Speedy Blue Dude
It's gud
Did you seriously buy a PS4 with only Ghosts?
Didn't see any other launch games that interest me. Didn't want to give Killzone a chance after the bad reviews, and I already decided that I wouldn't like Knack, and after seeing the awful reviews I didn't care for it either. I wanted to pick up a second controller, but I assumed if me and my Brother-In-Law/s ever want to play together, one of us would just use my Vita. Haven't tried it yet, if that doesn't work I'd get another controller.
I also wanted Battlefield 4, but decided that I'd just get that on Xbox One for now. Will get BF4 on PS4 during Black Friday when it's cheap.
I'm torn to be honest. I miss console gaming. League is fun and all, but I miss Halo. I'm going to wait a few months before choosing a console. Right now I'm leaning towards PS4, with the better graffix and rizolooshun, but Xbox has the games I like (Titanfall and Halo).
Also I saw you got an xb1 controller on twitter early. How did you do that?
Walked into Bestbuy to see if they're selling Xbox One games yet, so I can buy all my launch games already and not have to wait in line during Mid-Night for each game, instead just get the system and go. They didn't have any games yet for sale, but I saw a bunch of Xbox One controller boxes in the open on display. Employee who I asked "Are you guys selling Xbox One games yet?" told me "We aren't selling the controllers either till the 22, those are just displays.". I shrugged it off, grabbed one of the 30 boxes and went up to the front and the cashier checked me out no problem. I saw a few Day One Gold cards as well, whenever I have money I'll go pick one of those up.