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Halo 5: Guardians |OT2| All Hail The Conquering Hero

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I'm one of the few who really enjoys overgrowth. But I've always been a fan of using the close quarters weapons on tight maps like that. Reminds me of sword bases hallways. And there's a million ways to counter on that map, jump out a window or simply thrust over the power weapon users head. Hell I Spartan charged a sword user and shot him before he could come back from the knock away effect.

But again, I've always loved running tight maps with the sword and sprint it's been my thing since Reach. So I'm sure I'm biased. But there wasn't a real close quarter map with weapons that were appropriate until now. Plaza and the Rig were close but those maps are more about sniper and power up control then getting close. I think overgrowth is a great addition as it currently plays.
Here's a simple way to curb quitting a bit.


Seriously. It's way more tedious to have to quit the whole game and load it up again, so some people might not bother


I hate playing a coordinated team on Overgrowth. Once they get control of sword and shotty it's all but over. I'm fine with the idea of a close quarters map though. It's just frustrating to lose something so quickly.


Here's a simple way to curb quitting a bit.


Seriously. It's way more tedious to have to quit the whole game and load it up again, so some people might not bother

And instead they'd just afk or team kill. Id rather they just quit lol
Overgrowth plays poorly because Camo, Shotgun, Sword, hallways/corners everywhere, but stop forgetting about the radar; it makes that map a campfest regardless of the weapons on it. Replace the Sword or Shotgun with a Rocket and the same problems will exist because RADAR.

Radar is the true enemy.

And I disagree with this narrative of a high focus on esports over everything else. Feels like people are projecting considering there are options for casual play. What did Halo 3 have over Halo 5? Two or three more social playlists? Do people really think that would drastically improve things?

Halo's position in the market is inevitable in my opinion, at least until that new Firefight drops with pvp and pve, along with matchmaking toggles to search for what you want, when you want. 343 needed to build a strong gameplay foundation for Halo 5, and that's what they did. The maps feel good for this sandbox and as long as the support stays there, good things will be in Halo's future.


Please add the original looking sniper rifle with the green screen as a Legendary. Thank you. And speaking of snipers, that bullet magnetism REALLY needs to get toned down.
Please add the original looking sniper rifle with the green screen as a Legendary. Thank you. And speaking of snipers, that bullet magnetism REALLY needs to get toned down.


I had a game on plaza and all i did was snapshots all day err day son. they hate us cause they anus.


I really wished the campaign was played by The chief alone .
Exploring, hunting, fighting etc . and at the end he finds him self in a difficult situation, That's where Blue team shows up. Preparing you for Halo 6. In Halo 6 you can choose to play between those 4. Each one will have different campaign or approach. Night and day. Some will fight outside and some is better inside. Clearing buildings and what not.

That way we can be busy. We will have to play the campaign 4 Times to play all the levels.
They make it final hit to give teams a chance to get back in to a match. % reward would benefit the stronger team too much, given the map layouts: chances are they already control two+ bases.

That said, it can be annoying. It can also be the source of much heroics.


I am OK with the last shot kills the boss if they remove the health bar. That said there are other ways to reward the boss kill.
They make it final hit to give teams a chance to get back in to a match. % reward would benefit the stronger team too much, given the map layouts: chances are they already control two+ bases.

That said, it can be annoying. It can also be the source of much heroics.

I didn't say anything about % reward. That solution is awful. The best solution is dual health bars. One for each team. The first team to drain their respective health bar vets the credit and VP. That way you have two options, target the Boss to drain his HP, or target the enemy team to stop them from draining their HP bar.

The current solution sucks for all parties involved. I never feel heroic because I know I cheated those points from the enemy team, and, when a boss gets stolen from me its rage inducing.

Their "solution" being "laughably incompetent" is very much a matter of perspective.

I don't think I've seen many people at all defend Warzone boss mechanics. In fact it seems to me the majority of posts on this topic have been critical of it.


They make it final hit to give teams a chance to get back in to a match. % reward would benefit the stronger team too much, given the map layouts: chances are they already control two+ bases.

That said, it can be annoying. It can also be the source of much heroics.

That's a good point. Otherwise I can see people just mass quitting once they are done by a couple hundred points.

I am OK with the last shot kills the boss if they remove the health bar. That said there are other ways to reward the boss kill.

Good idea about removing the health bar if they keep last hit.
I think the Chief/Locke split could have worked if the writers had kept a bit of mystery to the whole thing.

Here's a what if scenario:

You play the first half of the game as Locke. You play the 2nd half of the game as Chief.

The first half of the game is entirely from Locke's perspective. He gets all his information from Naval Command or ONI, or whoever.

They tell him that a high value asset has gone rogue, and they need him and his team to track him down and bring him back, quietly. That's why they came to him, his history as a spy/assassin for ONI. This can't get public.

Who's the target?

We'll let you know when you've got close.

That's highly unorthodox.

Are you saying we should find somebody else?

....we'll do it.

You take control of Locke's team, and you track down the asset, always a few steps behind. Devastation left in the wake. Scientific outposts, populated colonies, even planets beyond the border of the Covenant empire (...'kill everybody who sees you. If there are survivors that report Spartans in the area, it's a political apocalypse'). The few survivors left behind talk of Spartans appearing right before the devastation started.

So now Locke knows he's hunting down Spartans. He wants more intel, it's denied. He's getting impatient but his commanders continue to play on his pride/arrogance

He finally sees and comes into contact with Chief on some world with a Guardian, as they traverse deeper, they lose contact with Oni/Naval Command/Whoever (seriously, who was in charge of the operation Halo 5? I can't even remember) as it takes off with Chief inside, destroying everything.

Now Locke is pissed. They sent him after a hero. A legend. The reason he's there in the first place. He and the player finally get some information.

Contact with Master Chief was lost on a mission (the one players played in Halo 5). They tracked his ship to a planet that soon thereafter was hit with catastrophic losses. They couldn't send out a public warning for a war hero, they needed him brought back or brought down silently. Spartans never die. He'd be MIA somewhere for the rest of time.

Call back to the opening of Halo 4. There were longstanding fears that the Master Chief was fundamentally broken. A sociopath pointed in the right direction. The 'death' of Cortana may have been the final trigger that sent him over the edge. They have no idea what he's doing, or why, but he needs to be stopped, and it needs to be done quietly.

Halsey is against all this of course. She maintains there must be a reason for it. They dismiss her. 'Monsters create monsters'.

At that point you get the Buck speech, and you do the Sanghelios mission to try and find Master Chief, bring him back, and end the destruction they believe he's committing.

Mission plays out the same way, you end up on Genesis, fight Warden Eternal for the FIRST time, and are ultimately saved by Master Chief and Blue Team.

At this point, with guns drawn, you're given his side of the story.

The message from Cortana. Instructions.

Only this time, John had to do a few things first. It wasn't just a 'hey, come hitch a ride on this Guardian'. He was chasing a signal from the Domain down between Forerunner installations. Trying to reconnect and get more info from Cortana. Each time he did, there was a self-destruct. He tried to warn the colonists, civilians... but there wasn't time. And he had to keep going... for Cortana. To bring her back.... to save her.

Unknown to him, The Forerunners, considering the potential of AI rampancy, required that failsafes for the Guardian program needed to be engaged by physical bodies. He needed to use an access point to the domain on [insert number] of Forenunner installations to grant Cortana access, and she used/abused his trust/love for her to get him to do her bidding. With the belief that he would be in support of her plan once he knew the truth.

Of course, he knew none of this, and once Locke tells him what's been happening, about the Guadians and what their emergences has meant for the planets around them....

At this point you take over Chief. On Genesis. And you start tracking Cortana down. With Locke's team, currently out of contact with ONI/Naval Command, as support. 1P takes on control of Chief, the rest of the team can pick any member of both teams. Dialog changes based on who you pick.

He tracks her across and into any number of weird alien or artificial environments, battles Warden for the first (and only 2nd time), before coming face to face with her for the first time.

You lose the ridiculous 'I'm going to lock you in a box for 10,000 years' thing, and instead, it's Master Chief that force Cortana to keep trying to stop him from crawling to the button, until ultimately

a) she tries to kill him, he endures and stops her

b) she holds back, and allows him to reach the button, but warns that she will continue her plan regardless

Make whatever adjustments you see fit, the major changes are:

1) Locke is no longer the guy preventing the player from playing the character they want (Chief) and achieving the end they want (reuniting with Cortana). Instead the player doesn't know why Chief is doing what he's doing and neither does Locke. Locke is a means of getting the player to Chief while seeing the damage being wrought by Cortana

2) You get a fairly even split between Locke and Chief playtime

3) Chief's actual crime appears more severe than 'did not report back in time for the scheduled dinner'. It looks as though he's laying waste to colonies, and there's real concern he's completely off the reservation. That's at least a semi-feasible reason why the military Chief single-handedly saved might try to stop him instead of asking '....so, do you want any extra men, or fighter jets or anything?'
I'm fine with the Chief / Locke ratio because, let's face it, there's no way in hell the mission quality and length would remain intact with that many more Blue Team missions. I'd rather us get one Reunion instead of three High Charities, or backtracking, even.

Chief needs to fucking retire already. Dude was pushing it by the end of Halo 3. I'm totally fine with someone else taking up the mantle.
I've started reporting teammates that go -10 or more (less?). There has to be some way to game the system to stop matching me up with waterheads like that.


Reporting teammates for quitting, betraying or whatever toxic behavior obviously makes sense. But reporting people for having a bad game?? ummmm.... wtf.


Reporting teammates for quitting, betraying or whatever toxic behavior obviously makes sense. But reporting people for having a bad game?? ummmm.... wtf.

I don't consider myself a good poster by any stretch of the imagination, but my god these new posters really take the cake. Almost makes you want to just stop posting or reading the thread. Delusional trolls all around. It's like where's the sensible thinking gone.


I don't consider myself a good poster by any stretch of the imagination, but my god these new posters really take the cake. Almost makes you want to just stop posting or reading the thread. Delusional trolls all around. It's like where's the sensible thinking gone.

Another site, or maybe it gets as bad there as it does here.
Will I ever leave platinum?

I played for ~3 hours today and went:

Plat 3 -> plat 4 -> plat 2 -> plat 5

And now I'm too tired to play. I swear my heart beats faster when I play this damn game


Will I ever leave platinum?

I played for ~3 hours today and went:

Plat 3 -> plat 4 -> plat 2 -> plat 5

And now unbroken tired to play. I swear my heart beats faster when I play this damn game

I'm sure I shave a few days off my life off every time I play the game.
I'm not sure if this means they know how laughably incompetent their current solution is or if they actually think it's okay.

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I find it fun killing the enemy team while my team takes out a boss. It's important to control the area while you are dealing with AI.


I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I find it fun killing the enemy team while my team takes out a boss. It's important to control the area while you are dealing with AI.

The issue is you can hit most bosses clear across the map. So it's hard to clear out the enemy team when they can just pop up and last hit it from a mile away.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I find it fun killing the enemy team while my team takes out a boss. It's important to control the area while you are dealing with AI.

A lot of guns in this game have near infinite range. This isn't League or where most champs/players need to be near the neutral objective to slay it.

Copy/Pasting the same attribution model to Halo makes no sense and plays awfully. If you think it's okay that you can do 99% of Warden Eternals HP in damage but then I can steal it from a half map away with my Longshot BR that cost me nothing youre probably bad and wrong.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Who is more toxic to halo, antitype or bleedorange? Tough fucking call. I wish both would quit halo forever.
A lot of guns in this game have near infinite range. This isn't League or where most champs/players need to be near the neutral objective to slay it.

Copy/Pasting the same attribution model to Halo makes no sense and plays awfully. If you think it's okay that you can do 99% of Warden Eternals HP in damage but then I can steal it from a half map away with my Longshot BR that cost me nothing youre probably bad and wrong.
Yeah I must be bad at Halo because I disagree about a design choice, makes sense.

The line of sight on the Warden has a small radius that can be controlled on every map except for The Battle of Noctus, but that has two Wardens. If you have map control you should be able to get at least one of them.
Help me understand....

I'm usually the top player in Titanfall and middle to upper tier in Battlefield 4

...yet I FUCKING SUCK at Halo 5 :(

I'm about to just give up on MP. I... I just don't "get" it as usually do HORRIBLE in both Arena and Warzone...
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