Look if you hate the Halo franchise just come out and say it.
No, mate. I love it. I feel blessed.
What was Halo? huh?
Halo was 8 weapons, 2 types of grenades. 10 levels where you just go from point a to b to c. Halo had 4-5 different types of vehicles and a few more types of enemies. That was it.
That was Halo.
But so many don't understand. They don't understand that it's about the chanting monks. It's about being a supersoldier on a dying star, falling from grace with a carmina burena inspired soundtrack! That's what its about.
the... pink enemy palette. the bright colors and strange art designs. the mix of tactical only-two weapons, and frantic doom run and gun(the libary level)...
it all just colided together.
And when people ask me, why I love Halo so much, I just look at them. I just look at them, and I don't say a god damn word. Because they dont understand. They dont understand that its about the guy next to you(ai or co-op buddy).