Halo Reach with INSANE motion blur added. 00:10 to 00:16 looks cool.
It's got some artifacts as it is done in post
and on top of the already present in-game motion blur, but damn that looks smooth as butter.
Great stuff for monatges and clips.
here is Halo PC with a super wide FOV and a ton of cool (Although not perfect) post process effect added.
The motion blur isn't the best, but it sure is smooth inside the sillhouettes.
This will fuck with your mind.
I also found a post filter that applies essentially a version of MLAA to videos or pictures.
I wonder what it would look like with Halo 3, as I have been playing that recently and noticing those super large pixels aliasing sticking out like a sore thumb.
I kinda wish I had a capture card. Speaking of which, can someone with HDMI capture take a screenshot of Reach's object motion blur please?
I am curious to see a still frame, not taken in theatre, where there are just object's moving really fast.
I can't really find any pictures on the web except for this pic from the beta showing off full-screen motion blur:
I wish theater mode would have the option to do something like Source film maker and process the screenshots a little longer to add more samples for things like true motion blur and AA or
at least not compress the crap out of local copies of your own screenshots.