One of the blurred emblems look like crossed swords, I hope they are.
My worst Assault map is the Raid on Apex 7 version
Attack or defend, I barely win that, even if I'm ripping it up and being the top guy with kills. That version of Assault and March on Stormbreak regular Warzone are the ones I have the worst W/L rating on. Granted some are joined in progress losses, but can't explain it.
Had a BTB CTF match on Recurve where I was literally the only person who even attempted to run flags, stop enemy carriers, etc. Everyone else too busy trying to just get sniper or pad their stats. Other team was largely busy doing same thing. It also sucked because the base design and flag location meant that anyone who went for it was instantly killed by the campers hiding at the very back top which is near impossible to shoot or kill.