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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Oh nice, I was hoping that would be out before I started another character. My mesmer leveled using a combination of the Arctic outfit (easily my favorite outfit so far) and Jungle outfit since her armor was always a mishmash. I dunno what class / race I'll do next but the Arcane outfit would be nice to cover up the leveling gear too.

Leaning towards Charr Engineer, I just need to pick a gender.
Yeah, as I've said before I don't use outfits on level 80s, only to cover the "mishmash" (great word!) when leveling :D Definitely gonna use Arcane on all my Asura from now on, except in Shiverpeaks ofc. Because I agree that the Arctic one is great, have to use that whenever I'm in cold areas! :D

Huge thumbs up to charr engineer too.

The only thing I don't like about the Rapier is that it's too good!

Haha. Most people I see using it are mesmers! Love yours, great use of that hair!
I'm also guilty of that. Here's my human mesmer:


Wow that looks great. I like the shoulder thingy.
Many thanks! I adore her. The armor looks off in certain light since the two armor sets react differently to light, but when it's properly lit I love the mix. It's phoenix chest and shoulder, the rest is cultural armor.


Yeah, as I've said before I don't use outfits on level 80s, only to cover the "mishmash" (great word!) when leveling :D Definitely gonna use Arcane on all my Asura from now on, except in Shiverpeaks ofc. Because I agree that the Arctic one is great, have to use that whenever I'm in cold areas! :D

I do the exact same thing. I actually did my last 30 or so levels on my Mesmer in the Shiverpeaks because I like that outfit so much and it felt 'right'.

Huge thumbs up to charr engineer too.

Leaning towards female since my other engineer is male, but I'm starting to have more ladies than gents on my roster and I don't want it to end up with three or four professions left and they all have to be male.

Well, they don't have to be, but my light OCD strongly encourages it.


Think when I finally get a new build together for my Engi lol, I be back to this again.



Went to change the Quip's look into the Aetherblade one too heh. I probably finally get rid of the bomb medic set that the Aether look is attached to when I craft a new set that I thinking of doing.


Leaning towards female since my other engineer is male, but I'm starting to have more ladies than gents on my roster and I don't want it to end up with three or four professions left and they all have to be male.

Well, they don't have to be, but my light OCD strongly encourages it.

Charr is the only race where I have more males than females (one more male!). Out of 9 of each race only 2 humans, 3 norn, 3 sylvari and 3 asura are males, but 6 of the charr. Charr have so many great looks (faces) for males, and the armor is identical so that isn't a problem for me like it is with the human-ish races. I say go for a guy and make him awesome! Preferrably with this face if you have a makeover kit! ;D I love it so much that I have two characters with it.


That is outrageously good. What sets?
Aww, made my day :D Thanks!
It's some low level boots (changed them to Vigil when I got a character far enough into the story), Aristocrat's Pants (cultural tier 2), Seer Gloves, Profane Greatcoat and Diviner Mantle :)

My Charr Warrior says:WAAAZZZ UP...
Wonderful! :D
Wow some insane /age stats around here. Do you guys even play other games?

Way more Warframe, Marvel Heroes, FFXIV, Diablo III, and Destiny than I'd like to admit. I've also recently lumped 200 hours into Fantasy Life on the 3DS.

It's amazing what you can get done, when you don't faff about. :p

I play about 45 minutes of GW2 on average a day, then four hours on Sunday. It varies, depending on Fractal groups and such. It just adds up over time.


Aww, made my day :D Thanks!
It's some low level boots (changed them to Vigil when I got a character far enough into the story), Aristocrat's Pants (cultural tier 2), Seer Gloves, Profane Greatcoat and Diviner Mantle :)

Profane Greatcoat, eh? I bet that'll look great on my female human! *looks it up*

I stuck to what i said when GW2 info was slowly leaking out in 2008, I was going to create a Charr Warrior and a Asuran Engineer, once we knew more, made up my mind my main was going to be a Sylvari Guardian, my Thief would be the Naruto opposite because my Assassin in GW1 was a Naruto clone, and the rest of my character just how i felt..

I have,
3 Humans.
2 Asurans.
1 Charr.
1 Norn.
1 Sylvari
6 Females 2 Males.


Profane Greatcoat, eh? I bet that'll look great on my female human! *looks it up*

The Profane set is... horrible. On both genders, but especially female. Male coat and female "gloves" are the only usable parts :p It looked so much better in the first game... for males. Only a little bit better for females.
It would be so cool if the expansion was both Elona & Cantha, and like in Guild Wars factions, you had to choose one of the two, to be aligned with.

The big problem would be that they wouldn't be able to make both continents in their full "deserved sizes". Between them, an expansion worth would only be a few zones in each and that seems to almost be a shame, but it would be so cool.

To have Dervish and Ritualist return, to have lots of Elonian and Canthan armors and weapons, and the inclusion of Bubbles and the Cystal Desert!? My god. I get aroused just thinking about it.
I fucking loved this episode. I really did.

Fuck yes. Goddamn. Okay, so like, I've never been *that* into Guild Wars lore. GW1 never captured me in that way, I found it to all be pretty generic LOTR-but-OC-please-don't-steal fanfic style, so whatevs, but the way the Living Story has been playing out over the last two years has been genuinely interesting, if only because, well, things actually finally came together.

Scarlet taunting Caithe about her Secret in Aetherblade path - I never imagined it would be that Caithe *knew* about the Sylvari being minions of Mordremoth. Seeing that finally play out was damn cool, and a pretty nice cutscene. They're getting better at facial animations.

I also *really* appreciated the small dialogue between Logan and Zojja after the defense of Resolve, where Logan insists they stay to keep moral up, and Zojja ribs him about it with "yeah, who'd do such a thing as leave during a critical moment", and Logan actually *takes* the jab, and they both kind of laugh it off. That they're finally able to joke about it, in such a casual, natural way, is a *huge* step forward for their character arcs.

The first time I played the Sylvari opening and fought the Shadow of the Dragon, was around the time Scarlet's arc was just starting to ramp up and people were already theorizing that she was being controlled by Mordremoth. I wonder how long they had it in the notes that the Sylvari were dragon minions - or is this just a really nice piece of retcon?

It's like, with Rytlock gone, Logan and Zojja talking properly again, and Eir getting over her weird son issues, Destiny's Edge finally feels less like a bunch of overly serious cliches (like most of Pact story arc - it had NO foils, no comedic edge, just way too take itself serious), and more like a bunch of characters whom would have probably been more interesting had we been there to see their shit unfold.

Destiny Babies is coming along, though Rox feels oddly underdeveloped - they were doing the whole her getting jealous of KaBraham being too brotherly towards Taimi, since I'm sure Rox was using Braham as her surrogate warband, and saw Taimi as kind of stepping into that. Taimi has been a no-show since what, her device was taken from her? I was hoping to see her at least somewhat in the last few episodes, if only a mail.

I also liked playing through a mini version of the trials from GW1, though I know some people didn't like it - probably because they kept dying since they suck at dealing with *real* content (I keed).

Boss dragon battle was cool, if a bit too gimmick and easy. It's like, c'mon Arenanet. We can handle more complex encounters, I swear.


When I first entered the Golden Cave I had my music all the way up, on headphones (I always do this with new LS releases, then turn it off when I have to play the normal game, Im not a fan of Jeremy Skyrim I-Only-Know-One-Brass-Movement-Seoule. But Leif Chappelle's stuff has been incredible, I think Golden Cave is now my favorite, second after Battle on the Breachmaker.

I also *LOVE* the cutscene style they've developed. The Point of No Return Easter Egg Cinematic, is STUNNING. Ever since the destruction of the Nightmare Tower cutscene, I've been looking forward to each new one.

The last frame also makes it look like Canach is joining Destiny Babies!

It's great how fast things went to hell at the end too - that their pre-emptive strike was for naught, they completely underestimated Mordremoth's power. I still wonder if what Scarlet did, made him more powerful, or less, in the long run.

People wanted a dragon - well they got a goddamn dragon.


The first time I played the Sylvari opening and fought the Shadow of the Dragon, was around the time Scarlet's arc was just starting to ramp up and people were already theorizing that she was being controlled by Mordremoth. I wonder how long they had it in the notes that the Sylvari were dragon minions - or is this just a really nice piece of retcon?

Colin confirmed they had this in mind since they finished EotN. They also mentioned they planned that fight with this in mind.


Preferrably with this face if you have a makeover kit! ;D I love it so much that I have two characters with it.

I was actually leaning towards a Charr Guardian with that face, since it looks sort of old and wise and the name I am leaning towards for him fits that to a tee.

I've been trying to go with the opposite gender on this second batch of characters. The exception has been Mesmer and Thief. Mesmer always strikes me as a feminine class (no offense to the male mesmers out there, of course) and my hand was kind of forced on the Thief. I have a Norn Ranger already and wanted a female medium class... but there's no way I'm passing up the Charr racials as potential toolbelt skills for goofing off, so... two female thieves.

I wonder how long they had it in the notes that the Sylvari were dragon minions - or is this just a really nice piece of retcon?

Since Eye of the North, according to this latest Points of Interest stream.
I wonder how long they had it in the notes that the Sylvari were dragon minions - or is this just a really nice piece of retcon?

Colin told me before POI stream that this story of Sylvari being Dragon Minions was thought of right after Eye of the North and that it was really hard to see people complain about living story going nowhere when they had this planned for so long.


God, I've been using combat mod a week now and I think it is absolutely amazing, and then I see this thread: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/for...d-for-using-tera-combat-mod/first#post4706634

I thought combat mod was legal? Are people really getting banned for using it? Should I remove it?

Good rule of thumb: If you have doubts, don't risk it. There's no way I'd ever jeopardize my account for anything. The last few months they've been policing this stuff a lot more cause of the wvw outbreak.
Colin told me before POI stream that this story of Sylvari being Dragon Minions was thought of right after Eye of the North and that it was really hard to see people complain about living story going nowhere when they had this planned for so long.

Before this reveal if felt like it was going now where, he's lying his ass off on how long ago they planned this, shit happen on the fly like the Lost writers..
Before this reveal if felt like it was going now where, he's lying his ass off on how long ago they planned this, shit happen on the fly like the Lost writers..

It was obvious from the get-go Lost had no plan, and the writers admitting it outright recently did not come as a surprise to anyone with half a brain.

However, since the *first* Living Story episode, it was clear there *was* a plan - even if it was just a sketch - they just didn't know how to approach it, and they took too long on certain elements. I believe Colin if he says they planned the Sylvari-Mordremoth thing from the start.

That's how proper writing for a long-tail arc works: major points are plotted out, A, E and I, but BCD and FGH are only filled in once more of the production happens.
I agree that everything fits too well for this to be a retcon. I mean if it was a retcon, it's one of the cleanest retcons I've ever seen/read. The only reason the PS suffered was due to Anet trying to make your character important without being instrumental (passing off all effective recognition to Trehearne) and I feel like LS1 just suffered from the growing pains of getting the story beats right with the 2 week releases.

Having marathoned Chapter 3 of LS2 through Point of No Return, it's pretty apparent that they've been dialing it in rather impressively. Hitting story beats well in addition to having more fun and engaging content. In this way, I disagree with Miktar on the Shadow Dragon fight. I didn't feel it was too easy at all, mostly because it didn't hold your hand quite as much as I feel it has in the past. It struck a good balance imo between whittling down a health bar and interacting with the environment.

I'm curious as to where the story will go from here but I also have some reservations. The idea of a specific group of characters/people being ostracized due to the rest of the populace fearing or judging them (whether warranted or not) is well worn. I hope Anet can navigate the narrative while avoiding the cliches. Then again, fighting dragons in fantasy MMO's is well worn as well and they've done an ok job with that thus far. So we'll see.
I disagree with Miktar on the Shadow Dragon fight. I didn't feel it was too easy at all, mostly because it didn't hold your hand quite as much as I feel it has in the past.

That's true - as far as encounter design goes, the fights in Glints Cave and now this boss fight are a notch above existing fare in the game, and I could see how the one "gotcha" in the fight of the smoke things moving to put out your fires could catch people if they were overly fixated on getting to Braham's bubble. I think for mid-to-high players though, it was very basic and by the numbers. I mean, everyone I know one-shotted that fight, no fails, no fires lost, no downs, nothing. Just walk in, do the thing, walk out. I felt it lacked a bit of tension. Granted, the "pro mode" version is going to be way more tricky, which is why I don't really mind that the main version of the fight is easy.


Having marathoned Chapter 3 of LS2 through Point of No Return, it's pretty apparent that they've been dialing it in rather impressively. Hitting story beats well in addition to having more fun and engaging content. In this way, I disagree with Miktar on the Shadow Dragon fight. I didn't feel it was too easy at all, mostly because it didn't hold your hand quite as much as I feel it has in the past. It struck a good balance imo between whittling down a health bar and interacting with the environment.

Yeah, I had some trouble with that fight too. In fact I was kind of annoyed when I saw someone's post to the effect of "Come on ArenaNet, we're not idiots" at a time I alt-tabbed for a break between deaths. It kinda added insult to injury and made me take a break for the night. I lost fires, I died several times (If you're downed, you're basically done in that ring). But in my defense I haven't really played in a while. Once I got the different aspects of the fight down and changed up my approach, I beat it eventually. But it was not a one shot.

I'm curious as to where the story will go from here but I also have some reservations. The idea of a specific group of characters/people being ostracized due to the rest of the populace fearing or judging them (whether warranted or not) is well worn. I hope Anet can navigate the narrative while avoiding the cliches. Then again, fighting dragons in fantasy MMO's is well worn as well and they've done an ok job with that thus far. So we'll see.

I think this has the potential to be the most compelling and emotional part of the story if they approach it correctly.
That's true - as far as encounter design goes, the fights in Glints Cave and now this boss fight are a notch above existing fare in the game, and I could see how the one "gotcha" in the fight of the smoke things moving to put out your fires could catch people if they were overly fixated on getting to Braham's bubble. I think for mid-to-high players though, it was very basic and by the numbers. I mean, everyone I know one-shotted that fight, no fails, no fires lost, no downs, nothing. Just walk in, do the thing, walk out. I felt it lacked a bit of tension. Granted, the "pro mode" version is going to be way more tricky, which is why I don't really mind that the main version of the fight is easy.

I think I died 2 or 3 times personally. Though I'm completely out of practice after pretty much a year layoff, using a build that is probably not that effective due to balances changes that have happened in that time and I've never been geared to be a DPS powerhouse really (S/D+SB Thief). The biggest issue I had was actually movement speed and endurance. Too slow to avoid the Dragon without dodging, which left me vulnerable if I didn't pay enough attention to my positioning with things like the ground raising up.

Yeah, I had some trouble with that fight too. In fact I was kind of annoyed when I saw someone's post to the effect of "Come on ArenaNet, we're not idiots" at a time I alt-tabbed for a break between deaths. It kinda added insult to injury and made me take a break for the night. I lost fires, I died several times (If you're downed, you're basically done in that ring). But in my defense I haven't really played in a while. Once I got the different aspects of the fight down and changed up my approach, I beat it eventually. But it was not a one shot.

OH MY GEEBUS the fires getting put out was a huge pain in my ass! It took me way too long to figure out that I had to kill those shadows with the flame buff on. At first I didn't even realize the fires were going out (I thought the dialogue hint meant the shadows would put out the flame buff rather than the flames in the circle) and then I thought that I just had to set the fires faster than they could extinguish them. Not having my toolbar change to indicate that having the buff could be used offensively completely threw me.
Having a hard time believing they sat on this idea and gave us Zaithan, the worst story ever..can't convince me they sat on this idea for 7 years, they probably had this planned for a few years but not right after Eye of the North sry not that gullible...
Having a hard time believing they sat on this idea and gave us Zaithan, the worst story ever..can't convince me they sat on this idea for 7 years, they probably had this planned for a few years but not right after Eye of the North sry not that gullible...

They needed to build up to this reveal. Can't just jump right into it. PS being poor is more about mistakes with figuring out how to tell the story, deliver the story, and nail the story beats.
It took me way too long to figure out that I had to kill those shadows with the flame buff on. At first I didn't even realize the fires were going out

Yeaaaaaaah. :p They even *telegraph* that the shadows put out fire, the first time you complete a fire cycle. A whole bunch of the shadows come out, put them all out. Then you light a fire, and whoa - there's a shadow! Just like the ones before!

I guess I just pay more attention than most. >..> Or I'm used to certain tropes.

Having a hard time believing they sat on this idea and gave us Zaithan, the worst story ever..can't convince me they sat on this idea for 7 years, they probably had this planned for a few years but not right after Eye of the North sry not that gullible...

Zhaitan made sense in a way. You don't go with your Best Idea out the gate, not in MMO. That's just stupid, because then it's downhill from there. Also, zombies were kinda in when GW2 was in dev, so the Risen, while I think it was a mistake, do kind of make sense in following trends.

Yeah, I had some trouble with that fight too. In fact I was kind of annoyed when I saw someone's post to the effect of "Come on ArenaNet, we're not idiots" at a time I alt-tabbed for a break between deaths..

Sorry about that. :p But that's how I felt. I felt like ArenaNet was babying me way too much. But I also forgot that not everyone plays games as much as I do, so I got over the encounter design being what I consider really simplistic. But it does highlight the issue developers have with encounter design: no matter what they do, it'll piss of one side and be too easy for the other side. I'm not sure if they can strike that balance, without resorting to the 'hard/challenge mode' backup for people who felt the original encounter was boring.

You have people that just want to autoattack to victory and reward, and people who want to feel their time is being rewarded by having them engage in thoughtful, challenging content, (and everything in between) playing the *same game*. Of course there is going to be problems/
Yeaaaaaaah. :p They even *telegraph* that the shadows put out fire, the first time you complete a fire cycle. A whole bunch of the shadows come out, put them all out. Then you light a fire, and whoa - there's a shadow! Just like the ones before!

I guess I just pay more attention than most. >..> Or I'm used to certain tropes.

Like I said, it took me way too long to figure it out. I also had a movie rocking on my second monitor, so take that for what you will.
Like I said, it took me way too long to figure it out. I also had a movie rocking on my second monitor, so take that for what you will.

So... it was a pain in your ass to complete the encounter, because you... weren't even paying attention...

Dude. Do you really need me to say it? :p Then again, I don't even know what to say anymore.

Anyway, that I feel ArenaNet should design more challenging content for the average player, just means I believe in GW2's playerbase, and that people *can* rise to the challenge if it is presented. Look at how many people here beat Liadri - and half of them did it without cheating!


Wish I could do Liadri again. I learned so much since I first beat her..

Also, I am impressed some had trouble with the boss fight. It was really standard to me.
Wish I could do Liadri again. I learned so much since I first beat her..

Also, I am impressed some had trouble with the boss fight. It was really standard to me.

I think GAF Fractal Group Alpha shouldn't comment on what is or isn't hard in the game, we're apparently not normal. >..>

EDIT: Just to not give the wrong impression.. I know that sometimes what a person's goals are, and what the game expects you to do, don't align: like when you *really* want to see what happens next in the story, but you're stuck at a bossfight that's being tricky. The more frustrated you get at not being able to see the story, the less you're actually focusing on the bossfight as something other than an obstacle. And so, it gets even harder than it really needs to be. I've been there, so I can relate.
I think GAF Fractal Group Alpha shouldn't comment on what is or isn't hard in the game, we're apparently not normal. >..>
Probably right. It took me a few minutes to figure out the mechanics but I never died during the fight. The longest part was figuring out that I needed to kill the shadows with the buff on, rather than beat them to the fire. Celestial d/d ele ftw.
Recently a podcast was posted on reddit called Guild Wars 2 players and they complained about all LS2 bosses being too hard. Which made me think those people are terrible at games especially after they said that it was hard because they don't have ascended armor or Legendaries and that dodging precisely is not an interesting challenge. They really wanted a repair anvil in instance because they died so much

I guess I'm just too good at this game.
So... it was a pain in your ass to complete the encounter, because you... weren't even paying attention...

Dude. Do you really need me to say it? :p Then again, I don't even know what to say anymore.

Anyway, that I feel ArenaNet should design more challenging content for the average player, just means I believe in GW2's playerbase, and that people *can* rise to the challenge if it is presented. Look at how many people here beat Liadri - and half of them did it without cheating!

I looked away for a split second and missed the visual clue that the shadows would put out the circle fires, yes.

However the bulk of the time I was in the phase was because I didn't realize that the Flame Buff allowed you to do damage to the shadows. I had tried attacking it when I first saw it and happened to not have the buff. So I assumed it was a mechanic based on timing rather than a buff. Time everything correctly and you'll light the fires before the shadow extinguishes them.
Wow some insane /age stats around here. Do you guys even play other games?

I actually play a lot less than I used to. There are some days I log in a get my daily reward and log out. Generally if my guildies or friends aren't on, I don't even play. Destiny and CSGO are probably the only other games I put a lot of time into, and they pale compared to this, 270 and 350 hours.
I looked away for a split second and missed the visual clue that the shadows would put out the circle fires, yes.

Nah, that's fair. I *do* see how the fight could be confusing. I thought it natural to get the buff and shoot at the shadow, because... video games. It's just such a trope. "Use the Holy Fire as Holy Fire".

complained about all LS2 bosses being too hard... said that it was hard because they don't have ascended armor or Legendaries...

I wish you were joking.


I had to whisper 2 or 3 people about the light mechanic on the flame eater. I figured it out by the little blurb under its name ("eats light" or something) but I guess that was too vague. I can see how that would be super easy to miss if your eyes weren't looking the right place, or you thought it was a timing-related puzzle.




All done. Mystery Cave had a couple redos so the whole party could wrap all the achievements up, but it went way smoother than I thought lol. Wicked Redeo went really smooth this time, so that wraps it up, just in time for the semester to begin.XD


Sorry about that. :p But that's how I felt. I felt like ArenaNet was babying me way too much. But I also forgot that not everyone plays games as much as I do, so I got over the encounter design being what I consider really simplistic. But it does highlight the issue developers have with encounter design: no matter what they do, it'll piss of one side and be too easy for the other side. I'm not sure if they can strike that balance, without resorting to the 'hard/challenge mode' backup for people who felt the original encounter was boring.

Oh, it's no problem really (now, hehe), that's why I didn't call you out by name. Bygones and such!

Sometimes in encounters I tend to have tunnel vision and not see the whole picture. I miss visual tells sometimes that are obvious to other people. Combine that with not playing for months (except to do LS episodes) and it ended badly for a while. Once I started thinking about what was happening, I adjusted and won.
Oh, it's no problem really (now, hehe), that's why I didn't call you out by name. Bygones and such!

Sometimes in encounters I tend to have tunnel vision and not see the whole picture. I miss visual tells sometimes that are obvious to other people. Combine that with not playing for months (except to do LS episodes) and it ended badly for a while. Once I started thinking about what was happening, I adjusted and won.
I did agree with you on having to play as Caithe. Dumb. Difficult because I didn't care for her skills.
Nah, that's fair. I *do* see how the fight could be confusing. I thought it natural to get the buff and shoot at the shadow, because... video games. It's just such a trope. "Use the Holy Fire as Holy Fire".

Had the Flame not already been established as serving another function OR if there were a skill change on the bar when you got the buff, then I could see it being obvious for everyone.

That not being the case though, people will figure it out at different rates.

Regardless, it's always best to assume that your experience isn't "average" for other players. Objectively, the encounter design for these latest LS chapters has been more complex than what the game has had in the past for LS or PS. That's a net positive. However that also leaves plenty of room for people with different levels of experience or mindsets to have some trouble.

I had to whisper 2 or 3 people about the light mechanic on the flame eater. I figured it out by the little blurb under its name ("eats light" or something) but I guess that was too vague. I can see how that would be super easy to miss if your eyes weren't looking the right place, or you thought it was a timing-related puzzle.

Yeah, I'm never the player who's looking for buffs/debuffs in these games. Not unless I already know it's important in relation to the mechanic of the fight. Because of that, I also don't tend to check for the tooltips of those things either. I just do a basic check of "Am I weaker/stronger or am I gaining/losing health?" If the answer to both is "no" I just keep it moving.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'd need 2125 hours of continuous gaming time to complete my games. Whoa... I may need to stop buying new games. It also told me I could watch the entire Seinfeld series 88 times in those hours. I think Id rather poke my eye out with a hot stick than watch even 30 minutes of Seinfeld.
that is a freaky avatar

there are lots of good things about you so I excuse your dismissal of seinfeld :)


All done. Mystery Cave had a couple redos so the whole party could wrap all the achievements up, but it went way smoother than I thought lol. Wicked Redeo went really smooth this time, so that wraps it up, just in time for the semester to begin.XD

Nice. I was working on mine, really liked the title, it goes prefect with a Guardian! Then I realized you had to get all the LS achievements to get the rings. Nope nope not doing it.
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