So is this game fucking unplayable for anyone else? I have my NAT set to OPEN and I can't get a goddamned match that isn't totally worthless due to severe lag. I'm not sure what to do. I only have this issue with Halo 4. What gives?
So is this game fucking unplayable for anyone else? I have my NAT set to OPEN and I can't get a goddamned match that isn't totally worthless due to severe lag. I'm not sure what to do. I only have this issue with Halo 4. What gives?
Download a bunch of files right when the game starts to bottle dat dere connection so you pull host.
Terrible connections and wifi get host 99.99999999% of the time online.
Bring your Xbox to Starbucks, make it a drinking game. You have to buy a cake pop every time you get a Killing Spree, take a sip of scalding coffee every time you get an ordnance drop. Donate a cent to them every time white text shows up. If you get a Binary Rifle, take a gulp of scalding coffee. Win the game with it? Pour it on your lap.
It really ruins the game.Fuck the DMR. Worse than the Boltshot.
Fuck the DMR. Worse than the Boltshot.
Oy, I'm sure I could find better things to do after a breakup over a relationship of 6 years, but Halo 4 it is.
My biggest regret of this year is not seeing Alvin Risk live when he came to ChicagoUgh. I don't even remember why I didn't go.
My biggest regret of this year is not seeing Alvin Risk live when he came to ChicagoUgh. I don't even remember why I didn't go.
It really ruins the game.
It's nice that is has a pretty big skill gap, but it is not large enough for its effectiveness.
It literally puts every other weapon to shame and ruins so many maps.
It pretty much completely ruins BTB.
I always love reading your posts.Managed two games before quitting in a pit of frustration and sadness. Boltshot camouflage seemed to be order of the day on both Complex and Adrift, and I was being sniped by invisible Spartans who'd got fortunate with their personal ordnance. So many terrible, terrible balance decisions it's beyond belief.
Halo 4 is far worse than Reach, for me. Bloom was bad, no doubt, and the slower movement options sucked, too, but there's an absolute wealth of almost equally inane decisions in Halo 4 that combine and transform into one humungous pile of nonsense.
The problem is, the little faults all add up and multiply, and my patience is so thin that even little things start to rile me up whilst playing. I'm being pinged by a DMR from the other side of Complex immediately after I spawn, immediately, and I'm just too tired to even bother continuing. It's a consistent stream of poor game design, wrapped around a solid core that's entirely Bungie's doing, and I'm struggle to give a shit and play through it.
I can't think of one thing that 343 have added to multiplayer which I believe fits Halo, or makes sense. I could write 3,000 words on the changes they've made which I believe do the opposite.
Finally managed to get the basic geometry of my map sorted out. Here is a quick video of me just messing around on it.
Can't you drop the flag by hitting the switch-weapon button?
Maybe I'm wrong, I might have been drunk...
Finally managed to get the basic geometry of my map sorted out. Here is a quick video of me just messing around on it.
hey if it makes you guys feel better the blops II thread bitches about their game almost as much as we do.
hey if it makes you guys feel better the blops II thread bitches about their game almost as much as we do.
I'm all set...
Gotta love how the mainmenu they used for the E3 demos and such gave away a spoiler to the campaign.
Omg don't actually leave. I was kidding.
I didn't know you guys actually took me seriously.
Imgur'd for you:
Gotta love how the mainmenu they used for the E3 demos and such gave away a spoiler to the campaign.
Looks like the prototype Scattershot?After the « hidden » Reach's DMR on Harvest, here is something new...
Looks like the prototype Scattershot?[IMG][/QUOTE]
Looks like a plasma cannon.
Also: Reach DMR on Harvest? Tell me more.
Looks like a plasma cannon.
Also: Reach DMR on Harvest? Tell me more.
The question then is will only the people that get the DLC get the new weapons? Cause the DLC is in away the unlocker, right? They could avoid it by just added weapons via a Title Update. I dont know if that is possible, but if it technically could then everybody regardless of the DLC would get it.I wonder how hard it would be to add a Weapon via DLC (to existing maps)
Danke.I always love reading your posts.
I played it yesterday, it still isn't.Walking Dead's a fun time. Don't know about Halo 4, haven't played it in about six weeks.
The tag set containing the weapons has been built into each .map since CE. Either a Global Tag weapon tag that overrides the weapon Tag's in each map (not sure if possible) or patching of the maps with an updated tag set would be required I know you can do something like this on a pc using a PPF patch I think a special coded version for use on a xbox could work maybe.
Otherwise it means redownloading all the maps.
Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong anyone
Now we'll have Fyrewulff complaining about how 343 "threw the LAN community under the bus" all day.
The tag set containing the weapons has been built into each .map since CE. Either a Global Tag weapon tag that overrides the weapon Tag's in each map (not sure if possible) or patching of the maps with an updated tag set would be required I know you can do something like this on a pc using a PPF patch I think a special coded version for use on a xbox could work maybe.
Otherwise it means redownloading all the maps.
Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong anyone
The tag set containing the weapons has been built into each .map since CE. Either a Global Tag weapon tag that overrides the weapon Tag's in each map (not sure if possible) or patching of the maps with an updated tag set would be required I know you can do something like this on a pc using a PPF patch I think a special coded version for use on a xbox could work maybe.
Otherwise it means redownloading all the maps.
Please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong anyone
If you remove all the layers of garbage from Halo 4 you still end up with no sprint zero bloom Halo Reach. The impression I am getting is that you'll be satisfied with this.