Closing in on the 1000 gamerscore for this game. The campaign is just great. But as I said before... too many Warden battles, and hideous (end story spoiler).Cortana redesign
The Battle of Sunaion may be one of my favourite missions ever in the Halo franchise. Awesome buildup with incredible moving music. The opening cutscene was great (Tanaka saying a few words, everybody getting ready for battle). But the fact that you're conducting a top secret ONI mission and helping Arbiter with a civil war that has huge implications... That was cool. The combat in general was great, classic Halo, fighting with former Covenant forces against purely Covenant forces (until the end of the mission).
Best part of the mission was that it was drop dead gorgeous, dripping in beautiful orange, purple, and blue shades.
Closing in on the 1000 gamerscore for this game. The campaign is just great. But as I said before... too many Warden battles, and hideous (end story spoiler).Cortana redesign
The Battle of Sunaion may be one of my favourite missions ever in the Halo franchise. Awesome buildup with incredible moving music. The opening cutscene was great (Tanaka saying a few words, everybody getting ready for battle). But the fact that you're conducting a top secret ONI mission and helping Arbiter with a civil war that has huge implications... That was cool. The combat in general was great, classic Halo, fighting with former Covenant forces against purely Covenant forces (until the end of the mission).
Best part of the mission was that it was drop dead gorgeous, dripping in beautiful orange, purple, and blue shades.
Playing Sunaion right now on my Legendary run and getting a hell of a lot more dialogue from Osiris and even the Covenant. Buck yelling at Vale when she shot him "We had a talk about this Vale!" or a Grunt yelling, "I don't want to die here, actually, I don't want to die anywhere!" When a grunt died, an Elite yelled, "That's what your'e supposed to do, Grunt!"
Gosh, this game is beautiful too. The rolling waves and the water puddles on the ground as plasma flashes past them, reflecting on everything, ships in the background fighting, grenades going off, Osiris dealing with fools like they need to. The character models are fantastic too.
All this at 60fps. Game deserves more success. I hope it has legs and gets some boosts from the holiday rush.
I honestly really like her "armored" design, save for the fact that it doesn't really transition to her actual head (and I think her H4 face or H2A face were better options as well.)
Buck made a quip to an Elite along the lines of "your mother" that cracked me up. The benefit of the fireteam is you get 4x more opportunities for dialogue with the IWHBYD skull on.
Just bought a Lunar White Xbox One Controller today, about to test it out now.
Holy crap.. You can get onto the roof of the tower in the middle of Basin. The first clamber seems intentional but I didn't even notice that one.
Cortana's sudden 180 is tantamount to character assassination.
So much this.
Worst part of the game. I could handle everything else ... But that is a giant kick in the nuts.
So this is what wrestling fans feel like when their favorite hero character turns into a heel arbitrarily, huh?
It's fake and it still stings.
Finally finished the story today, here are my basic thoughts:
1. Easily the best damn controlling game in the series.
2. Uneven story at best.
3. Didn't feel as personal as Halo 4.
4. Handling of Cortana was abysmal. This is not Sarah Kerrigan, theAnd the new face is unnervingly wrong after the really great facial design in 4. It's just so disappointing after an amazing send off for the character in 4...flip of the switch was jarring in a bad way.
5. Found myself not really caring about any of the characters except for one and she wasn't even main cast.
6. Sarah Palmer needs to be killed off. Can't stand how she's written.
7. The level with the tank felt like 343 said, "well this is a Halo, here's the level where you get a tank." Even though having a tank there really didn't mesh with the story beats (regardless of how they tried to shoehorn it in there).
8. Loved Exuberant Witness... One likeable character in sea of "meh".
9. Bungie definitely got the better dialogue quips for Filion as Cayde-6 than 343 managed to bang out for Buck.
10. The one highlight in the story, for me anyway wasPoor replacements for Chief.Cortana insulting Fireteam Osiris one by one. Managed to convey how I feel about them.
Holy shit that was awesome.Holy crap.. You can get onto the roof of the tower in the middle of Basin. The first clamber seems intentional but I didn't even notice that one.
I'm with you except for #8, because I don't even remember who that is.
This game's narrative was a mess. I played through it in two co-op sittings and was thoroughly uninterested. I didn't even love the encounters much. Luckily it's got that BOMB ASS MULTIPLAYER, which is really what I came here for anyway.
I didn't mind (end story spoiler).Cortana becoming a villain at all. I just... didn't like how manly she looked, that's all. Big shoulders and they completely changed her face too.
Exuberant Witness is thequirky monitor of the Genesis installation who's only ability is to open doors (which she exuberantly tells you multiple times). It's very endearing.
Totally agree with you concerning the multiplayer. I wish Destiny's PVP felt this tight.
(and by that I mean arena modes. I'm not liking Warzone at all)
343i burned all the great Cards .
First it was the forerunner. In the past I just could visualized how they were. How advanced they are and what it would be like fighting them. All the mystery around the were just gone. We got and ugly design of humans turned into AI. And an ugly didact and a bad story.
Probably the most disappointing aspect for me. Sometimes things are better left to the imagination.
Yup. BioWare did same thing with reapers, protheans etc. I'm never a fan of having everything explained or past 'stuff' brought back and you lose that wonder and mystery. There's no 'wonder' left in the universe for me. That feeling the first time you stepped foot on Halo, or saw the Milky Way Galaxy being on the Ark. I guess that's just a consequence of being 6 games into the series (7 if you count ODST).
Probably the most disappointing aspect for me. Sometimes things are better left to the imagination.
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Stop playing alone and join discord (apps available for mobile and desktop).
So I decided to get my friend placed in SWAT as he had not played any matches. I'm Onyx and we played 10 matches. We won every single game. He gets placed in Diamond. His KDA was always positive and was either the top player or right below me. What gives?
The reapers were atleast gold 1 in team slayer
Yup. BioWare did same thing with reapers, protheans etc. I'm never a fan of having everything explained or past 'stuff' brought back and you lose that wonder and mystery. There's no 'wonder' left in the universe for me. That feeling the first time you stepped foot on Halo, or saw the Milky Way Galaxy being on the Ark. I guess that's just a consequence of being 6 games into the series (7 if you count ODST).I can't get past Silver 2 in Team Slayer.
The reapers were atleast gold 1 in team slayer
Nice, be interested to hear your opinion on the grips and the triggers etc.
They are amazing. Everything about that controller is amazing.
They are amazing. Everything about that controller is amazing.
It's easily the best controller I've ever owned.
I don't have the spare cash for a controller in general atm, but I'd be tempted to save extra and take the plunge on an Elite. Is it that much different to a regular black one?
I don't have the spare cash for a controller in general atm, but I'd be tempted to save extra and take the plunge on an Elite. Is it that much different to a regular black one?
Just wrapped up the campaign. I loved playing it, but my god the story is such a trainwreck. And those Warden fights? Kills any and all desire I have to replay the campaign, which was otherwise a huge step up from H4.
They need to rethink where they're going with this universe.The AI takeover is cliche and totally played out - even in the Halo universe. Cortana's sudden 180 is tantamount to character assassination. The plot may be comprehensible (unlike H4), but is otherwise totally unambitious and pitifully executed. The dialogue is lame, every other character besides Chief, Cortana, and fucking Roland (?) lack nuance or growth. Who the hell is Locke, and why should I care? Who are Vale and Tanaka? What's their relationship with each other, and with Locke? We get none of that. Buck is there to please fans, I guess, but they only use him as a crutch to prop up Locke every time Buck fucks up and Locke has to save him. Oh, and it's got a cliffhanger ending. Because if any franchise should've learned its fucking lesson in that department, it's Halo. Only difference between this and H2 is that this time I don't care what happens next.
/rant. Game is good.
edit: ^ what he said
Why? Reach multiplayer is shit compared to 5. Have fun with armor lock.Anyone excited for Reach backward compatibility? Might be next month, I'm probably going to switch from H5 to Reach.