Thanks for the games guys. As usual, I am the weakest link. I had fun but have figured out that I really haaaaate facing a well played God Gundam. So much pain! =(
GG's y'all. But can't help but feel I was ruining the matches with my connection. It was fine the last time I joined. Guess I should avoid playing when Atcha is in the group.
Dont worry. Usuallly we have 3 or 4 bar and tonight it was 2 bars
Next time, it will be better![]()
God gundam is just insane . But i find out how to defend against it
It's not perfect though![]()
Do hope so =)
I felt so happy when I caught Spade with Virsago's super beam before he blew Donkey Show's DX head off.
Best save ever. :3I felt so happy when I caught Spade with Virsago's super beam before he blew Donkey Show's DX head off.
Great moment in gundam extrem vs !
Best save ever. :3
I'll upload it to youtube when I get a chance.
Considering how close The O is to release, I was wondering how to get JPN PSN points. Can anyone point me towards the right direction?
Awww, thanks =')
Though in hindsight I should have used the super.
Thinking about some of those matches with Spade in the God Gundam I just realized I never once tried to use Arche's counter move. =/ I'm not sure what the timing on it is but it seems like it would be one way to defend against the rushdown. That and actually using block once in a while, which I tend to completely forget about.
I also need to set up some custom messages like Donkey Show uses so I can coordinate with my teammate better. That's one of the reasons Atcha and I struggled when we were on the same team. There wasn't much communication and it's hard to help your partner out effectively like that. It definitely would have helped during some of God Gundam's melee strings to have had a message ready asking for assistance.
That was funny.Here's the epic save in youtube form!
NahUnicorn can't rock the beam magnum in Destroy Mode, can it? It does so on the select screen :/
Unicorn can't rock the beam magnum in Destroy Mode, can it? It does so on the select screen :/
BTW, is something wrong with the IRC today? Can't connect at all.
Didn't see any mention of an IRC channel in the first couple posts, could someone point me to the network and room name? Thanks!
Having a issue with the trial mission where your fighting three of the GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam. I can get down to one Gundam left with about fifty percent health and then it puts up a barrier that nothing can penetrate.
You mean when it switches to its other armour like mode? Melee. Thats your only option as far as I know, hit it a bunch of times close range and it will switch back to walky gundam mode.
I'll reach that 100 win trophy someday but I still will probably need help with the 10 win streak trophy sometime.
You know it's bad when there are connection snobs in ranked at the lowest rank. >__>
I need the 10 win streak trophy too so I'd be happy to help sometime.
I honestly don't know how I was able to sit through all of it prior considering the red connections I get coming from the UK. I'm happy with my bronze ensign rank and I'm sticking with it, lol.Gotta start somehwere, I guess.
Here's the epic save in youtube form!
I will say I got too trigger happy with the Sat Cannons, but they're so fun. o.o
Playing enough, both partners should know that they need to watch each other's back when playing against melee oriented characters like God/Master/Dragon... etc. Those cuts have to be there from either teammate whether or not it's you or your partner getting rushed down.
As for Arche and its counter, you need like half a second before it goes into the proper frames for countering. Doing it on the fly isn't the best way to do it, especially when they're already in your face. Sometimes you're better doing the neutral BC as it gets you vertical very quick. If you're feeling lucky, you can quickly follow it with B to come down with a fast attack.
1) Stateside? LOL. But honestly, this probably isn't gonna come stateside so import and enjoy. It's not hard to understand anyway.So, I hadn't really checked out this thread, but recently I've been getting into Gundam so I really want to pick this up if it comes stateside...
Especially because Harry Ord's in it. So disappointed they put Sochie in DW3 over him. For people with the game, how does he and the Gold SUMO play? Please tell me he yells UNIVERSE! like in the show, that was my favorite part.
So, I hadn't really checked out this thread, but recently I've been getting into Gundam so I really want to pick this up if it comes stateside...
Especially because Harry Ord's in it. So disappointed they put Sochie in DW3 over him. For people with the game, how does he and the Gold SUMO play? Please tell me he yells UNIVERSE! like in the show, that was my favorite part.
Hm... While I'm definitely having some success as Sinanju and Sazabi as of late, I am still at a loss as how to deal with the RX-78. The thing seems pretty good for a 2000 cost unit and the Guntank assist is pretty damn fast.
And to this day, I still can't get a good match on Ranked.
Uploaded a match SpadeRunner and I did just awhile back tonight using Blue Frame and LaGOWE against a Full Cloth and Providence:
Uploaded a match SpadeRunner and I did just awhile back tonight using Blue Frame and LaGOWE against a Full Cloth and Providence:
1 on 1 LaGOWE vs anyone, LaGOWE wins automatically. (except for that one time)
1 on 1 Tactical Arms vs anyone, Tactical Arms wins (always)
Nice match. You guys took them down quite nicely.
Big Sword and dog. :3
A shame we couldn't replicate that against this Quanta/IJ team that had our number several times last night. *shudders*
Anyway, just did a huge youtube dump of ranked/player matches from the past couple of days:
Ranked Matches with SpadeRunner
Gunner Zaku/LaGOWE:
Blue Frame/Delta Plus:
NeoGAF Player Matches
Double X (dat sat cannon):
Blue Frame:
Random Player Matches
Crossbone X-1 Kai:
Don't expect anything special, but fun nonetheless. =)