Did you just print out a fanfic, take a picture with some of your hand written notes and slap a 343 watermark in the corner?
seem like 343 is playing favorites.u4ix if you read this logout, it's not worth it bro. The Grifball community just got a awesome gift.
then you have never read any extended universe fictionLooks good. I never felt the Chief needed or warranted character, but whatever. 343 can do great things with Cortana though. The set up is all there.
seem like 343 is playing favorites.
Fuck it.
Halo 4 spoilers.
Grifball is now 1st person Speedball.
Looks pretty neat, might actually play it this go around.
The new elements making it easier for grifball players to play their gametype. And the Flag stuff making it less appealing with the Auto pick up and not dropping. Also, No mention of a Ranked set of playlists nor a ranking system at all.How so?
Until you realize the whole thing is based off the best connection again.
Until you realize the whole thing is based off the best connection again.
I'd like to know where you saw that. The TTW preview I saw included about 115 pages out of 444, not a little but still only about a quarter of the book, with a lot of key moments deliberately left out. Still enough to find out that.Traviss has not yet been forced to give Halsey a fair treatment, though
The new elements making it easier for grifball players to play their gametype. And the Flag stuff making it less appealing with the Auto pick up and not dropping. Also, No mention of a Ranked set of playlists nor a ranking system at all.
this has nothing to do with Custom games. it has to do with Wargames. they have shown favoritism by essentially making the grifball community feel more important by catering elements to them whilst changing the more classic gametypes to fit their vision of "needed change", but then again im arguing with Hydranockz, captain of team SLRPSo?
What would happen if, instead of a flag, you had to capture an Oddball? Neutral Capture the Oddball. You can drop it, juggle it and even pass it. If you can apply heavier gravity to that one object, you could pretty much recreate a heavy flag. Two scoring volumes on each base. Ball resets when it has been scored.
Custom game options usually let you take the waypoint off of ball carriers if memory serves me right.
343 for the love of god stop putting pieces of your scripts in vidocs
this has nothing to do with Custom games. it has to do with Wargames. but then again im arguing with Hydranockz, captain of team SLRP
Has the thought occurred to you yet that that might not even be the final script? You don't know when any of this was filmed, for all we know half of that could be changed you know?
I'm assuming anything in there was cleared, and more likely than not either changed, or not something that makes it into the game.
Thanks for all the pics Cyclone!
Guy finally posted the Incinerator Cannon footage
this skips straight to the part, havent watched the rest yet
PAX: Halo 4 Updates Grifball and Oddball - http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/09/02/pax-halo-4-updates-grifball-and-oddball
thanks jumper
http://au.ign.com/videos/2012/09/01/witness-your-first-flagssassination-halo-4-panel-demo @ 3:20.
I don't know what's worse: Someone using armour lock and killing you while trying to splatter them or hearing some retarded announcement stating that you just ran someone over with a full hog.
My list of things to avoid in Halo 4:
Infinity Slayer
Carrying the flag
Walking near the flag
Killing someone with the flag
Killing someone while holding the flag
Running someone over in the 'hog with a passenger and gunner
Doing any kind of objective ever
"assisting" someone that has the flag
Assassinating, period.
=/Cortana keeps looking more pornomode with each game too.
Fuck it.
Halo 4 spoilers.
Didactand Master Chief fight is confirmed.
Details of the fight:
And why couldn't Capture the Oddball ever be used in Wargames?
Why are you even arguing? Put on your thinking cap and discuss things like sensible people do.
This notion that we need to argue because we differ in opinion is childish. Talk about things bro.
Not dropping the flag is silly, yes. I try to suggest a competitive workaround and you brush it aside. Your loss.
Salt levels lowering, hype rising. Seriously I'm now wicked excited for Halo 4. Didn't even see those spoilers! One complaint, the hammer sounds like a wimp. Beef it up!
I'll keep this as civil as possible. What I believe he is saying is that the "classic" community that wants to play the game their own way now can't because they remove certain key aspects of the Halo game they know and love, like flag juggling, without even an option to turn it back on. While the grifball community gets every tool possible to make the game better for them in every way imaginable.
Bonus 2 - Duncan