He delivers! I'm tempted to get one.
How was your Christmas bud?![]()
It was really good. Big get together with the family and their kiddos. Great holiday time.
Your's? I'm guessing the UK celebrates with tea and crumpets or something like that.
He delivers! I'm tempted to get one.
How was your Christmas bud?![]()
It was really good. Big get together with the family and their kiddos. Great holiday time.
Your's? I'm guessing the UK celebrates with tea and crumpets or something like that.
Chicken or beef?haha. I'm going to spend my cut on Ramen.
The one thing that is very inoffensive to me, but because of it, certain maps have cheap sight lines is the ground dash. Barely anyone uses it, and yet maps like fathom and others have these small openings for people to make quick dash escapes or entries, but it ruins regular modes because in gametypes like SWAT you just have someone crouching and getting these cheap shots etc.
Having finally played Noctus as well, I'd really like the inner city aesthetic used for a developer map. Nothing closed or walled off. The aesthetics of this map is how Guillotine should look, but that instead looks like a Nintendo 64 map with San Francisco Rush 2049 vehicles placed around etc.
hahah yeah, isn't it great?Guillotine looks like a Nintendo 64 map with San Francisco Rush 2049 vehicles placed around etc.
Madness was spot on, eh? lolteehee - funny cause true.
Just looked up gammon and now I'm hungry.
My sister made homemade eggnog with tequila in it, and we also had homage Bailey's. Those mixed together was there perfect holiday drink.
edit: Halo
Chicken or beef?
Randomized bosses would muck up the play, I think. Objectives, however, would be cool.
I think randomized bossed would force people to adapt there strategies on the fly. Maybe keep the legendaries on the same timer, but sprinkle more of he lower bosses around the map at different times.
Oriental.Chicken or beef?
Honestly it would be better if there was a steady stream of enemies regular and legendary attacking bases.
Warden taking monument twice a match would really shake things up.Honestly it would be better if there was a steady stream of enemies regular and legendary attacking bases.
Cross post between Forge OT and here. To whomever is doing HaloGAF customs in the future, my map Intercession, is complete for 4v4.
Forge OT link: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=190505100&postcount=929
Yep. Thanks!That's a remake of your older forge map no? Looks nice!
Using :elmo: is about as helpful as a geology degree.Karl thats a 4 v 4 map? :elmo:
Thanks. People seemed to like it in Halo 4, but then again only those really dedicated to Halo 4 stuck around long enough to actually play on it.That looks masterful. I haven't downloaded any Forge creations but this may well be the first. Wow.
I wonder how it plays.
I think Koro's account got jacked. He's currently playing FIFA, that's usually a bad sign.
can someone explain to me how to do the bottom middle to top jump on fathom?
i can do it while crouching but I'm pretty sure I've seen people do it without.
i cannot figure out how to do it without crouching.
Korosenai on GAFWho is Koro?
Korosenai on GAF
I don't know man. His account keeps signing in and out =|Maybe family over/Christmas gift? :/
I don't know man. His account keeps signing in and out =|
I left my Xbox at my grandmas and my cousins keep playing it. He likes Fifa and says halo is for nerds.I think Koro's account got jacked. He's currently playing FIFA, that's usually a bad sign.
I left my Xbox at my grandmas and my cousins keep playing it. He likes Fifa and says halo is for nerds.
And he's probably trying to play online while my grandparents have 0.05 mb down on dial up.
I left my Xbox at my grandmas and my cousins keep playing it. He likes Fifa and says halo is for nerds.
And he's probably trying to play online while my grandparents have 0.05 mb down on dial up.
Thank goodness. You had me scared there for a moment.
Forgive me if this has been asked before, but I honestly couldn't find a definitive answer while googling it - are the holiday REQs still being handed out? I haven't booted up the game in the month of December until today, and I see that the REQs are still being advertised when you boot up the game. I haven't received one, am I too late?
I'll be back online next week for some warzone and holiday social.Thank goodness. You had me scared there for a moment.
Doesn't it been you were killed and they got a perfect medal?i dun geddit
You kids and your newfangled Seinfeldian memes.
Can't find a specific date but I'm pretty sure it is still attainable.
Play a game of Warzone and it should pop up![]()
I'll be back online next week for some warzone and holiday social.
anybody wants to carry me in my placement matches lmao
I have to change my aiming settings everyday. Why can't I get used to this shit?
Probably because you change it every day
I'd offer but I'd probably end up ranking you lower ;D
everything is better than those fucking randoms![]()
I'm in Forge but I'm down for a few games of whatever, what's your tag again? I'll add you on my brothers account :L
<3 IHaveAnIce