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HALO 2 - No bots, and no low-gravity maps in multiplayer: Confirmed


"GAF's biggest wanker"
+1 Support for Tellaerin and Gore's stance on this.

For everyone who doesn't give a shit about bots, stop trying to polarize this into a "real" fans vs perceived haters battle. Claims that people are whining about this are overblown. Not one single person has said that the ommission of bots would be, by itself, cause for absolutely not buying the game. I don't think there is anyone here in this topic who isn't planning to buy the game. And it sounds like we've all played the original as well. It's absurd to expect everyone that enjoyed the first game and looks forward to the second to have the EXACT same expectations regarding improvements over the first. But I guess you're not a true fan of Halo unless you cheer every design decision Bungie makes in lockstep with every other true fan. What's the decibel level mandated for a cheer in support of dual pistol wielding again? ;)

That said, it's obviously too late in the cycle to have any sort of influence on the no bots decision for Halo 2. Those of us that would have appreciated the feature can only express that in hope that Bungie/MS see the light for Halo 3.


kaching said:
+1 Support for Tellaerin and Gore's stance on this.

For everyone who doesn't give a shit about bots, stop trying to polarize this into a "real" fans vs perceived haters battle. Claims that people are whining about this are overblown. Not one single person has said that the ommission of bots would be, by itself, cause for absolutely not buying the game. I don't think there is anyone here in this topic who isn't planning to buy the game. And it sounds like we've all played the original as well. It's absurd to expect everyone that enjoyed the first game and looks forward to the second to have the EXACT same expectations regarding improvements over the first. But I guess you're not a true fan of Halo unless you cheer every design decision Bungie makes in lockstep with every other true fan. What's the decibel level mandated for a cheer in support of dual pistol wielding again? ;)

That said, it's obviously too late in the cycle to have any sort of influence on the no bots decision for Halo 2. Those of us that would have appreciated the feature can only express that in hope that Bungie/MS see the light for Halo 3.

No. Just cancel your preorders :p Buy even more HL2 + Counterstrike :p


Sp3eD said:
TimeSplitters 1
TimeSplitters 2
Red Faction 2 (PS2/Xbox)
Unreal Tournament (DC/PS2)
Unreal Championship (Xbox)
Perfect Dark (N64)
Counter-Strike (Xbox)
time splitters single player was garbage. great environements but there's little to no story.

red faction2...where's the online support???

counter-strike/unreal tournament/unreal championship - with no real single player mode you better sure as hell include bots.

but i guess since bots were in, all of this is ok.


It's probably already been said in here (sorry, didn't read all 4 pages), but lack of bots in Halo was a much bigger dissapointment than lack of bots in Halo2.

Xbox Live makes up for the omission. Sure I'm a little miffed about it... but I ain't missing this ride!


0G M3mbeR
Joe said:
time splitters single player was garbage. great environements but there's little to no story.

red faction2...where's the online support???

counter-strike/unreal tournament/unreal championship - with no real single player mode you better sure as hell include bots.

but i guess since bots were in, all of this is ok.

If you were not there for the revolution of the Reaper bot early on in Quake 1's lifecycle, you just wouldn't understand where I am coming from.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I just don't get why everyone expected bots.

Neither do Bungie it seems

Me personally? I don't like bots, except as filler. I don't take any satisfaction from shooting them, and I have never encountered a perfectly tuned bot. They seem to go from rock-like stupidity, to being able to kill you with the merest pass of gas, and don't visit the cozy area of feeling like a real opponent in between. Mind you, I haven't played everything.

Bungie Rumors addressed

Looks like its just personal preference on the part of the people that made the game to me. As such you can't satisfy everyone.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
kaching said:
So does Bungie not think that the enemies in single player are basically bots?

read the rumours addressed thing in the link I posted above for an answer to your query.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I did catfish. But in the part you specifically quote he decides to opine about why he doesn't like bots. All the weaknesses he lists are problems you can just as easily encounter in a single player enemy AI as you can in a "bot". So why the distinction?
If you're online, the one-to-four-player-on-one-console-online thing makes the lack of bots a non-issue...since you'll be able to play against other players to fill out the game. If you're offline, well, do like you did the last time (LAN or smaller split-screen games).


Fixed2BeBroken said:
they took out the melee combos thing?

Folks speculate that Melee Combos, Sprinting, and Peeking/Leaning were axed because we haven't seen-- or rather, HEARD about them at all since the E32k3 Single Player Demo(We only saw Melee Combos and Peeking/Leaning there)... I wouldn't even doubt they were gone if Bungie or a few journalists would have said something about these features over past year, but since they haven't I'm going to assume that these additions have been axed.

To be honest, I never saw a really good use for Melee Combos, but I would like to see Sprinting and Peaking/Leaning implemented somehow.


Junior Member
Goreomedy said:
Tellaerin has valid concerns that are topical. Yet he's got gamers launching an assault(which don't even respond to his points) in an attempt to silence him for even voicing those. And when I support him, I get called a "fucking dolt" for not appreciating a game that no one has seen any significant coverage on the core component.

This is crazy.

Apparently, the mod bots on this board stop working.

And when you challenge the assertion that Halo is good/great but not '1447', jesus, watch out. There is no way Halo is not the best thing since God's first dump even though it's missing quite a few standard features.

Halo=no bots, no online
Unreal Championship, damn near everything
Halo +1...obviously.

Thank the Xbox Bots for enlightening me how annoying Nintendo fans can be. It's like seeing green grass on the other side, for the first time.
Sai said:
Folks speculate that Melee Combos, Sprinting, and Peeking/Leaning were axed because we haven't seen-- or rather, HEARD about them at all since the E32k3 Single Player Demo(We only saw Melee Combos and Peeking/Leaning there)... I wouldn't even doubt they were gone if Bungie or a few journalists would have said something about these features over past year, but since they haven't I'm going to assume that these additions have been axed.

To be honest, I never saw a really good use for Melee Combos, but I would like to see Sprinting and Peaking/Leaning implemented somehow.

melee combos seemed interesting to me, but i honestly didnt care for it as much as sprinting and peaking/leaning...

awe man, i hope bungie didnt take those things out.


The sprinting would have been useful to me, unless Halo 2 will be littered with vehicules to board.

I'm undecided about melee combos. I thought the E32K3 demo showed them to be too powerful.


skinnyrattler said:
Halo=no bots, no online
Unreal Championship, damn near everything
Halo +1...obviously.
Comparing these 2 gets a 0 on the makes sense meter. It's like comparing Tekken to SSBM almost.


So that the people who cannot get LIVE because of money issues or no broadband available in their area, and/or and little to no friends to play with in LAN setups would be satisfied with multiplayer.

Saturnman said:
The sprinting would have been useful to me, unless Halo 2 will be littered with vehicules to board.
There is supposed to be a bigger focus on vehicles. HALO 2's Single Player Campaign will be 4-5 times bigger than the one in HALO. Still, I can find uses for Sprinting. I just didn't like the idea of pushing fowad on the analouge stick to use it.

Melee combos really didn't seem like much, to be honest. What we saw the Master Chief use on the Brute-- Could you honestly say you could get away with something like that against an Elite, Hunter, or Brute on Legendary difficulty?... Anyways, the way it seems to work out now is that melee attacks change depending on distance. If you are far away from them, the melee attack will stun the opponent a bit.


Alex said:
I didn't care for Perfect Dark, but it had the best bots ever.

You should try that bot for Quake 1. Highly versatile as you could change lots of parameters. I believe some company later hired the guy. Can't remember what company though, but anyway PD bots are kinda weak compared to that guys bots in Quake 1.


Later we got taken on a tour around Bungie's actual office and rather than our guide very politely asked us not to look at certain things. For the record we saw lots of monitors showing an Earth-like environment under a blood-red sky that could be scenes from the Campaign Mode, some concept art showing off an absolutely huge enemy that looked a bit like a Brute but was about five times the size of a scale Master Chief, and lots of whiteboards saying stuff like 'Mike is a tool'.

I guess that's the other Warthog flippin' enemy that was hinted at a few times earlier. That just about confirms it. :D Including this one, there are two Covenant enemies we have yet to see... The other is a very small and agile one that can scale walls 'n' such, if I remember correctly. It was mentioned in the Updates.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Sai said:

I guess that's the other Warthog flippin' enemy that was hinted at a few times earlier. That just about confirms it. :D Including this one, there are two Covenant enemies we have yet to see... The other is a very small and agile one that can scale walls 'n' such, if I remember correctly. It was mentioned in the Updates.

we have yet to see the new hunters too


Sai said:
Melee combos really didn't seem like much, to be honest. What we saw the Master Chief use on the Brute-- Could you honestly say you could get away with something like that against an Elite, Hunter, or Brute on Legendary difficulty?... Anyways, the way it seems to work out now is that melee attacks change depending on distance. If you are far away from them, the melee attack will stun the opponent a bit.

Melee combos are (were?) one of the new features I was most looking forward to. I cant say enough how many times I had to melee a elite or even a grunt more than once. If they cut a combo system I hope you can at least melee a little faster in succession, which I suppose is a combo anyways.


ced said:
Melee combos are (were?) one of the new features I was most looking forward to. I cant say enough how many times I had to melee a elite or even a grunt more than once. If they cut a combo system I hope you can at least melee a little faster in succession, which I suppose is a combo anyways.

Not only were combos in the beta, but so were different melee attacks depending on how close to your enemy you are. I read impressions over at CVG that described the melee for the battle rifle, and how up close it was a crushing downward smash, but from further out the MC swung it like a baseball bat.


GhaleonEB said:
Not only were combos in the beta
Eh? So they're in? Toss me a link, please.

[EDIT] - I checked CVG, this is all I could find:

Hail Melee
Every true Halo multiplayer master knows up close melee attacks are the ultimate beat down. In Halo 2 they're even more important - as Bungie studio manager Pete Parsons told us right after he smashed an Assault Rifle into our face.

The one-hit-kills remain if you catch an enemy up close, and now every weapon has more than one melee attack depending on how close you are to your enemy. The standard butt-smash is still going strong, but we also saw some cool moves where you lash out with your weapon in a two-handed pushing motion.

Some weapons even have awesome new signature attacks like the Plasma Rifle - little blades pop up from the muzzle as you stuff the weapon into an enemy's face so hard you can see your arm quivering with the force!
I... Don't see anything about Melee Combos though.

I read impressions over at CVG that described the melee for the battle rifle, and how up close it was a crushing downward smash, but from further out the MC swung it like a baseball bat.
Ahahaha! That sounds great! :D


I've read so many beta impressions lately that I may have confused where I read that combos were in. I'll do a little digging. (I've read about 15 hands-on articles in the last week - CVG was the last)


The thing is, these combos would really only be useful in campaign, they may not even be in multiplayer. Unless of course they stun now.

Hey isnt it about time for leaks of the magazines SP coverage for Nov issues? Or is that gonna be around the 24th?


ced said:
Hey isnt it about time for leaks of the magazines SP coverage for Nov issues? Or is that gonna be around the 24th?
Surprisingly, I forgot all about that.

The mags should be hitting sometime within the next week, if I remember correctly. Can't wait to see what Single Player Campaign looks like now. Hope they show some bits and parts of the NEW New Mombasa. :)


Sai said:
Surprisingly, I forgot all about that.

The mags should be hitting sometime within the next week, if I remember correctly. Can't wait to see what Single Player Campaign looks like now. Hope they show some bits and parts of the NEW New Mombasa. :)

They are in the next issue of EGM and XBN. They are both taking on Campaign, with different content in each (bastards - now I have to buy two mags).

Didn't the last issue of EGM hit subscribers about a week ago? Wouldn't that mean we still have three weeks? Or do I have my timetable screwed up?


Anim8erJB has been subtley hinting that Campaign simply blows away anything we've seen so far on other boards. Not that I needed to add to Sai's frothing demand.... :)


I don't keep up with gaming mags anymore. I just remember hearing "at the end of September"

A big ":(" if we have to wait longer though.


Sai said:
I don't keep up with gaming mags anymore. I just remember hearing "at the end of September"

A big ":(" if we have to wait longer though.

Now that I think about it, the last issue of XBN hit several weeks ago, so that's not unreasonable.


Keeping yourself from reading SP Halo 2 stuff for 2 months... well, fuck you Moses, crossing that desert was shit compared to this. :p


Drexon said:
Keeping yourself from reading SP Halo 2 stuff for 2 months... well, fuck you Moses, crossing that desert was shit compared to this. :p

I'd read that they are showing EGM only one or two levels, both early in the game. I'm not worried about spoilers. :)


I hope they don't include Melee Combo's, but Peaking around corners would be a nice addition.

Sprinting would be an interesting change.. Maybe, if you had to put away both weapons, but you could cover some terrain quickly? It's probably not worth implementing.


HalfPastNoon said:
drinkycrow simply raves about the single player campaign in #irc. basically, it's better than anything you've imagined.

Yeah, I've had this feeling for months now that most people just don't quite understand how ambitous Halo 2 is. I have a feeling that it will entirely redifine what is expected of sequels, and perhaps games, altogether.

My expectations are through the roof, and I fully expect to be blow away. Consider the following:

*Bungie widely considers Halo to have been a heavily comprimised game, crunched to meet the XBox launch.
*Halo none the less turned into one of the most widely acclaimed games of all time (haters be damned), not to mention one of the best selling.
*Bungie was given an open book to create whatever they could with Halo 2 - as much time, resources and freedom as they wanted.

We will be pwned. Mark my words.


the early as hell single player video from 2 e3's ago, the part where the marine says "im going in, COVER ME!" gives me chills. :)

just wanted to say that.


HalfPastNoon said:
why the fuck would bungie include bots, at this point, when the game is XBL enabled?

Making a game Live-enabled is not a substitute for bot support. That was thoroughly explained earlier in this thread. You're right about it being too late to expect a change of heart from Bungie this late in the game, but omitting multiplayer bots was really a poor design decision no matter how you slice it.

Moving on to lighter subjects...

As far as the melee combos go, I wonder if they were implemented thanks to Itagaki? I seem to recall a magazine snippet where he suggested that if Master Chief is able to wield a Covenant plasma sword in Halo 2, he should be able to combo with it. Maybe the idea was already on the drawing board beforehand and Itagaki's statement was just a coincidence, but it'd definitely be neat if they worked that little touch in as a response to his suggestion. :)
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