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Halo 5 Forge |OT| Plan, Build, Share



So I'm going to be busy for the rest of the day today, so I'll do a Forge session next week. Featured maps are Sacellum by Nutter and Outskirts by nillapuddin.


I'll also be making more of these bubble things so that when people leave feedback, they can just choose the bubble they want, instead of trying to remember names.



Im updating maps with links, so if anyone never friended me to grab maps, heres a cheat sheet
* edit all my links fucked, will redo later *


So I'm going to be busy for the rest of the day today, so I'll do a Forge session next week. Featured maps are Sacellum by Nutter and Outskirts by nillapuddin.


I'll also be making more of these bubble things so that when people leave feedback, they can just choose the bubble they want, instead of trying to remember names.


oh I'm so flattered, I don't know what next weekend holds but Id love to participate

How do you decide which maps Im curious? They just peak your interest?


Im updating maps with links, so if anyone never friended me to grab maps, heres a cheat sheet
* edit all my links fucked, will redo later *

oh I'm so flattered, I don't know what next weekend holds but Id love to participate

How do you decide which maps Im curious? They just peak your interest?

For this one, Nutter updated his Sanctuary remake. I then wanted another Halo 2 remake, so I picked yours. On the first one, it was because JDHarbs asked to test Condemned, and I wanted to play my map. I picked Sik also, just because.


For this one, Nutter updated his Sanctuary remake. I then wanted another Halo 2 remake, so I picked yours. On the first one, it was because JDHarbs asked to test Condemned, and I wanted to play my map. I picked Sik also, just because.

cool beans. Ill give it a once over this week,make sure nothing has gotten out of alignment, I have looked at it for awhile
I had a run around Nutters sanc remake. It looks real fucking good. I have one issue which is the walkway between ring 2 and sniper spawn is blue on both sides. Kind of threw me off.


I really want the Genesis/Sanghelios scenery next. Tom French said that it's way easier to pull already existing scenery, instead of creating completely new one, so chances could be very good, right?

Also, the textures would even look better with anisotropic filtering, but the way Halo 5 renders the game at 60FPS probably means it's not comming to the console. Maybe on PC? Either way, it's gonna be pretty awesome to see screens in 4K or 1080p with better AA. I miss the days where you could do in-game screenshots and the game would render them at higher resolutions and then downsample it to 1080p again. Really don't like the built in screenshot function of the Xbox One.


So is there no playlist that actively promotes and is only focused on User Generated maps?

Sometging like Far Cry 2 where you can just host yours and others maps??


Guys, I need some honesty here.

I've separated myself from being concerned with my maps post launch, but I was showing my friend a bunch of forge maps and explaining to him what I like to do, etc.

Anyways, I am just curious, who has actually played on or looked at my Rats Nest, and what do you think?

When I finished it, I was so excited for it because I really feel like its kicks ass, even more so than most of my maps. But all (of the very little) I've heard, is that ppl just dont like how it doesnt look like rats nest and write it off.

I've never made forge remakes look like their original counterpart, and it was never a problem til now. Just curious, its not going to offend me if ppl hate it, I'm just confused as to why.

Someone blended Guardian and Lockout o_O https://youtu.be/cJt5ueLQcbA

my dawg cujo, i had alotta fun with him over the years, always has cool ideas. he made that first dorm room map that got real popular also
A lot of people look for a returning general aesthetic in remakes. Most people would want a grassy Blood Gulch with reddish rocks because that's where the nostalgia is. Even I didn't like Hemorrhage as much as I could have. An exception could be Reflection, where I think it looked sufficiently better than Ivory Tower (despite having worse geometry IMO).


A lot of people look for a returning general aesthetic in remakes. Most people would want a grassy Blood Gulch with reddish rocks because that's where the nostalgia is. Even I didn't like Hemorrhage as much as I could have. An exception could be Reflection, where I think it looked sufficiently better than Ivory Tower (despite having worse geometry IMO).

I'm well aware of that, I am specifically and exclusively talking about my Rats Nest, in Halo 5.

Edit: If that sounded like I was being as asshole I'm sorry, was too tired for internet when I posted that.
I agree with you though 100%
I'm well aware of that, I am specifically and exclusively talking about my Rats Nest, in Halo 5.

Edit: If that sounded like I was being as asshole I'm sorry, was too tired for internet when I posted that.
I agree with you though 100%
The only explanation for people still not giving it a try is that they are full-on purists. Or that the infamous google doc replaced it already. (I just checked, yours isn't on there.)


Are you going to give it a texture pass?

I want to do something with it aesthetically yeah, but I'm not super sure yet. I fiddled with it for a bit, but couldn't get the feel I liked.

My only thing is I don't want it to be brown and green like it was. But clearly my affinity for grayscale is off-putting sooo ¯_(ッ)_/¯

I'm certainly open to suggestions, so let me know if you have some thoughts on it, or if you wanna mess around with it yourself feel free.

The map design is obviously very solid as is and (in my mind) I did too good of a job with the forging, to give up on it.


completely lost my Highlands WIP, no idea what happened to it

had all buildings completely built out :'( :'( :'( :'(

fucking fucking fuckedy fuck

Anyways, my friend I was visiting had never forged before, but we built a map while I was there with him check it out



I have a couple hundred objects for decoration, I want to have a ton of vines and shrubbery in the center area. I will be really interested how it plays, very small and very traversable.

heres a video runaround

p.s. my intro cameras are garbage tier, sorry in advance

bonus clip of wtf forge
I see you have hired Sikamikanico's Landscape Designer.
No root space for the tree.

I fixed that anomaly! ;)

So I've got the project I've been working on involving scripting working...but the scripts work for around 3 minutes before shitting the bed and going all wonky.

And while they work in Forge, in customs there's a different bug going on involving scripted invisible kill balls...as in, they aren't there. But as it's a custom game, I can't see them to see what they are doing, and they don't do it in Forge. Super irritating.


I had a run around Nutters sanc remake. It looks real fucking good. I have one issue which is the walkway between ring 2 and sniper spawn is blue on both sides. Kind of threw me off.

Thanks dude!

I was actually torn on keeping it blue or making it something else. I may end up just making it white on both sides and not have it tied to a base color.


Kinda' dicking around with the textures and other visual effects. Say hello to Castle Pegasus:

Not really meant for playing. Mostly just to test the aesthetic. Still a WIP. I want it to be all stone with wooden floors and marble accents.
Large-ish gif:

On the off chance that one of you played Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, this is for you in particular. It's the first chapter of the game, in aesthetic map form. Secret room included.

@TCKaos, your images are broken for me.
Hey those new textures on Pegasus look really nice. This is funny because I was just checking out (cringing) at both Orion and Pegasus yesterday. I wonder if Orion was made to give new forgers a confidence boost.


hey you bastards, get on Halo and play with us in the officially unofficial Karl test group (I assume everyone will be getting on in a few)


Ive decided my symmetrical cube map is good for "beta"

Its called "HaloReachEraForgeHubCircleJerk"

but I might change it to something shorter, dunno yet

its very small so I find it difficult to take pictures, and its so symmetrical that a video run-through seems redundant, but anyways

video run through



Imgur Album


File Share Link

should I change all the vegetation to snowy versions? it goes against the vision but idc

Foundation Minimalist on FH also

Anyone want to go halfsies on a HaloCustoms tournament BTB entry? I have Forger's block and could use a buddy to get something going (co-Forging is permitted)
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