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Halo |OT13|

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Yep. Your bad.

Seriously FPS’s developers should look into League of Legend’s Elo rating system.
I have been saying this very thing for quite awhile. But sadly most people here think H2's ranking system is the absolute pinnacle of all ranking systems.

And like I said, it would be nice to read some positive stories every once in a while.
The most important thing is that everyone is 100% honest. If that means little to no "positive stories" from anyone, then so be it.


Well fuck you Juices. Lasted longer than 25 minutes.

Infinity Slayer on Abandon against a team of jetpacking boltshoters and one camo bitch proved too much for me. Didn't help all the global shit sucked aside from a rocket at bottom mid (which they were on top of) and they got 2 snipers in their drops.

Definitive Halo


You good for XBL then? I'll still give you the one I had if you feel you'll put it to use.

Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for the consideration anyway.

So, first game of Reach/Halo in general since August...

Killing Frenzy LOL
Shotgun Spree lololololol

Nice to play some Halo even if it's not good classic Halo
TheLittleMoa has set up a game, any chance I can grab the password.

I think I know what the problem is - I cant join any game that lists ping as FW - its late here so I may give up for now but I will google and see if I can find a solution tomorow.
Well fuck you Juices. Lasted longer than 25 minutes.

Infinity Slayer on Abandon against a team of jetpacking boltshoters and one camo bitch proved too much for me. Didn't help all the global shit sucked aside from a rocket at bottom mid (which they were on top of) and they got 2 snipers in their drops.

What are you using? If you arent using jetpack DMR and boltshot and ordnance reroll you are friggen CRAZY.
TheLittleMoa has set up a game, any chance I can grab the password.

I think I know what the problem is - I cant join any game that lists ping as FW - its late here so I may give up for now but I will google and see if I can find a solution tomorow.

it means a firewall is blocking the ping i think.

Try joining now, the party limit was set to 4 by accident.

it's full again, but theres always this guy



I only saw the title of the tweet which was the title of the video, right?

"NEW Armor Abilities in Halo 4"

I just called it as it was. Somewhat in jest too. It's a clearly misleading title. No point defending it and I was just joking about how obvious a bait it was. You responded with humour about it so I figured you laughed it off. Guess not.

Your feedback and criticisms are heard loud and clear.

We've talked it over, and the new video will be titled "These are two Armor Abilities that were in development in Halo 4 but had to be cut either due to time constraints or balance issues which were found on the Harvest map in the Crimson DLC pack and are not accessible in game but here is a new look at this armor abilities."


A couple weeks ago NullPointer posted an excerpt from the Halo 4 strategy guide with some tidbits from an interview with Kevin Franklin on some of the philosophies behind Halo 4 War Games. I took some issues with what Franklin said (3000 words). Still kind of rough, but I don't think I'll have much time to edit, refine, and clean it up with the holidays approaching. Figured I'd go ahead and post it anyway. It gets a little laborious towards the end, I know.


What are you using? If you arent using jetpack DMR and boltshot and ordnance reroll you are friggen CRAZY.

Dude thats what I said.

I was the only one on my team running jetpack.

Literally told people I was playing with, "If you aren't rolling jetpack boltshot then you're killing yourself."

Running drop recon instead though
Dude thats what I said.

I was the only one on my team running jetpack.

Literally told people I was playing with, "If you aren't rolling jetpack boltshot then you're killing yourself."

Running drop recon instead though

Yea I guess it would pay off for one person on the team to roll with that and let everyone know whats coming.
Your feedback and criticisms are heard loud and clear.

We've talked it over, and the new video will be titled "These are two Armor Abilities that were in development in Halo 4 but had to be cut either due to time constraints or balance issues which were found on the Harvest map in the Crimson DLC pack and are not accessible in game but here is a new look at this armor abilities."

So close yet so far.
Some bullshit aside (Sword, PP, Melee) Halo 2 is still soooooo good.

Going back to it im kind of shocked how much different it is to how I remember it - its nowhere near as smooth and fast as I thought it was. Good game - its a lot of fun to out BR someone - but it really is dated - strafing works but does not feel as fluid as I remember - feels sluggish.

You cant zoom in too quick after being descoped either - which feels strange and catches me out a bunch.

EDIT: Oops turning off laptop blue screened my game - oh well way too late here anyway - will be back for more tomorow - good games.
A couple weeks ago NullPointer posted an excerpt from the Halo 4 strategy guide with some tidbits from an interview with Kevin Franklin on some of the philosophies behind Halo 4 War Games. I took some issues with what Franklin said (3000 words). Still kind of rough, but I don't think I'll have much time to edit, refine, and clean it up with the holidays approaching. Figured I'd go ahead and post it anyway. It gets a little laborious towards the end, I know.

Cool. Reading now.


Heh. Jorge still speaks Hungarian but they had the Japanese actor record himself in Hungarian. So there's a bit of a weird shift where all the original Hungarian is there, but when he goes to talk to the girl she suddenly starts pronouncing things like a native Japanese speaker.


Was playing through Data Hive earlier today, and despite the problems the story has, I gotta say I really enjoy the banter between Dare and Buck.

Buck: "I've seen hundreds of these things today! Why's this one so important?"
Dare: "This Engineer knows what the Covenant is after. If I could safely capture more of them I would. What they know can win the war."
Buck: "Oh..."
Dare: "You haven't...killed any of them, have you?"
Buck: "No! ...Well, maybe one or...two."
Dare: "Nice work."
Buck: "How was I supposed to know?"

I Loved ODST. It really was underrated by many.

It's a damn headline who caaaaaaaares.

I have to agree. I think you guys are giving him way too much shit that he doesn't deserve.

Man Halo 2 is still a great looking game. Make is 720P 60FPS wtih some AA and I'll be happy.

It really is. I started playing it again on the PC the other night after all the talk about it in Fyrewulf's stream and god it's just damn good looking. I'd say design and coloring wise it was my favorite out of the series.



What Should Be Banned? [Boltshot, Camo, etc come to mind. Not to be banned, but to be thought about in this manner.]

Only in the ultra-rare case that the player is right and the game is worth saving and the game without the ultra-tactic is a ten times better game—only then is the notion even worth fighting for. And even in this case, it may take time for the game to mature enough for a great percentage of the best players and tournament organizers to realize that tactic should, indeed, be banned. Before an official ban takes place, there can also be something called “soft ban.” Let’s look at an example.

Many versions of Street Fighter have "secret characters" that are only accessible through a code. Sometimes these characters are good; sometimes they're not. Occasionally, the secret characters are the best in the game as in the game Marvel vs. Capcom 1. Big deal. That's the way that game is. Live with it. But Super Turbo was the first version of Street Fighter to ever have a secret character: the untouchably good Akuma. Most characters in that game cannot beat Akuma. I don't mean it's a tough match--I mean they cannot ever, ever, ever, ever win. Akuma is "broken" in that his air fireball move is something the game simply wasn't designed to handle. He is not merely the best character in the game, but is at least ten times better than other characters. This case is so extreme that all top players in America immediately realized that all tournaments would be Akuma vs. Akuma only, and so the character was banned with basically no debate and has been ever since. I believe this was the correct decision.

The character in question is the mysteriously named "Old Sagat." Old Sagat is not a secret character like Akuma (or at least he's not as secret!). Old Sagat does not have any moves like Akuma's air fireball that the game was not designed to handle. Old Sagat is arguably the best character in the game (Akuma, of course, doesn't count), but even that is debated by top players! I think almost any expert player would rank him in the top three of all characters, but there isn't even universal agreement that he is the best! Why, then, would any reasonable person even consider banning him? Surely, it must be a group of scrubs who simply don't know how to beat him, and reflexively cry out for a ban.

But this is not the case. There seems to be a tacit agreement amongst top players in Japan--a soft ban--on playing Old Sagat. The reason is that many believe the game to have much more variety without Old Sagat. Even if he is only second best in the game by some measure, he flat out beats half the characters in the game with little effort. Half the cast can barely even fight him, let alone beat him. Other top characters in the game, good as they are, win by much more interaction and more "gameplay." Almost every character has a chance against the other best characters in the game. The result of allowing Old Sagat in tournaments is that several other characters, such as Chun Li and Ken, become basically unviable.

If someone had made these claims in the game's infancy, no sort of ban would be warranted. Further testing through tournaments would be warranted. But we now have ten years of testing. We don't have all Old Sagat vs. Old Sagat matches in tournaments, but we do know which characters can't beat him and as a result are very rarely played in America. We likewise can see that this same category of characters flourishes in Japan, where Old Sagats are rare and only played by the occasional violator of the soft ban. It seems that the added variety of viable characters might outweigh the lack of Old Sagat. Is this ban warranted then? To be honest, I am not totally convinced that it is, but it is just barely in the ballpark of reasonableness since there is a decade of data on which to base the claim.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Just beat witcher 2. This is probably the first game I've ever played where I've thought "man I really hope there's books for this world."

Holy shit that was a fantastic game. Bout to check amazon for some books.


tagged by Blackace
Just had the Pistolero challenge glitch on me. When I checked the challenges upon booting the game, I had 13/15, which was my highest record this week thus far. I joined a game in progress, got two kills, and boom, challenge complete.

That skin was pretty disappointing. You can barely see the different pattern in certain lighting conditions.

Blue tiger stripe plasma pistol is great though.
I equipped it for the first time as I just got it today and I forgot the skin was even there :( The difference is barely even visible, really disappointing.

I want more weapon skin DLC :( Hopefully it comes with new specializations (preferably without perks attached to them) that extend SR beyond 130.
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