What is up with these elitists on here who think my opinion doesn't hold value because i'm a "junior" member? Just because you spend more time on these forums than I do doesn't make you superior. This is a public forum. Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter what their status is on these forums
bamMoa you joined like 6 months ago to talk to Frankie and now you post endless bullshit all day long. You of all people should not be pulling the seniority card or post quality card.
What is up with these elitists on here who think my opinion doesn't hold value because i'm a "junior" member? Just because you spend more time on these forums than I do doesn't make you superior. This is a public forum. Everyone is entitled to their opinion no matter what their status is on these forums
Whoa total overreaction!
It's just that Frankie hasn't done anything wrong yet you're blaming everything on him, I don't think your Junior Status matters at all. I was a Junior up until about a week ago and nobody treated me any differently than they do now.
Has Tashi interviewed Kevin yet?
I was referring to NobleGundam not youWhoa total overreaction!
It's just that Frankie hasn't done anything wrong yet you're blaming everything on him, I don't think your Junior Status matters at all. I was a Junior up until about a week ago and nobody treated me any differently than they do now.
Yeah, but the vast majority of juniors/non juniors isn't calling developers out, like you did. Proceed like this and you won't last long here. Just a fair warning.
Moa you joined like 6 months ago to talk to Frankie and now you post endless bullshit all day long. You of all people should not be pulling the seniority card or post quality card.
Well i'm calling him out as the Halo franchise director not as an "OG GAFfer"
understood. I appreciate the insightful response.Quick lesson: getting uptight, ranting about the worth of opinions, getting offended, etc., is a great way to get quickly banned. I've seen several juniors who've been in your exact situation and got the axe, and I've been here under a year. The real vets have probably seen dozens.
Gaf is an easygoing place, don't rock the boat. We value your opinions and are willing to discuss them with you as long as you aren't an ass about them. Once you start calling out fellow posters, like Frankie, things degenerate quickly.
So complain about the game and 343 in general all you want. Just don't start insulting specific people.
Moa you joined like 6 months ago to talk to Frankie and now you post endless bullshit all day long. You of all people should not be pulling the seniority card or post quality card.
Pretty sure "calling people out" is bannable..
Yeah we don't want another David Ellis meltdown
5 maps for $15 is a better deal per map than 3 maps for $10, and you get more maps.How to you explain $15 CoD DLC?
I've been told adoption rate was pretty poor until the mythic disc, then it was good obviously because a few million people bought that disc.Huh... I always thought the DLC for Halo 3 sold really well.
How does it feel to not be an OG-GAFer even though you've been a member of GAF prior to some of our newer members being born?That's me told.
No but the focus of the interview has changed a little so I will be asking you guys to submit more questions with this new focus in mind. I'll let you guys know soon. Interview will hopefully be more informative than I had originally anticipated.
That way everybody is a loser.I'm pretty sure calling people out should result in a Team Throwdown match.
Link plz. Can't be as good as my annual ones.
Feel free to PM me at any time that my questions are still gold regardless of the focus being changed.
It was when someone called him a certain word that started with a C.
Ba DjangoHated you then, hated you now. You're right, no diff!
(jk lol brb)
Cunt. He meant the word cunt.Creative?
Hated you then, hated you now. You're right, no diff!
(jk lol brb)
It was when someone called him a certain word that started with a C.
I'm pretty sure calling people out should result in a Team Throwdown match.
Cunt. He meant the word cunt.
My feeling is that people will want to ask/different questions if all goes well. I'll let everyone know this week though.
I thought that was some other guy, had a complete meltdown about it then quietly came back like a month later.Moa you joined like 6 months ago to talk to Frankie and now you post endless bullshit all day long. You of all people should not be pulling the seniority card or post quality card.
Quick lesson: getting uptight, ranting about the worth of opinions, getting offended, etc., is a great way to get quickly banned. I've seen several juniors who've been in your exact situation and got the axe, and I've been here under a year. The real vets have probably seen dozens.
Moa you joined like 6 months ago to talk to Frankie and now you post endless bullshit all day long. You of all people should not be pulling the seniority card or post quality card.
Yeah we don't want another meltdown
I personally enjoy the quarterly meltdowns. Keeps this place nice and toasty.
I think the time ferrex left gaf was probably the most hilarious developer signing off ever. He's not even banned and he hasn't posted since then.
Don't you Great Britain people use it in 90% of your sentences? Also, I don't remember that so called 'meltdown' at all.Not really a meltdown. I would argue whoever was mad enough about a video game or a podcast or whatever, to start throwing c-bombs, was the one having the meltdown.
Also leave Britney alone.
Happy birthday...or something.This is going to seem incredibly selfish of me, but I need some cheering up. HaloGAF, today's my birthday, and I've been depressed as hell throughout the entire day. Say happy birthday to me, or something.
This is going to seem incredibly selfish of me, but I need some cheering up. HaloGAF, today's my birthday, and I've been depressed as hell throughout the entire day. Say happy birthday to me, or something.
This is going to seem incredibly selfish of me, but I need some cheering up. HaloGAF, today's my birthday, and I've been depressed as hell throughout the entire day. Say happy birthday to me, or something.
This is going to seem incredibly selfish of me, but I need some cheering up. HaloGAF, today's my birthday, and I've been depressed as hell throughout the entire day. Say happy birthday to me, or something.
This is going to seem incredibly selfish of me, but I need some cheering up. HaloGAF, today's my birthday, and I've been depressed as hell throughout the entire day. Say happy birthday to me, or something.