So much this! Fucking whiners. I don't know if I can go back to it now. Come on 343 give us the option please.Seriously, taking out join in progress was stupid for BTB.
For the love of god, why is the sun so bright on the forge maps?
It does not look good, it does not look cool. It is annoying.
It's absolutely horrible on the Standoff remake. It is so. Fucking. Bright.
theres no join in progress for BTB?
I just had 5 people on my side leave the match on strongholds.
Do a hard reboot - hold down power for at least 5 secondsHey so I haven't posted in this thread at all, but I've been enjoying my time with Halo 5 so far though I just had a pretty bad problem happen and I have no idea how to fix it. I'm hoping someone with some experience or knowledge can help me out if they see this, otherwise I'm going to have to call Microsoft or somebody over this because I'm getting pretty frustrated.
Some information. I was trying to stream me playing some BTB through the Xbox One's dedicated twitch application and it went pretty well at first, then I had some people join my stream and something broke somewhere and my twitch application AND Halo 5 connection just completely crapped out. After that I couldn't connect to either my twitch app OR Halo 5's multiplayer servers. Twitch was essentially stuck in a loop and Halo 5 can't even recognize my profile as it says I'm a level 1. I literally cannot connect to any online functions of Halo 5 now. My internet is working fine in general and even the console's internet connection tests say that nothing is noticeably wrong, but here I am.
I've restarted the console a few times, deleted the twitch application and still nothing. I still can't get any connection to the H5 game servers even though nothing seems wrong on my end. Something broke somewhere and I have no clue as to how to fix it. Halp plz!!!
You don't understand.. Their rank and number in cyberspace is affected by jip. It must be removed and it doesn't matter if the mode is ruined because...Well BTB has now been completely ruined. Nice one whoever bitched about JiP. Well BTB was fun for about 3 days.
Pretty much
Eat your asparagustrees
So much this! Fucking whiners. I don't know if I can go back to it now. Come on 343 give us the option please.
Also, is it not time to start implementing cosmetic only reqs?
Common 5000 points
Uncommon 15000 points or $2
Rare 25000 points or $3
Ultra rare 35000 points or $4
Legendary 50000 points or $5
Maybe the prices are too low? Too high? I don't know. But people will pay. Same for weapon skin packs. I didn't care about the mkIV or V not sure which it is until I just saw that video, now I want it. But I also want deadeye.
There is money to be made everywhere in this game 343.
You don't understand.. Their rank and number in cyberspace is affected by jip. It must be removed and it doesn't matter if the mode is ruined because...
Cut out all the unneccessary information and made a quick gif of the tease:
Are the Pistol and DMR new variants or skins? It kinda looks like the CE pistol to me and I know they already teased it in one of the Sprint episodes.
I noticed they were showing off the new weapon skins, didn't even notice the helmet first watch lmao.
They haven't specifically mentioned it, but it does feel like they've tweaked drop rates on them.
I hope infection returns in some form, the zombie models were so good in halo 4 it's a waste not to use them in 5 somewhere.
Ah, when the flashlight was actually useful.
Is there any place to discuss MCC? I managed to get some playtime online, and I was pleasantly surprised that the game was working. I finally got an X1 with MCC and I'll get Halo 5 soonish.
I hope the space canvas has dark rocks like Impact in Halo 4. They were perfect.
Is it a different game when you jip?I don't think you understand. It's not just about the ranks. But the displeasure of being forced into in progress matches.
If it was optional no one would complain.
The problem isn't the lack of JiP. The quitters are the problem.forcing people to JiP isn't a good solution to that problem.
Not everyone has fully mastered the rig tower jump
Ugh I hate that the Mark IV armor has me thinking about getting some gold packs.
Nah you won't get me 343.
Ugh I hate that the Mark IV armor has me thinking about getting some gold packs.
Nah you won't get me 343.
So is it just me, or did the rarity of reqs in silver get severely impacted in the last three or four days? I was getting decent cards previously, mainly of cards I had the certs for, but last night I got my two permanent reqs with nothing beyond common weapon cards. If they're screwing with the RNG for decent cards within silver packs then I guess I will have to be saving the extra 5000RP for golds![]()
What's the significance of armour with the 3 stars on the card?
I don't know where that feature landed. My assumption is that you can save things like complete bases in your (unconfirmed) File Shares. If so, you could potentially move a map from one canvas to another.
It's NOKYARD!!!!!!. You missed one "!".
It was kind of funny that while i was there one dev said i was a numbers guy, two of the other CCs said i was a Magnets guy, and one dev said i was a 'hand placement' guy. They are all correct.
It is. (see below)
The space map Parallax has black asteroid terrain and rock pieces. They look great when intermixed with the snow pieces from Glacier.
I don't know what's worse, this or losing Stronghold 150-149. It suckedWhat the fuck.
150-2 Stronghold loss because shit.
What's the significance of armour with the 3 stars on the card?
Dat jip removal. Just beasted a team that was down to 4 players before we had even gotten 40 kills.
What a game changer 343.
Seems to be just new skins, CE pistol is a low polygon model.
Is it a different game when you jip?
Is it a different game when you jip?
I don't think you understand. It's not just about the ranks. But the displeasure of being forced into in progress matches.
If it was optional no one would complain.
The problem isn't the lack of JiP. The quitters are the problem.forcing people to JiP isn't a good solution to that problem.
I had one game we were down three. I dunno why teams don't form up and turtle at that point. Especially on the Longbow reimagining you can pretty well camp that side structure in the middle so their vehicular advantage would be annulled.
BTB is a gametype that needs JiP but it shouldn't be ranked.