I fear I'm gonna be the only one listed under 360.
How can anyone even decide which version to get when we haven't heard anything about them? What if Xbox owners get something special for playing so many Halo games/having Halo achievements, what exactly is exclusive on ps4 etc.
The way it's shaping up though, it seems PS4 will be the lead/superior platform.
I won't be throwing away my gamertag, I'll still have my 360 and I'll still need it to play games online there. I also won't be throwing my money away on a proven disappointment like Kinect.I spent so much time on my Xbox gamertag that I dont want to just throw it away because the Ps4 cost $100 less, so I am definitely getting the Xbox.
If I never gamed before I would definitely go with the PS4, its cheaper and has better hardware on the inside. that said both consoles really don't have much different game exclusives. Especially at launch.
I won't be throwing away my gamertag, I'll still have my 360 and I'll still need it to play games online there. I also won't be throwing my money away on a proven disappointment like Kinect.
I never got the *throwing away gamertag* comment.
I spent so much time on my Xbox gamertag that I dont want to just throw it away because the Ps4 cost $100 less, so I am definitely getting the Xbox.
If I never gamed before I would definitely go with the PS4, its cheaper and has better hardware on the inside. that said both consoles really don't have much different game exclusives. Especially at launch.
lying isn't nice.
One of the biggest issues Halo 4 has is that the FPS drops so damn low that it makes shooting accurately impossible. Seriously, why push tech that is already past its limit? The game doesn't even look that great considering the sacrifice that was made to its stability.
I hope this issue doesn't pop up near the end of next gen. Hopefully developers see the techs limits and work to keep at least a steady 30FPS. There's no point having a game that runs at less than that.
I hate to advertise this on this site, but there is a major voting contest going on right now on some site.The whole halo franchise is against the final fantasy franchise in this contest. Vote for whatever you like.
Halo 4 is pretty stable in the framerate department most of the time. Their may be issues in certain parts of the games like spartan ops(because of lag) and splitscreen matchmaking, but it's framerate is fine. Reach had more framerate issues.
isnt it for this decade only? cuz Halo was good when it first came out in 2001, then it was terrible.
Final Fantasy was good in the 90's and early 2000's, then nonstop bad since then.
So post 2003, there is no good vote for either Series.
All BTB maps, Dominion and most definitely Meltdown disagree.
I have played most stuff on 3 different Xbox 360's and can definitely confirm there are issues with framerate stability.
All BTB maps, Dominion and most definitely Meltdown disagree.
I have played most stuff on 3 different Xbox 360's and can definitely confirm there are issues with framerate stability.
Really? I rarely experience noticeable framerate drops on anything other than Spartan Ops or giant Forge maps.
It's from 2003 to 2013 for all franchises.
ermahgawd. They need to just make Halo 3 free already. Finding a game is a pain in the ass, tbh
I barely notice any framerate issues on any matchmaking map incliding forge, but I know that a lot of the forge maps don't work on spiltscreen. Sometimes I notice lag in spartan ops and war games, but that's it.I noticed framerate issues in halo reach sometimes.
343, y u do disI doubt we will see it until November.
343, y u do dis
Some maps just have horrible drops no matter what. Standing in the direct center of Wreckage results in sub 20 frames most of the time even when nothing's happening on the map.
Some maps, regardless of the structure of the actual map, will end up dropping the frame rate for the host but not for the rest of the players. Meltdown, Vortex, and Complex at least suffer from this, dropping to sub 25-20 frames rather often for no visibly discernible reason.
If Halo 4 sales are slowing down, and the game's online community is dying, why don't they just make Halo 4 and maybe the Crimson map pack free. I mean it's not like they'd be losing out on millions of dollars with that decision, and at least their Games with Gold service would have some small semblance with PS+ (their competition that's given out tons of 2012 games already)
Some maps just have horrible drops no matter what. Standing in the direct center of Wreckage results in sub 20 frames most of the time even when nothing's happening on the map.
Some maps, regardless of the structure of the actual map, will end up dropping the frame rate for the host but not for the rest of the players. Meltdown, Vortex, and Complex at least suffer from this, dropping to sub 25-20 frames rather often for no visibly discernible reason.
If Halo 4 sales are slowing down, and the game's online community is dying, why don't they just make Halo 4 and maybe the Crimson map pack free.
I barely notice. I can notice framerate drops on reach, but not this game usually.
You're joking right?[/QUOTE]
Glad to know I can rely on the good people here to come through in a pinch.
The new maps and gametype are great. Going back to the pit is majorly nostalgic. Have they talked about implementing Ricochet in other maps? (I guess this would be somewhat hard but I supposed they can make some forgeworld maps).
Surprised they added new achievements with them too, did Microsoft drop that 750 gs limit for dlc?
That idle achievement is actually a thing.. I needed ONE MORE SECOND to get the achievement but the other team won the game in under a minute because I was standing still.
343, what are you doing? My constant disappointment is turning into hate. I'm starting to hate this team. Hate. If I was in Pitfall I'd probably cut my eyelids off and drink a couple sleeping pills. Thank you for ruining my Halo experiences with easily avoidable issues. Also thanks for that 15 minute long match of Camo users that never broke 25 kills.
Just.. thanks.
That idle achievement is actually a thing.. I needed ONE MORE SECOND to get the achievement but the other team won the game in under a minute because I was standing still.
343, what are you doing? My constant disappointment is turning into hate. I'm starting to hate this team. Hate. If I was in Pitfall I'd probably cut my eyelids off and drink a couple sleeping pills. Thank you for ruining my Halo experiences with easily avoidable issues. Also thanks for that 15 minute long match of Camo users that never broke 25 kills.
Just.. thanks.
You're joking right?
I don;t notice any framerate drops in the campaign or spartan ops. I notice a ton of lag in spartan ops and some lag in war games.I don't notice any framerate drops in war games either.This game pretty much stays at a constant 30fps at least 95%-100% of the time whenever I'm playing..I notice framerate drops in multiple modes in reach.
You're joking right?
You got a magic Xbox.