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edit: posting from here :>

That looks reaaaaaal purrty. I still haven't got a postcard though, lost in the mail? :p

Yeah I still don't get the decision to run personal gear in PvP for Destiny, especially after their Halo days with weapons on map etc. I don't think it works in any game because people are instantly at a disadvantage to others.

I should be on for missions tonight, I will personally take 1-5G donations by mail for the pretend super lottery.
Don't send me money.


So I got my adorable Mesmer to 80 last week, and I've been trying something different. Usually I ask around in guild chat or if I loathe myself at that particular moment I'll check the internet for builds. Just to get a feel for what "works" so that I can kind of tweak it to my own preferences. But I enjoyed two specific things while leveling my Mesmer that there aren't really builds for; Blurred Frenzy (the mainhand sword #2 skill) and Mirror (the heal with a ridiculously short cooldown that reflects projectiles). I wanted to see if a build based around reflecting punishment back at enemies (via actual reflects and retaliation) and becoming impossible to hit (via Distortion) could work. So my setup is;

0 / 6 / 0 / 4 / 4

Blade Training (IV) Deceptive Evasion (X), Triumphant Distortion (XIII)
Increased Precision and reduced CD on swords means faster Blurred Frenzy and clone generation, and the extra precision helps (especially with the Critical Infusion minor trait giving me Vigor). Deceptive Evasion feels like a mandatory trait for Mesmers, and since I'm focusing on dodging a lot with this build that comes in handy (even if this isn't a build that's all about clones). The Grandmaster trait is a thing of beauty to behold when I'm fighting multiple enemies at once. It's almost permanent distortion if I do it right.

Mender's Purity (IV), Warden's Feedback (VIII)
Mender's Purity allows my heal to do a shitload of heavy lifting; it heals, reflects, cures conditions and makes julienne fries, all on a 15 second cooldown. Warden's Feedback turns my Temporal Curtain into a Wall of Reflection... with a 20 second cooldown... that also grants swiftness... and can be used to interrupt enemies... and generate retaliation. I swap out Mender's Purity in dungeons (see below).

Masterful Reflection(IV), Phantasmal Haste (X)
Distortion is on such a long Cooldown (50s) that this trait seems kinda pointless, except that Triumphant Distortion triggers a lot when I'm fighting multiple foes. I can also pop Distortion itself for a quick reflect. I do wish Blurred Frenzy counted as a distortion again, that'd just make this so damn perfect.

I honestly might drop out Haste for Illusionary Invigoration, just because it would give me Distortion back when I need it most. I am using Phantasms though, so it's not like I'm wasting points. Phantasmal Warden does a bunch of reflecting for me too, I just wish I could plop it wherever I wanted and the effect was a little clearer.

Sword / Focus
Sword for Blurred Frenzy and clone generation / teleport, Focus for Curtain and Warden. Because of the Warden's Feedback trait, focus is the source of my 'fast' reflects (and having swiftness makes it a tad easier to get around). Temporal Curtain does a ton of heavy lifting here. Haven't tried WvW yet, but I'd love to learn to use it to pull enemies off walls. As mentioned above, I can Illusionary Leap through it for some retaliation.

Scepter / Torch
Since my build is all about reflecting and evading, my second weapon set is ranged in case I need breathing room. Prestige gets me out if I'm absolutely in a bind and Mage grants some retaliation if I'm heading back in. The real star though is Illusionary Counter (Scepter #2), which is both a block (if I need to negate a hit, plus it grants a clone) and a ranged blind for when I want to rush back in. I grabbed the Sigil of Energy for the endurance refill on swap so now I can dodge more too. Yay.

The Torch functions, but is absolutely not ideal. I'd really love it if ArenaNet gave Mesmers shields to support a reflect-heavy build. One skill could be a channeled defensive stance that blocks attacks (with a trait to reflect ranged attacks). You could cancel the block early to unleash a Petrifying Gaze (that purple ray that Basilisks use to turn you to stone). Currently Thieves are the only profession to have Petrify, and it would give Mesmers more survival via their 'niche' (misdirection and crowd control). No idea what a second skill could be for Mesmer Shield though. Maybe a Phantasm, though I feel like Torch and Focus both having that (and with focus being defensive and torch granting retaliation, there's not really much left for a defensive phantasm to do). I do wish Phantasmal Warden was a skill you could place at a specific location and had a clearer visual for it's protective bubble (sort of like a mini-feedback?) Anyways...

Since this is mostly an experiment, I wanted to try it on the cheap. I had narrowed the gear down to either Valkyrie (Power / Vitality / Ferocity) or Knights (Toughness / Power / Precision) and found the Knights stuff to be cheaper. Since I'm aiming for some retaliation in this build, the survival helps a little too. I grabbed cheap Runes of Air just for the extra ferocity and swiftness (and again, because they're cheap). I usually dig into runes last, but I'm not sure there's really any that would directly compliment the build. Runes of the Adventurer, perhaps, for the endurance on heal. Since Mirror is also serving as a reflect and on such a short cooldown, I could use it to also regenerate more endurance for dodging (which is also more clone generation).

I was turned off early on by how low the healing is on this skill, but at 15 seconds it's pretty spammable. The reflect is quick and dirty (as near as I can tell, it begins instantly even though the skill has a 1 1/4 cast time). If I swapped my runes out it'd also be some endurance regeneration. Very tempting, even though I'm not really running a condition build (though being a mesmer, I'm always kind of using them by default). Cheap enough I can experiment later. When I'm not in a dungeon, I swap out Glamour Mastery for Mender's Purity so it also removes two conditions to boot.

I love this skill when it works, and hate it when it doesn't. There are some attacks that are ranged but aren't projectiles; any kind of flame blast (hello, everything in CoF), the golems that 'shoot' their arms (how cool would it be to Echo that?), etc. But when it reflects a whole barrage of ranged attacks and pockets a projectile you can toss back, it feels so good. One thing I do wish is that the projectile had some kind of secondary effect tied to it, like a little dallop of confusion or something.

I love that it takes a bit of skill to know when an enemy is about to shoot something you can snag, there's a lot to pay attention to as a fragile mesmer, having this one little trick to watch for opportunities for is fun. Never leaves my bar, though I wish I could cancel the effect early to gain retaliation or protection or something. It's so range-centric that in a melee fight it has no use.

Breaks stuns, gives me stealth, creates a clone. There's no part of that I don't like. When I'm in a dungeon, this is swapped out for Null Field, by the way... because it's awesome in dungeons.

More reflect, long duration, and I can self-combo with both Illusionary Leap (Sword) or The Prestige (Torch) to gain Chaos Armor. Which isn't amazing, but still a nice benefit. I could probably swap this out for something like Pain Inverter, but when it's not on my skill bar I find myself in situations where I wish I had it. Like when an enemy is using a volley or something and I could bubble all of that damage right back into their face. So even with the longer CD without Glamour Mastery, I still love it.

Mass Invisibility
I don't use this very much, and sometimes I'll switch it out for Moa Morph just because it's hilarious. It's mostly for situations where the shit has hit the fan, but that seems to occur so rarely just because I'm playing so cautiously anyways to optimize reflects that I haven't run into a situation where I HAVE to bail out. Swapped out for Time Warp in dungeons, of course. I know what everybody wants a Mesmer for.

Crap melee.
If something wants to get up close and personal, I've got a handful of answers. Mostly Blurred Frenzy and a lot of dodging so I can shove a bunch of suicide bomber clones up the ass of whatever I'm fighting. It's not especially reflect-y, but Mesmers don't really do melee anyways so... yeah. I've toyed with going Sword / Sword for the extra block (which would coax me into using Retaliatory Shield in the Duelist line since I'd have two ways to block-for-retaliation), and ditching Torch. I'm usually careful enough I don't need to stealth away, and Phantasmal Mage's cooldown is too long for me to want to use it too often. I like having Sword / Focus paired together though, but I imagine I can get used to it.

Caution Required.
I find myself setting my battles up like I do on my thief. Stroll up, assess the situation, see if anything is going to wander in or out of the fight and then pounce on 'em hard. I also need to watch for ranged attacks because this build is all about the satisfaction of watching enemies rip themselves apart. On the plus side, I find myself playing the same meta-game that I do on my Thief; the "How many enemies can I kill before something hits me?" game. I don't win as often as I do on my thief, but I'm still sorting out the build.

Also, adorableness!

So, anyone have any thoughts on how this build might be improved? No lie, it's not super effective (more crit would help burn enemies down so I don't run out of tricks and die), but it's fun. I go to my Warrior when shit needs to get done, he's geared and set up in such a way that he's reliable in any situation I could want. That means alts are just there for pure entertainment.


I've never played Mesmer so I can't make any suggestions but I'll certainly have a proper look at your build when I get round to making one.

I was halfway through levelling up a craft via gw2crafts.net last time I was on, I bought all the ingredients listed for 1-400 and got half way there. The guide page has refreshed one way or another since then and now it's telling me to do different things with different ingredient amounts.. crap.


I've never played Mesmer so I can't make any suggestions but I'll certainly have a proper look at your build when I get round to making one.

I was halfway through levelling up a craft via gw2crafts.net last time I was on, I bought all the ingredients listed for 1-400 and got half way there. The guide page has refreshed one way or another since then and now it's telling me to do different things with different ingredient amounts.. crap.

What you bought will still work, you'll just have to figure out what you need to make for yourself. I believe that guide only shows the least expensive way to level a craft. Since you bought everything already, you don't need to worry about costs.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Do you think it will be a great game? Previews I have read seems to indicate the game has a personality complex between a MMO and a narrative single player shooter. I am a bit scared for Bungies sake that like games like Planetside 2, it will be great, but won't have the longevity.

(gear in Destiny pvp seems like a huge misstep)

1. I think Destiny will be wildly successful, but I'm unsure about the longevity of the game as far as user base goes.

2. I agree about the gear in PvP. I think that it will attract a lot of the die hard Halo fans because it is Bungie and because the PvP is trying to, (and has succeeded based on streams and pro's opinions), bring back the Halo 2/3 feel. Having the gear element of it may overshadow that though. Halo has always shined brightest when it was an even, arena-style playing field. Allowing gear and ability customization could ruin that.

They could always include a competitive playlist, but that didn't really have much of an impact on Halo 4's popularity. Having a stripped and even gear set, like in GW2 sPvP, would make more sense to me.

@Callunah, that was not funny. If I didn't waypoint I would have been stuck in there forever and starved to death.

It was hilarious hearing about it.

I'm really bummed that I missed this. I would watch Kos fall in pits all day.


What you bought will still work, you'll just have to figure out what you need to make for yourself. I believe that guide only shows the least expensive way to level a craft. Since you bought everything already, you don't need to worry about costs.

That's the problem though, half the levelling up involves discovering X amount of things and then using the discovered stuff to make other stuff. I have tonnes and tonnes of random mats that could be needed for anything :L

Like you said though, I'll just try and wing it with what I've got.


So, anyone have any thoughts on how this build might be improved?
To me the build is kind of neither here nor there. I have to assume this is for PvE, as it's not optimized at all for sPvP or WvW. There are PvE builds built around reflect, but my understanding is they go all out in precision because reflecting boss skills scales only with precision and ferocity. So it's kind of confusing why you would have a PvE mesmer build with all those survivability stats.

But then it's also unclear where your damage is coming from. You're clearly not going shatters, but you've hardly boosted your phantasms. More importantly, you've picked some of the worst DPS phantasms. Focus is only good against NPCs, which is fine if this is a PvE build. Torch phantasm is worthless. The top tier DPS phantasms are OH sword, OH pistol, and greatsword. I'm personally an advocate of scepter/sword- two blocks, the #4 is also a daze projectile if it doesn't connect and a devastating single target power shot if it does, and #5 is a phantasm that chases and punishes.

So my recommendation would be to take the build in a firm direction- either full reflect with assassin gear, better PvE dps, or more appropriate sPvP/WvW traits. I wouldn't want to play a jack of all trades mesmer.


I've hit level 400 Weaponcrafting after a bit of trial and error with some of my mats. I just realised the stupid dusts I want to craft into bricks to save space need level 450.. I'm wondering whether it's worth using all my ecto's and such to get there.



Exactly the kind of response I was looking for. Yes, it is strictly for PVE, there's no way I'd set foot in this in any kind of PVP where it's so gimmicky. It's completely stupid, but I just wanted to see if a fighting style could be built around reflecting everything ranged back and impossible to hit up close. A "Is such a thing even possible? approach.

That's why I went with the Knights gear; just grabbing some cheap yellow armor and major runes/sigils to see if it could be done mechanically before I started looking at a 'real' set. I grabbed any trait that could trigger a reflect or distortion, with an eye towards retaliation if possible. Narrowing it down to what works and doesn't is part of the fun for me. As you said, there are builds out there built around reflect, but I wanted to piece one together myself since I usually just take the easy way and see what others have done (and in the past that's kind of taken some of the fun out of the game for me).

I mentioned going sword/sword, but I like your suggestion of scepter/sword for the dual blocks and increased damage. I still like the idea of being able to drop Temporal Curtain as a Wall of Reflect, so I'm thinking my second set would stay Sword / Focus. Since this is for dinking around in PVE, it shouldn't be too much trouble (and I always carry every weapon I can use anyways, so it's not like I can't swap out in a dungeon or group if needed).

Since the goal is to just reflect shit, I'll probably craft some Assassin gear when I get the build polished. It's stupid, but when I was playing my Warrior I just sort of found the way I enjoyed playing and polished the build from there. I later found out that what I was running was very similar to a popular WvW build (my build being adapted for PvE of course), but I had come at it my own way. When I got my Guardian to 80, I just started looking for builds online and it just sort of sapped the fun out of things.

Thanks for looking over it.


FA has so many people, yet some of them still exploit. Ugh. Bug/screened some today, maybe it'll get looked into.

SBI's daytime force is just fghrk. Seems like post-season is always rough.


I grabbed any trait that could trigger a reflect or distortion, with an eye towards retaliation if possible.
I think you're still missing a major reflection component: Illusions XI - Illusionary Persona. Creating the distortion effect on yourself, when combined with Masterful Reflection, provides another on-demand reflector without needing any illusions out. Plus this synergizes with the shatter cooldown reduction of the Illusions line.

Also I don't really believe in retaliation for a PvE mesmer. To me, retaliation has two viable scenarios:
1) You can keep retaliation up and you yourself have sustain. I imagine guardians are the prime example of this; I don't play guardian.
2) You (or your party) are about to take a predictable burst of damage. This is why we blast retaliation before a blob engagement, but in PvE you should probably dodge, block, or blind.

Mesmers should observe the first rule of video games: don't get hit.


Ah this sucks . every master armorsmith in BL that can sell me skins (bone armor ) is borked .

If the issue is not resolved tomorrow , i am going to take a support ticket.


i've been thinking on a healing shouts might based warrior

:\ not optimal but, got clerics on armor, and knights on trinkets.

runes are of water, the sigils are both of strenght and of accuracy.

trait line goes like this: 0/0/5/6/3

defense i pick II and IX

tactics i pick II, VI and XII

discipline is III
(usually, nothing keeps me from swapping my current traits. NOTHING. )

skills are Healing signet, and almost all time For Great Justice, On My Mark and Shake it Off, last skills is Signet of Rage, since building adrenaline gives me an extra regen. thought i can spend my adrenaline to burst conditions and get fury, since it will build very quickly in battle.

... im not very sure about it... but welp... now im calculating how much it will cost me.

trinkets are exotic.


I think you're still missing a major reflection component: Illusions XI - Illusionary Persona. Creating the distortion effect on yourself, when combined with Masterful Reflection, provides another on-demand reflector without needing any illusions out. Plus this synergizes with the shatter cooldown reduction of the Illusions line.

I hadn't even looked at that one, but those are both useful effects. My only concern is that it pulls 2 points from somewhere; either Triumphant Distortion (which is up quite a bit) or Warden's Feedback (which is one of my main on-demand reflects, plus swiftness, plus an interrupt). For what is essentially 1 second of distortion / reflect and ~4 seconds on what is still a long cooldown.

I'm not sure the tradeoff is worth it, but I'll experiment and see which is better.

Also I don't really believe in retaliation for a PvE mesmer . . . Mesmers should observe the first rule of video games: don't get hit.

Yep, looking over my build there's nothing I'm really going out of my way for in terms of retaliation. I mentioned possibly grabbing Retaliatory Shield but I'd rather have the 20% CD reduction and increased precision from Blade Training.


i've been thinking on a healing shouts might based warrior
Ah, shout healers, my main. You've got a very interesting take here, mixing healing and damage boosts. Perhaps you could work in some zealot pieces.

On traits, I would consider going 2 in Discipline so you can go 6 Defense; there are just so many great options. With Cleansing Ire you've already got solid adrenaline generation, so you ought to swap in Warbanner.

I would not choose Water runes. I've boarded the Trooper bandwagon since Lyssa was nerfed.

The rest looks solid, but you've neglected the most important warrior build details of all- weapons. :p


Ah, shout healers, my main. You've got a very interesting take here, mixing healing and damage boosts. Perhaps you could work in some zealot pieces.

On traits, I would consider going 2 in Discipline so you can go 6 Defense; there are just so many great options. With Cleansing Ire you've already got solid adrenaline generation, so you ought to swap in Warbanner.

I would not choose Water runes. I've boarded the Trooper bandwagon since Lyssa was nerfed.

The rest looks solid, but you've neglected the most important warrior build details of all- weapons. :p

im... running with my greatsword right now... and its fine... yet to test with other weapons to see the effects. i got the water runes because it lifts me to 50% boon duration, helps the fury and might duration. wich in turn helps me to generate more might.


My warrior runs 0/6/0/6/2. Sword / Axe and Longbow. Trooper runes in Zerker gear (I have a Knights set around, but only use it for new content I want a little extra survival for). Sigils of Bloodlust and Intelligence for the melee set, Energy for the longbow (I'll dodge out when things get dicey and take a breather outside melee range). Zerker accessories.

I'll drop longbow for rifle for single-target fights where we're okay on might, but I love having the self-combo of Combustive Shot > Arcing Arrow for might, then > Weapon Swap > Savage Leap for Fire Shield.

Deep Cuts, Blademaster and Dual Wield Agility
Lung Capacity, Burning Arrows, Vigorous Shouts
Warrior's Sprint

Drop Burning Arrows for Quick Breathing and swap WH for Axe for WvW'ing
Drop Warrior's Sprint for Inspiring Shouts in low-mobility situations (dungeons, mostly)​

Healing Surge, For Great Justice, Shake it Off, On My Mark, Warbanner.

Drop OMM for Fear Me in WvW.​

Get up in their faces and bleed them like crazy (I had a Rampager's set, but it didn't seem as effective), shouts heal and remove conditions. Axe #4 and FGJ keeps fury up 100% of the time for maximum crit. Final Thrust 'em into the grave. Axe #5 for crowds.

Edit: I did want to try a might-dumping GS build that used Phalanx Strength, but I haven't gotten around to it. I think I have a bit of a bias against GS Warriors since every warrior everywhere seems to use them.


My warrior runs 0/6/0/6/2. Sword / Axe and Longbow. Trooper runes in Zerker gear (I have a Knights set around, but only use it for new content I want a little extra survival for). Sigils of Bloodlust and Intelligence for the melee set, Energy for the longbow (I'll dodge out when things get dicey and take a breather outside melee range). Zerker accessories.

I'll drop longbow for rifle for single-target fights where we're okay on might, but I love having the self-combo of Combustive Shot > Arcing Arrow for might, then > Weapon Swap > Savage Leap for Fire Shield.

Deep Cuts, Blademaster and Dual Wield Agility
Lung Capacity, Burning Arrows, Vigorous Shouts
Warrior's Sprint

Drop Burning Arrows for Quick Breathing and swap WH for Axe for WvW'ing
Drop Warrior's Sprint for Inspiring Shouts in low-mobility situations (dungeons, mostly)​

Healing Surge, For Great Justice, Shake it Off, On My Mark, Warbanner.

Drop OMM for Fear Me in WvW.​

Get up in their faces and bleed them like crazy (I had a Rampager's set, but it didn't seem as effective), shouts heal and remove conditions. Axe #4 and FGJ keeps fury up 100% of the time for maximum crit. Final Thrust 'em into the grave. Axe #5 for crowds.

Edit: I did want to try a might-dumping GS build that used Phalanx Strength, but I haven't gotten around to it. I think I have a bit of a bias against GS Warriors since every warrior everywhere seems to use them.

thats other solid build right there. im thinking about putting a trait to pick up more might generation.

right now i can generate might simply by auto attacking and get up to 5 might. if i change the trait ant put up phalanx strenght i may be able to generate 10 might on auto attack. ... maaaye?


im... running with my greatsword right now... and its fine... yet to test with other weapons to see the effects. i got the water runes because it lifts me to 50% boon duration, helps the fury and might duration. wich in turn helps me to generate more might.
Well they're ok for budget runes I guess then. Strength would be best, obviously, but if you're going to focus on boons I still think you'd be better off with Rage or Hoelbrak.

Personally I go 100% cleric. :)


Jolly good show with the guild missions chaps! T'was a lot of fun.

We definitely need to ask about new guild mission content. As fun as they are, it'd be great to have more variety.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I would give ^ that a collective 9/10 Asuras.

Thanks for the guild missions tonight guys. It was really fun!



Can't unsee.

i tried to find the asuras but that was all i could see...

Well they're ok for budget runes I guess then. Strength would be best, obviously, but if you're going to focus on boons I still think you'd be better off with Rage or Hoelbrak.

Personally I go 100% cleric. :)

nnnnnggggrrr :( i know, but these damn hoelbrak ones were like so fucking costy to me, im poor because i dont run TP or sell mats, the way i like playing doesnt gives me much money, i normally dont need money those are one of the rare situations i need.

DAT MIGHT DURATION AND POWER, SO DELICIOUS, i could see myself pulling a for great justice then a GS2 just to start my mighty furious train of no stopping.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
does the gem gold exchange fluctuate a lot? If so, when is the usual time to exchange gold to gems?


does the gem gold exchange fluctuate a lot? If so, when is the usual time to exchange gold to gems?

There isn't really a good time. Looking at a month of data doesn't really reveal any sharp drops (ignore that weird drop, that's an error with the site) at specific times. It's kind of a crap shoot. You can ALMOST predict spikes in gems-to-gold because they tend to happen when people buy gemshop items (usually Tuesdays) and then have gems left over that they just burn on some gold. But headed in the other direction? Nadda.


does the gem gold exchange fluctuate a lot? If so, when is the usual time to exchange gold to gems?

Personal observation leads me to think the best times are around the end of EST prime or a bit latter. That said, there are only real spikes when something interesting hits the gem store OR around major gift giving holidays when people are exchanging cards. Otherwise most days you're talking about a small variation. The thing to watch for is that the stated conversion rate is most often close but not exactly accurate. To give an example, if it says 1 gold for 10 is the current rate and you put in 10 gold you may actually get a return of 109 instead of 100. Best bet is to throw in 10 to find the real rate but don't commit if you don't like the return.


Actually managed to defend Bay.
10 FA cata-ed outer gate down and only 1 SBI was there.
I got there and kept repairing inner wall while the other person built a treb.
Destroyed their catapults.
They tried to build a ram, we built an arrow cart, and with one more guy, managed to destroy it.
3 other people appeared to help us drive them out of outer Bay.
We then managed to take the SW camp and fully restore the outer wall.


Total stats on sPvP amulets post-feature patch:
3038 Celestial
2340 Berserker, Valkyrie
2221 Rampager
2208 Everyone else

In other words I'm giving celestial a try on my staff ele. Swapping it directly into my previous berserker build, I'm giving up 10% critical chance and 23% raw damage (arcane blast 1.8k -> 1.4k, meteors 4k -> 3k) in exchange for 33% more static effective health, better healing, and a little condition damage. Which is a balanced trade-off, but really it's about how many more shenanigans I can pull with a little survivability.

Previously I just screwed around in hotjoin with zerk amulet, but my results were so much better with celestial I'm now bringing my staff ele to yoloq and thriving thus far. And not once have I remembered to summon my elite elemental.


Just send a support ticket for the armor master bug i am having .
Does Areanet usually contact you through your Email . the site or ingame mail ?



In other news, Midnight Fire is a bizarre dye. It can look black, brown, even purple depending on that to which it's applied.

There are a few armour piecea that do have a funny way with dyes. The red dye I use on most of my armour trim looks brown/orange/rusty on my shoulder pieces. I wonder what it is, you'd think the colour would always be the same.


all dye colors are affected by the material that they are dyed onto.

Of course, but mostly in terms of different shades. However a few dyes turn into different colors or have multicolor effects. Heirloom, for example, is classified as a red but has a red/orange effect on many pieces.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
There isn't really a good time. Looking at a month of data doesn't really reveal any sharp drops (ignore that weird drop, that's an error with the site) at specific times. It's kind of a crap shoot. You can ALMOST predict spikes in gems-to-gold because they tend to happen when people buy gemshop items (usually Tuesdays) and then have gems left over that they just burn on some gold. But headed in the other direction? Nadda.
Personal observation leads me to think the best times are around the end of EST prime or a bit latter. That said, there are only real spikes when something interesting hits the gem store OR around major gift giving holidays when people are exchanging cards. Otherwise most days you're talking about a small variation. The thing to watch for is that the stated conversion rate is most often close but not exactly accurate. To give an example, if it says 1 gold for 10 is the current rate and you put in 10 gold you may actually get a return of 109 instead of 100. Best bet is to throw in 10 to find the real rate but don't commit if you don't like the return.

Ah I see.

Speaking of which I also saw a "valley" in the in-game chart for gem exchange. I wonder why that is.


On some armors, midnight fire is even darker than abyss.
Yup, my ranger's pants are blacker than black with midnight fire but only dark gray with abyss. And midnight fire turns my engi's pants a dark iridescent purple around which I've rebuilt my dye scheme. Then in other cases it's a very rich brown. I've yet to see a dye like this.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Bwahaha. I didn't spot this before because I was on my phone. It doesn't quite beat a bobbleheaded doll.

How many dyes are there in the game? I've slowly built up a small collection but I bet I still only have 20 ish.

There are 439 dyes available in the game.

You have a ways to go. My collection is just as small, if not smaller though.
Thanks again to everyone who helped out on the CM paths! They can take a little work if you don't already know exactly what is going to happen, so I appreciate you guys sticking with it to the end!


i wonder where is the cute/hot human crew, or the hot norn crew or the cute sylvari crew, all i see are people worshiping asura.

or are the other crews just too busy doing their shit?
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