And did you really play Grifball? Cmon son.
Also HaloGAF is so soulless now. I dont know any of you. HGS.
And did you really play Grifball? Cmon son.
Also HaloGAF is so soulless now. I dont know any of you. HGS.
FUBAR did u get donged on last night
good games guys, feels weird playing ricochet on a big map
also got a flagassassination too
About half the time, yeah. Why?
This does look fun. Kind of like a Halo version of Ghost in the Graveyard.
okay, I need to make a map for this.
Sorry about all the map makers filling out the party and naturally inviting all their friends. I got messages from MrGreen and others who didn't join after i told them what was actually going on. Problem is when forgers see Tashi and i in a party they assume we are doing Community Cartographer testing.
And also, I don't want to act like the HaloGaf customs are supposed to be some type of exclusive club or anything, but we had a few guys in there last night that hardly anybody knew. I realize that having 12 people is way more fun than having six, but when most of those are people that cause the rest of us to go "Who is this? Who is that?" over and over isn't really all that great.
I mean, I thought I was the only one doing it, then I'd hear someone like ExWife or Daedilililius asking who they were and knew I wasn't the only one.
I don't mean to just bitch and moan, but something was off last night![]()
Yea I wasn't expecting that.
And just for the record I didn't put on any Forge maps for test. I wasn't testing any Cartographer stuff that night. That was all just customs for fun. Sorry that it turned into that after I left.
kame no shiki or whatever the fuck his name is
Seriously now, Prop Hunt looks like fun!
2) got a 180 noscope on kame no shiki or whatever the fuck his name is
I feel as if it would be too easy after playing on the map like twice, as you would know the position of the real rocks, and what is out of place and fake.
Still a nice idea
If anything it's my fault.
I whipped up a Hivemind map using the underwater canvases this weekend... wondering whether visibility down there is actually decent enough to allow for real play or if it's just a little too murky...
Yea watching customs was fun for a game (the pit wasnt terrible) then it got into like BTB sized # of players on shitty maps, boring ball games on Valhalla and shitty large forge maps that are all grey. I even saw a really ugly really grey Zanzibar which coincidentally didn't play well at all for Flag. Maybe because theres no longer any element of surprise for flag running, but probably had to do with a million other reasons too.
Why are they forging all this crap? When you can get proven winners like Midship (Onyx isnt Midship it sucks real bad, its terrible) and Warlock!
And did you really play Grifball? Cmon son.
Also HaloGAF is so soulless now. I dont know any of you. HGS.
HaloGAF Sucks? Best guess.What does HGS mean?
What does HGS mean?
What does HGS mean?
What does HGS mean?
I'd like it a bit more if there weren't a thousand shotguns coming down so I could actually see the oddball marker.But I won so maybe it should stay the same.
I whipped up a Hivemind map using the underwater canvases this weekend... wondering whether visibility down there is actually decent enough to allow for real play or if it's just a little too murky...
It's to murky. It's great for a flood map but that's really it.
Also, watch how much these very experienced players who have been Lanning and playing on XBC for over a decade miss Pistol shots. You missed all the fucking time in Halo CE. Now, not so much.
Subscribe to this dudes channel, Halo CE Lan gameplay gets posted regularly.
That's clearly a Lanzador de Plasma
What does HGS mean?
Como se dice pedant en espanol
There's an imitation toy gun released a while back, and it was blatantly the AR from Halo.
here it is
The Toys 'R Us I used to work at had a Spartan Laser water or nerf gun. It was tiny and hilarious. I'll look for a picture of it.
I agree. I've seen some great Slender/Hidden maps using the underwater area, but I haven't seen it used (at least not well) with any other gametype except Flood.
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