What's your concern? Your W:L ratio or the ranking?
I have 6 wins and 24 losses in FFA. Many times I was 2nd place with 1 kill difference. Oh well.
What's your concern? Your W:L ratio or the ranking?
I like the one where you punch the player in the face after you take them to the ground. I think it's called "stay down".My arena win pack had this
I always choke when I try to assassinate someone, havn't gotten to try half the ones I have yet.
My arena win pack had this
I always choke when I try to assassinate someone, havn't gotten to try half the ones I have yet.
Weird, I thought REQ points to were the proper incentive to do good in matches.
Throw in the daily win packs and victory boosts and such, and that's more than enough incentive for a good amount of people im sure.
I have 6 wins and 24 losses in FFA. Many times I was 2nd place with 1 kill difference. Oh well.
Ascension remake is done, his GT is the same as author on the album
Wow, there's a lot of whiners and sore losers in this thread. Suck it up, get better, and stop being a little bitch. You're going to lose in ranked play, a lot, so shut up and take it like a man. All quitters should be banned from the game, even if you're the last person on a team. Take the loss as a badge of honor that you stuck it out and weren't a scrub like the other members of your team who quit. No one likes the players that constantly whine and complain. Most of the people complaining right now will complain no matter what 343i does with matchmaking in this game. It's never going to be perfect, so get over it and enjoy the game, or stop playing.
Ascension remake is done, his GT is the same as author on the album
I see. Well if you come in second, you didn't win. The first place guy, defeated you. You are the runner up. I know a lot of people are from the "everyone gets a trophy" school of thought these days. But that's silly.
6/24 is a pretty good FFA record considering the odds. As long as the ranking system recognizes that you are frequently at the top of the list (which it does) I don't see the issue.
Why. Why do people have the fascinating urge to remake shit maps. Especially maps that would be awful in H5
Ascension remake is done, his GT is the same as author on the album
Shit map or not, it is a great way To show the versatility of Forge. Keep em coming I say
Idk man, the narrows remake I saw looked great in the Forge OT, this one looks straight up Reach like.... with a fart cloud surrounding it.
Maybe next time, instead of paying people to code the matchmaking, you could just grab some homeless people off the street and trade them food for work. Sure, not many of them would know how to code, but the end result of them randomly mashing keys couldn't be much worse than what you have, and you'll have helped the less fortunate in the community. Win win.
Why. Why do people have the fascinating urge to remake shit maps. Especially maps that would be awful in H5
Ascension remake is done, his GT is the same as author on the album
Well, I know that and certainly don't believe everyone should get a trophy, but it's different when the shot of winning is 1/6 compared to 50% in team games. I think that should be reflected.
It's not the end of the world to me, but a little nuisance.
Why does everyone suggest larger penalties for quitters but no one suggests bonuses for players that don't quit.
Idk makes sense to me to give players a reason to stay besides the fear of being banned because obviously people don't give a shit about that.
I agree with this, positive reinforcement usually has better outcomes than negative reinforcement. A game streak bonus would be a really nice idea, rewarding more exp and req points up to a certain level for continued game completion.
Armchair development.
"Just make the game better. Tighten up dem graphics. Add 20% more fun".
haha fart of war!!
I really want that john cena assassination D:
Got this from LOOT CRATE, I don't play Halo.
Free Halo 5 "Supply Req Pack" code to the first to quote.
Ascension remake is done, his GT is the same as author on the album
Got this from LOOT CRATE, I don't play Halo.
Free Halo 5 "Supply Req Pack" code to the first to quote.
Got this from LOOT CRATE, I don't play Halo.
Free Halo 5 "Supply Req Pack" code to the first to quote.
Ooooooh, is this from the Star Wars/Halo Loot Crate for December? I've got that ordered.
damn im too slow.i wanted that rEQ
Ascension remake is done, his GT is the same as author on the album
I wish that option would be effective, but when you have a poster that is in the top ten posting in this thread (280+ and counting) and all he post is the same regurgitated exaggerations over and over, people will reply and you will still end up reading his complaints.didwejustbecomebestfriends.gif
Such brown, many fogs. Way dreary.
Post Script: I would like to just make a note about The Antitypes complaints in general. After browsing his service record on Waypoint you will notice a pattern of quitting more frequently on certain maps: Fathom, Regret, Rig, Pegasus and Eden primarily. He had a stretch of 9 DNF's and has more quits in Halo 5 than I have had in my entire time playing Halo. He also won't be bitching about having a stretch of 13 wins, many of which were by over 10 kills. The fact of the matter is that he is just being a twat to the players who have to then stick out the remainder of the game because he can't handle a map or doesn't like the outcome of one of his first encounters. He is a scourge on the game and should be put into a pool of other dunces that don't belong in general MM population. He will be going on ignore for me on gaf and maybe some day he will stop being a whinny brat about the occasional mismatched game (judging by the scores for games he does finish and the ones he quits out of generally being fairly close given the disadvantage).
I'd give you mine if I didn't play Halo, if that's any consolation? :3
Edit: Nevermind doesn't look like one is coming my way.
Yes, it's a network issue on my end that affects exactly one game.
:rolls eyes:
I get that this thread is a 343i hug box, but come on.
Ascension remake is done, his GT is the same as author on the album
I see what your you are saying but, you just alter your standards to reflect the gametype... You don't alter the win conditions.
The acceptable win percentage in 4v4 should be 50%. The acceptable win percentage in FFA should be 16%.
I don't see the logic in having the same expectations for the two game modes.
Anybody available for a quick map test? Only need 1 person. GT is AkaiGAF, so just message me.
damn im too slow.i wanted that rEQ
Eh. Other titles don't count a 3rd place out of 6 a loss. Since I'm at work, I can't elaborate too much, but a 3rd place finish is still placing better than half of the competition. I'm a fan of the 1st place winner, 2nd and 3rd place neutral, 4th and lower loss.I see what your you are saying but, you just alter your standards to reflect the gametype... You don't alter the win conditions.
The acceptable win percentage in 4v4 should be 50%. The acceptable win percentage in FFA should be 16%.
I don't see the logic in having the same expectations for the two game modes.
Eh. Other titles don't count a 3rd place out of 6 a loss. Since I'm at work, I can't elaborate too much, but a 3rd place finish is still placing better than half of the competition. I'm a fan of the 1st place winner, 2nd and 3rd place neutral, 4th and lower loss.
If you're not timing the over shield in this game every match, you're playing it wrong.If there was one item I'd remove it'd be overshield. It's an utterly pointless item, and the most poorly balanced one too.
Back when I played League of Legends competitively there were always blowout matches either way. Either my team got shitstomped or the enemy team did. It's gonna happen in every competitive game. The matchmaking system can try it's hardest to match teams of even skill but it cannot factor in luck, tilt, and demoralization factors. I'd wager the effects of these phenomena have an equal, if not greater effect on the outcome of the game than a minor difference in aiming skill.