Nothing frustrates me more about solo queue in Team playlists than calling out and having zero people even hear never mind respond. So many missed kills because people are too busy chatting to their buddy on Fifa instead of trying to communicate and win the game they're playing...
Lol the sword is so OP on Overgrowth in FFA. I could get a running riot while posting on GAF. Just ran around circles killing people till I lost energy. Honestly, it's a bit broken.
I am not sure but I do know that the Servers have seemed to be spotty for a week or so.Anyone know the reason why this is happening to me? Happened every game I've played today.
Not getting an error message & I have reset the game.
Ascension remake is done, his GT is the same as author on the album
Anybody want to play some arena right now? I'd prefer to not play Breakout.
Bonus for streaks and challenges etc have been suggested quite a lot. I definitely agree that more positive reinforcement will probably work better. People quit out and then get pissed later when they're banned, that doesn't really stop the initial quit. Maybe it stops future quits.
So a reason to suffer through even a terrible match would be a double whammy. Fingers crossed they take the feedback on board and implement something sooner rather than later.
Ascension remake is done, his GT is the same as author on the album
Wanna do some doubles after my Slayer match?
Also, just finished off my silver packs woop woop. Got my 3000 Req point return.
Gold packs only now (till January).
I'm just really glad they are implementing updates monthly. Even some hotfixes in between on the server side.
Sure it's been out for almost 2 months, but we've seen great involvement from 343i. let us not forget that, yeah?
yeah? guys? where you going?. .. guys!?
oh interesting. So you get a huge point card to let you know you're done?
oh interesting. So you get a huge point card to let you know you're done?
Yeah. When you are done with bronze you'll get a 500 point card and the nadir emblem. With silver it's two 1500 point cards.
Had a free for all match I didn't think was anything special.. 25k/27d, but did manage to get first place. Then I check the carnage report and all 25 of my kills were headshots.I am a huge fan of Arena in this game but feel its lacking severely in progression/reward system for those who just prefer arena. These are my standing complaints with arena mode...
- My rank means nothing. It resets, and it's very difficult to get out of the bracket you are placed in after your first 10 matches. I find it's not an accurate representation of my skills. I have higher rank in playlists I do worse in.
- The game is great at acknowledging cool stuff with medals, but they don't show medals after the end of the match. The commendations (like get 50 kills with a weapon or whatever) are buried in menus.
- Weapon skins are stupidly rare, and only affect loadout weapons. You won't see your SMG skin in Arena unless there happens to be a mode that spawns you with an SMG.
- I know the cards are mostly for Warzone.. but it's the reward system for Arena too, and the rewards don't make any sense there. I have hundreds of weapon cards I will never use. And adding an option to buy $100 worth of these cards is disgusting. I can't believe anyone would spend $100 on so much nothing!
- People sure are against join in progress, but I wish it was there. Doubles when someone on the other team quits is boring. I wouldn't mind joining a match in progress every once in a while if it means empty games I'm stuck in will get filled up.
- Oddball, Assault, etc are still missing in action
Halo 5 is one of my GOTYs because of arena gameplay alone. But even if I don't use them, all of this requisition card bullshit feels gross.
Yeah, that's logical. Ultimately, my apprehension arises from the fact that at a glance my win % looks absolutely horrendous without further digging in.
Btw, seasons are 1 month right? I am really excited to start next season, until recently I have been suffering with controls and now that I have everything set it will be great to start season 2 with a bang.
Eh. Other titles don't count a 3rd place out of 6 a loss. Since I'm at work, I can't elaborate too much, but a 3rd place finish is still placing better than half of the competition. I'm a fan of the 1st place winner, 2nd and 3rd place neutral, 4th and lower loss.
No it didnt, bloom had a spread were the max bloom made the bullet land in random spot within the bloom, this made the results on 1 v 1 a roll of the dice, you wanted to pace your shot while someone was spaming and he would win the DMR battle, and thats was people problem with bloom, spamers had a chance to win out someone pacing.
When the Bloom was taken out it wasnt a instant 5 sk weapon as many tought, it improved the kill times while keeping it hard to do a 5sk given how hard was to land a 5th shot in the head.
A lot of the emblems are tied to commendations so you may not be that far off.I have every single rare, uncommon, and common req except for the emblems... Which means I still have a lot of silvers left to open lol 40 left I think...
My biggest pet peeve in this game right now is Onyx level players who don't communicate at all. It's absolutely terrible and causes me to lose so many matches IMO.
Most have mics but barely use them and then there's the jerks in party chat who match in groups of twos or threes and don't send you a party invite. That's the worst because you know they can't even hear you at all.
I don't understand how people at that level who obviously are trying to play competitively decide not to use their mic. The advantage calling out gives is huge AND it makes games much more fun!
I'd like to see party chat banned in ranked play if that's even possible. I know it won't happen but I can dream.
I have every single rare, uncommon, and common req except for the emblems... Which means I still have a lot of silvers left to open lol 40 left I think...
A lot of the emblems are tied to commendations so you may not be that far off.
I have every single rare, uncommon, and common req except for the emblems... Which means I still have a lot of silvers left to open lol 40 left I think...
I don't understand how people at that level who obviously are trying to play competitively
I'd like to see party chat banned in ranked play if that's even possible.
Even if they banned party chat, I still wouldn't talk to you. (you, being any random in general)
I've had my fill of music blaring, ragers, and screaming from randoms over the years, pass.
My sons birthday is today, he loves it. My daughter, who is 5, has been running around the house shooting it for the past hour though. She said "dad, I guess I like halo after all"
My 3yo boy says that he wants to watch robots (halo), my gf won't allow it though.Happy birthday to your son! that's awesome. haah when i put on the game, my 3yr old daughter says.. "you watch halo?" lol
My 3yo boy says that he wants to watch robots (halo), my gf won't allow it though.
Even if they banned party chat, I still wouldn't talk to you. (you, being any random in general)
I've had my fill of music blaring, ragers, and screaming from randoms over the years, pass.
My 3yo boy says that he wants to watch robots (halo), my gf won't allow it though.
Damn you guys are really exaggerating. That happens once and a while and you mute them instantly. I definitely can deal with the occasional twat in exchange for meeting the rare cool person who isn't asocial and likes to communicate with their teammates.
4v4 is way more fun when people work together and talk. I know you can't force people to do so and I know that's not realistic and would not be appreciated by people like Ramirez who feel they need their safe space from the riffraff. Communicating to me is just part of being a good teammate once you are in the higher ranks, because not doing so can and will cause you to lose games and just generally get stomped.
My 3yo boy says that he wants to watch robots (halo), my gf won't allow it though.
Yeah, I think they should shower us with RP because that'll incentivize people to keep playing, and Warzone would be more fun for it too. Currently it takes too long to unlock things, especially if you enjoy Arena more.I am a huge fan of Arena in this game but feel its lacking severely in progression/reward system for those who just prefer arena. These are my standing complaints with arena mode...
Yup. The most pressing thing H5 needs ASAP is the ability to mute in the pregame lobby. Nothing sends me into a rage quicker than pregame noise.Even if they banned party chat, I still wouldn't talk to you. (you, being any random in general)
I've had my fill of music blaring, ragers, and screaming from randoms over the years, pass.
Time to start recruiting a fireteam jack
I think those higher end players who don't use a mic probably worked their way up there solo so they don't see the need now. idk just guessing really. sorry some of your games have been lack luster![]()
I didn't realize could filter items to show what you have left to unlock.
Y button twice.
I think it's new in the update. I don't think it worked previously.
To play Halo MM consistently you need to be a player with a thick skin when it comes to what are you getting in a game and the BS that might happen, stuff like Shotguns shot not killing someone, people surviving nades, you getting killed by one nade even tough you had what it looked like full shield, maps that you don't like, bad teammates, quitters, a team of pro in the other team, lag, your shot not registering the last headshot, nade spam, campers, lousy spawns...not every Match need to be an easy win with nothing bad happening, if you cant stomach stuff like this to happen, then Halo (not just Halo 5) isnt for you.
The bolded was mentioning stuff that happened to me on Halo Reach.
Pre-Season is over Spartans! Season 1 kicks off with Cartographers Gift in ranked Arena playlists. Finish all of your placement matches in a playlist to unlock a one-time only Season 1 REQ Pack at the end of the Season.
I watched the exorcist at 4 or 5. Lol I say to my gf all the time no one gave a fuck back in the dayI watched Nightmare on Elm Street at 3, your boy will be fine lol.
I watched the exorcist at 4 or 5. Lol I say to my gf all the time no one gave a fuck back in the day