A wild Mon{G}oLoi[D] appears.
These were the good ol' days.
oh shit, the dynamic duo appears.
A wild Mon{G}oLoi[D] appears.
These were the good ol' days.
Matching names is kinda corny
Either way a lot of fun--getting crushed is better if you know the guys owning you (ExWife and the damn rockets!)
We played Invasion? Must have been after i left.
Was it the modded Invasion or the new game called Conversion which is based on Dominion?
The second this Falcons game is over, I am nerfing the shit out of those Rocks, and def adding Ricochet goals,
Exit the 36 Chambers?Next person I get to join GAF is matching your name.
Or, you know, people other than me could pick them up
Ricochet would be fun on there though.
Tethered my 3G and plays alright but there's lag. Having 4G should have very little to no lag if you're tethering to play online Mp.I have a hunch that this is a completely idiotic thing to try, but I'll ask anyway. Anyone have experience tethering a 360 for something like Halo 3 multi?
Exit the 36 Chambers?
More Questions?
Find out next Bat-Time, the same Bat-Place.
Safe to assume pretty much everyone here will buy GTA V within a day or two or no?
I'm poor and of-age, but every retailer thinks I've faked my license and won't sell M games to me because I look 12 (hell, some lady at Toys-R-Us wouldn't fucking sell me Starcraft 2 which is T because she didn't think my license was real and I didn't look 13), it's a no go for me.
I'm poor and of-age, but every retailer thinks I've faked my license and won't sell M games to me because I look 12 (hell, some lady at Toys-R-Us wouldn't fucking sell me Starcraft 2 which is T because she didn't think my license was real and I didn't look 13), it's a no go for me.
Safe to assume pretty much everyone here will buy GTA V within a day or two or no?
I'm poor and of-age, but every retailer thinks I've faked my license and won't sell M games to me because I look 12 (hell, some lady at Toys-R-Us wouldn't fucking sell me Starcraft 2 which is T because she didn't think my license was real and I didn't look 13), it's a no go for me.
Safe to assume pretty much everyone here will buy GTA V within a day or two or no?
rip in peace
wtf how did they get that costume? and what game is that?
rip in peace
I'm poor and of-age, but every retailer thinks I've faked my license and won't sell M games to me because I look 12 (hell, some lady at Toys-R-Us wouldn't fucking sell me Starcraft 2 which is T because she didn't think my license was real and I didn't look 13), it's a no go for me.
I'm not an 8th grader, I was just using that as a comparison about how far behind people I am, in case that's what you thought I was saying. I'm 17 now.Puberty's a bitch, you're probably just a late bloomer. I remember 8th grade fondly. I thought i was done with all that bullshit. I'm a senior in high school now, and i know for sure that i won't ever be done with the bullshit lololol.
This is the first gif of gta5 I have seen, first footage I have seen to be fair and it looks amazing.
I need to go see a doctor, my body is not growing properly for someone of my age. Most 8th graders are taller than me and have deeper voices.
EDIT: for those on 360, remember to join the GAF Street crew and also Kittens made a HaloGAF crew as well. Should be fun when GTA Online launches, it's supposedly almost like a second campaign in a sense.
Just remember to not invite Heckfu.
There are already people streaming GTA V on Twitch now, if any of you guys want to see it.
I don't get why people would want to watch someone else play a game, they're going to be playing in 2 days.
I don't get why people would want to watch someone else play a game, they're going to be playing in 2 days.
I was just saying it for anyone who wanted to see it, some people would like to see it beforehand. I'd watch it because I won't be getting it right away and would like to watch it, all the streams actually streaming GTA V got taken down anyhow.
Tequila shots are bests tequila shots.
something something halo.
This is going to help you get hired, Juices!
To be fair, this video I made isn't going to help me either. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ra-vUu7JhfM#t=69
I still feel the same way about Halo 4 as I did when I made that video 7 months ago.
So glad to have been a part of this.