Do people take it personally when they get teabagged? I just laugh.
Maybe if you're getting stomped and they're teabagging you.
My personal favorite is the guy who has outclassed me 9 times out of 10 but I get him once.. you better believe I'm going for the bag.
I'd like to see it where you use reqs for variants and everyone has access to regular weapons/vehicles ala BTB.
I'm level 45 and still haven't used a banshee in Warzone because I have a grand total of 2 of never feels like the "perfect" time to use it.
Current system isn't P2W I don't think..but it's definitely pay up or play a shit ton to be able to use some of the more rare vehicles. Especially since BTB doesn't have them at all.
I am honestly surprised how many people take teabagging seriously. Due to that, it's a great psychological tool and contributes to dumb mistakes by the enemy. Use it all the time in FFA and the thirst for revenge is huge haha.
That shade of blue is so much better!