So i cant be a part of a community unless i blindly follow the devs? Just because of my opinion on David Ellis (whom i've had words with in the past) and Frankie ( whom says things and the opposite happens) means i cant be a part of this community?
Put your personal relationships with them aside and think clearly. Asking a question like that sounds kinda uppity.
Sorry, GAF has higher standards than that nonsense. Even if they weren't developers, they're fellow GAF members.
I'm a spaniard lol, goal is meta, same in mexican I think![]()
I'm a spaniard lol, goal is meta, same in mexican I thinkRIP Spanish.
Since I know HaloGAF is pretty international can you guys tell me if I got the traductions for goal (as in a car race goal) right? I'm perfecting my rocket race gametype and I want to get the navpoints right
German: ZIEL
Italian: SCOPO
Portuguese: BALIZA
A large amount of people in that thread don't even care what was said, they just have some epic heat for Ellis and are walking in the door with their wordbats already out.
Portuguese: BALIZA
It also doesn't help that 70% of gaming side will get up in arms whenever someone criticizes anything Japanese.
...Honestly, I don't this this should be an issue at all. If a game designer wants to make a game with a half naked girl in it, go ahead. If a designer wants to make one with a naked, ripped guy as the protagonist, be my guest. You aren't forced to buy it. I don't really understand why others think should censor games and stop, because other people get mad at seeing sexualized characters.
AKA: Let people create games they want to play, and let people buy games they want to play.
No one wants to censor anything, they just want better reasons and rationalizations for designs. It makes games better too. Designs should be about reinforcing who a character is before anything else. With many characters it's the reverse, especially female ones. Make her sexy, figure out the rest later. Shows when it comes to the story bad.
...Honestly, I don't this this should be an issue at all. If a game designer wants to make a game with a half naked girl in it, go ahead. If a designer wants to make one with a naked, ripped guy as the protagonist, be my guest. You aren't forced to buy it. I don't really understand why others think should censor games and stop, because other people get mad at seeing sexualized characters.
AKA: Let people create games they want to play, and let people buy games they want to play.
Also where is her spotter
They could have a chance to have an actual character relationship with her spotter outside of what I'm assuming will be "Snake snake snake snake snake".
Even Halo 2 remembered spotters exist!
(always thought that was a nice attention to detail, even though it's on screen for about 3 seconds)
I don't think anybody is going to dispute that. At the same time, everybody is entitled to criticize aspects of games. For example: level design, audio design, feedback, underlying systems, storylines, voice acting etc. All those examples are being put to scrutiny every day, even though most of the people discussing them are not masters at that specific craft and/or has even helped make a less then stellar game. This doesnt make their opinion instantly invalid. Even the most valid points often come from the least likely places....Honestly, I don't this this should be an issue at all. If a game designer wants to make a game with a half naked girl in it, go ahead. If a designer wants to make one with a naked, ripped guy as the protagonist, be my guest. You aren't forced to buy it. I don't really understand why others think should censor games and stop, because other people get mad at seeing sexualized characters.
AKA: Let people create games they want to play, and let people buy games they want to play.
...Honestly, I don't this this should be an issue at all. If a game designer wants to make a game with a half naked girl in it, go ahead. If a designer wants to make one with a naked, ripped guy as the protagonist, be my guest. You aren't forced to buy it. I don't really understand why others think should censor games and stop, because other people get mad at seeing sexualized characters.
AKA: Let people create games they want to play, and let people buy games they want to play.
No one wants to censor anything, they just want better reasons and rationalizations for designs. It makes games better too. Designs should be about reinforcing who a character is before anything else. With many characters it's the reverse, especially female ones. Make her sexy, figure out the rest later. Shows when it comes to the story bad.
...Honestly, I don't this this should be an issue at all. If a game designer wants to make a game with a half naked girl in it, go ahead. If a designer wants to make one with a naked, ripped guy as the protagonist, be my guest. You aren't forced to buy it. I don't really understand why others think should censor games and stop, because other people get mad at seeing sexualized characters.
AKA: Let people create games they want to play, and let people buy games they want to play.
Frank O'Connor On The Future Of Competitive Halo -;Slot1
Fairly good interview. That's reassuring news 343 will be pushing the Competitive side to Halo in the future. Especially the Core of Halo.Frank O'Connor On The Future Of Competitive Halo -;Slot1
343i employees criticizing other people's work? HAHAHAHAHA
Kojima thing is such a non issue, it's a fucking videogame character, christ.
Man baby confirmed.
But really I think Ellis is being hypocritical considering how cortana in Halo 4 looks. That said i couldn't care less I've seen worse character design and better.
I'd love for them to go back to H2 style Cortana. I'm not sure even if you increased the fidelity that the H1 Cortana would be easy to read in terms of expressions and facial movements given the clashing colors and data scrolls.
Halo 2 Cortana is definitely my favorite. I really like the way they modeled her. Her hair looks especially great, IMO. And while she was "sexier" it wasn't in your face. The graphic fidelity is certainly part of it, of course. Then again you can probably make a hi-res model of Cortana that looks like she's in a body suit as opposed to completely nude like Halo 4's model (with larger, sagging breasts and all). I am not a fan of that thing.
Edit: And as for David's comment, a mountain was made out of a molehill. The shame in it is that he voiced his opinion when he works for a studio who just went up a notch with their own sexualized main female character. Not exactly a smart thing to do but it happens. I hope he hasn't jeopardized his job over this. That would suck.
I too loved cortana's lush hair in halo 2. Every now and then I'd smell my monitor because I'd forget I wasn't in the game.
Digital head and shoulders, mmmmmmm.
Good post. I had no idea about this.Found it:
This is ridiculous. If that's David's opinion than leave it to that. Not insult them.Yet another example of David "holier than thou" Ellis. What a fucking rube. Spartan Ops sucked over all, make him a janitor.
And i cant wait for that "frankie lies theough his teeth about esports" interview
Kojima thing is such a non issue, it's a fucking videogame character, christ.
I've been making all sorts of art assets for people as per request, and one of them was too fun not to turn into a halogaf.
When Halo |OT19| OddOne OT2: I Don't Think You Understand The Gauntlet Of That Request comes around, I'll be 200 years