I get the feeling that arena was kinda left to die in its corner.
I get the feeling that arena was kinda left to die in its corner.
Thats still in the game?
eL Oh eL
As others have said, the game was bad enough to warrant a TU.
I agree, but not the TU we got.
There's a reason Living Dead, Swat, Snipers, TS, and FF have decent populations still. You simply know what you're getting when you go in those playlists. Sure, there's a lot of bullshit that old school Halo people (including myself) don't like with vanilla Reach (AA's, bloom, slow movement, blue spawn, etc...), but it's what Bungie made and still, in my opinion, better than any FPS on the console. Even better that Halo 3 because of the Netcode.
But instead of adapting or shutting the fuck up and waiting for Halo 4, the self-entitled vocal majority that complain on forums got their wish and 343 spent countless man hours creating a TU for those people and they still don't play the game. Look at the numbers. There are more people playing Team Slayer than all of the Anniversary playlists combined, Squad DLC or the Beta playlist right now. Why waste all that time creating a TU that caters to them but they don't play it? It blows my mind.
Those man hours could have been better spent working on Halo 4 or making the vanilla Reach playlists better by adding a ranking system that encourages improvement to rank up, which might encourage people to stay in games and not quit so much, or adjusting spawns on original maps so that red doesn't have the advantage all the time. You know, stuff that actually matters and keeps people interested and coming back.
There hasn't been one update to maps like Swordbase, Boardwalk, Powerhouse, or Reflection since day one in regards to weapon placement or spawns that I'm aware of. I wonder why that is?
So, you get what we have now. Almost 30 different playlists with some that have full bloom, reduced bloom, no bloom, bleed-through, no bleed-through, AL, nerfed AL, inviz, nerfed inviz, 3-shot pistol, 5-shot pistol. The list goes on and on.
So the playlist that doesn't require an additional purchase (and has the most recognizable gametype name in the entire series) has more people than a playlist that requires three additional purchases and a bunch of playlists that require one additional purchase, plus a playlist at the bottom of the listing (this is important since people mash on the first thing that shows up - look at how the Anny Squad/Classic playlists reversed when they swapped them in the listing) that is explicitly labeled as a testbed? That's not exactly a totally fair and reasonable metric for judging anything. If you want to go that far, why should they create anything that's not a vanilla Slayer variant in which you spawn with a hammer and infect other players?Look at the numbers. There are more people playing Team Slayer than all of the Anniversary playlists combined, Squad DLC or the Beta playlist right now. Why waste all that time creating a TU that caters to them but they don't play it? It blows my mind.
Well put Havok!Besides, they got an update out there that aside from ruffling some feathers, made the game more enjoyable for what seems like a sizable section of their hardcore audience - the TU giving any glimmer of hope to the MLG community is a huge deal by itself. I'm going to go ahead and guess that the majority of the players out there don't give a shit what minute details of a gametype are being changed. 343 garnered some goodwill out of at least some of their fans, especially those who were on the fence about playing Reach regularly anymore.
The hardcore is by definition a minority. Comparing their population numbers against one of the most casual playlists out there is ridiculous.
Wait, you guys where discussing Episode I? I know we have reached the bottom of the barrel to discuss, but c'mon man -- we don't have to stoop so low.
Well put Havok!
Yup, I'd say that about sums it up. I really don't think Team Slayer being the most populated has anything to do with it still being Vanilla.So the playlist that doesn't require an additional purchase (and has the most recognizable gametype name in the entire series) has more people than a playlist that requires three additional purchases and a bunch of playlists that require one additional purchase, plus a playlist at the bottom of the listing (this is important since people mash on the first thing that shows up - look at how the Anny Squad/Classic playlists reversed when they swapped them in the listing) that is explicitly labeled as a testbed? That's not exactly a totally fair and reasonable metric for judging anything. If you want to go that far, why should they create anything that's not a vanilla Slayer variant in which you spawn with a hammer and infect other players?
Besides, they got an update out there that aside from ruffling some feathers, made the game more enjoyable for what seems like a sizable section of their hardcore audience - the TU giving any glimmer of hope to the MLG community is a huge deal by itself. I'm going to go ahead and guess that the majority of the players out there don't give a shit what minute details of a gametype are being changed. 343 garnered some goodwill out of at least some of their fans, especially those who were on the fence about playing Reach regularly anymore.
The hardcore is by definition a minority. Comparing their population numbers against one of the most casual playlists out there is ridiculous.
As long as it's not The Phantom Menace, movie is shit.Come March 5th we will have some real Halo talk....and then 5 minutes later we will go talk about something else.
Really, just keep bleedthrough only on melee and fix the healthpack glitch and I'm a happy camper.
So 343 is giving us 24 file share slots? 24+ slots confirmed for Halo 4?
They are not giving us render capability for Reach though... which makes me think that rendering will work differently in Halo 4. Maybe just direct upload to Youtube? Or maybe they just don't have Waypoint's rendering function ready to go yet.
I am mostly in agreement with your statement good sir.
Yeah that would be a huge step forward certainly. Sword block being removed is kind of problematic because while that mechanic wasn't great it at least gave you a chance against someone running Sword+Sprint.
Atleast 5 pages will be filled with speculation!Come March 5th we will have some real Halo talk....and then 5 minutes later we will go talk about something else.
I tend to agree. The sword parry was inconsistent at best, and in an ideal world those weapons wouldn't be paired with an Evade loadout, drastically reducing their effectiveness. At least a sprinter has to move in a straight line.I'd rather that both parries go. They're power weapons and should be treated as such.
I guess you nubs need your AR rushes back from Halo 3?
Well you did a much better job of explaining it quickly than I did in my little scenario thingy. It's shit either way.It's so good in Vanilla reach to shoot a guy with 3-4 DMR shots, have him melee you and you melee him, and some how you're on equal footing even though he never shot you!
In the case of 4 you win that encounter and knowing that fact, you can consistently win against melee rushers. So yeah, it works. In fact, you don't even need to do 4 shots, you just shoot till he pops, then melee. You win. C'mon man, you know this.It's so good in Vanilla reach to shoot a guy with 3-4 DMR shots, have him melee you and you melee him, and some how you're on equal footing even though he never shot you!
Yes. I like the Anniversary settings, and I like the way the game plays when the melee is diminished. I can't believe the better players here are actually advocating the 5 AR bullet + punch system.^ The solution that comes to mind is simply to make melee less powerful. Melee bleedthrough isn't really an issue in the Anniversary playlists that have 3hko melee. The superpowered melee from Halo 3 onward has created a lot of problems.
Yes, I'd much rather play a shitty game with an excellent feedback system that a semi-decent one that isn't always totally clear.
You're isolating that one thing making it the backbone of your argument. Sure, that tactic comes back, but 85% bloom is also there so the Pistol becomes much more consistent and a more viable option to take out AR rushers before they can even get to you.I can't believe the better players here are actually advocating the 5 AR bullet + punch system.
Because Melee bleedthrough is at least consistent whereas bullet bleedthrough isn't. I always know 3 DMR shots plus a melee will kill. An AR burst and a melee will kill. These things can be learned. With bullet bleedthrough, sometimes you just drop dead while having a sliver of shield left.
Visual cues are not the be all end all of "superiority". The vanilla melee/shield system is weighted too heavily towards melee over guns. Take this instance for example in vanilla Reach:
I see someone at mid-range with the DMR. I start shooting at him and they start sprinting at me. I'm able to get 3 shots on him before he's now in my face and about to melee. So now I can either:
1) Attempt those last 2 shots in at close range and hope that the second shot is a headshot and I can finish him off before I get double meleed.
2) Also Melee as he gets to close range and probably end up trading.
3) Melee and jump back and do a little duel for the headshot.
This shit happened frequently. Obviously not all the time, but enough that I was even able to write out this scenario. I didn't just pull this outta my ass and it's frustrating every time.
There are or course other options and variables to consider but the point is that in all instances those shots I made and landed don't count for anything as soon as we're both in close range. Why? How is that okay? Do people actually think that's good? It's a system that rewards lame-ass tactics and makes CQC sloppy.
Well you did a much better job of explaining it quickly than I did in my little scenario thingy. It's shit either way.
So what game is everyone else playing?In the majority of those cases I find I am able to get in those 4 shots to drop shields.
I'm not saying it's an unbeatable tactic and sometimes you'll get the 4th shot in be able to land the headshot before you get double meleed. But that doesn't always happen. 3 shots, 4 shots, doesn't matter. Why is it okay in either circumstance that my bullets just not count for anything anymore?In the majority of those cases I find I am able to get in those 4 shots to drop shields. Since they are running directly at you you can fire the DMR as fast as possible and hit every shot. I am off the opinion that while all 3 are central to Halo good gunplay should prevail over melee and grenades.
In that vein I dislike making the melee stronger which is what adding bleedthrough does. In all of this I was disappointed 343 never tweaked grenade damage/range. To me, nades are far more annoying than spint and melee users.
I much prefer the sprint + double melee to the AR+melee. Both are sloppy obviously but the AR+melee was much more effective and thus more annoying.
So what game is everyone else playing?
I'm not saying it's an unbeatable tactic and sometimes you'll get the 4th shot in be able to land the headshot before you get double meleed. But that doesn't always happen. 3 shots, 4 shots, doesn't matter. Why is it okay in either circumstance that my bullets just not count for anything anymore?
If you get 4 shots and he goes for the melee you will have broken his shields so you win. If he gets close enough to melee you when you are only able to get off three you should realize that and melee early. This is the nice thing about having this indicators you always know where you stand in an encounter.
I'm of the opinion that melee should do just enough damage to take off the shields, no more, no less so I kinda agree with you. One of things that 343i can tweak since Frankie said they are apparently still tweaking. Yeah, grenades never being tweaked was pretty weak.
I think the answer then is not melee bleed through but having 2 melees to break shields like you said.
I really don't find AR rushing to be very effective at all against a competent foe whereas those in Reach will abuse double melee/sprint melee when they can because they know that sometimes you just can't do shit about it.
That is true but these encounters do not happen in vacuums. The thing that sucks about the AR + melee is that they are going to get some piece of you. Whereas with the spint melee they might get a melee in but you can shut them out if they botch it.
It's so good in Vanilla reach to shoot a guy with 3-4 DMR shots, have him melee you and you melee him, and some how you're on equal footing even though he never shot you!
The best.
I've never seen more wrong people patting each other on the back anywhere than I have here.
Okay, you're right about the 4 shot. Totally forgot about that option. Gonna blame that on it being late.If you get 4 shots and he goes for the melee you will have broken his shields so you win. If he gets close enough to melee you when you are only able to get off three you should realize that and melee early. This is the nice thing about having this indicators you always know where you stand in an encounter.
A lot of us are accustomed to 1 melee taking out shields from a fully shielded position from Halo 3 and that's what I meant. But two melee's to take out shields and 1 to kill an unshielded player without bleedthrough is something I'd be willing to test out. Sounds like it could work quite well actually. That's the kinda shit we should be using the Beta playlist for.I think the answer then is not melee bleed through but having 2 melees to break shields like you said.
Come on dude, the fuck is with this constant chip on your shoulder?I've never seen more wrong people patting each other on the back anywhere than I have here.
Ice coldClearly you've never been to the Republican National Convention.
I've never seen more wrong people patting each other on the back anywhere than I have here.
I've never seen more wrong people patting each other on the back anywhere than I have here.
It's so good in Vanilla reach to shoot a guy with 3-4 DMR shots, have him melee you and you melee him, and some how you're on equal footing even though he never shot you!
The best.
It's marked on my calendar.
And no, I didn't put it there myself, you weirdos.
It comes already marked on the Mary-Kate and Ashley 2004 Wall Calendar.
They're too damn rich to need to do anything like pose for Playboy, I guess that means I'll have to go at them directly.
That doesn't make any sense. Bloom isn't even a factor when a guy is rushing you because you can fire at the max rate. I deny that it's frustrating. Read the article. Play smarter.But the thing is, what Ramirez said DOES happen frequently in vanilla Reach. You'd be silly to deny it - sprint + double melee is super frustrating. The lower bloom settings helps to counter this. Unfortunately the TU has a side effect of making AR + melee powerful again, but when you play DMR starts, this is less of a problem.
Also, people aren't advocating AR + melee, they are merely saying that they also don't like the way Reach works - possibly to a greater extent than they hated the problems in Halo 3.
Sprint + Melee catered to lazier play too. Though since you feel that way about the changes, why exactly did you become a Halo fan in the first place? Seems like you'd peg the other games as being for the "lowest common denominator worst kind of whiny kid player" too.That doesn't make any sense. Bloom isn't even a factor when a guy is rushing you because you can fire at the max rate. I deny that it's frustrating. Read the article. Play smarter.
It's frustrating to lose. It's frustrating to stay cool in intense encounters. Everything about the TU is catering to lazier play. I don't wanna think about bloom. I don't wanna think about melee encounters. I don't wanna think. It's for the lowest common denominator worst kind of whiny kid player that used to flood and now floods Halo Waypoint.
Good night.
Can we get that kill progress bar back in Halo 4?
I'm talking about number 5.
It's a really small detail but a good one.
That doesn't make any sense. Bloom isn't even a factor when a guy is rushing you because you can fire at the max rate. I deny that it's frustrating. Read the article. Play smarter.
It's frustrating to lose. It's frustrating to stay cool in intense encounters. Everything about the TU is catering to lazier play. I don't wanna think about bloom. I don't wanna think about melee encounters. I don't wanna think. It's for the lowest common denominator worst kind of whiny kid player that used to flood and now floods Halo Waypoint.
Good night.
Can we get that kill progress bar back in Halo 4?
I'm talking about number 5.
It's a really small detail but a good one.
HBO Forum February Reach Update Meltdown Quotes
There's a reason Living Dead, Swat, Snipers, TS, and FF have decent populations still. You simply know what you're getting when you go in those playlists.
PNut said:But instead of adapting or shutting the fuck up and waiting for Halo 4, the self-entitled vocal majority that complain on forums got their wish and 343 spent countless man hours creating a TU for those people and they still don't play the game. Look at the numbers.
Both are shit, what's the point? Also both shared simultaneous deaths, which is the absolute worst. The way I look at it, it is simply more of the Fair Gameplay™ we've all come to know in these later Halo MP games. They belong in the Isolation dumpster with vehicle stunning/locking, bad equipment/AA's, and so forth.Double melee or having my shots just not matter is more annoying than AR rushers ever were.
I forget about arena every couple weeks, then someone in here mentions it and I manage to remember it only to forget 2 hours later. So for me...not a successful system.
HBO is an even more insular, bizarre Halo community than HaloGAF. If the layout wasn't so atrocious I'd like to read it for the tears.
Might as well rename it
We'll see.
Whoever wins, everyone loses. Both gametypes are terrible and you guys playing Reach every night despite being aware of how garbage it is should be ashamed.
Vanilla Reach lover rage inc
Now I need a 3D printer (semi Halo related)