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Generally not bothered by stuff, but the map chat in Southsun was disgusting during a karka rush. Never wanted to report a whole map before. There really isn't anything that covers most of it on the report menu. "Verbal abuse" makes it sound like it needs to be aimed at you and all that, but I use it anyway.


www.gafguild.com, there's a whole big GW2 section you can use for it.

What's going on here then? I've never gone to the site :L


t3h 1nt3rnetz c0uldn't h4ndle th3 a5ura rat3z
If you're looking to generate some money, just pillage Rule 34 and start naughtybookah. com

Asura porn commissions go for about $20 (single character inked) to $60 (full colour, two characters), cheaper if you go for 'your character here' commissions.



I've only played for a little while on my Warrior so far, but I'm already really warming to it. I'm not sure if it's because I've now got experience with the game, but it's clicking a lot quicker than my Thief did.

I like how I don't feel weak, offensively or defensively. I love how many weapons I can choose to use, I still haven't tried them all but I'd say I prefer Greatsword out of what I have. It has great abilities that close gaps and deal crazy damage.. but also give me a nice little push of movement whilst roaming around. I still haven't had a proper look at all my slot skills, and with only being level 20 so far, I can't even view my Traits yet.. but.. so far I'm really enjoying playing it.


I've only played for a little while on my Warrior so far, but I'm already really warming to it. I'm not sure if it's because I've now got experience with the game, but it's clicking a lot quicker than my Thief did.

I like how I don't feel weak, offensively or defensively. I love how many weapons I can choose to use, I still haven't tried them all but I'd say I prefer Greatsword out of what I have. It has great abilities that close gaps and deal crazy damage.. but also give me a nice little push of movement whilst roaming around. I still haven't had a proper look at all my slot skills, and with only being level 20 so far, I can't even view my Traits yet.. but.. so far I'm really enjoying playing it.

Warrior was one of the first professions in development (I believe Ele beats it slightly) and it shows; everything about the profession feels rock solid. Maybe a bit too solid, as they stick pretty heavily to genre staples with few surprises (only Rangers feel more "traditionalist", in my opinion).

That said, I love being a support-oriented warrior (Haven't made the full jump to full support and a suit if Cleric's, but Moondrop makes it sound fantastic and something I'd really enjoy) which isn't something you see a lot in other MMOs (the only example I can think of is LotRO's Captain)


Warrior was one of the first professions in development (I believe Ele beats it slightly) and it shows; everything about the profession feels rock solid. Maybe a bit too solid...
Warrior P; everyone else UP, as I've always said.

That said, I love being a support-oriented warrior (Haven't made the full jump to full support and a suit if Cleric's, but Moondrop makes it sound fantastic and something I'd really enjoy) which isn't something you see a lot in other MMOs (the only example I can think of is LotRO's Captain)
I don't evangelize full cleric to fulfill a support build (though I have no problem playing one), but rather because I believe in it as a min/max build. I maximize support and survivability in exchange for damage, an easy tradeoff to my sense of math. A tanky build like Katoki's above will be better against the immediate burst of a zerg standing on your head, but it will eventually run out of tricks unless you wipe your foes; the sustainment of a cleric is essentially infinite.

Healing is of course a divisive topic in GW2. The value of 4 3k+ HP healing shouts every 20-30 seconds is to me self-evident, so I don't argue. But it kills me to hear people discuss other professions' healing as if it's remotely comparable to a shout healer. I heard someone over TS saying, "Don't forget the ele staff 1 (Water Blast), it does 600 healing on the auto-attack." That's just sad. And "blast... blast... blast.." If you get three finishers down on a water field, congratulations, you've just out-healed one of my shouts by about 600.

Also, going cleric makes weapon choice easier as they are limited to blunt weapons. ;)


Got artificing to 400 finally although i had to spend nearly double the amount necessary due to a good fuck up on my part .

Also Anet has fixed my armor master bug so time for a celebration .
I only have Tailor and Huntsman left for grandmaster, got Leather last night, from 470-500 with a booster cost 60etcos, i think they nerf it on the down low because it didn't cost that many ectos when I took Weapon/Armor smiths to 500 from 470..
I'm really liking my engineer that I'm running for PvE map completion. Zerking it up with a 6/6/0/0/2 build. I have one of each skill type for my 6-9 utilities:

Healing turret
Bomb kit
Rocket boots
Elixir C

Only character I have that's unique like that. The only thing I wish I had was a stunbreaker, but truly in open world PvE it isn't a big deal. The additional condi-cleanse from Elixer C and its toolbelt skill are probably worth more in higher level maps than Utility Goggles, no?


I'm really liking my engineer that I'm running for PvE map completion. Zerking it up with a 6/6/0/0/2 build. I have one of each skill type for my 6-9 utilities:

Healing turret
Bomb kit
Rocket boots
Elixir C

Only character I have that's unique like that. The only thing I wish I had was a stunbreaker, but truly in open world PvE it isn't a big deal. The additional condi-cleanse from Elixer C and its toolbelt skill are probably worth more in higher level maps than Utility Goggles, no?

Let me give you a little secret: the Elixir Gun's toolbelt kit breaks stuns too. In fact, the Elixir Gun is pretty good, coming with an additional AOE heal, escape with a Blast Finisher, and decent support and condi. Utility Goggles is great combined with the Trait that gives you (and allies!) 5 might upon activation, but I like the amount of utility (hur hur) that the Elixir Gun brings.
I really wanted to like Elixir Gun. I had it on my bar for the longest time, but I rarely used it on my map runs. Mobs died too quickly to bombs lol. I find rocket boots far more useful for solo map runs.


Slick Shoes comes with a very nice stunbreaker.

My mesmer runs three different utilities, and my ele sometimes. May go back to that for ele; I need a new third utility as I hone my PvP build.
Was playing Team Arena sPvP yesterday, and even though we weren't winning most matches we were having a lot of fun. My build isn't made for 1v1 or bunkering, just rapid capping and escaping, mostly harassing the enemy home and running intercepts.

We got matched up against a solid team as our final match for the day, bunker necro, bunker warrior, bunker elementalist, bunker guard, and a spirit ranger, on Clocktower. All the same guild. The instant the match starter we could tell we just weren't equipped to handle this kind of enemy, and so we did our best, actually moved ahead in points for a while due to holding two of three points, but eventually they just sat their bunkers on each point and the warrior/necro moved around to kill anyone attacking a point. They did have some excellent trebuchet play at one point to decap our hold on clocktower, but for the most part it was just a bad matchup.

Near the end of the match, my entire team was fighting over clocktower just for fun, since we agreed the match was over (100 points to go so), so we were experimenting.

I ran to their home to find their single bunker warrior there, and started messing around trying to see how the bunker is built, how much damage he puts out, etc. Even though I wasn't built for damage (no bombs, no nades), I was actually whittling him down against all odds and even though it was unlikely I would survive for long, I was managing to hold my own through some good shield blocks and healing turret explosions.

The warrior's necro and guard friends were killed at clocktower and ran from base to their home and steamrolled right over me, of course. The warrior I was 1v1'ing started complaining to his teammates that he was 'pwning this scrub Engie in 1v1'. Ignored it, the match ended, and my group switched to some WvW (we usually end Sundays with some light WvW after PvP). To my surprise, the warrior continued to whisper me for the next half an hour, insulting me, explaining how pathetic I was for not being able to beat him in 1v1, etc. I didn't actually notice, because I was watching the /team chat which doesn't show whispers. It was only after we stopped WvW for the night and I looked at the flashing Whisper tab, that I saw the sheer volume of smacktalk the warrior had whispered me for the last half hour.

And people wonder why I avoid sPvP. This is not an outlier - the amount of toxic behaviour I encounter in sPvP is pretty off the charts, though I wouldn't say it's the majority of players that act that way, of course not. But there is certainly a bad culture developing in sPvP that, in some respects, reminds me of what happened in GW1's PvP. A bit worrying.

I suspect that in the future, ArenaNet may well have to implement a player karma/rating system like the Mobas/Fps/XboxLives have, where if you keep coming across certain toxic players, you can say 'I don't want to play against this player anymore' and the matchmaking compensates.


This is not an outlier - the amount of toxic behaviour I encounter in sPvP is pretty off the charts, though I wouldn't say it's the majority of players that act that way, of course not. But there is certainly a bad culture developing in sPvP that, in some respects, reminds me of what happened in GW1's PvP. A bit worrying.

Anyone who would do that is absolutely an outlier. Though I do not deny there is a bad atmosphere in sPvP, you have to block quickly and freely. You can't neglect to block then claim that's a representative data point. I blocked a Legendary Champion (highest PvP title) yesterday because I didn't like his complaining.

I would also point out that the atmosphere appears to have declined (and the Heart of the Mists chat become insipid) coincident with the implementation of reward tracks.


My whispers aren't even turned on in any of my chats anymore and I mute the game entirely if I'm not WvWing. Sick of the gold seller spam shit. Considering I've maybe had 10 legitimate whispers the entire time I played, its no loss to me. Wish there was an option to just completely block all whispers. Or at least an option to only accept whispers from friends list/guild members.
I'm not trying to claim that sPvP players are all asshats, as you might be assuming.

My point stands. I think PvP is going to need a player karma system as is found in most online team/based games, that affects who you get matched up with in matchmaking.

I'm not going to assign blame here beyond there just being bad apples in all competitive scenarios. Any and all games where it can be Us vs Them, creates this kind of toxic atmosphere. The hardcore Pokemon scene is far worse than anything I've seen in GW2's PvP.

But, the attitude in sPvP was always bad, since launch. Heart of the Mists chat becoming insipid is more a result of megaservers than anything else - it concentrates a lot of the more derp people in the community. I've seen it across all PvE maps, now that they're usually populated. Doesn't help that people are starting to treat Heart of the Mists as the new 'IRC channel for spewing racist tripe', but whatever.

I won't disregard the idea that perhaps Reward Tracks has brought in more of the insufferables, but I do disagree with your between-the-lines sentiment there that the "filthy PvEers are now shitting up my PvP thanks to them coming for Reward Tracks". But perhaps I'm reading too much into it.

Yes, I block people in sPvP. Often. And I worry there might be a block cap that I'll hit shortly, because at the rate I'm going we're talking about having to block *hundreds* of people, if not more. That's not a good situation.

I don't want to sound like I'm implying "all of PvP is junk because of these asshats", far from it. I'd say that a good 70% of my matches are great, people are respectful or just plain silent. The asshats are not the majority. But they are *not* an outlier either. What I'm talking about, is noticing a marked upwards trend in "lol bro git gud" attitude, which may just be an unfortunate growing pain of a growing competitive scene.

Perhaps the positive outlook on it, is the increase in asshattery just means the PvP scene is growing. More players = a higher ratio of nice vs asshat players. As the regular community who aren't asshats grow, the asshat side of the pie chart grows at the same rate, thus increasing the visibility of such players. But this does mean that better solutions in managing the community, as the moba genres have found, will be needed.


So what was the inspiration for your characters name ?

My necromancer one (Ghir Dhuumsong ) is based on Girr's doom song from Invader Zim .

Trey the Adept is me. Kindal is a person I know whose name I really like. Miseducation, my Charr Ranger, is based on Lauryn Hill's classic album. Slight Work, my Sylvari mesmer, is a pun on the phrases slight work and sleight of hand. Nasty Slim is a thief I wanted to just call Slim, but threw Nasty (inspired by Nas) in front of it as Slim standalone was taken. Dime Soul just sounded cool. Mental Gear, my asuran engineer, is a pun on Metal Gear. Doctor Astonishing exists because the name Doctor Strange was taken.


Of course I know you're not referring to all sPvP players. I was picking on your use of the word "outlier." You claim your anecdote is not an outlier when it clearly is; rather an individual being an asshat in general is not an outlier. Semantics.

But in the greater sense I have no context in which to judge sPvP and your criticisms don't really provide it. GW2 sPvP is the most toxic mode within the game, but I can't tell if it's any more toxic than other corners of the internet.

Your idea of a karma system makes sense in principle though I've never played such a game. But practically I doubt they would implement it due to the low sPvP player pool. Based on the names it often seems as if there are less than 20 players queuing up solo in non-peak hours (though there are scenarios that would explain this as an illusion).

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
He means World boss train, btw. And l70 rares.

Why do you need 500 ectos?

gotta get dat Capacitor skin

Also for legendary

Boss train like a mad man. Salvage level 70+ rates with a rare or higher salvage kit. Make money and buy them off TP.

boss trains are boring D:

oh well, at the very least, with all of my crafting maxxed out I think I won't be spending ectos a lot now.
Of course I know you're not referring to all sPvP players. I was picking on your use of the word "outlier." You claim your anecdote is not an outlier when it clearly is; rather an individual being an asshat in general is not an outlier. Semantics.

But in the greater sense I have no context in which to judge sPvP and your criticisms don't really provide it. GW2 sPvP is the most toxic mode within the game, but I can't tell if it's any more toxic than other corners of the internet.

Your idea of a karma system makes sense in principle though I've never played such a game. But practically I doubt they would implement it due to the low sPvP player pool. Based on the names it often seems as if there are less than 20 players queuing up solo in non-peak hours (though there are scenarios that would explain this as an illusion).

It ain't even as toxic as some corners of Gaf. Gw2 sPvP is pretty damn tame for a competitive mode.

Isn't there a report option for offensive language?

Also, globs of ectoplasm are at a historic high.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
That I can understand, as it's pretty much the fractal end-goal together with the fractal tonic...

But really? Aiming for both is pretty insane. Focus on one first, and remember legendaries are long long long term goals!

Hmm true I guess. I guess I should focus on legendary for now since I already did some clovers.
I wonder if I should offload some of mine... think it will keep going up, or is now a good time to offload a hundred or so? What's might be the cause of this high, just the end result of the changes to world bosses?

Nah, price steadily arose after BB was added. that spike starts may 20.

My theory is that most people are preferring BB's and Festival stuff instead of running the World Boss train. BB is a great source of other mats, but a very crappy source of ectos.

If it is correct, price will decrease back to 35s +- after blitz is gone.

If it isn't, price will either keep climbing a bit more or level off.

for comparison, orichalcum ore has been going down since blitz was added.

Correlation does not equal causation, etc etc.

So what was the inspiration for your characters name ?

My necromancer one (Ghir Dhuumsong ) is based on Girr's doom song from Invader Zim .

I think it was, in order of character creation...

Peridural, the charr guardian, was the first character. Tried going with Pericardial, but was taken, so i went for something similar that I thought would also relate to how interesting the class would be. Nailed it, imo.
Ichorous Earth, the elementalist algae, came from dark souls 2. #soproud i called dibs on that name. Best name by far, even if straight lifted.
Cardial Effusion, the norn thief, came from trying to get something akin to Pericardial again. Thieves having a skill called heartseeker was a funny coincidence.
Charred Femur, the not-asura necro, came from trying Pericardial again. Tried going with femoral but everything sounded meh, so switched to femur, tacked the charred in front and called it a day.
Crushed Femur, the human warrior, came from Femur. Mace/Hammer. Crushed. Yerp.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hi friends o/
So what was the inspiration for your characters name ?

My necromancer one (Ghir Dhuumsong ) is based on Girr's doom song from Invader Zim .
All my characters are Hawkians, Hawkian actually being a title rather than a first name or what have you, even though they all start with it. In lore terms the Hawkian Order is a splinter of the ancient Order of Whispers in Elona. It's really more equivalent to "Sunspear" or "Lionguard" than something you'd address them by unless being very formal (consider Lionguard Brenn Hillow).

So technically my character names are pretty simplistic and obvious: The Blade (thief), The Masque (mesmer), Icerender (water-heavy elementalist), The Arbiter (guardian) and Corvus (raven spirit Norn ranger, Corvus being latin for raven).

A couple have no real names. My necro abandoned his name on joining the order and the others just refer to him as the Hawkian of Grenth. My Engi I just decided I wanted an Engi without picking a name for, so he's Hawkian til I can think of something (I have vetoed "Hawkian The Tool").

kudos to trey on the multiple classic hip hop allusions in his characters.
Considering I've maybe had 10 legitimate whispers the entire time I played
jeez, way to stoke my ego ceres :3
I wonder if I should offload some of mine... think it will keep going up, or is now a good time to offload a hundred or so? What's might be the cause of this high, just the end result of the changes to world bosses?
Hehe, well, you'll be affecting the market either way ;) Sell now or hold out til others do and it starts to crash. If you don't care about maxing your profits and watching spidy every day just go for it.

The new world boss schedule made it tougher for the real hoarders to accumulate 20+ easy rares every day, but there's also more people getting going on ascended armor.

Don't forget about easy 70+ rares from the higher-level dungeon tokens for even madder stacks.

edit: Probably some people breaking em up for Crystalline dust as well (which is actually even totally worth considering with them at 39s, for the moment)
So what was the inspiration for your characters name ?

My necromancer one (Ghir Dhuumsong ) is based on Girr's doom song from Invader Zim .
Since everyone else is doing it...

Mornkor Tallrock was my main and warrior in GW1, doesn't really mean anything by itself just sounds appropriate.
Lanius is old latin for "Butcher". He's an ele.
Solanum is also latin, in this case for the family of plants that include nightshade.
Nazra is a corruption of "Nazar", an amulet used to protect against the evil eye.
Amylina is based on amylin, a peptide for regulating blood sugar.
Last is Brünhilr, sharing the name of the valkyrie.


So what was the inspiration for your characters name ?

I'm obsessive about character names;

Professor Retro (Engineer) - Obvious, but "Retro" was taken by a guy who has logged in once since launch and only has something like 20 AP. If he doesn't play for another year, I'm gonna contact CS and see what their policy is on abandoned accounts.

Celene (Thief) - Goddess of the moon in Greek mythology. Get's picked up quick thanks to the Underworld movies. Had this one in Aion too. The name seems fitting for a Sylvari thief (born during the Cycle of Night as well).

Dhalion (Warrior) - The greek name for the Roman "Caladrius", a mythological bird that could heal the sick. I was originally going to name my warrior "Durandal" (the sword of Roland from the Charlemagne Cycle, and a Marathon reference), but that was taken. So was Durandhal. This was the third string name on my list.

Eresia (Guardian) - Italian for "Heresy". In Warcraft, the Blood Elves stole a talking holy windchime, locked it up in their basement and sucked all the power out of it, creating "Eeeeeeevil Paladins". Metzen gonna Metzen, I know. The name sounded roughly Elven and fit; I've been using it for Paladin-like characters ever since. This was actually going to be my main, but I liked Warriors a tad more. I contemplate gender-swapping Dhalion to female and changing the name over more often than you'd think.

Hepithany (Mesmer) - A blending of the words "heather" and "epiphany." I wanted something that sounded vaguely cute and flowery because I was aiming to make my Asura mesmer adorable. Literally a color mesmers are likely to wear and a thing Asurans are likely to have.

Eisen Darkfang (Ranger) - My brother has certain names he uses in MMOs, and then my other brother and I started using them as well, so that if we were all on the right characters, we'd all have the same last name (usually it is "Felwind"). I was at a loss for what last name to use so I used the my brother's Guardian has. Eisen, of course, is German for "Iron", and was the name of my Paladin in Vanguard.

Aidan Blackthorne (Necro) - Aidan is a celtic name (the meaning, "fiery one" doesn't really have any significance) that seemed right for a Sylvari. Blackthorne is the last name of the main character in the novel Shogun, which I had just finished reading at the time (and of course, seems fitting for a sylvari necro). I've actually seen the person with the "Blackthorn" variation standing around. I might name change him to something more original later, but I don't play him much so... yeah.

Aragh Ashmane (????) - A name I'm reserving for a future charr (preferably a new heavy armor profession). Aragh is taken from a series of books I read when I was younger, "The Dragon and the George" ("George" being the term dragons use for humans, ala St. George). Aragh is a dire wolf who spends the entire novel being a pragmatic, laconic BAMF Seemed like a decent name for a Charr, at the very least. Ashmane is from Ash Legion and because I plan to make him look kind of old with grey hair.

There's another GAFer in the guild with at least one character named after someone in the same book.

Jaciena (Elementalist) - Saved this one for last since it is the longest. Waaaaaay back in the mid-90s, one of the places I liked to hang out on AOL were the (non-erotic) RP chatrooms, the "Red Dragon Inn". Eventually I fell in with a group of people who played together and we all sort of became friends. One day, one of them named Jaciena just kind of up and disappeared and nobody heard from her for years (it turns out she had cancer). Flash forward 10 years later and I'm playing World of Warcraft, running through Stormwind when I see the emote "Jaciena waves at so-and-so" and stopped dead in my tracks. It turns out that it was her, using the same character name, and we both happened to be the same faction, in the same city, on the same server, on the same game at the exact same time. I liked the way the name sounded, so I asked if she had any objections to me using it in other MMOs (promising to abandon the name if she was playing too) and she said that was fine. She kind of disappeared again after that, and then I stopped playing WoW, so.. now I use the name in the hopes that one day SHE will use it to track ME down, and find out she's not dead.

TLDR: Retro really puts too much work into his character names.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The Underworld version is actually Selene, I think you said you tried that first even, but I like yours better <3
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