Installing gears4 now..
How do i know i got the preorder package with?zombie dom
Under manage game see if have 'brothers to the end' installed. I think thats the one.
You better send me invites!
I have been getting into more games recently (Star Trek Online, Hawken) and thinking of getting Destiny back, so my Halo time has gone down but I still try and get a few games in. Hopefully 343 has a good content road map for 2017.
Also of note I'd kill for a social playlist like the one in Gears for H5 (or at least H6 pls).
Almost all the playlists are ranked but the one social playlist keeps lobbies together between rounds and has a variety of gamemodes with map/gametype voting. It's really easy to just move from game to game with the same lobby and group up with folks you meet if you want (ya know... like past halo games).
It's still such a shame to me they dropped the ball so hard on the casual/social side for arena. I really thought we'd have that addressed by now. Ranked is great and having the game play designed for competitive play was also an extremely good thing for H5... But forcing ranked 24/7 sucks.
But we gotta play the "real game" right guys?!?!?!?! :/
I think it's called "Buy Halo Wars 2"
I don't care about any of the new shooters coming out. I'll keep playing Halo, plus some Overwatch and single player stuff on the side.
And I think I'm done with Halo 5 for a good long while once more. Get on the game to relax, but instead get abused and tossed around because of 343's design.
See you guys in a couple months! Hopefully BTB will be magnum starts, vehicle physics won't suck, and their be balances in place in Matchmaking by then
is the server browser for PC still comming?
Gears 4 multiplayer is so damn good.
I think it's called "Buy Halo Wars 2"
Gears 4 multiplayer is so damn good.
I mean speaking how fast you get in a game and how most matches are hardly laggy at all it is great. When talking about who they put you against and with is another matter entirely.
I also have to chime in and say the reason i or any of my friends havent been playing halo 5 is the same reasoning... the playlist management and mode selection just isnt there. lacking a real btb mode and social playlists just makes arena frustrating and punishing for people who dont want to try hard all the time.
halo 5 is the best halo mechanically to us, but the fact that the only choice really is ranked or warzone with no inbetween / big team, is a huge let down. We are another decently sized group of players that played halo very consistently through all of its form. I hope 343 will keep the core of halo 5 going forward but seriously reconsider trying to cram too much "new" stuff into halo 6. Refine what you already have and get the stuff back in that was lost in terms of game modes and playlists. Dont create some ambitious huge new thing like warzone at the cost of the time you need to get the things the franchise is known for in the game.
I dont know what is to blame for the lack of so many halo staple features / modes in halo 5, maybe its making the new engine and having to re tool a ton of things from scratch... whatever is the case, Make the game with the staple great things halo should have in it first then in the game after start adding the big ambitious new stuff. Or even through dlc.
Look at gears 4 for example. no one is complaining that it is essentially gears 3 improved with a new story. It has all the core and things people loved and expect from gears. The mechanics have been refined and improved with new tweaks. The game modes are intact + a few new ones. The next game will probably refine on that further while adding new ambitious stuff to the mix.
Halo 5 refined the gameplay and improved it, got a new story, but everything else is mixed. So many things were left behind never to return or added way to late after launch... I dont think people would have complained if 343 focused on getting everything halo should have in it for launch like forge, social / ranked / btb and other missing features, then added stuff like warzone as dlc -_- It would have kept people coming back to see "new" things be added in the updates rather than stuff that people expected in the game at launch.
You guys dont need to have some "big new thing" to sell the next halo game or bring people back. Just make the complete halo game first then improve on that for the next game while adding the ambitious new stuff if thats possible, idk im not a developer lol
wow this post turned out way more rambly and huge than planned sorry. I havent been on gaf in ages and saw the posts above and just got inspired to let it all out =V
343s unwillingness to let go of Cortana has been so bad for halo story telling. At least halo 5 plays very well.
Halo has lost another fan.. The community weeps ;'[
If only there was a social 4v4 playlist.
I feel like the custom browser is coming too late for anyone to care.
Gears 4, Titanfall 2, CoD 4 Remastered, BF1...
Seems way too late to the party. It is cool for those that still play though.
I feel like the custom browser is coming too late for anyone to care.
Gears 4, Titanfall 2, CoD 4 Remastered, BF1...
Seems way too late to the party. It is cool for those that still play though.
Marry me TsumiyaI also have to chime in and say the reason i or any of my friends havent been playing halo 5 is the same reasoning... the playlist management and mode selection just isnt there. lacking a real btb mode and social playlists just makes arena frustrating and punishing for people who dont want to try hard all the time.
halo 5 is the best halo mechanically to us, but the fact that the only choice really is ranked or warzone with no inbetween / big team, is a huge let down. We are another decently sized group of players that played halo very consistently through all of its form. I hope 343 will keep the core of halo 5 going forward but seriously reconsider trying to cram too much "new" stuff into halo 6. Refine what you already have and get the stuff back in that was lost in terms of game modes and playlists. Dont create some ambitious huge new thing like warzone at the cost of the time you need to get the things the franchise is known for in the game.
I dont know what is to blame for the lack of so many halo staple features / modes in halo 5, maybe its making the new engine and having to re tool a ton of things from scratch... whatever is the case, Make the game with the staple great things halo should have in it first then in the game after start adding the big ambitious new stuff. Or even through dlc.
Look at gears 4 for example. no one is complaining that it is essentially gears 3 improved with a new story. It has all the core and things people loved and expect from gears. The mechanics have been refined and improved with new tweaks. The game modes are intact + a few new ones. The next game will probably refine on that further while adding new ambitious stuff to the mix.
Halo 5 refined the gameplay and improved it, got a new story, but everything else is mixed. So many things were left behind never to return or added way to late after launch... I dont think people would have complained if 343 focused on getting everything halo should have in it for launch like forge, social / ranked / btb and other missing features, then added stuff like warzone as dlc -_- It would have kept people coming back to see "new" things be added in the updates rather than stuff that people expected in the game at launch.
You guys dont need to have some "big new thing" to sell the next halo game or bring people back. Just make the complete halo game first then improve on that for the next game while adding the ambitious new stuff if thats possible, idk im not a developer lol
wow this post turned out way more rambly and huge than planned sorry. I havent been on gaf in ages and saw the posts above and just got inspired to let it all out =V
Speaking about Gears 4, removing the gameplay aspect aside since both Halo and Gears are great and it's subjective which one is better since they are two completely different styles, 343 really nailed the aesthetics and ease of use when it comes to the menu and UI.
Gears is just ugly and clunky in comparison.