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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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My contribution yesterday was explaining to a group of people at shaterer that the shedule had changed for the bosses and that he was not bugged as they where thinking.
I go on about this a lot, but I've been doing the current combo of Tequatl, fractals, and five (or more) dungeon paths every night with fantastic GAF groups for over a week now, and it is wonderful. You guys really are the best.


I do not personally know anyone outside GAF guild that speaks highly of their guilds. And why would they - most guilds were formed from spamming 'join our hot guild' in an attempt to get more influence-generators, so you end up with 500 player guilds (with half of the people repping other guilds) or the 'rep required' guilds, who are really not much fun.

But I know what you mean. :p


I totally forgot about this neat thing that happened yesterday before the Fractals run.

I was running around Plains of Ashford with my level 40 thief, because I just like being in that zone, especially when picking off some dailies like Events, because there's always newbies around asking questions.

Someone in map chat started asking 'what's a world boss', and of course, nobody was answering other than saying 'lol nub', that kind of crap. So I started explaining a bit in map chat, and they asked where they could go see one.

I took it to private by joining their party, they were a level 10 warrior, only bought the game the day before. They asked a lot of questions, like how to level, what are hearts, what are these Dynamic Events they keep hearing about, etc, so I explained it all and even showed him some of the cooler DE chains in Plains of Ashford (Badazar, the Ruins Exploration team, etc). They asked about World Bosses again, and I said that there was one coming up quite soon in a low-level zone, that we could go check out if they wanted (Wurm in Caledon).

So I showed him how to get to Lion's Arch from Black Citadel, where the portals are in LA and how each one goes to a racial city, and we headed to The Grove and then up to Caledon.

By the time we reached the Wurm spawn point, they had levelled twice just from getting the Waypoints, and from the few DE's we tagged on the way up. They were utterly shocked at how nice Caledon looked, since they'd not seen anything other than Plains of Ashford. We took about 20 minutes to get to Wurm, and it spawned a few minutes after, and they had a blast seeing all the people (it was pretty packed, even for Wurm), and even got a nice chest piece out of it (for a level 12 anyway).

After, I had to go do Fractals, but they asked if they could friend me and I said sure, if they ever have any questions, fire away.

Again, stuff like this, for all the kvetching on reddit, all the whining on the official forums, all the constant 'I played this game for a few days / since launch / all the time and it's horrible / terribad' comments you see under every single damn GW2 article on every single damn site...

...makes it worth it.

This happened to me a couple of times, and I eventually get them in my guild, but I do like showing the game to someone new to it. Showing them everything possible and watching their reaction, reminding me of how awesome the game was during the first few weeks, seeing all this new stuff :)


Laugh at me all you want but if this game was full of mini-games like you want it to. It would be dead already.

Oh, settle down. You know GAFGuild loves its Chief Canadian Officer, and nobody wants it to be ALL mini-games.

This happened to me a couple of times, and I eventually get them in my guild, but I do like showing the game to someone new to it. Showing them everything possible and watching their reaction, reminding me of how awesome the game was during the first few weeks, seeing all this new stuff :)

A couple more weeks and we'll be smack dab in the middle of all new stuff.
Your drawings? If so, awesome once again! I'm loving the expressions of that Charr cub.

Sadly, no. If they were, I'd be earning a lot more money. :p Each picture links back to their artist.

Laugh at me all you want but if this game was full of mini-games like you want it to. It would be dead already.

WoW has over a hundred minigames in it. It sure is dead. :p

Be happy, Kos!

Another day, another player who got pwned on Skyhammer and went to reddit "Skyhammer Anon" to find kindred spirits who also got pushed off a map or didn't bother taking the Cannon and now rage because they couldn't get an easy win.

I hope Anet never removes the map.


I have long defended Skyhammer. I take that position less vociferously now that I know about engi magnets from stealth. RIP Capricorn.

Spent last night scrimmaging for 2v2s. It's interesting how you change your build when you have voice comms and a teammate watching your back (i.e. spvp vs. tpvp). I still believe in pink moa's daze over the wolf's fear for yoloq purposes, but here you can use the wolf's fear mid-fight instead of keep it as a pocket interrupt. I'm running the spirit grandmaster, mostly just for the increased area on Spirit of Nature (the best skill ranger has- you heard me Healing Spring). My partner is also pushing for hound over jaguar; we'll see.
Mesmer GS has nowhere close to the range; very unlikely they'll set you up like an engi will. I guess thieves can run Scorpion Wire there but I rarely see it.

I see Scorpion Wire 99% of the time if I'm on Skyhammer and there are thieves. Rangers can also be a right pain. Even so, I still have zero issue with Skyhammer. Sure, its nature allows for some 'trick' play that some classes are better at, and many players don't bother defending against (engie magnet working out is more luck than anything else, since most people know how to counter).

But the rage against Skyhammer reminds me so much of the rage against Q3DM17 (Q3) and HIPDM1 (Q1). Some things never change. :p
WoW has over a hundred minigames in it. It sure is dead. :p

Be happy, Kos!

WoW has always been dead to me because my lack of interest in Warcraft and sub-fees, but now that I know it has mini-games I am happy I never cared for it.

I can't be happy when people I thought liked the game as much as I do want dumb mini-games all over the place.

I am hearbroken.

Will never heal.



WoW has always been dead to me because my lack of interest in Warcraft and sub-fees, but now that I know it has mini-games I am happy I never cared for it.

I can't be happy when people I thought liked the game as much as I do want dumb mini-games all over the place.

I am hearbroken.

Will never heal.


Where's my Archery game in DR?


Oh, settle down. You know GAFGuild loves its Chief Canadian Officer, and nobody wants it to be ALL mini-games.

Our Chief Canadian Yogurt Warrior Officer will forever be in all our hearts.

WoW has always been dead to me because my lack of interest in Warcraft and sub-fees, but now that I know it has mini-games I am happy I never cared for it.

I can't be happy when people I thought liked the game as much as I do want dumb mini-games all over the place.

I am hearbroken.

Will never heal.


Why don't you like mini-games? Someone has clearly never played the bowling in GTA 4 if you don't like mini-games :p
I wish GW2 had a fishing minigame. :/

There are some days I just want to park by one of the big bodies of water in the game, and, y'know. Fish.


(engie magnet working out is more luck than anything else, since most people know how to counter)
We can agree that Skyhammer is a good map and that people raging against it should be ignored. However this statement is not correct. There is no magnet tell when the engi is stealthed like when they are revealed. They've developed many tricks for opening the holes and pulling people through, from 1200 range, from stealth with no tell. What counter do you propose?


I wish GW2 had a fishing minigame. :/

There are some days I just want to park by one of the big bodies of water in the game, and, y'know. Fish.

I don't think I've ever personally go out on a fishing boat and actually fish. But fishing mini-games are pretty relaxing and I would also like this to happen.

Kos come back!
What counter do you propose?

Well, you know there's an Engineer on the map. They're not engaged anywhere on ABC. So, they're on the way to Cannon. I usually then leave cannon and wait for the tell that it's been taken, then go in - the Engie won't be stealthed (they blew it coming through the gate to try and get the drop on you). If you get there and there's nobody visible, they're stealthed and trying to get a drop on you from across the way (pull across dropped floor?) or behind you trying to chain-bump you off. Make the call. See what the other player does, if they stick to it, mix it up, etc.

Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't. It depends on the person.

Not everything is mechanical counters, PvP is mind games. You know that. First you play the class matchup, and once you're comfortable in your class vs another, you play the mind games.

This is why I generally don't take a single match as meaning much in terms of anyone's skill, a team's skill, or my own ability versus another person - because a single match is not enough. This is my one complaint against the tourney system in game. It should be best of three, with both sides allowed to ban one map, whoever goes second gets to counterpick for third.

Perhaps I just suck as an Engineer, but magnet pull from stealth, if the person knows I'm near, rarely works. It becomes russian roulette - do I wait for them to trigger their block/stability first, but risk then not having enough stealth time, do I spam magnet the instant I see them, but risk hitting a block/stability...

Nevermind that you *never* go to Cannon alone anyway, imo. It's a team situation.

But nothing is a sure-fire tactic in PvP. People develope "tech" (like stealth magna-grapples or invisi mesmer stun-pushes into dropping floors), and then people develop counter-tech.

Or you could just be a Necro and spam minions, making it impossible to yank the right goddamn thing. Eff those damn minions.


I'm not talking about an engi on the cannon. They do it everywhere else on the map. I can't simply block/pop stability/pop invulnerability every time I don't know where an enemy engi is on the map. You've yet to propose a counter to a 1200 range no tell pull by a stealthed foe.

I'm not saying it's some end-all tactic in a tpvp Skyhammer match, of course not. But it's an essentially broken mechanic that I see widely abused.
So the magnet tell line during the channel doesn't show when pulling from stealth? Hmm.

Well, to get into stealth, an Engineer has to blow a lot of their escape and finisher helpers. FT, Elixir S toss, etc. So sure, they've pulled you, but they're not in a great spot either. If they've insta-killed you from that pull, they either got lucky, or your positioning was bad, or it was just a bad matchup against you. You cannot realistically expect to win 100% of every 1v1 situation in a team based game.

I don't really see the issue though. Like half of all professions can stealth, most of those also have super-powerful ally-oops they can do from stealth. Hell, Mesmers have an AoE range pull.

I won't deny that Toolkit is certainly a popular decap build right now, I adore the block and confuse it provides. But is it OP? I don't know. I've long since given up trying to decide what is and isn't OP in a competitive game, because since the 80s people have constantly redefined what's op, RTS sites have had renaissance eras (Korean Terran for example), etc.

But you're the PvP expert here. Why don't you tell me what the counter is? :p

Seriously. Either I just suck, or magnet pull from stealth is not as reliable as you make it out to be. And if I do suck, then why are you even asking me? Clearly I know nothing about PvP and should just stick to PvE like the casual filth I am. *flips scarf*

That was in no way serious. I do not take any competitive game types seriously. I don't follow any sports. I have no favorite teams. I prefer coop over deathmatch. Etc.


I stealth edited above, sorry. But I'm not trying to trick you- I don't believe there is a counter.

I don't have a problem with any of the other stealth/cc mechanics. Mesmer GS, I deserve that. Ranger LB, I deserve that. Thief scorpion wire I honestly don't experience very often, but I feel like I either see the projectile or I have more time to stunbreak. Mesmer focus, you can see the field on the ground (unless they're uber pro), and there's a delay. All good in my book. But I know no counter to a stealth magnet, other than all the indirect ways to which you refer.
All you've done is made sure that now I'm going to focus entirely on stealth magnet pulls when in PvP. Ha ha!

Not that I have a clue how it will help on any map other than Skyhammer.

It's not like yanking someone over to me helps me kill them, especially since everyone seems to run gorram bunker Ele these days. Unkillable wretches.


All you've done is made sure that now I'm going to focus entirely on stealth magnet pulls when in PvP. Ha ha!
I encourage it. Once it reaches epidemic levels, maybe they'll patch in the magnet symbol tell.

Not that I have a clue how it will help on any map other than Skyhammer.
The only strategy I see people use magnet for on other maps is to land the Prybar for confusion. Of course most seem to bring the toolkit just for the shield. EDIT: I have no idea what to do with an engi in PvP; none of the kits really work for me. Maybe I'll try the old rifle/elixir burst builds.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I do not personally know anyone outside GAF guild that speaks highly of their guilds.
Huh... I think this is kind of an interesting statement. I mean, surely you are not arguing that because you don't personally know anyone who meets that description, they do not exist? Really now... there are other videogame forums, there are forums that aren't about videogames that happen to have formed guilds, there are passionate people who have built their own casual communities within the game, there are roleplaying guilds, there are guilds that have formed for the express purpose of tackling some task or content or making an impact in WvW or whatever else... on some level you must know that it's nonsensical to assume everyone in the game dislikes the guild they are in except for our ~400 members. We kick ass, but we can't sustain a massively multiplayer game on our own!

I hope you can take a step back and consider how ridiculous a proposition it actually is to believe that GAF is the only good community in what is ultimately a thriving game. Even if I didn't personally know people in other guilds that liked them (which in fact I do)... the mere fact that we exist doesn't strike me as a compelling reason to believe we are the only one. Just because we are far and away the best doesn't mean no one else is good ;)

What I was driving at was that GAFguild isn't a successful guild in spite of the game that is Guild Wars 2; it's a successful guild primarily because of it. It's a great game with lots of accessibility that makes having a great guild that much more of an attractive prospect. It makes it relatively painless to manage said guild and have fun with members of all skill and activity levels, in groups of any size, only very rarely having to exclude anyone who wants to participate at all. It provides lots of opportunities for new players to play with veteran players and makes it easy to coordinate events without knowing the total number of attendees. It offers a variety of gameplay styles without much or any real penalty for having guild members who favor one more than the others. It frequently and consistent adds new content updates, of varying size and scope, across a variety of content types, which incentivizes both casual and hardcore players to be active longitudinally (over the course of months or years, whenever there is something new to check out) even if they aren't active daily. It has no subscription fee which enables even lapsed or culled members to return at will. Most importantly it's fun to play, which has kept me playing it, which has kept me acting as a guild leader.

Now let's imagine none of that stuff were true, but the game had really consistent, kickass ads, PR collateral and direct marketing. Maybe it very well would have sold more total copies. But would we be here? More to the point, would anyone be spending money beyond that initial purchase- fueling the bedrock profits that keep the game alive under its business model?

To summarize, I'm not convinced ArenaNet needs to alter their priorities at the moment merely because we find some of the game's marketing distasteful.

Also Skyhammer is wonderful and must never die (source: I am a thief using scorpion wire)
Doesn't GW2 have minigames? Sanctum Sprint, Keg toss, belcher's bluff etc.
Southsun Survival
Crab Toss
Costume Brawl
Moa Racing
Aspect Arena (recurring)
Dragon Ball (hopefully recurring)
Lunatic Inquistion (seasonal)
Reaper's Rumble (seasonal)
Snowball Fight (seasonal)
Toypocalypse (seasonal)
Bell Choir (seasonal)
Super Adventure Box (more of a mondo-game really, recurring)

I like almost all of them :D I want Polymock though.
I mean, surely you are not arguing that because you don't personally know anyone who meets that description, they do not exist? .

I thought the hyperbolic nature of that entire paragraph I wrote, was a dead giveaway that of course I wasn't being serious. Nevermind that I have my own guild (which I thought you knew), which meant I was saying that even the people in the guild I run, don't speak highly of it...

Guess I'm getting too familiar again, and assuming people will pick up on my snark. That you would even consider that I would use such an anecdotal fallacy seriously, means I've done very little to get across how I think. Time to take a break from the forums for a while.

I've been giving serious thought to the percontation point movement.

Sign me up.


The Cryptarch's Bane
i had no clue, and I thought you told me your guild was just a few friends. sorry, my bad! I actually still can't tell if responding like that means you agree with me about what counts the most in MMO marketing or not but I apologize for misinterpreting you.
It was my bad, don't worry about it. I do agree with your sentiment - that GW2 is where it is, and we're all here, because it's a great game. And, in theory anway, if the product is good the people will come. GW2's success does give credence to it.

But just like I think the home instance system could be done better, the PR around the game could be done better. I'm not saying Anet needs to drop everything and fix their PR, only that it's an area that has been identified as problematic - not end of world, just, a C+ effort where it could easily be an A+. Word of mouth remains GW2's biggest seller, no doubt about it.

Content is king. But it doesn't hurt to have a good agent on your side. Only Bill Murray gets away without having an agent these days. Even the best actors still need someone fielding their contracts and sending out their stills.

But like I said, it could just be a matter of China having taken up a lot of focus, and now that's over, and things will normalize to what I consider 'normal' PR, and not the substandard PR the game has had for a while in non-China markets.

I simply answered Retro's question, is all.


It was just discussion.


The Cryptarch's Bane
definitely all true points. it was an interesting discussion for sure, I hope I didn't make it seem like I felt otherwise. I would honestly love to know the who/what/where as far as the creation of all their collateral. they should let whoever did the SAB 80s ad, the queen's speech/clockwork chaos release vandalism, and the Fractured intro video handle everything :)


I have long defended Skyhammer. I take that position less vociferously now that I know about engi magnets from stealth. RIP Capricorn.

Spent last night scrimmaging for 2v2s. It's interesting how you change your build when you have voice comms and a teammate watching your back (i.e. spvp vs. tpvp). I still believe in pink moa's daze over the wolf's fear for yoloq purposes, but here you can use the wolf's fear mid-fight instead of keep it as a pocket interrupt. I'm running the spirit grandmaster, mostly just for the increased area on Spirit of Nature (the best skill ranger has- you heard me Healing Spring). My partner is also pushing for hound over jaguar; we'll see.
Didn't type it the other day, but I hope you've looked at some 2v2 tournament footage and have planned accordingly too. Euro and NA 2v2's happen every Tuesday on Blu's stream.

Let the healing power of this gun show wash over you:

I do not like the way that Charr and human are looking at each other...

[quote="Miktar, post: 117256190"][URL="http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=32396459"][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/gfod9TP.png[IMG][/URL]

Shh, Kos can't know.[/QUOTE]
Dammit, I know this one.
[quote="Moondrop, post: 117276497"]I've been giving serious thought to the [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irony_punctuation"]percontation point [/URL]movement.[/QUOTE]
Need one for sarcasm first.

As for stealth magnet pull, I put it in the category of a cheesy strat. As in, a strategy that has an extremely high chance of working as long as your opponent is caught unaware, but as soon as you're aware of it you can take precautions before confrontation (and have to, because the strat has a chance of working even when you know about it). In this particular case, I change up my approach, wait for a Skyhammer blast on that point to smoke out the Engineer first, or just try to stealthily approach as well. The Engineer needs a target on me before he can use magnet pull, so unless I approach badly he has to poke his head out to target me. If he stealths mid fight using elixir s' toolbet, I just run around a corner until the stealth ends; don't take any chances. It can be annoying but it is what it is. Engineers are usually kiting and dodging 99% of the time and this is one of the cases where they can put you totally on the defensive.

It's a cheesy strat, and that's what makes it annoying. Pulls in general feel cheesy on that map (although that might be because it's mostly stealthing Thieves and Engineers doing the pulls...), while I tend to find knockbacks fine.


Didn't type it the other day, but I hope you've looked at some 2v2 tournament footage and have planned accordingly too. Euro and NA 2v2's happen every Tuesday on Blu's stream.
No, I haven't watched any 2v2 footage yet but I will. I don't know to what other planning you're referring, but my partner is much better than me so he's taking the lead on the comp.
Super secret spoilers to protect our super secret strategy: double resses with Elixir R and Spirit of Nature.


No, I haven't watched any 2v2 footage yet but I will. I don't know to what other planning you're referring, but my partner is much better than me so he's taking the lead on the comp.
Super secret spoilers to protect our super secret strategy: double resses with Elixir R and Spirit of Nature.

The worry is just that, while I haven't been following it lately, the 2v2 meta shifted away from double res in favor of having a tankier anchor (Warrior or Guardian) and high burst combination (Thief or Mesmer) or just double burst (any combination of those four). Double res is still strong, but condition damage was shied away from.

When are you competing? I wouldn't mind watching if it was getting streamed.


The worry is just that, while I haven't been following it lately, the 2v2 meta shifted away from double res in favor of having a tankier anchor (Warrior or Guardian) and high burst combination (Thief or Mesmer) or just double burst (any combination of those four). Double res is still strong, but condition damage was shied away from.

When are you competing? I wouldn't mind watching if it was getting streamed.
Hmm, well I told him spirit ranger is my strongest PvP class so he probably factored that in. But I did mention to him the possibility of me going hambow with cleansing shouts against our likely first round matchup of engi/necro. He plays all classes but I think he favors engi/necro/mesmer, and he wouldn't trust me to be the burster- nor should he. ;)

The tournament is Saturday the 28th in the NA evening, but it's just an 8 team [SF] thing. I'll inquire as to the streaming; they might do so or might have it after the fact.

I should practice hambow. I've got so many classes to develop in PvP. If only GW2 had an endgame.


I just happened upon a hidden JP after finding finding the last vista I needed in Lion's Arch to get 100%. It was in Sharkmaw Caverns and I had to jump into what looked like the mouth of a skeleton. It was so much fun and it was made even better by the fact I stumbled upon it.



The Cryptarch's Bane
It's the mouth of a shark, see... a shark... maw ;D There's another just before the end of the puzzle. <3 Weyandt, his dialogue is hilarious.

Just came across this pic from the first time I ever went to Timberline Falls


I just happened upon a hidden JP after finding finding the last vista I needed in Lion's Arch to get 100%. It was in Sharkmaw Caverns and I had to jump into what looked like the mouth of a skeleton. It was so much fun and it was made even better by the fact I stumbled upon it.

Stumbled-upon jumping puzzles are the best jumping puzzles!

I'm very fond of Morgan's Spiral in Caledon Forest simply because it's the first one I came across on my own instead of someone telling me "There's a jumping puzzle here, behind this hidden thing." And it's so green.


On another note i am very interested to hear the new music from Soule but if this song which is only used 2-3 times in the game is not played at least once during S2 i will be disappointed .


While that's technically the Seraph's theme, it was used during the "Source of Orr" Personal Story mission, to great effect (one of the few bright spots in the later chapters, mostly because of that music). I wouldn't be shocked if it's used again for a dramatic "Fight the Dragon" moment, especially if the Pact is involved in the next Season (which it probably will be). Could also pop up because, you know, this Season takes place in Kryta, which is where the Seraph do their thing.


It's the mouth of a shark, see... a shark... maw ;D There's another just before the end of the puzzle. <3 Weyandt, his dialogue is hilarious.

Just came across this pic from the first time I ever went to Timberline Falls

That's purrty. I don't think I've been to Timberline Falls before, it doesn't ring a bell. I'm currently exploring Kessex Hills for the first time and it is a great little zone. So many unique areas and drastically different locations.

Stumbled-upon jumping puzzles are the best jumping puzzles!

I'm very fond of Morgan's Spiral in Caledon Forest simply because it's the first one I came across on my own instead of someone telling me "There's a jumping puzzle here, behind this hidden thing." And it's so green.

I absolutely love jumping puzzles even though I kinda suck at them. The plant tower one in Celadon was the very first one I did. I believe Kos showed it me and probably laughed a lot at my repeated failed attempts.


That's purrty. I don't think I've been to Timberline Falls before, it doesn't ring a bell. I'm currently exploring Kessex Hills for the first time and it is a great little zone. So many unique areas and drastically different locations..

It's even more dramatic now because of the Living Story. The entire area around the lake used to be wooded and green. Then Scarlet united the Nightmare Court and the Krait and created a giant tower in the middle of the lake in which to develop a toxin. We eventually blew it up, but you can see the shattered remains of the tower, the roots that grew from the plant the tower was built around, etc.

Here's a shot from just before it happened, during the first Queen's Jubilee:

That's Viathan Lake, facing north. The waterfall there is just above the Quaggan village, and that little town is gone, I believe (it was abandoned anyways, the krait had taken it permanently).

Really pretty zone, rolling hills and woodlands in the west (where the Centaurs haven't fucked it up, of course), Fort Salma is a really cute, quiet town (one of the NPCs sings a little song about chickens that's cute). Then in the east it's rugged without being mountainous, lots of really pretty waterfalls and such near Garrenhoff (and the Wizard's tower, of course), and one of my favorite JPs in terms of looks, the Ruined Observatory.
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