renegades 7-1 CLG
I absolutely love the success of Renegades. Ignites a fire in my loins
renegades 7-1 CLG
renegades 7-1 CLG
Oh it's definitely happening, so it's just a matter of when. I'm really hoping it's close in function to what it originally was, with projectile bullets and a 3sk.
Oh god it'll be soo bloody broken they will restrict it to just warzone. but then again I would love to 3 shot a Warden or any other boss...
Sorry to link to Halofollower but:
This really happened in an HCS match?! what were they trying to do make a statement or protest or something or just breaking the map for lels? love to know the full story behind this.
where can I view the full match?
For Urban, we had a tough time trying to figure out what we could do to make this area really feel like it was a connected part of Noctus as well as change it enough where it would feel like a different map. One of the things I talked over with our lighting artist, Kevin Daziel, was the intense lighting we had for Battle of Noctus. We decided we should go just as extreme, so we made this level a night level. It may not seem like much on paper but going with that decision has many perils.
Cool! I'll add you guys tonight.
Lol that's awesome.Oh god it'll be soo bloody broken they will restrict it to just warzone. but then again I would love to 3 shot a Warden or any other boss...
Sorry to link to Halofollower but:
This really happened in an HCS match?! what were they trying to do make a statement or protest or something or just breaking the map for lels? love to know the full story behind this.
where can I view the full match?
Next to the Noble armor set which I just gotten last night the Vale set the my favorite and most wanted.Tuned in to Ramirez's stream and saw him open a pack that contained Vale's helmet and lawn dart assassination.
Thanks for the mod to HaloGAF company Elzar, because I think I'm gonna make my first spite ban.
I added most people on that list. Feel free to add me GT: AB x Killer
..okay.. Elite controller owners
I need some tips. Im trying to get used to this.
Any tips on stick curves and what was best for smoother control? I still get squirrly.
Lost so many recent games.. Sigh
I don't think you caught my GT :'(
BraXzyy (if you still want it)
I've still not messed with the curves or anything. But the controller is indeed godlike. I'd be very interested to hear from someone who has really gone to town with all the customisable settings.
Also, obligatory git gud.
Oh god it'll be soo bloody broken they will restrict it to just warzone. but then again I would love to 3 shot a Warden or any other boss...
Sorry to link to Halofollower but:
This really happened in an HCS match?! what were they trying to do make a statement or protest or something or just breaking the map for lels? love to know the full story behind this.
where can I view the full match?
I know this has been asked a thousand times, but what do you guys have your controller settings at? I put my dead zones to zero and I think my aim acceleration is really low, like a 1 or 2 with a sensitivity of 4. Should I up the acceleration? I think my bigger issues are just getting familiar with the maps and controls. Several things I'm still trying to get more used to like sliding, thrust melee, hover and ground pound. On the other hand, thrusting in general and clamber finally feel natural to me. For real, that's how little of Halo 5 I've played.
I use 5 sensitivity with accel at 1. I also have both the deadzones at zero and I feel like the settings are right for me. My biggest advice is learn to thrust all the time it is up. I use it all the time and getting in that mentality right away seems to help newer players. I see too many players who don't even use it during fights and are creating a huge disadvantage just from that.
On another note just got done with a 2 hour session of arena with 3 of my buddies. I have to say that playing in a full squad with communication is by far the best way to play. There is something about everyone making callouts and coordinating on objectives that just scratches an itch for me that no other shooter does. I have played Halo since I was 8 and all thru my years growing up but really started with 5 to use communication to our full potential. Watching top level players has helped in that regard. I love this game.
Yes. Definitely using thrust regularly and trying to force myself to stick with teammates. I've played solo so often in previous halo games that it's second nature to do my own thing.I use 5 sensitivity with accel at 1. I also have both the deadzones at zero and I feel like the settings are right for me. My biggest advice is learn to thrust all the time it is up. I use it all the time and getting in that mentality right away seems to help newer players. I see too many players who don't even use it during fights and are creating a huge disadvantage just from that.
Yes. Definitely using thrust regularly and trying to force myself to stick with teammates. I've played solo so often in previous halo games that it's second nature to do my own thing.
Haha yes. It's tough. I used to be at least average or a hair above average. Now when I play Halo 5, my instincts still work, but the hand eye coordination and the new abilities are just not there yet. Might as well have my hand and controller covered in tar.Right? Im still in my " back in halo 2 " days i would carry the team...
Now i need the carry lol. Played so horrible.. 6 losses in a row.
I don't think you caught my GT :'(
BraXzyy (if you still want it)
Can I join the HaloGAF company please? I play Halo 5 every day and I have been playing Halo since the day the franchise was bornI need to learn the combat evolved nade spots.
Funny enough, that's the closest commendation we have to master for our HaloGAF commendations.
AmazingHalo twitch channel just went live playing CoD lol
The Battle of Noctus Assault variant. They removed the monument, made a smaller structure and it's sort of set at nighttime now.
They didn't really "make" a smaller structure... Just threw in the same armory that's been in every other Warzone map except Noctus.
More pics from my recent playthrough on Genesis UI-less. Instead of making a multiplayer map set there, if they could instead do an entire map pack on it, that would be okay.
They didn't really "make" a smaller structure... Just threw in the same armory that's been in every other Warzone map except Noctus.
Anyone else see this Terminal Remake that just finished? Even has working trains!
Really cool.
Imo, the map output has been a disappointment so far. If this is what the map quality is going to be like with micro-transactions, I would rather pay for map packs.
I'd rather not pay for map packs, because it always splits the userbase. I agree that the map output and quality post launch has been pretty underwhelming, though.
I repeat myself over and over again, but it needs to be June already. I hope when all the confirmed DLC is released, it will make Halo 5 a much better game and maybe bring back more people.
I was almost certain that January would be the big gametype update. I just don't get how they're not here yet.
Halo 5 in terms of gameplay is the best it's ever been. Just need this last push to get everything as it should be.
Give Hydra to someone who can use it, and it needs no buff. The amount of people I see misusing it is ridiculous. Offensive, even. The Hydra is my baby.
By the end of this month we'd have have 1 Warzone map + its Assault variant, 2 Arena maps, and a bunch of BTB stuff.
If we then have 5 more Arena maps and 2 more Warzone maps (say), that's 10 maps in 8 months. With those 5 Arena maps we'd have 14. Is that paltry? Some are poor/currently set-up badly (Overgrowth Slayer, etc), some are great, some might be shit, some might be great. Same with every FPS, hell game, ever. Yeah, many of these are remixes, but they do play significantly differently. I'd rather they were all 'original' maps, but the way they're discounted by some is silly.
Halo 2 had 11 extra maps over its whole life, Halo 3 13, Reach 12, Halo 4 also 12, I think? None of those games released that much stuff in 8 months. My numbers might be a little wrong, but the point is there.
That's ignoring the 6 Forged BTB maps which have/had 343 input, and the other stuff.
I realise I frequently 'defend' Halo 5 in this thread, but sometimes I think it's very easy to focus only on the problems we have with it.
Imo, the map output has been a disappointment so far. If this is what the map quality is going to be like with micro-transactions, I would rather pay for map packs.
Yeah I really thought we'd be getting our cake and eating it too. I'd never pay an extra red cent, AND I'd get a bunch of quality maps.
Instead that cake goes to 343i, who is obviously managed to squeeze a ton of money out of this release through MTs... While completely falling short of expectations regarding map output.
They had an opportunity to prove that this business model could be an everyone wins situation. Instead they just look greedy and lazy. And lazy is a term I HATE to use for developers... But concerning their effort with the map quality and quantity so far, I just can't explain it in any other way.
Too be clear, I actually like most of the Arena maps. But they tried to pass The Breakout maps, and Orion and Pegasus as devs maps. And Orion and Pegasus are simply not good. And the Warzone maps share way too many key assets.
There's 5 months between now and then and going by the previous release schedule, we'd only be getting 5 more Arena maps and maybe a couple more Warzone maps. Even if all 5 of those maps are good, that's still a paltry offering of maps.
Forge will probably be perfect by then though. More objects and canvases will be added, more features are in the works and we may even see textures. I don't mean to be a parrot, but if all 343 is going to do is remix their original maps, I'd rather they stop making maps altogether and put more resources into Forge. We still don't even know if they're going to give us real BTB maps, but with a better Forge it wouldn't even matter.
It's the armory? It looked somewhat different, like a mix of the garage/monument. I want to see how it plays though, especially for assault because a vehicle favored area could have like 2-3 oni warthog running roughshod.
Pegasus needs to be taken out back. The community has produced FAR better 4v4 maps than that.