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so I know I am still a bit from it, but what is the recommended choice for what will likely be a level 25ish character when it happens of the day 28 log in

given my personality I figure 6 Tomes of Knowledge is out because I likely won't use them, plus by that point I will have 7 of them anyways.

so it's really between
Vision Crystal and 1-2 refined ascended crafting materials
Obsidian Shards and Mystic Clovers
20 Laurel

I suppose I was leaning towards the laurel to spend on stuff to sell to get money, but I wanted your guy's thoughts.


Neo Member
I just came back to the game after not playing for a long time. Could anyone invite me to the guild my account is Embraze.2387


Yeah, Laurels or the ascended crafting mats (depends on what they are, I guess. I'd take a couple damask :p)

Tomes seems like a waste, obby you should probably get with Karma (what else are you gonna get with lots of karma, except maybe those semi-expensive cultural weapon skins if you're using them to get fashion collector, 63k a pop adds up.)

Mystic clovers...depends on how many. Even as rng, those are easy enough to get as is.
Mikty... Is that.. Is that a JoeJoe Bizarre Adventure x GW2 Crossover 50 shades of Purple, softcore porn erotica cover?


I... have no idea what you're talking about. >..>

Even on my very fast internet connection it nearly took 2 hours to finish .


You sir, can go to hades.

I remember exploring when I was newer... the excitement of finding secret things is the greatest thing :D

While I love the resources we have at our disposal, things like Dulfy, the excellent GW2 wiki, and all that: I do feel a lot of the "magic" of discovery is gone in modern gaming, and Guild Wars 2. Between data-mining, manicured wikis, strategy guides, and people going 'how do you get to this vista' in map chat before even *trying* to figure out how to get up there themselves: a lot of the thrill of discover kinda gets lost. Because the resources are out there, people have to constantly fight the urge to 'just look it up'. Not everyone, of course, but you get what I'm saying. There is a large chunk of modern gaming culture that is more interested in the destination, than the journey, which is a pity.

And now, your horror story for the day, from reddit:

I'm going for a legendary, and the precursor, being the ridiculous hurdle as ever, was the only thing I felt like such a faraway thing.

Then a guy told me about gambling for precursor with 4 exotic greatsword. To spend about 150 gold on TP for a precursor chance in the toilet. Well! I'm quite the gambling guy, that suits me just fine! Better than grinding gold for months!

First try with 4 greatswords, and guess what?


I was awestruck. What the fuck!? Is this actually happening!? I just sat there for 5 mins. Then I told my guildies. Holy shit guys, I got Dusk first try at mystic toilet what the fuck. They were all stoked, some even offered to give me the money for the tax to put it up on TP. I'm crying of joy.

Oh! but I have these exotic greatswords left! I should use them up too on the forge! Maybe I'll get Dawn as well! I put them in one by one.... then suddenly I saw in the corner.

Skin Naegling Unlocked


I think the laurels, but not to sell. They're a great way to get your first bunch of ascended trinkets.

ah, I will keep that in mind.
I do need to eventually amass about 400 gold though by the time I reach level 80 :p

which at the current rate of play and tombs I am collecting I imagine level 80 will happen right around April 8th :p (as I figure when I am around level 70 I am just going to use a bunch of tombs)

it will be weird next year just taking my 5th character from level 1 to 90 (yes I know 80 is the max level right now) with just daily log in tombs >.>


so I know I am still a bit from it, but what is the recommended choice for what will likely be a level 25ish character when it happens of the day 28 log in

given my personality I figure 6 Tomes of Knowledge is out because I likely won't use them, plus by that point I will have 7 of them anyways.

so it's really between
Vision Crystal and 1-2 refined ascended crafting materials
Obsidian Shards and Mystic Clovers
20 Laurel

I suppose I was leaning towards the laurel to spend on stuff to sell to get money, but I wanted your guy's thoughts.

It is going to depend on what your Medium to long term goals are going to be :

A vision crystal is used to make ascended armor which is the highest tier armor available ( note that when i say highest tier it is only by a 5 % difference to Exotic armour which you will get through normal play whereas AC armor is expensive to make .

Obsidian and Mystic clovers are Mats needed to craft one of the components of a Legendary weapon .

Laurels are used to buy ascended trinkets and other stuff .

And tomes of knowledge can be used if you want to level up faster to 80 or you can store and stockpile them if you ever decide to make an alt and get him to 80 The fast way .

Seeing as you are a new player i doubt you would have any use for the fist two items at this point in time ( consider them long term goals to do on the side , but do not make it your one and only focus , you will burn yourself out fast .

Then it comes down to whether you plan to make an alt and want to skip some of the leveling on that toon or you want the laurels to get ascended trinkets for your toon.

Since Hitting lvl 80 will likely be the first milestone you hit out of all those things , i would recommend going with Laurels .


They are tomes, not tombs >_>

risen race confirmed

but I like the idea of eating dead people to level up more then reading a book >.>
(i really don't know why I had tombs in my head, I wasn't even misspelling tomes, totally meant to put tombs and not tomes)


The Cryptarch's Bane
I really, really love using pistols on thief. They're so much fun and especially good with two Quip's. :-D

Yeah, I really want to enjoy P/P on a thief, but it's so rare that single target damage is needed where the daze is still useful (since defiance ignores it) and there aren't much better ways to stack vulnerability and bleed.

Fun to just jog around in PvE unloading on things though.
P/D is one of my favor sets. Dancing Dagger makes SO MUCH more sense on it.
Just damage was all, Heartseeker seems to deal a lot compared to everything else once you reach 50%, which is by design I imagine. Really though your copied post pretty much reflects exactly how I was feeling about the skills so far (especially the usefulness of the 3 ability) so I guess I had a better grasp on it then I thought.
Well, Backstab does more. It even does more damage that the version of Heartseeker you get at <25%.
I suppose I was leaning towards the laurel to spend on stuff to sell to get money, but I wanted your guy's thoughts.
Laurels f'sho. I've only been playing a few months but I'm already drowning in ascended mats, you likely won't have any problem getting those. Obviously it depends on *which* ascended mats (no more dragonite pls), but even if they gave us damask I'd probably still go for the laurels. Laurels are a time-gated thing, and you can buy mats any time.


Think I do the 20 laurels for my alt acc since my guard could use some more ascended trinkets at least.

Probably the same choice for my main too.


When I snagged Dusk, it went straight to the bank. I do not get how you could forge it by mistake these days. Dusk and Naegling have a unique icon now. Dusk has a bigger stat box due to the flavor text. Even throwing items into the forge by the masses -- I've done it plenty of times -- isn't speedy. There is plenty of time to see whats on the block. Naegling itself is worth 60 gold too, so why forge that?

The guy probably isn't lying, but you do have to be an extra level of careless to do that with all these factors involved.

I didn't realize the loyalty chest contents were broken down yet. So its either 20 laurels, or chance at damask. Wonder if this will affect prices in the long run.


I played some pvp with my new necro. Was not actually my first necro pvp experience; I had dabbled in power wells a bit before remaking that character into my mesmer.

I used a basic terrormancer concept: scepter/dagger + staff, plague signet/corrupt boon/flesh wurm, rabid amulet, 24404 for signet and staff traits. My initial impression is that I felt like a staff ele who traded direct damage and oh shit buttons for condi pressure and soft cc. :p

I don't mean to sound negative, though obviously that tradeoff is only viable in pvp. Terrormancer seems capable, pretty fun, and my results were good overall. The key aspect of the build is not in fact the damaging fears but rather the three ways of transferring your conditions to foes, and that's a nice mechanic when it's on demand and not like sigil of generosity. I think I'm getting a bit better with Death Shroud by treating it as a third skill bar, hence the ele reference. And I tried to differentiate my gameplay from staff ele by downing foes more decisively.

Yet the fundamental life of a necro in pvp is people will constantly attempt to body you. I tried to counter with rabid and two stunbreaks, though I'm not sure I'm in love with flesh wurm; may swap in spectral wall. Still it feels like overall necro survivability relies more on dodging, interrupts, downing your opponents and backup from your team. It's a rather high skill floor.

Next: minion master.

P/D is one of my favor sets. Dancing Dagger makes SO MUCH more sense on it.
Both dagger offhand skills make more sense to me with pistol. Cloak and dagger > run around > backstabbing feels incredibly awkward to me; I personally use stealth on steal to set up my backstabs, and if that's on cooldown I would still prefer to both stealth and approach some other way. However cloak and dagger as enemy gets too near > reposition safely away > unload just feels logical. The only problem with pistol/dagger is that shortbow is too good.


Both dagger offhand skills make more sense to me with pistol. Cloak and dagger > run around > backstabbing feels incredibly awkward to me; I personally use stealth on steal to set up my backstabs, and if that's on cooldown I would still prefer to both stealth and approach some other way. However cloak and dagger as enemy gets too near > reposition safely away > unload just feels logical. The only problem with pistol/dagger is that shortbow is too good.

Are you talking from a PvP perspective or what? In group PvE play I always have my thief positioned behind the enemy. And even if I don't all you have to do is run through someone to get into a flanking position. Generally you want to be behind them anyway so all your flanking traits are active.


Are you talking from a PvP perspective or what? In group PvE play I always have my thief positioned behind the enemy. And even if I don't all you have to do is run through someone to get into a flanking position. Generally you want to be behind them anyway so all your flanking traits are active.
For PvP I definitely don't understand D/D, but then again I don't win many thief 1v1s without the element of surprise. I would still find running through the enemy model then reversing camera to be awkward in PvE as well. In circumstances where the enemy always has their back turned to you, sure it's effective- but then again anything is effective in that scenario as you're generating no aggro.


Obviously it depends on *which* ascended mats (no more dragonite pls)
Wiki says you get a Vision Crystal and 1-2 refined mats. So, Bloodstone Brick/Crystalline Ingot/Dragonite Ingot/Empyreal Star?

Kinda leaning towards laurels for mats/money or the shards & clovers for gifts.


Are you talking from a PvP perspective or what? In group PvE play I always have my thief positioned behind the enemy. And even if I don't all you have to do is run through someone to get into a flanking position. Generally you want to be behind them anyway so all your flanking traits are active.

I did not realize there was flanking stuff in the game.
my thief is dagger dagger right now...
dagger because I like using skill 2 to move faster
and off hand dagger because I liked the throw a knife move better than the other ones for now.
I did not realize there was flanking stuff in the game.
my thief is dagger dagger right now...
dagger because I like using skill 2 to move faster
and off hand dagger because I liked the throw a knife move better than the other ones for now.

I can honestly say, don't worry too much about what weapons you use yet - just play with what you find fun, an experiment often. Someone who enjoys playing their character and has a groove going, is worth two players who follow a meta they found online on a website.


I can honestly say, don't worry too much about what weapons you use yet - just play with what you find fun, an experiment often. Someone who enjoys playing their character and has a groove going, is worth two players who follow a meta they found online on a website.

I wasn't planning on changing... I adore being able to pass my wife when we are running to something by spamming the second dagger move :p

I also run with the skill 6 move that with lightning active gives me a speed boost just like skill... I think it's 4 does with lightning on my elementalist.

If there was a class that sucked at combat, but was mostly speed boosts and designed to run around gathering materials I would likely play that as my main :p
Please don't hate me Miktar. :(

I actually hit the cap for speedtest.net, I need to find a better test. I can download 1GB per minute which is pretty damn amazing.

Tried speedof.me? Try it.

Then go take a long walk off a short pier. :p

At least tell me that's not your home connection, or if it is, it's work related.


It's a trait. Otherwise it doesn't matter.


ah, I have not quite unlocked traits them so I haven't looked at them yet
I might as well join the speed testing :P


Tried speedof.me? Try it.

Then go take a long walk off a short pier. :p

At least tell me that's not your home connection, or if it is, it's work related.

Never heard of that one before, but ended up with the same results. It is indeed my home connection. There's even a higher tier double the bandwidth but I honestly didn't see the point. As it stands, I can grab ANY game in 30 min or less guaranteed and I have way more bandwidth for any streaming I could possibly want to do. I'm at a point where unless something big and new like streaming comes along, I won't really need to upgrade for a long time. Well...if Google gets their fiber over here I'll ditch Comcast instantly.


Right. But I meant your skills won't normally get a damage or crit bonus when flanking unless you're traited for it.
No but these skills do not require traits. He's a new player and we were originally talking about Backstab for which flanking is a fundamental mechanic; we must be clear.


Never thought about it much but interesting that flanking is only a mechanic for thieves and rangers, going by that page.
Too many people in this guild who just discuss gameplay and builds...ugh.

Need new guild that likes discussing story:lore and speculating about upcoming releases. Iea fun guild.


Too many people in this guild who just discuss gameplay and builds...ugh.

Need new guild that likes discussing story:lore and speculating about upcoming releases. Iea fun guild.

We would discuss lore if Anet gives us something to discuss. Speculation just ends up with sarcastic cries of Cantha anyway.
Last trailer gave a lot to speculate about imo.

I tend to not like speculating too much, because then you fall in love with your own ideas of what might happen, and then get disappointed when the reality doesn't match up. I'd rather see the story they want to tell, not write the story I think they should tell.
I tend to not like speculating too much, because then you fall in love with your own ideas of what might happen, and then get disappointed when the reality doesn't match up. I'd rather see the story they want to tell, not write the story I think they should tell.
Boo you.


Last trailer gave a lot to speculate about imo.

The only interesting thing is the ghostly hero, which might not even be him anyway. Besides, as much as I want to go to Elona it's on the other side of the map and not really part of the story right now. Unless Anet throws a curveball and pulls in Pawa or Kralkatorrik to the LS, or Mordy decides to take a hike to the other side of the map, we should be going further into Maguuma.

Also, speculation leads to disappointment, like Miktar said.


we're gonna go to cantha and there will be playable centaurs and we'll get ritualists as a new profession and precursor scavenger hunt


What do you guys do for AA? FXAA doesn't look so hot, but it's worse with it off. I haven't tried forcing any through the Nvidia control panel yet.
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