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So sadly there is another hacking incident. My sisters bf who used to play the game a lot when it was out but hasn't played for maybe 3-4 months, just tried to log-in today and was asked for authenticator code, which he doesn't know because he never set that up. Looks like they did to him exactly what they did to Callunah.

He put in a ticket to get account back.

Checking our guild logs, looks like the hacker was last online on his account, 2 weeks and 3 days ago.

Looks like before he stopped playing he transferred all his gold to gems, in hopes that when he plays again he can have a lot more money. Lost a bunch of items too but not everything.

We have said it enough but get those authenticators in before the hackers get them for you.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
So sadly there is another hacking incident. My sisters bf who used to play the game a lot when it was out but hasn't played for maybe 3-4 months, just tried to log-in today and was asked for authenticator code, which he doesn't know because he never set that up. Looks like they did to him exactly what they did to Callunah.

He put in a ticket to get account back.

Checking our guild logs, looks like the hacker was last online on his account, 2 weeks and 3 days ago.

Looks like before he stopped playing he transferred all his gold to gems, in hopes that when he plays again he can have a lot more money. Lost a bunch of items too but not everything.

We have said it enough but get those authenticators in before the hackers get them for you.

They are so considerate. Trying to secure your account for you.
I put mine in after the first incident, and then logged in and removed the entire IP history, just in case. This forced a code on next login.

Also added a code to the gmail the account is tied to.

Hopefully the combo will dissuade any would be hackers.


I now reveal my top-secret WvW Engineer build, the Zergbusting Gadgeteer.

|| Goal ||
The objective of this build is to carve out a role for engineers in blob fights through crowd control and boon stripping.

|| Build ||
Pistol/Shield (Restoration/Luck sigils)
Healing Turret, Rocket Boots, Throw Mine, Slick Shoes, Charrzooka
2 Forceful Explosives
4 Cloaking Device, Power Shoes
6 Self-regulating Defenses, Protection Injection, Automated Response
2 Speedy Gadgets
Soldier Gear (Melandru runes)
Saffron Bread

|| Guide ||
Overview: This build is not for everyone; it has relatively low DPS and the ways in which you support aren't as straightforward as granting boons or clearing conditions. Your role is to stay close to the pin and analyze when you need to bust the head of the zerg with a mine, heal your allies, or dive headfirst over the enemy line and wreak havoc.

Weapons: Pistol/shield is chosen over rifle for the multifunctional shield skills. Shield 4 is a reflect, knockback, and quick blast finisher. Shield 5 is a ranged projectile shield, melee stun, and piercing linear daze projectile. The pistol skills are not worthless, however- #1 is AoE, and poison, blind, and confusion can all be utilized within a blob.

Heal: Even in a gadget build I can't justify AED. Dropping water fields on pin provides this build a third avenue of support. You can easily double blast the field with four blast finishers, and triple blast with a bit of planning.

Utilities: The grandeur of Rocket Boots is well known, and they work particularly well with this build. Throw Mine is your bread and butter- an unblockable AoE knockback, boon strip, and blast finisher on a 14.5 second CD that sticks to walls and can be remotely detonated. Slick Shoes acts essentially as a draw-your-own static field. Not only is it too unblockable, but because it lasts a fixed duration, every increase in speed linearly increases the length of the oil trail. Slick Shoes, Rocket Boots, and the Super Speed toolbelt skill create a synergetic triumvirate that allow you to single-handedly lasso a zerg.

Toolbelt: The water field from Healing Mist can't be called out over comms due to its one second duration, but the plethora of blast finishers allow for a quick splash heal with shield #4 or rocket boots. Rocket Kick is underrated; it applies AoE burning and the 300 range mini-leap has situational value. Each of the 5 mines dropped by Mine Field is an AoE boon strip; this should be activated often but requires anticipation. Super Speed has infinite uses, and the defensive aspects of this build obviate the need to hold it in reserve as a stun break.

Elite: This build is absurd, you say. Kits are everything you got into engineer for in the first place, and you’d rather uninstall than be stuck with pistol/shield. Then may I interest you in a rocket launcher kit? Yes, you only have 15 charges, but the cooldown begins as soon as you unsheathe. Let’s examine each skill individually: Fire Rocket offers more damage and range than your pistol auto-attack. Rocket Spray releases five missiles at a random deviation: straight ahead, left 30 degrees, or right 30 degrees. However each delivers 400 knockback, and this can be very potent at close range. Heat Seeker is kind of silly with its Killshot-esque windup, but it is effective against fleeing foes and NPCs. Rocket Jump is a PbAoE knockdown and leap finisher, so it goes well with Healing Mist. Fire Rocket Barrage drops 5 burning AoE projectiles on the target area; it’s generally why I reached for my Charrzooka in the first place. And you thought Asura were the master engineering race, silly bookah.

Traits: Even in a gadget built I can’t justify Gadgeteer; survivability is higher with this trait combination. When you increase the radius of mines by 33% with Forceful Explosives, you increase the blast area by 78%. Cloaking Device turns becoming immobilized into an opportunity by dropping from your enemies’ sights, then cleansing and repositioning with Rocket Boots. The 25% movement speed bonus of Power Shoes needs no justification. Self-regulating Defenses lets you evade heavy pressure and reset yourself at 7k health; your Healing Turret should simultaneously recharge thanks to a minor trait. Another minor trait to note is the first in the Alchemy line, which grants a nice bundle of retaliation. Protection Injection provides 4s of protection in this build on a 5s CD, procs often in blob conditions, and is part of a larger strategy of weathering conditions and stuns rather than removing them. Automated Response makes this build essentially condition proof while under 10k health. Taking Speedy Gadgets is obvious.

Gear: Soldiers gear provides great survivability while also making sure you don’t hit like a pillow. Dire gear would give this build more roaming potential, but I did some math and most of the skills scale pretty well with power, the exceptions being Static Shot and Rocket Kick. Melandru runes provide baseline condition and crowd control defense. These are supplemented by Saffron bread, which reduces condition duration and damage received while CCed. The Restoration and Luck sigils are the least defined parts of the build, but you’re essentially limited to on-hit, on-kill, stacking sigils, or sigil of force with Soldier gear. Restoration gives you sustain within the blob, while the Luck sigil randomly grants all boons- most importantly stability (the wiki is wrong).

Summary: Clearly I don't think I've discovered an engineering secret sauce, but I've yet to see anyone propose this combination of utilities. This build offers great potential for “advanced tactics” and it’s a lot of fun.
I now reveal my top-secret WvW Engineer build, the Zergbusting Gadgeteer.

|| Goal ||
The objective of this build is to carve out a role for engineers in blob fights through crowd control and boon stripping.

|| Build ||
Pistol/Shield (Restoration/Luck sigils)
Healing Turret, Rocket Boots, Throw Mine, Slick Shoes, Charrzooka
2 Forceful Explosives
4 Cloaking Device, Power Shoes
6 Self-regulating Defenses, Protection Injection, Automated Response
2 Speedy Gadgets
Soldier Gear (Melandru runes)
Saffron Bread

|| Guide ||
Overview: This build is not for everyone; it has relatively low DPS and the ways in which you support aren't as straightforward as granting boons or clearing conditions. Your role is to stay close to the pin and analyze when you need to bust the head of the zerg with a mine, heal your allies, or dive headfirst over the enemy line and wreak havoc.

Weapons: Pistol/shield is chosen over rifle for the multifunctional shield skills. Shield 4 is a reflect, knockback, and quick blast finisher. Shield 5 is a ranged projectile shield, melee stun, and piercing linear daze projectile. The pistol skills are not worthless, however- #1 is AoE, and poison, blind, and confusion can all be utilized within a blob.

Heal: Even in a gadget build I can't justify AED. Dropping water fields on pin provides this build a third avenue of support. You can easily double blast the field with four blast finishers, and triple blast with a bit of planning.

Utilities: The grandeur of Rocket Boots is well known, and they work particularly well with this build. Throw Mine is your bread and butter- an unblockable AoE knockback, boon strip, and blast finisher on a 14.5 second CD that sticks to walls and can be remotely detonated. Slick Shoes acts essentially as a draw-your-own static field. Not only is it too unblockable, but because it lasts a fixed duration, every increase in speed linearly increases the length of the oil trail. Slick Shoes, Rocket Boots, and the Super Speed toolbelt skill create a synergetic triumvirate that allow you to single-handedly lasso a zerg.

Toolbelt: The water field from Healing Mist can't be called out over comms due to its one second duration, but the plethora of blast finishers allow for a quick splash heal with shield #4 or rocket boots. Rocket Kick is underrated; it applies AoE burning and the 300 range mini-leap has situational value. Each of the 5 mines dropped by Mine Field is an AoE boon strip; this should activated often but requires anticipation. Super Speed has infinite uses, and the defensive aspects of this build obviate the need to hold it in reserve as a stun break.

Elite: This build is absurd, you say. Kits are everything you got into engineer for in the first place, and you’d rather uninstall than be stuck with pistol/shield. Then may I interest you in a rocket launcher kit? Yes, you only have 15 charges, but the cooldown begins as soon as you unsheathe. Let’s examine each skill individually: Fire Rocket offers more damage and range than your pistol auto-attack. Rocket Spray releases five missiles at a random deviation: straight ahead, left 30 degrees, or right 30 degrees. However each delivers 400 knockback, and this can be very potent at close range. Heat Seeker is kind of silly with its Killshot-esque windup, but it is effective against fleeing foes and NPCs. Rocket Jump is a PbAoE knockdown and leap finisher, so it goes well with Healing Mist. Fire Rocket Barrage drops 5 burning AoE projectiles on the target area; it’s generally why I reached for my Charrzooka in the first place. And you thought Asura were the master engineering race, silly bookah.

Traits: Even in a gadget built I can’t justify Gadgeteer; survivability is higher with this trait combination. When you increase the radius of mines by 33% with Forceful Explosives, you increase the blast area by 78%. Cloaking Device turns becoming immobilized into an opportunity by dropping from your enemies’ sights, then cleansing and repositioning with Rocket Boots. The 25% movement speed bonus of Power Shoes needs no justification. Self-regulating Defenses lets you evade heavy pressure and reset yourself at 7k health; your Healing Turret should simultaneously recharge thanks to a minor trait. Another minor trait to note is the first in the Alchemy line, which grants a nice bundle of retaliation. Protection Injection provides 4s of protection in this build on a 5s CD, procs often in blob conditions, and is part of a larger strategy of weathering conditions and stuns rather than removing them. Automated Response makes this build essentially condition proof while under 10k health. Taking Speedy Gadgets is obvious.

Gear: Soldiers gear provides great survivability while also making sure you don’t hit like a pillow. Dire gear would give this build more roaming potential, but I did some math and most of the skills scale pretty well with power, the exceptions being Static Shot and Rocket Kick. Melandru runes provide baseline condition and crowd control defense. These are supplemented by Saffron bread, which reduces condition duration and damage received while CCed. The Restoration and Luck sigils are the least defined parts of the build, but you’re essentially limited to on-hit, on-kill, stacking sigils, or sigil of force with Soldier gear. Restoration gives you sustain within the blob, while the Luck sigil randomly grants all boons- most importantly stability (the wiki is wrong).

Summary: Clearly I don't think I've discovered an engineering secret sauce, but I've yet to see anyone propose this combination of utilities. This build offers great potential for “advanced tactics” and it’s a lot of fun.

Kind of remind me of http://www.wolfineer.com/2014/06/mishvas-commander-build/

I have stayed away from the mines but I might have to look at them. I usually run in small GAF groups of 5-10 max but I think boon strips and knock backs are always good.


^must be Charr!

I can't believe all this hacking. I wonder what is with the frequency

I asked a friend of the guild last night just to see if there was more hacking than usual or if GAF was being specifically targeted. They said that they've been cracking down hard on gold sellers which is making then desperate and more likely to hack people. Lots of guilds getting cleaned out, that's the first thing they go for.

Probably explains the seller spam too, they're getting squeezed out and are struggling to stay in business.


Dawned on me that this thread got more than two thousand posts in about a month.

I am part of the problem.

Such fun indeed... good laughs, good times, and lots of things to laugh at for sure! Breezy... you might not sound whaelish, but your sound effects are hilarious!

Now, if only we could do the JP's with our princess tonics ... I want screen shots of THAT! I have a feeling Gattsby would be the first to suicide off of a cliff...again. *grin*

I ain't taking no tonic against my will! I don't make sound effects, I dunno what you're on about!

also known as "hawkian-free jumping puzzles"

Please come next time, maybe I won't be the one to die the most.

You should have been there it was fun. I caused all of Braxzy's deaths.



Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I ain't taking no tonic against my will! I don't make sound effects, I dunno what you're on about!

Brax was streaming last night during jumping puzzles. You guys missed it.


Please come mext time, maybe I won't be the one to die the most.

That's Roxie's job.


^must be Charr!
Didn't you know that GW2 requires extensive research of the playable races or else you'll be locked out of the best builds?

I asked a friend of the guild last night just to see if there was more hacking than usual or if GAF was being specifically targeted. They said that they've been cracking down hard on gold sellers which is making then desperate and more likely to hack people. Lots of guilds getting cleaned out, that's the first thing they go for.
Strike Force had a big hacking wave recently; it's not just GAF.


Has the stream finished? Damn it I missed it. There's nothing showing in the last 7 days in the video bit either.

Why am I always late to the party -.-
That bit about "oh hey, you can bring your friends that haven't paid the toll! Only thing is ....wonkayougetnothing.gif" doesn't quite please me :(


The Cryptarch's Bane
Those are reassuring points both, I approve!

The bit about "some content requiring tons of players in season 1" makes me think that they won't be doing stuff on scale that in the open world anymore, which is a shame if so.

edit: sigh
Are you saying we should only play GW2 behind 7 proxies?
8 is best



Thanks. I think the thing I like most about this is the fact that so long as I log in, even if I don't get time during a two week period to finish it, I'll be able to go back and do it. Although I'll probably be there for all of them. From the sounds of it with the achievements, I'm guessing rewards are no longer going to be quite so special/rare if Achievements are also doable after the fact.

That pic is perfect and exactly how I picture Brax playing. =P
Haha very funny Gattsby! You died last night too. Saw you just fly off the edge.

You guys are making me conscious of how I act whilst I play :'(


Question: What do I do if my phone is unable to use the authenticator?

In what way do you mean? Do you mean if you lost your phone after the fact? Or if your phone isn't capable of downloading the app?

If it is the former, Google has an FAQ on issues with the two-step process, with Phone lost/stolen information at the top. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185834?hl=en#gvoice

If you mean you can't download the app in order to do the GW2 authenticator set up you can alternatively do an email authenticator here: https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/28147576-E-mail-Authentication

The alternative would be people standing in LA screaming "SELLING SEASON 2 CHAPTER 2 RUNS 10G"

Yup, that is literally the reason they wouldn't do it. It makes sense really and in a way, it's good of them to even let you allow a friend to experience something they don't own imo.


In what way do you mean? Do you mean if you lost your phone after the fact? Or if your phone isn't capable of downloading the app?

If it is the former, Google has an FAQ on issues with the two-step process, with Phone lost/stolen information at the top. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185834?hl=en#gvoice

If you mean you can't download the app in order to do the GW2 authenticator set up you can alternatively do an email authenticator here: https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/28147576-E-mail-Authentication

Yup, that is literally the reason they wouldn't do it. It makes sense really and in a way, it's good of them to even let you allow a friend to experience something they don't own imo.
Yeah, its the latter.
I guess I do have the e-mail authenticator working.


Yeah, its the latter.
I guess I do have the e-mail authenticator working.

There are some third party versions of the Google Authenticator app that work on Windows: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Authenticator

I'm assuming since it is using the same code the GW2 authentication process would work. The question is whether or not it'd be safe to do so. I don't have a clue how it works so I personally wouldn't risk it, it probably isn't all that secure.


The alternative would be people standing in LA screaming "SELLING SEASON 2 CHAPTER 2 RUNS 10G"
No, the alternative is "pay up or you're shit out of luck" Im so tired of anet giving free content then having other people wonder why they aren't also mailing you a crisp $100 bill with each update.
No, the alternative is "pay up or you're shit out of luck" Im so tired of anet giving free content then having other people wonder why they aren't also mailing you a crisp $100 bill with each update.

I'm 100% in agreement that people who do not unlock the Chapters by logging in, and who don't then unlock them later with 200 gems, should NOT get rewards when piggybacking in with someone who has the chapter unlocked.

If people were given the rewards for running the content without having it unlocked, it would create the scenario of people selling runs through the content, and I seriously don't want that. I'm already on the fence about people selling dungeon runs.

I agree, that there is a lot of entitlement on display lately in the GW2 community, one that really has no right to be so entitled, since Anet already gives players far more than they deserve, and goes above and beyond the call of duty in terms of giving players content for minimal, if not zero, fees. There simply is *no better deal* in the MMO space than GW2's buy once get all the stuff free model. I do not consider gem store cosmetics and conveniences *critical* for anyone, in any way, and since you can buy them using in-game money, it's even a moot point to try an hold the gem store up as some kind of 'money grubbing' mechanic.

So trust me - I hear ya.


Doing random jumping puzzles with the guild last night was a blast, just the kind of relaxing evening I needed. And being on my Mesmer, of course I received compliments on my cuteness from total strangers, because I am the Cutest Asura in the Guild.


I agree, that there is a lot of entitlement on display lately in the GW2 community, one that really has no right to be so entitled, since Anet already gives players far more than they deserve, and goes above and beyond the call of duty in terms of giving players content for minimal, if not zero, fees. There simply is *no better deal* in the MMO space than GW2's buy once get all the stuff free model. I do not consider gem store cosmetics and conveniences *critical* for anyone, in any way, and since you can buy them using in-game money, it's even a moot point to try an hold the gem store up as some kind of 'money grubbing' mechanic.

The only part of the gemstore that still bothers me is the drop rate on Black Lion ticket scraps. I feel like they should be a 100% drop rate, but the number required to create a ticket should go up (probably double). So often the chests are a straight up gamble, knowing that you will always be making progress towards something, even if it's slow but steady, would make me much more likely to buy keys.
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