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Halo 5: Guardians |OT5| Is HaloGAF irrelevant now?

Submitted application to join the HaloGAF company. I'm probably going to be playing a couple of nights every week from now on since I've been away from my xbox for the last 5 months or so, from the sounds of it that should be enough, no?
You could cut the middle man and go to Maka's Guides YT. He's the main guide for all of them.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
So a bit of a blast from the past both literally and figuratively and found my old bungie.net fileshare on google. Sure enough everything is still archived and I was able to download and upload perhaps the greatest rocket kill in Halo 3's multiplayer that I am still very proud of.


I remember just calculating in my head, the warthogs speed, it's reduction in speed when it turned another corner and fired when I felt it would more than likely hit them dead on. For all I knew they could have hit a crate or turned around to engage my teammates on the other warthog, But I made a guess and god damn it was the right one!
Amazing clip lol.

Here's a few:

-Mod of Company
-343i Employee
-Mom is a Classy Lady
-Hasn't played since 12/4/15
-Most Bannable Name 2017
-David Ellis
-Has played almost exclusively SWAT in September

You forgot a few

-g0su tier
-very very good, so very good. Many many people i talk to tell me. Very good.


I'm gonna try to get back to playing daily. It's probably gonna mean sneaking in matches before work, and if I get called out to work at night...

I'm motivated by the free loaders getting kicked, active players trying to join, and the fact that I've gone from decent to terrible.
Finished my swat placement matches to help with the head shot commendation (for the company!) and man I forgot how much a shit show swat can be especially on the dlc maps. Fucking frustrating to kill someone and then guess where the next player will be only to get shot because I didn't look the right way. I pretty much carried most of the matches and still lost a good chunk of them due to shitty teammates.

at least I got another nornfang and prophets bane from a pack :D
Finished my swat placement matches to help with the head shot commendation (for the company!) and man I forgot how much a shit show swat can be especially on the dlc maps. Fucking frustrating to kill someone and then guess where the next player will be only to get shot because I didn't look the right way. I pretty much carried most of the matches and still lost a good chunk of them due to shitty teammates.
It's almost as if SWAT, the gametype with instant deaths, would be the one with radar so it could help with situations like this, whereas the gametypes with shields (everything else) would be without radar because you have a chance at reversals and surviving encounters where you're shot first.

But what the hell do I know.
So a bit of a blast from the past both literally and figuratively and found my old bungie.net fileshare on google. Sure enough everything is still archived and I was able to download and upload perhaps the greatest rocket kill in Halo 3's multiplayer that I am still very proud of.


I remember just calculating in my head, the warthogs speed, it's reduction in speed when it turned another corner and fired when I felt it would more than likely hit them dead on. For all I knew they could have hit a crate or turned around to engage my teammates on the other warthog, But I made a guess and god damn it was the right one!

A thing of beauty mate, classic clip!

I wish I could go back and get a clip of this moment from H3. We were attacking on 1 flag high ground, a teammate planted the grav lift and we took full advantage of it with rocks on a goose and exploding barrels for added salt in the wound.

343 should have a weekend playlist called:

"No Fun Allowed"

*regular arena gametypes in rotation with Motion Tracker DISABLED. Have at it spartans!
Slightly triggered by G0SU's insistence that there's "no fun allowed" when motion tracker is disabled.

Walking away from that bait.. but it's... very tempting.
Slightly triggered by G0SU's insistence that there's "no fun allowed" when motion tracker is disabled.

Walking away from that bait.. but it's... very tempting.

Dude.. im not being serious. Seriously id actually like a playlist without radar and see how it plays when i mm with randoms.

My apologies if "no fun allowed" triggered you bro.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)

Based on the evidence provided regarding the intentional disruption of a game by logging a player out of their account, and violating rules 3.2 and 3.13, Enigma6 players will have all prize money earned during the Regular Season reduced by 5%...

Due to violations of the player conduct rules, specifically profanity, punctuality and refusal to follow HCS Pro League Administration instructions and Player Statement rules, both in statements made to league administration as well as directed to his peers in the HCS Pro League, Carlos Ayala Jr. will be penalized with an additional 5% reduction in any prize money earned during the Fall 2016 HCS Pro League Regular Season..


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Well that's a bit shit.

10% is nothing...

Well, it's a little bit but it should be more.

especially since it only applies to regular season. oh well, at least e6 and cratos specifically, has been called out publicly. fuck those guys. legit shady and THIS will affect them long term even if the official punishment is weak.


especially since it only applies to regular season. oh well, at least e6 and cratos specifically, has been called out publicly. fuck those guys. legit shady and THIS will affect them long term even if the official punishment is weak.

Yup, Cratos was shady as fuck.

On another note, I can't find a game in Warzone right now. Something is very wrong.

Drunk Halo isn't going well...

Found a game in BTB within seconds though, H5 is weird.
Dude.. im not being serious. Seriously id actually like a playlist without radar and see how it plays when i mm with randoms.

My apologies if "no fun allowed" triggered you bro.
Slightly triggered that you thought I was slightly triggered..

Don't trigger me bro!
lol <3


Yeah, so, I went ahead and compiled a spreadsheet of every single company member's Gamertag, Arena K/D, Arena Win Percentage, August Season Standing, Warzone K/D, Warzone Win Percentage and notes where applicable.

It's got all 97 current members. Of that, I've found that 32 players are either inactive entirely or have sporadic activity at best, including another SR2 that has never played (Tidus9000) and several players that have been inactive for two, three, four, five, six and even ten months.

So I'm willing to send that to Gringo so he can review them. I'm not incredibly confident in Halo Tracker's playtime tracking, so I'm not comfortable posting the tags publicly, but there are some that I verified haven't played since March or April, and even November or December.

Get me in there brehs. I play weekly and I'm ready to get this helmet &#128591;


Alright, now I can't get a game in BTB.

What the fuck is wrong with this game?

Okay, I know it's 3am but I feel like I should be able to get a game on expanded...
Yet another incident in a long line of "Jesus, can't HCS/ESL handle the simple shit properly already?"

5% is nothing. You're attempting to "frame" a league player and publicly shaming them as an org and as other league players. Cratos is at 10%. Big fuckin' whoop. Not to mention, it's only regular season (if I read correctly). Once they had the evidence, E6 should have been suspended from the league for a full season at least. Giving equivalent punishment to Cratos' comparatively minor act of being unprofessional in official league activities and such is ridiculous.

This is even less than a slap on the wrist. Nobody is going to suffer or learn from this. They'll just be sneakier.

Actually, someone will suffer. Stellur, the literal fucking *VICTIM* is being fined as well (as part of the team fine). The dude is getting fucked by E6, by his ex-teammates, by ESL, and HCS, and is the only innocent person involved!

This is like some serious kindergarten-level ideology for punishment. They're punishing everyone, including the victim, just because they were involved or associated with the perpetrators? And the punishment is just a slap on the wrist for those that actually deserve it anyway? Jesus fucking christ. Using the NFL for your role model, ESL?
What exactly did cratos do? Know he's a shady guy. So was he responsible for stellur being signed out during the match?

The entire team (including Stellur) is getting fined 5% for signing out Stellur (like, wut?).

Cratos is fined an additional 5% for his "unprofessional behavior" or essentially for his existence in the league. He put down the league, viewers, casters, etc during interviews and has a potty mouth. Which is literally all he ever does, so...


Fucking sick of ESL... Cratos walks away with a slap on the wrist... Stellur losing money even though they know he did nothing wrong.

Who is running this shit?

The entire team (including Stellur) is getting fined 5% for signing out Stellur (like, wut?).

Cratos is fined an additional 5% for his "unprofessional behavior" or essentially for his existence in the league. He put down the league, viewers, casters, etc during interviews and has a potty mouth. Which is literally all he ever does, so...

Thanks for more detail. Dude fuck cratos and wow is that a shitty way to handle that stellur did nothing wrong. That shit needs to be changed and cratos needs way more than a slap on the wrist.


Save us MLG... give us a open lan circuit with pro points like the good old days. Gears is about to do it. And the prize pools are great.
Sweaty BTB is like the worst thing in this game. People just crouched taking pot shots with BRs. It's fucking disgusting. You can't even move around the map.


Stellur getting fined is terrible, feel bad for him.

T2 made a good point in last Wednesday's opening broadcast when he and Elamite were discussing the Optic takeover of CLG that in the "old days" of competitive Halo you had teams form with friends or groups of players that grinder it out and created bonds and competed for the love of the game where as nowadays everyone seems to be in it for the money and team loyalty is nonexistent.
Sweaty BTB is like the worst thing in this game. People just crouched taking pot shots with BRs. It's fucking disgusting. You can't even move around the map.
Agreed, and Magnum starts would alleviate this problem immensely. I can't even check out the new maps properly because I get BR melted so quick.


I haven't been able to play much Community Action Sack since it got added but man is it good for commendations. Just got an "Invincible" for surviving all rounds of a Breakout match, using Mantis Breakout. I would never get that commendation otherwise. It's doing wonders for my Ground Pound kills too. I can't say I am too fond of that Paintball variant, 1HK Breakout with Plasma Pistols.
I need to try out the BTB maps now that the refresh has happened. I barely played much BTB at all before despite playing it exclusively in previous Halos and being a huge fan of it. BR starts just made it no fun for me. I guess I'll see what it is like now though.
lol dude this playing horribly he goes like 6-14, the score 40-48. Right when they hit 49 kills he quits. Like what is the point of that?


lol dude is playing horribly he goes like 6-14, the score 40-48. Right when they hit 49 kills he quits. Like what is the point of that?
No clue. I play horribly all the time but I see the match through. Earlier in the year I quit maybe two matches or so, but they happened to fall around the time when I was getting disconnected a lot. I got a short ban once and decided there was no point quitting and taking bans. I booted the game up to play it, getting banned and quitting is counterproductive.
Taking a mini break from Halo, but I am in the loop in terms of the Company. No one who had not played in a week was kicked. We're looking at kids that had been away for 2 to 3 month, in most cases even longer. I get playing something other than Halo, I get having a personal life and being in the real world. But if you have had no activity in the length of time that we're talking about here, chances are you're not coming back. At least not in a way that is of any help to the company.

If you disagree with getting the boot, or you had some crazy circumstance that prevented you from playing for months on end, let me know. Talk to me. I'm not looking to be a dictator here, but there are quite a few people that would like to get serious with finishing the commendations. It will never be based on rank, it will never be based on K/D. It's all about participation.

/end Gettysburg Address 2.0


A thing of beauty mate, classic clip!

I wish I could go back and get a clip of this moment from H3. We were attacking on 1 flag high ground, a teammate planted the grav lift and we took full advantage of it with rocks on a goose and exploding barrels for added salt in the wound.

I love Halo.
God getting endless attacking side on warzone assault makes me rage. If I play 4 games I should not get 4 attack. It used to be the only game type to play casually but now when I'm only on attack it gets too much and starts getting irritating when it becomes mostly spawn camping and getting shot as soon as I spawn.

Also is it me or have randoms got even worse at the game for some reason? Like holy hell some plays I saw randoms doing make me want to scream.

Also daily reminder that going for the 3rd stronghold instead of defending the one you just captured and losing two while capturing the one in a shitty location makes you automatically a fucking idiot. Only time to triple cap is when you are stomping on people or have people defending all points and are set up for it. This is the main reason most of the time a team loses at strongholds.
I wonder how WZA would play if the objectives followed Battlefield Conquest rules:

  • If the attacking team has a majority presence on the point, they begin capturing it
  • The more attackers outnumber defenders, the faster the capture
  • If the defense outnumbers the offense, the capture progress drains away
Then the mode becomes less about spawn-camping the attackers, and more about actually controlling bases and keeping the attackers from overwhelming the defenders.


I think I'm getting close to finishing my gold packs. Today I got my last load out weapon (that damned extended mag pistol) so the rest I need are armor, helmets, 1 vehicle, and 2 weapons. Maybe another week or 2 til I'm done!
I think I'm getting close to finishing my gold packs. Today I got my last load out weapon (that damned extended mag pistol) so the rest I need are armor, helmets, 1 vehicle, and 2 weapons. Maybe another week or 2 til I'm done!

Speaking of which, I'm actually on my last pack! One more and I'm done!

Well, technically I never unlocked the corp mongoose, but that's a common that doesn't drop in Silvers...


Speaking of which, I'm actually on my last pack! One more and I'm done!

Well, technically I never unlocked the corp mongoose, but that's a common that doesn't drop in Silvers...
Congrats! I got the game shortly after launch so it's taken me nearly a year to get this far, not too bad I suppose. There do seem to be some reqs I've missed out on, so that's disappointing. All I really want though is my Phaeton Helios cert so I can req some shit up and finish the commendation.
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