to strip defiant stacks and do bonus terror damage.


Man I don't like femsuras, they removed the impish/gnome look on them to make them look "adorable".
Heh, I made her the cutest I could on purpose since I love the idea of something really adorable being a fierce warrior-like thing with a big hammer.

I use some other more imp-ish faces on other females I have. I only use smooth faces on asura males tho. Not really a fan of the wrinkly ones. They are not as customizable (they warp) and I don't want to look like all the NPCs.
I ran across Fort Cadence again recently due to the "Events in Sparkfly Fen" daily. I ran in to help out an event I saw, and realized that I never actually took the time to explore the place. Sure, I ran down there at some point in the past to get the skillpoint, but I remember nothing of the place.

So I went back there today to explore a bit. The fort is often used as a staging area for the Vigil, but it can be overrun by Risen if nobody is there to defend it. Retaking the fort kicks off a quest chain involving an Asura who swears they have a way to turn the pirate ghosts that lurk in the fort into allies. So you escort him down, and like all Asuran inventions, things go awry.

I'm not sure what the actual history behind the fort is, it doesn't seem to match up with anything from the GW1 timeline.

The main entrance to the fort, which sits in the northern part of Sparkfly. There is another entrance somewhere to the west of the main one, slightly lower as it connects directly to below ground.

To my surprise, I stumbled across a hidden chest that sits in an area that seems impossible to get to, but you can dodge/jump through a hole in the wall to get there.

I'm a big fan of the more ruined-dungeony areas of the game, like the Baradin Crypt in Plains of Ashford, and of course Ascalonian Catacombs. I kinda wish they'd add a few more traditional style dungeons - we've gotten a lot of steampunk/plant/etc added since launch, but none I can think of that scream D&D.

As you circle down the main hall, you catch a glimps of something bright down below, which is a pretty net trick - makes you want to rush down there to see what's up.

The main enemy in the fort is a bunch of ghost pirates that leech life and chill, and the occasional vampire bat. They're spaced far enough apart that you rarely feel mobbed, though the chill effect can be a bit annoying.

I'm unclear on the metaphysical aspects of Tyria, but I find it weird that you can have ghost treasure, ghost chairs, ghost cannons and ghost paintings. It's like, if you kick a rock, does it leave behind a rock ghost? Or are the additional ghostly manifestations just a byproduct of angry ghosts who are damn sure they brought their chair with them?

When you get close to the ghost treasure, a Veteran pirate captain ghost pops up. Nothing serious. Nearby there is a Skill Point to kill a ghost who doesn't believe she's a ghost.

Final photo of the area, just because it reminded me of Dungeon Keeper when you controlled an Imp and ran around first-person. There are a lot of great areas in GW2, that most people just run right through or past, which is a pity.

Do you guys think they are still working on applying Season 1 content in Fractals and/or The Living Story Journal?

Honestly, I doubt they're working too hard on adding Season 1 to the Story Journal, but I'm being cynical. I really hope they are, even if they're altered to fit more into the framework of the Journal. Some of the stuff from Season 1, I can't imagine how they'd be able to let it run again, like Marionette or Siege of Lion's Arch, or even the Tower of Nightmares. Perhaps they might allow more phased areas, but that's a bit risky, since things like the Tower needed a lot of people. I'd settle for a few more fractals based on Season 1 though.
Do you guys think they are still working on applying Season 1 content in Fractals and/or The Living Story Journal?

I would prefer if they retro-added it to the living Journal. That way we'll have the base story (Elder Dragon Zhiatan), Living Story Season One, and Living Story Season Two. Any future living stories, expansions, and/or new campaigns could easily fit in there too.
After playing FFXIV for a week, I did come to realize I'd be playing GW2 more if it had the armory system from FFXIV. Especially because of trait configuration in GW2; they're pretty important for different weapon sets. I'd like to be able to swap easily between different weapon / gear sets and trait configurations.
I'd go bonkers if they also added a class changing system like in FFXIV.
That's like the #1 QoL improvement on my wishlist.

I also think they should add a pure Beginner's Dungeon - Ascalon Story Mode isn't bad, but I think GW2 fell into the trap at launch of expecting most people to be quicker on the uptake than they were. One thing I've learned from FFXIV is that having total rudimentary tutorials for everything, from understanding what 'aggro' is, to reminding people that 'those guys on your team in a dungeon are *real people* so treat them well*, really goes a long way in the end. The New Player Experience was a start along this line. along with the dodge tutorials in the newbie areas - but I think they could do more, and might need to.
The FFXIV story missions also have you run some dungeons, which is a great way IMO for people to learn their class in a party.

I absolutely loved that concept, and feel like the current Story mode should've been mandatory for the Personal Storyline and made a tad easier to learn the ropes.

I realized last night I'd still like all the existing dungeons in GW2 to get a Hard Mode - let them have modifiers like limited professions, adding Mistlock Instabilities, or just plain upping the difficulty with adds that do more CC or mobs that nuke you if they detect the players are stacked. The existing dungeons have a lot of great flow to them, most of them anyway.
These old dungeons always needed a revamp from launch, but like I said earlier they should move on now from current endgame stuff.


Thread Drama

The only thing I'll say on the matter (because discussing it just keeps the drama alive) is that Ashodin makes short little posts all the time and never catches any flak for it, so the issue is more likely with the tone than the length of the posts.

Moving on...

I'd like to be able to swap easily between different weapon / gear sets and trait configurations.

Yeah, this would be great. Give us two build Templates for free with the option to unlock more via the gem store. I feel like three would be sufficient, but maybe some people want more for experimenting or whatever. As long as they can't be swapped in combat and include heal / utility / elite skills in the mix, it's fine by me.

I couldn't stop myself from poking around in a makeover kit. Iddia suddenly became a color bomb.

D'awww, very cute. My warrior has almost the exact same armor and we're even using the same mini, though I went for more of a mischievous look as befitting her name;

Do you guys think they are still working on applying Season 1 content in Fractals and/or The Living Story Journal?

If they are working on an expansion (or "expansion-like thing"), including all of Season One to be replayed via the Story Journal would certainly make a nice selling point. If they have achievements, challenge motes and unlockable rewards, all the better. It would be hard to get things like Marionette or the Tower of Nightmares in since those were built for and would feel lacking without lots of people. The Tower could be used as a story instance with some changes, but Marionette pretty much needs to be added in as a world event or something.

They've said making Season One replayable is something they want to do, but I don't have my hopes up on anything specific coming out of this announcement.

I ran across Fort Cadence again recently due to the "Events in Sparkfly Fen" daily. I ran in to help out an event I saw, and realized that I never actually took the time to explore the place. Sure, I ran down there at some point in the past to get the skillpoint, but I remember nothing of the place.

Huh. I don't think I've ever been down there, despite doing the defend and re-capture event several times. I'll have to go take a look.

There's another hidden cave nearby there with a big Asuran-looking door that doesn't open. I'll take some screenshots while I'm in the area.
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