Okay instant regret. Loads of crap. Tip: unlock uncommons first
At least your disappoint with the loads of uncommons makes for a fun VOD to watch
Okay instant regret. Loads of crap. Tip: unlock uncommons first
Me. I'm still waiting for two packages that should have arrive on the 22nd. They were in Reno, two hours away, but now are in Sacramento 3 hours away two days later. Ugh.
Me lol, have all day to do it though.Quite, have a good Christmas Bish!
So, who has left their wrapping till last minute like my mum has?
So I think slightly was gonna do Gaf customs last week but it fell through. Should we try again this weekend? Especially since more forge maps have been completed... I wanna play on Nutter's snow Sanctuary remake
and have a playlist where no parties are allowed. At least on an experimental level.
We can try.![]()
Can someone explain to me why overgrowth is hated so much? I've played on it yet . just tried the map on custom .
I will strive to have my Breakout map completed for the first GAF customs.
I know how much everyone likes Breakout <3
Can someone explain to me why overgrowth is hated so much? I've played on it yet . just tried the map on custom .
Can someone explain to me why overgrowth is hated so much? I've played on it yet . just tried the map on custom .
Can someone explain to me why overgrowth is hated so much? I've played on it yet . just tried the map on custom .
Replace Sword with Plasma Caster and Camo with Damage Boost. Boom, map plays 200% more intentionally chaotic and less cheap-feeling. At least if you get exploded by a roided-out dude with a caster you'll come to terms with it quicker than an invisible dude packing sword and shotgun running around eviscerating people.
Well. 5 losses in a row, and not a one of them was close. GG this matchmaking system. Fucking atrocious.
I'll probably be on a lot. I'll keep an eye on discord.
Is the Sayonara medal broken? I've gotten the kill for an enemy that has fallen to their death but not this medal.
You're not alone. The same thing happened to me a bunch of times. I can't say it's definitely broken though, because some may have that medal.Is the Sayonara medal broken? I've gotten the kill for an enemy that has fallen to their death but not this medal.
I asked the same about the Extermination medal, I did an extermination, but didn't got the medal. but there are definitely some medals that are not activated if you go by the medal list in Waypoint, and that Sayonara one I also do the requirements yet don't get the medal, .
I will strive to have my Breakout map completed for the first GAF customs.
I know how much everyone likes Breakout <3
I'd say part of it is people have had the least time to play on it and get used to the map. But most of it comes down to the maps design.
Lots of tight, closed spaces. Not a whole lot of clear sightlines. Lots of corners for people to crouch around. Combine all of that with the fact two of the power weapons on map are Shotgun and Sword to make all those corners that little bit more fun. There's also camo, which for some reason is placed right by Shotgun, which is right near one teams spawn. Oh and there's lots of nade spam so overall it is a pain to play on.
It is really close and cramped. Leads to a lot of people sprinting around and spartan charging. I kind of like it, it encourages a different playstyle than any other map in the game.
Sword, camo and shotgun on a map with a bunch of corridors. Basically whoever gets sword essentially wins the game. Especially on FFA.
Zero sightlines at all on the map, which would be fine if it had a sensible weapon loadout but as it stands it has Sword, Shotgun, Railgun, and the Active Camo powerup. Nothing in this game is more rage inducing than Camo+Shottie or Camo+Sword. Not only that but Blue Spawn has a clear and consistent advantage to each and every one of these at the beginning of the game. So not only is it unfun, but also clearly unbalanced.
TL;DR: Take 343i's baffling hate of clean sightlines. Multiply it by 1000. Then add the most unfun elements of the H5 sandbox and shake it all up.
Some things never changeYup, just like the one in Reach, and Halo 3, and Halo 2...
I don;t even know what discord is. im assuming something similar to vent?
Crossing my fingers we dont get a big ddos again for the 25th.
I really really want OverGrowth to get the Orion treatment![]()
You're not alone. The same thing happened to me a bunch of times. I can't say it's definitely broken though, because some may have that medal.
That medal too. I know I should've had that one plenty of times in swat.
I actually really like the map. Close quarter chaos going on there. Just don't go sprinting around the map. You never no who lurks in that corner...Thanks all for you responses. That sounds boring. I gotta try that out. Hope something does not break
I don't mind close quarter combat.but it sounds like these weapons and power up shouldn't be there.
I don't think it is broken, but I think that there are some medals that 343 don't have activated, in weapon proficiency medals, the rocket kill medal comes to mind.
Extermination stick out because at this point in this game you would had easily find Youtube videos with exterminations, yet the most recent ones are from the Beta.
My wife bought me The Art of Halo 5 book. Amazing gift, awesome book, but the REQ pack it came with was a stinker: one common armor, one common XP boost and one common RP boost 😒
I assume it's the same Basic Supply code thing I got from my LootCrate.
I half hoped for something akin to the preorder bonuses with a Legendary armour piece![]()
I can kind of get behind this. It's why I haven't been in the Arena as much as I'd like.It's the sum experience, from the moment you start the game.
Halo 2 and Halo 3 (which was an iteration) were purposely designed to make players feel like they were sitting on the couch with their friends or at a LAN party.
Halo 5 feels like it's designed to mimic the environment of a tournament.
You come into the lobby with a preset team. If you don't have one, too bad, you can't talk to anybody or even look at 'them' (their profiles/characters). After the game, everybody leaves, on to the next match. No funny medals, no killed most/killed most by. No chance to party up and move on to the next match together.
Nothing light. Nothing fun. Nothing social. Nothing accessible.
Sit down for your match, win/lose, get up and leave.
Cold. Anti-social. Intimidating.
All of which is exacerbated by a matchmaking system that is more than happy to place a team of strangers who can't talk until the match starts, against prebuilt teams, and is happy to ignore their own ranking system when throwing players together.
I actually really like the map. Close quarter chaos going on there. Just don't go sprinting around the map. You never no who lurks in that corner...
I don't have (but should) the rocket kill, sniper, Splaser and a few others. I was looking at someone's service record and they have all the weapons proficiency medals. So, I'm a bit confused. Maybe they got them in Warzone?
I really don't get why that was taken out. I loved Killjoy as well.That's a possibility I guess, but there is a section of Warzone medals which it make it even more weird. One medal that wasn't included in the game that I miss soooooooooo much is the Killjoy medal, I loved that medal.
At least your disappoint with the loads of uncommons makes for a fun VOD to watch![]()
I think it came from a passionate place (doesn't actually mean it) and it won't happen again. Nonetheless, we have to address the core issue and not focus on the dumb crap.
Im only 2 commons away to be done with those, I just want to get my MKV helmet an armor, hopefully it gets easier after I stop purchasing Bronze req paqs.