Yes, but older Halo's are really, really outdated gameplay wise to the casual player. For example, trueskill in Halo 3 was pretty great. Noobs got paired with noobs, pro's with pro's. If Halo 4 had the same foundation Halo 3 had, people would start with AR, run to the nearest BR and play. In Halo 3 there was basically one weapon, which was the BR and and the AR was a filler untill you got the AR. The AR itself was useless for anything other than AR+Melee. The other weapons in Halo 3 aren't worth mentionning because they were useless.
Those game mechanics are simply outdated in 2012. You need some fort of killstreak to reward the player, you need stronger non-precision weapons (the AR in Halo 4 is perfect), you need more relevant weapons etc. etc.
What are you talking about?
The Sword
The Sniper
The Mauler
The Shotgun
The Rockets
The Spartan Laser
All of these weapons people actively tried to obtain over the BR. The AR is a bad weapon for competitive games because it rewards spray and pray over precision. Rewarding people for not having precise aiming skills is the equivalent of giving every one who ran a race a gold medal. Its bullshit tactics that reward the bad and then they never feel the need to improve.
Killstreaks could work fine in Halo but the implementation sucks. They need to only be applicable to your current life and they need to be scaled back in power. How about if you get 5 kills you have the choice between restocking 50% of ammo, using an AA like ProVis or spawning a middle tier weapon in front of you.
10 Kills same choice, AA lasts a bit longer, Ammo restock is 100%, Spawnable weapon is something like a Grenade launcher.
15 Kills? AA lasts twice as long as ProVis in Halo 4. Ammo Restock is 100%, Spawnable weapon is a power weapon.
The key element is this resets when you die. So everybody and their uncle wont have a binary rifle 2 mins into a game.
Ordnance system gets canned and replaced by a shocking new idea. Weapons on Map with spawn timers.
Loadouts need to go. At the very least they need to revert back to Halo Reach style but with AA's now relegated to only being killstreak rewards they do not have a place.
People say Halo needed these changes to keep its audience but everything we have as evidence directly contradicts that. Halo 3 was doing well and pulling large numbers. Since Halo Reach the population has been in decline.
Curious as to what the community will moan about if they do get "old Halo" and the numbers don't go up significantly, if at all.
It is fine to want old Halo, but I cringe every time I see population numbers as the argument championed. It is completely short-sighted and I imagine does very little to advance the cause.
I don't play Halo 4 because it's not the Halo I grew to love. If they bring that Halo back I will return. That's a population increase. Many others feel the way I do.
The community does not care about population numbers that is something for Microsoft and 343i to worry about what they do care about is having a game they want to play and that is clearly not Reach or Halo 4. We have no cause to advance in reality the people lobbying for old halo will be ignored and 343i will "take in" community feedback and then produce the Halo they want to produce. They have spoken little to nothing about the back lash from fans and acknowledgement of the issues is something I doubt we will ever get.
All we want is a title we can play competitively with a reduced feature set and no bullshit getting in the way. Population is a clear indication that the changes 343i made did not improve halo to a level that people wanted to play.