- minor traits apply various effects at low target health
- increase damage against foes w/out boons + focus CD, adept
- reaper's might, adept
- chill grants vuln, adept
- chill of death, master
- pbaoe pulsing vuln while in DS, master
- axe damage to crippled foes, auto-attack reduced axe CDs, master
- might on signet, signet cd, signet of locust when low health, gm
- close to death, gm
- axe 3 (cripple, retal, remove boon) on entering DS, gm
- fall damage + corruption CD, adept
- dagger enfeebling blood on entering DS, adept
- ???, adept
- ???, master [these were old traits they covered super fast]
- path of corruption, master
- banshee's wail, master
- condi damage + duration with scepter, gm
- % of condi damage heals you, gm
- terror, gm
(death magic)
- leaving death shrouds gives protections to you and minions, gm minor
- flesh of master, adept
- shrouded removal, adept
- less damage from poisoned foes, adept
- greater marks, master
- reaper's protection, master
- % power based on toughness, more power gain while in DS, master
- death nova, gm
- minion damage, draw conditions from you, can transfer condis to foes, gm
- unholy sanctuary, gm
(blood magic)
- vampiric traits combined, master minor
- ritual of life (at beginning) + revive speed, adept
- bloodthirst, adept
- mark of evasion, adept
- dagger move speed (only need 1), dagger CDs faster while above 75% health, master
- vampiric precision, master
- [unchanged trait], master
- wells pulse health + siphon + well CD, gm
- unholy martyr, gm
- heal in area when entering DS (won't heal you), gm
(soul reaping)
- unyielding blast, adept
- marks grant life force + staff CD, adept
- movement speed in DS + DS recharge, adept
- spectral CD + duration + life force, master
- life force drain slower in DS + DS skill CD, master
- fear duration + fear while downed, master
- foot in grave, gm
- death perception, gm
- dhuumfire (now with its own animation), gm
[the availability of both DS and spectral traits in the last line looks strong for power necro PvP]