Samurai G0SU
I'd say, by the time it hits June 2016 and the population really dips, then we all can bring out our tissues. T_T
but I would like to see Halo grow and have fresh blood coming in.
I'd say, by the time it hits June 2016 and the population really dips, then we all can bring out our tissues. T_T
I'd say, by the time it hits June 2016 and the population really dips, then we all can bring out our tissues. T_T
Gameplay is the best ever and I would love to see proper BTB maps. Right now, BTB is the ugly red-headed stepchild lol.
I know the regulars still play, but I would like to see Halo grow and have fresh blood coming in. Twitch is just one metric, not the final word.
Well of course. So would I...
But even though it's not booming population isn't really worrisome which is what your inital post said.
Oh it'll dip over time... But I still expect a healthy enough population to stick with this game all the way to Halo 6. I'll never have trouble finding games which is all I care about *shrug*
what happens in june 2016
Last post on the matter, because you don't really get it. After titanfall, the acceptance of a shit experience was replaced by the anticipation of something decent. This decent experience exists because people do occasionally experience it.
People would not complain if they had a choice in how they matchmake. Instead of defending it, people should be pushing for changes.
what happens in june 2016
I'm surprised there's no obvious in-game method for watching the online HCS tournaments. Im sure there are plenty of people who don't even know the pro-scene exists or how to access it. Some of these folks might find it entertaining or insightful. In game Tournament spectating did wonders from growing CS:GO's player base.
By June 2016 all planned DLC content will be released, which will make the game hopefully really really good, in terms of variety and content.
Speaking of content. I really wonder what happened to this (leak from August) or if it's still comming:
The current File Share is just really bad. You have to friend/follow someone, in order to see/download their maps and you can see their "Work in Progress" maps, which is a nightmare scenario for certain Forgers.
We absolutely need a File Share/Browser that has the functionality of Reach's File Share with the visuals of the H3 File Share. Why are these features not being improved, instead of tossing them away only to come up with a much worse and new version? I don't get it.
My prediction for updates:
January brings missing gametypes. February brings File Browser.
I've always loved having an in-game way to watch tournaments... Especially dota 2's. You can still hear the casters of your choice but have complete access to the camera and ui so can still see any detail or follow any player that you want. Plus the video quality is obviously better in client than watching streamed on twitch. It's great.
I was going to mention that, kind of suck the part to get on file share. What about waypoint, can they be downloaded from waypoint?
I do have to give props to bungie, I find that in the Halo 3 and Halo Reach years felt like a better experience than waypoint, more options, better presentation on your service record with more stats, and i could do a file share and just queue any game variant and forge maps available.
I think343i has some tricks up there sleeves that will help sustain player levels for the foreseeable future.hope
They'll undoubtedly have free weekends and/or trials that will allow people to test out the MP, without making a commitment. The idea is that people will feel invested in the leveling and/or req system and decide to buy game outright.
Monthly content updates and daily rewards are a step in the right direction, but they'll need to incorporate ways to make halo "eventful" from time to time...
I'm surprised there's no obvious in-game method for watching the online HCS tournaments. Im sure there are plenty of people who don't even know the pro-scene exists or how to access it. Some of these folks might find it entertaining or insightful. In game Tournament spectating did wonders from growing CS:GO's player base.
Also, they'll HAVE to get PvE back into halo. It's a tried and true way to keep people logging in, so the omission is baffling to me. Maybe a future update.
There also needs to be a custom games browser. Especially with all the awesome forge content being created... It would be such a waste if some has to work extra hard to enjoy these games and gametypes in full lobbies.
True, and even if Destiny UI is not in par with their previous works, it is still very damm good.Bungie are the masters of design and UI. They were way ahead of their time, even with Halo 2's online suite of features. t.
Bungie are the masters of design and UI. They were way ahead of their time, even with Halo 2's online suite of features.
Yes, I am hoping they throw in more surprises that bring people in.
Also, they better fix Overgrowth because it's the most broken map in the playlist.
Oh is that someone in Camo.. coming at me really fast? Spartan charge with the sword insta-killed me. Like they didnt have to swipe the sword at all.
True, and even if Destiny UI is not in par with their previous works, it is still very damm good.
Camo + Sword on overgrowth is quite annoying. I finally faced it and it wasn't fun at all LOL.
Oh is that someone in Camo.. coming at me really fast? Spartan charge with the sword insta-killed me. Like they didnt have to swipe the sword at all.
Since I brought up CS:GO, here's graph that notes the impact of content updates, free weekends, in-game spectating, and timely discounts, on the titles concurrent users...
Hopefully 343i is taking notes, because CS:GO went from being a dissapointment to one of the biggest titles around.
Camo + Sword on overgrowth is quite annoying. I finally faced it and it wasn't fun at all LOL.
Oh is that someone in Camo.. coming at me really fast? Spartan charge with the sword insta-killed me. Like they didnt have to swipe the sword at all.
Yea CS:GO's growth is mindblowing.
But you left out "gambling" which lets be real the steam market plays a huge role in games like this. Being able to buy, trade, and bet skins is huge in that game lol Halo doesnt have that option.
Yea CS:GO's growth is mindblowing.
But you left out "gambling" which lets be real the steam market plays a huge role in games like this. Being able to buy, trade, and bet skins is huge in that game lol Halo doesnt have that option.
As well as "one game". PC titles that exist for much longer timeframes have a leg-up that console games lack. I mean I've been playing Dota 2 intermittently since 2012, and before that DotA was playable on the same hardware as a computer from 2002. StarCraft had a good twelve years of solid competitive play. A console game cannot compete.
Being able to derank would be horrible. The reason you can't now is because adding that ability would mean players could purposefully derank by things like quitting or grieving their team for the sole purpose of playing lower skilled players to steam roll. I think if anything 343 should add a higher placement match requirement. How hard would it be to play 15 or 20 matches to be placed instead of 10? And I would assume placements would be that much more accurate.
As mentioned above deranking would be horrible.
The best solution IMO would be changing placement matches from 10games to 10wins. It would instantly solve the issue of mid level players being ranked to high, because there would be much more data to gauge what types of players One is actually capable of beating.
As well as "one game". PC titles that exist for much longer timeframes have a leg-up that console games lack. I mean I've been playing Dota 2 intermittently since 2012, and before that DotA was playable on the same hardware as a computer from 2002. StarCraft had a good twelve years of solid competitive play. A console game cannot compete.
Yea Definitely. Much different markets regarding players too.
I don't necessarily think trading and gambling would help grow Halo just saying it definitely is a factor in keeping CS:GO the powerhouse that it is.
Yes it does. I actually bought it yesterday. No lag. No latency. Full content.
They should be worried about the population. It actually hurts to see Halo this low after just some months. And it will never be back in top.
Lots of gamers today actually enjoys PVE.look at Destiny. Which have been above halo in population almost all the time.
343 bet everything on warzone. No real BTB. That's why we have ugly forge maps.
I just understand how they work anymore.
You nailed the gameplay. Miss on the content.
No BTB. No PVE. Most of game modes were miss on the launch. All previews games had it. How and why did it miss it?
It's really eating me and killing me seeing Halo like this.
It's such an amazing game. Gameplay wise.
Yeah, a map that combines sword, cammo, shotguns and small corridors is not going to play good at all. Whenver I see that map on slayer coming up, I take a sip of fireball and say to myself this is just a game.
I do want to comment that this map is so different than Plaza, and if the developer wouldn't had said it was remix I doubt anyone would had tell it was.
Today is a lucky day.
From daily warzone pack:
I actually really like overgrowth. And i agree, it plays verrrry different from plaza. The art in overgrowth is nice too! I love the engagements. Of course, when it's not with a shotgun or sword. Seen plenty of times someone is trying to flank, but really sneaky since their in a hallway and can't evade much if caught. hehe... >=D
Camo + Sword on overgrowth is quite annoying. I finally faced it and it wasn't fun at all LOL.
Oh is that someone in Camo.. coming at me really fast? Spartan charge with the sword insta-killed me. Like they didnt have to swipe the sword at all.
Do we know this for sure? It feels like it's true but did they actually state this somewhere?Yes hidden skill and MMR still exists and was not resetted.
Do we know this for sure? It feels like it's true but did they actually state this somewhere?
Talking about the population, are people not expecting a boost in a couple of days??
Today is a lucky day.
From daily warzone pack:
Since I brought up CS:GO, here's graph that notes the impact of content updates, free weekends, in-game spectating, and timely discounts, on the titles concurrent users...
Hopefully 343i is taking notes, because CS:GO went from being a dissapointing sinking ship to one of the biggest titles around.
I actually really like overgrowth. And i agree, it plays verrrry different from plaza. The art in overgrowth is nice too! I love the engagements. Of course, when it's not with a shotgun or sword. Seen plenty of times someone is trying to flank, but really sneaky since their in a hallway and can't evade much if caught. hehe... >=D
Would be insanity if the plasma caster was there. Oh the joy that would be. Great thing about overgrowth is that you can't really camp a particular spot, there is constant movement. Well, based off the games i've played so far.
I reallly think the next halo game will be HALO 5: (Subtitle)
just thinking about the halo 5 mp and how much they put into this for the long haul. WZ/REQ/Spectate/HCS. i can see halo 5 mp be the staple mp mode for the next 2 halos then graduate to a new engine when halo 6 officially releases on the next xbox.
Today is a lucky day.
From daily warzone pack:
Talking about the population, are people not expecting a boost in a couple of days??
CS:GO is essentially free and Halo 5 costs ~ $400 minimum. They're not even close to being the same. Until MS puts Halo on PC they can kiss that kind of viral growth goodbye. It blows my mind that Microsoft's biggest IP is not on their most popular platform.
You can see the gears turning in the executives heads though. The Requisition system is clearly a well thought out solution to the problem of not being able to monetize BIA Xbox Live when they enter the PC ecosystem. They needed a monetization platform a'la DOTA/League/CS:GO/TF2 because they wouldn't be able to charge you for XBL for the Windows release. Honestly its pretty smart, and rolling it out/debugging with the Xbox release is probably the right thing to do. The Windows gamerbase is far less accepting of the kind of issues we're experiencing currently.
I agree. I'd really like to see them use the H5 moniker to complete the H5 multiplayer suite. And find some way to flesh out the existing characters and story, before moving on to the next phase.
Anything that reduces teleporting spam is good. Man, looking back it's amazing how obvious the thrown-together nature of a lot of CE's multiplayer levels were.
be careful about the physics meter. it's a hard limit unlike the lightmap. if you go over it your map may crash.
Most definetly. I want more depth from the games about Blue Team and Osiris. We need more Buck in our lives right?
Especially some of those PC maps. The power weapon spawns were just insane. Danger Canyon had like six neutral Ghost spawns and a bunch of random Snipers, Shotguns and Fuel Rods all over the place.
I've actually gotten to the point where I'm unable to place new terrain. I'm just hoping that I'm able to place all of the spawns and stuff that I want. I'm not entirely sure how I'm running up that budget, either. I saw that the Sandtrap guys had way more stuff than I do and half of the spent physics budget. I guess it depends on the pieces you use?
Most definetly. I want more depth from the games about Blue Team and Osiris. We need more Buck in our lives right?
I'd say they could greatly reduce the deadzones for sure. The % they have now is crazy high Imo. I think that made the biggest difference for me.Using myself as an example: I absolutely HATED playing Halo 5 until the controls patch came out with various adjustment and then it took me a week to get the perfect settings. Just imagine how many players said fuck it and never returned? The general public does not even go into the options settings let alone mess around with various settings.
I think 343 needs to patch the default to be better and allow everyone else to change it how they want.
I'd say they could greatly reduce the deadzones for sure. The % they have now is crazy high Imo. I think that made the biggest difference for me.