Me and Ice are in the lobby, anyone else want to join us. You have 5 mins.
Join Elzar and me pplz
They made it worse. Champions are getting placed into platinum divisions.
Me and Ice are in the lobby, anyone else want to join us. You have 5 mins.
I know ranks do, but wasn't aware they also reset playlist stats.If you haven't played in a while, they reset everyone's ranks for seasons.
Still in a lobby or you searching?
Me and Ice are in the lobby, anyone else want to join us. You have 5 mins.
I see how it is. Elzar cheating on me with IHaveIce. Well, I cheated on you with Xand, too, so we are even.
I'm about to buy the $100 bundle... Am I crazy???
I see how it is. Elzar cheating on me with IHaveIce. Well, I cheated on you with Xand, too, so we are even.
Join us now!
well he has me and you had Xand.
Not that even
yey gaiz
Now, I just need the Nornfang, Oathsworn, and Didact's Signet certifications.
I was jealous, then this happened...
Gold pack?
I was jealous, then this happened...
They replaced normal breakout with Arena Breakout. Which is one of the best game modes in the game.Hopefully 343 addresses this in a future update. It's something I've noticed since the beta.
Really hoping breakout is removed from team arena next month. Somebody posted here before saying they can't believe they haven't seen more complaining about it; instead of moan post I've just refused to play the playlist. In neither season have I been ranked and I haven't played a single game of breakout since I bought the game on launch day. I don't care how many resources 343 have poured into it and I don't care if I'm missing something different but worthy, I just don't put the halo disc into an Xbox to play shieldless, elimination FPS gameplay. It's a massive shame because I love the few 4v4 games of CTF and the excellent strongholds gametype I've been able to play but the intransigence over breakout's inclusion forces me to stay out of the premier playlist in this fantastic game.
Nice!I was jealous, then this happened...
I don't know. I tried using the new settings and changing them, but they completely threw me off. I was fine with the beta, fine with the launch settings.
I even use two controllers and still roughly play the same. Maybe I can't really notice what it's for. I was tired of the Elite paddle sensitivity so I went back to my sunset white launch controller for now. Playing at 6 sensitivity, 3 acceleration and then default deadzones.
GG.. yeah One game.. I could play one game with y'allMM really acting up, shame.
The fuck is wrong with this game today?
I was jealous, then this happened...
MM really acting up, shame.
The fuck is wrong with this game today?
Acceleration of 5 sounds a little crazy lol
3 sens, 5 accel, 0 inner, 15 outer=GOAT settings. It literally feels like a different game.
Care to elaborate why it's your favorite? Also, I am still having trouble grasping the pros and cons of outer deadzone. Say, in a perfect environment, should it be 0?
Some dude on CAG was selling an "Interface Emblem Pack" for 2bucks. According to this post it should've contained one item, an interface emblem, yet oddly it contained the above.
I was rather pleased.
Some people got banned for a bit doing that iirc. Though I think they are going with no kills at all on doublesI have't played any Slayer matches yet in the January 2016 Divisions, and I kind of want to get ranked bronze and then just decimate everyone I get matched up with for the fun of it
is this wrong
Open them!What's the max unopened packs one can hold? I have 41 now lol.
They replaced normal breakout with Arena Breakout. Which is one of the best game modes in the game.
Care to elaborate why it's your favorite? Also, I am still having trouble grasping the pros and cons of outer deadzone. Say, in a perfect environment, should it be 0?
Why is the game so broken right now? If I'm lucky enough to get into a lobby, I have to quit the game to let me leave the Intermission periods.
One life elimination game types shouldn't be anywhere near the vanilla playlist for this game imo. It'd be cool if CTF had its own playlist like breakout does, but it doesn't, so I shouldn't have to cross my fingers hoping to chance upon the standard objective gametype since Halo's inception.
I took the same exact pic to post, lol.I think I'm eternally cursed to be Platinum in SWAT. One match I'll win and move towards the light, next match I get three Gold players that go 3-13.
If I can manage 19-10, please consider keeping me at the same rank at least -.-
In other news, SWAT has gotten a lot more hectic.