Halo my dude
Halo my dude
these kind of people are stupid.
unfortunately they're highly common in any online fps with objective based modes mixed into team deathmatch modes.
my favorite [ie - least favorite] is CTF matches where people just refuse to focus on the flag.
like, i sprint cross map in a last ditch effort to stop an enemy cap, get the carrier and his mates one shot / absolute, and when i go to death cam think "luckily my teammates will be able to easily clean this up now", and they're all like waiting for power weapons to spawn or camping sneaky corners...
"no man, we gotta get these slays, worry about pit when we get them 4 dead"..
I pull out a Nornfang so a guy on my team calsl in a Ghost just so he can run over me and steal it... That's some next level bullshit man.
Then of course the thing flies across the map and he doesnt get it anyway...
Just... Why...
I wanna cry but all I can do is shake my head and laugh. Wtf.
Did they end up losing to Pnda? Damn.
I'm having Victory X on the podcast Monday, can't wait to dig in hear his thoughts on the whole situation.
Can someone explain why req loadouts in war zone so often revert? For example, I hit level 4 and find an armory to call in a br with a bigger clip and the h2br. I die and respawn, this time with my extended clip br but the default ar instead of my 2nd gun. Why? Happens at least once every few games.
Saw this on reddit. Some guy stayed in a BTB game where others quit.
I pull out a Nornfang so a guy on my team calsl in a Ghost just so he can run over me and steal it... That's some next level bullshit man.
Then of course the thing flies across the map and he doesnt get it anyway...
Just... Why...
Can someone explain why req loadouts in war zone so often revert? For example, I hit level 4 and find an armory to call in a br with a bigger clip and the h2br. I die and respawn, this time with my extended clip br but the default ar instead of my 2nd gun. Why? Happens at least once every few games.
Yeah it happens when you replace a picked up weapon with a loadout weapon. I'm not sure whether it matters if the picked up weapon is loadout or not, but it happens every time when you pick up a non-loadout one. Shame they didn't fix that, makes me hesitate every time I see a weapon lying around..I only have that happening to me whenever I pick up a weapon from a dead body. Been like this since launch. But maybe it's a new glitch.
The Rig doesn't belong in competitive play, especially the slayer variant.
...why not?
It sucks?
Saw this on reddit. Some guy stayed in a BTB game where others quit.
The Rig doesn't belong in competitive play, especially the slayer variant.
Leaked unused asset?
People like rig??? Also if it's 1v4 and you're losing, just quit.
My favorite part about this is that the medal is so fucked that you only got it through some weird glitch on a part of the map that you can't fall off of.
I've just started playing online and am thinking about tweaking the controller options.
I know these settings are a personal preference thing but I was just wondering what people were using.
I've seen it suggested that I set both dead zones to 0? What about aim acceleration and sensitivity? Does tweaking these settings make aiming harder but more precise? I don't know if I want to make aiming more difficult lol
I posted this last page and got no response... But I tried fucking with the settings myself.
I completely removed both deadzones and upped both sensitivity and aim acceleration to 5.
Noticed almost an instant improvement in my game and went from Bronze 4 to Silver 2 in two days in Slayer (also improved my KDA from 0.9 to 2.0)
However I've now noticed that when I'm in close quarters if I try to strafe and turn there is some kind of weird slowdown for my reticule - like it doesn't turn fast enough.
Is this a settings issue or an issue with my controller? It's a Day One controller so worried that it may he the problem?
I only like Rig Strongholds.People like rig??? Also if it's 1v4 and you're losing, just quit.
I think it's a bug that comes up if you tweak certain aim parameters. I had the same issue so I reverted my controls to default and started changing everything back one by one. The issue hasn't returned
The Rig doesn't belong in competitive play, especially the slayer variant.
Great input.It sucks?
Yep UGC was way more interesting than any pro league week or the HCS tourneys.This UGC tournament has been amazing! It's right up there with the xgames, and Na Regionals as far as Halo5 tournaments go.
UGC has really done a great job, and it's a shame they couldn't make this an HCS sanctioned open. No disrespect to Esports Arena, but THIS is how it should be done.
Very little downtime, omnicast, no radar allstar bracket, the caster matches, broadcasting side stations when possible. It's just been a really fun, well organized time. 343, ESL, take notes.
There have been some amazing matches in competitive play.
The meta has evolved a bunch since launch, so it's not as prone to becoming a standstill.
I think if radar was removed it would be a damn good map.
This is coming from someone who has hated on Rig slayer heavily since launch
Ah ok.
Out of interest what settings are you using? I really like the settings I've got at the moment other than that turn strafing thing when close.
IIRC that's because of your outer dead zone. keep increasing that 1 by one until the issue is gone since outer dead zone is supposed to help with that "slow turn" issue you're seeing, whereas inner helps with drifting.However I've now noticed that when I'm in close quarters if I try to strafe and turn there is some kind of weird slowdown for my reticule - like it doesn't turn fast enough.
Is this a settings issue or an issue with my controller? It's a Day One controller so worried that it may he the problem?
I think I've settled at 3 sense, 5 accel, 0 deadzones.
I had finetuned horizontal and vertical sense. But after a while I'd get these occasional moments where the game would refuse to turn horizontal...
I reverted back to default, then just stuck with the preset sensitivities.
IIRC that's because of your outer dead zone. keep increasing that 1 by one until the issue is gone since outer dead zone is supposed to help with that "slow turn" issue you're seeing, whereas inner helps with drifting.
I have the same issues with my controllers, but I just gave up on caring anymore. I play Halo with a drifting reticle these days because there's always something wrong with these controllers, whether it's a joystick issue or these horrible bumpers. My current settings:
- 10 sensitivity for both horizontal and vertical.
- Aim acceleration is currently a 2, but I'll probably change it to 5 again.
- Outer and inner dead zones max.
This is kind of off topic but, has anyone here played the Titanfall 2 campaign?. It's great and gave me vibes of "playing Halo CE for the first time"
This is kind of off topic but, has anyone here played the Titanfall 2 campaign?. It's great and gave me vibes of "playing Halo CE for the first time"
Just finished the campaign...
I think it's a little bit over hyped on Gaf but it definitely is very good and worth a play through for sure.
Given the hours I've played of mp (which has been amazing so far) and the quality of the SP TF2 will probably be my GOTY.
Thank you both for your help.
I've changed my settings to 5 for sensitivity and acceleration, 0 for inner deadzone and 10 for outer deadzone.
Definitely seems to have resolved the slow turn issue on my controller.
Just finished it...
My quote from the TF2 OT:
So yea... Really happy with how that game turned out
Did they change much from the technical test TF2?
Because the tech test sucked.
What did they change?Can confirm it doesn't suck any more.
Did they change much from the technical test TF2?
Because the tech test sucked.