Remove JIP from Arena, add in a mercy rule instead.
It is an adapter as well, and has the volume controls built into the keyboard (side keys).Can you use a headset adapter at the same time?
Nah, keep jip but just don't punish the players who join a losing team. Objective game modes become so frustrating if you go one or two players down.Remove JIP from Arena, add in a mercy rule instead.
I actually like the idea of a surrender vote being available in the menu
I actually like the idea of a surrender vote being available in the menu
Nah, keep jip but just don't punish the players who join a losing team. Objective game modes become so frustrating if you go one or two players down.
I've always felt the best way to do un-even teams is the following:
Team A - 5 Players
Team B - 5 Players
Game starts, Team A eventually losses 1 player.
The first player from that point on that dies on Team B goes into queue.
The game is now matched to 4v4.
The next player to die on Team B, goes into queue, the first person that was in queue comes right back into the fight.
Rinse Repeat.
All the while you can start the JiP robot to do it's work or even give Team A's player time to rejoin, especially if they had a system freeze or game crash.
Titanfall always has uneven teams and it really sucks![]()
Big plays! The comeback was real in BTB, down 20 kills the entire game and then ended up winning 100-97.
I agree with the surrender vote (after finally having experienced a MOBA through SMITE).
I personally don't see why they don't take what MOBA's are doing now for their competive play and apply it here.
Surrender Vote Option.
If you quit you can only rejoin that same game until it finishes (works great for people who unintentially dropped).
Are there reasons why this wouldn't work well in a FPS?
Options are always cool, but are they practical?
What if the the paramater split the community that chose JIP and those who don't give a shit and didnt.
What if i told you, giving the option to the people would only divide them.
*insert Morpheous meme here*
Just kidding guys. They'll give us an update to have it as an option but that option to JIP will only be available in Social BTB as it being in ranked won't be fair.
Quitters who try to search for a match within 10 minutes have to go through a trail course. Shoot 5 headshots, clamber 20 times, crouch jump over object X 10 times. Ground pound X object 20 times. Throw gernade through this hole 50 times.
HA! That'll TEACH EM.
a surrender would still count as a loss and would still affect your rank.See my previous post as a potential problem for Ranked games.
See my previous post as a potential problem for Ranked games.
a surrender would still count as a loss and would still affect your rank.
I assumed the team that votes to forfeit would take a loss.
This option just lets them do so in a quicker way then sitting around being dominated by a larger team.
They could lock-out this feature until only after so much game time has passed, you are down by a certain amount, or if your team has had people quit
I suppose this someone who likes to play to the bitter end might not like it if their games usually end in a concession.
Yes, but if you surrender you don't get hurt by a quit banSo in this case surrender voting and quitting will have the same effect Rank wise?
So in this case surrender voting and quitting will have the same effect Rank wise?
The x1 button on the chatpad takes an instant screenshot without interrupting the gameplay. The x2 button takes a game clip, also without interrupting the gameplay.
This is a brilliant feature.
The x1 button on the chatpad takes an instant screenshot without interrupting the gameplay. The x2 button takes a game clip, also without interrupting the gameplay.
This is a brilliant feature.
Remove JIP from Arena, add in a mercy rule instead.
That's why for a 4v4 game type you make it an unanimous vote and in 8v8 it has to be a super majority (5 of 7, 6 of 8, etc). Not everyone is going to surrender just because a person quits and you shouldn't just automatically give up if that happens, but if defeat is guaranteed (down by 15 or 20 and its 2v4) people can accept the inevitable and move on.Surrender works in MOBAs because they regularly go 40-60 minutes+
A Halo match lasts 10 mins or even less than that. It's not the same time invested into a single match. Quitters suck, but its 8 minutes until the game is over and you can win a match 3v4 in halo. I've done it with both randoms and when duo queuing. It's not optimal nor very fun, but totally possible.
chat pad?
Also, I got fkn screwed on a gold req pack. Bought one, and all I got was ONE green armor set, and the rest just assortment of power weapons.
I thought golds guaranteed 2 permanant unlocks.
fkn game.
Excellent! I'm about to order one.
Man this game was built for BTB. Just a shame there aren't more maps for it yet.
The x1 button on the chatpad takes an instant screenshot without interrupting the gameplay. The x2 button takes a game clip, also without interrupting the gameplay.
This is a brilliant feature.
Warzone desperately needs a mercy rule or surrender system. Matches can become lopsided annoyingly fast sometimes, and that's no fun for the losing team. It becomes a slog that can last upwards of 15 minutes.
Big up to Nokyard for building Deadlock. Can't wait to try it out.
Nokyard's Standoff bases are fucking brilliant.
I did not like Standoff in Halo 3, but I am loving Deadlock in Halo 5.
Really enjoying the new Standoff, definitely the kind of maps Halo 5 was missing up until now.
Deadlock is a really nice remake for sure
One of the upcoming Cartographer BTB maps was intended to be a Burial Mounds remake but it ended up nothing like the original.I'm hoping that 343 didn't make Burial Mounds with Forge for BTB like they planned so that they can remake it it internally from the ground up. The fact that Burial Mounds and Collosus have never been remade while Gulch, Valhalla and countless others get beaten into the ground with every Halo iteration is a travesty.
The x1 button on the chatpad takes an instant screenshot without interrupting the gameplay. The x2 button takes a game clip, also without interrupting the gameplay.
This is a brilliant feature.
It's very light. It doesn't add much weight to the elite controller that I can notice.Tempting. How heavy is it?
Also, do the keys light up at all?
These dynamic spawns are terrible, especially on standoff.
Thanks for the compliments guys. I will work on fixing the spawning and other issues when Forge releases. Might even move it to the Overcast version of Alpine to fix the glare issue.
Recruit Charredflames?
name of armor pls
Yes, but if you surrender you don't get hurt by a quit ban
No, surrender voting would be the same as losing.
Separate from this quitting would be punished by forcing rejoining that game until it has ended
That's why for a 4v4 game type you make it an unanimous vote and in 8v8 it has to be a super majority (5 of 7, 6 of 8, etc). Not everyone is going to surrender just because a person quits and you shouldn't just automatically give up if that happens, but if defeat is guaranteed (down by 15 or 20 and its 2v4) people can accept the inevitable and move on.
Honesty though a surrender feature is not what Halo needs most. What Halo needs is the quit system Counter Strike and Leage of Legends have which forced the quitter to either wait for the match he or she left to end before searching or to rejoin the match if they do search. Granted LoL and CS have much longer matches than Halo so this makes more sense in those games than it would in Halo, but this would still be a nice feature to have and at the very least it would discourage quitting beyond just the risk of losing rank or getting a ban.
Spawns are pretty bad in the forge maps, but this? Really?
Why is there even a spawn point there?
Yeah. Next week will bring back voting.
Seems like they increased req points and exp in btb. I got 1300 without boost and it was 900 a couple of hours ago
name of armor pls