I did have 3 bad teammates actually.
My best teammate did worse than their worst teammate.
You can technically argue I did better than the "exceptional" player, K/D wise. Yes I wasn't able to get as many kills but I didn't contribute as many deaths as him.
Anyways its just frustrating. W/L should become more important as you increase fireteam size IMO. When not in fireteam and solo K/D should become more important. Kinda even out the battlefield in this "team" game.
Its all a bunch of bullshit anyways I'm a game or two away from Diamond already I just got too tired to continue tonight.
Maybe next time I have some free time a few days from now I can finish this. Then to crawl through Diamond garbage.
So your solution boils down to that tired and flawed perception that KD should matter for rank.... Im not going to talk about that. you didnt do better than the other guy who got 20 kills, if you have had gotten 21 kills your team would had won, plain and simple.
I played a slayer with two of my friends and got matched with a radom that got 4 kills and died 18 times and we lost like by 10, but you dont see me coming here blaming matchmaking about it, because it part of the game, happens, you dont want yourself subject to this get friends, so excuse me if I dont feel any symphaty for anyone that comes blaming the game or the matchmaking when they loose, but dont say a single word when their team wins the game.... sure matchmaking worked there, right?