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Halo |OT8| A Salt on the Control Room


I feel like a broken record at this point on this subject so I reckon this'll be the last time I say it, but it's so unnoticeable.

Like...very unnoticeable.

Perhaps while being a very intelligent person, your brain does not have the capability to process the information fast enough, therefore you miss it... or perhaps your eyes are genetically predisposed to have relatively few rods and cones so you don't pick up the white light OR contrast in color very well?


I think the problem is they switched it from being a bomb to an Oddball. Not sure they even have the option of round-based play, including adding an explosion. Quite the oversight given they created a dedicated game mode for Grifball; it's got to be fixable, right?
Not sure. Details are few.

From Kalbelgarion
343 really likes the idea of a faster-paced gameplay, and spending 15 seconds in the loadout screen every time someone scores doesn't really fit with that outlook. Scoring may come faster in this game, too, which would mean that players are going to spend 15 seconds not playing for every 2 minutes of gameplay, if it is one score per round.

The round and scoring options are a little odd, though, if I recall correctly. We can set a "End the round at X points or Y minute" option, but I think it disables the "First to X wins" option. So, in a five round game, you could have a team score five points in each of the first four rounds (Up 20-0) but still force the opposing team to play an unwinnable fifth round (since they can only score a max of 5 points).
From what he says it seems possible to go back to one point per round, but i highly doubt it. I don't even know if you can set other options like alternate weapon sets or loadouts. It seems to be a perfect base for other sports and actiony sacky types of games. Volleyball anyone?

Already planning for PAX Prime next year to play Destiny...
They have PS3's in Seattle?
I agree with this mostly, I'll give it a shot when it comes out but my whole way of playing will change from the sounds of it. If it works out the way it does I will avoid the flag like a plague and just focus on slaying. Having a weakness of all the things you listed turn me off from wanting to attempt picking up the flag. This isn't a fear of failing with the flag, watching over my k/d but the risk isn't worth the reward for me to give me such a disadvantage.

With that too, from Halo 2 to Reach my favorite gametype in each of those has been CTF in 4v4. Going to be very weird for me.

What do you mean? 343 says the flag carrier is supposed to feel like a "TOTAL BADASS"...with a pistol and the inability to throw grenades, sprint, or drop the flag.


What do you mean? 343 says the flag carrier is supposed to feel like a "TOTAL BADASS"...with a pistol and the inability to throw grenades, sprint, or drop the flag.

They are clearly allowing the music when picking up the flag to play with their feelings.


That shouldn't even be a question, you already have the answer... and they don't owe justification beyond, "because we feel like it's fun", nor do they need to justify any other decisions.

this is the worst. 343 isn't a non-profit charitable organization making video games for all, they're selling a product that you are paying for. They absolutely should keep their most loyal "hardcore" customer base in the know, that's basic business 101.
I feel like a broken record at this point on this subject so I reckon this'll be the last time I say it, but it's so unnoticeable.

Like...very unnoticeable.

Agreed, and this is coming from someone who was very concerned about it.

Having played a few more rounds of Halo 4, I am absolutely in love with this game. The gunplay, the strafing, the grenades (both damage and bouncing) -- the core mechanics feel absolutely solid. I have a few concerns regarding specializations, and those concerns might affect my feelings toward the game several months after launch when I've used them more. The new CTF is intense. I'm curious to see how the MLG community reacts once the game comes out, but for me, I love it. The pistol blooms fast while holding the flag, but I managed to get a kill with it against another flag runner. And the maps are a ton of fun. If the other maps are as solid as Haven and Exile, this coud be the strongest lineup of launch maps.

I went in to PAX skeptical and concerned about Halo 4. I am now anxiously waiting to put down money for the preorder.


this is the worst. 343 isn't a non-profit charitable organization making video games for all, they're selling a product that you are paying for. They absolutely should keep their most loyal "hardcore" customer base in the know, that's basic business 101.

lol I don't know many manufacturers that justify the reasoning behind their design decisions beyond a general way in advertising, apparently most manufacturers failed basic business 101.

The developer of a game does not owe the consumers of said game any justification for why they do what they do... the only thing they owe them from a business standpoint is value for dollar spent. Anything else is just gravy, or icing.

I do not have to know why they do what they do, but I have every right to expect that I am getting a good product for the money I'm spending.

Take golf... the rage in drivers these days is a club head that is configurable - Taylor Made doesn't owe me any justification of why they choose to offer a configurable head. Personally, I don't like it... and don't want it. It seems off to have a head on a club that can move, even if they assure me it's engineered to such tight tolerances no movement can take place... but that doesn't matter in the slightest, they don't... and never have offered a justification for what they do. Oh sure there is marketing to sell the new product, but that's not the justification of the decision.

It's the same here with Halo. There is marketing done, and rightly so... but in the features they market, they have no obligation to tell you why they did it that way... no matter who you think you are as a consumer.

Saying they don't owe it, is not saying it wouldn't be nice to have, nor is it saying that if we had it, it might salve some wounds... but it certainly won't effect their bottom line.
And the maps are a ton of fun. If the other maps are as solid as Haven and Exile, this could be the strongest lineup of launch maps.

Halo 2 says hi. It's going to be tough to beat Midship, Lockout, Headlong, Zanzibar, Coagulation, Burial Mounds, Collusus, Ivory Tower, and Beaver Creek.

But you never know.


lol I don't know many manufacturers that justify the reasoning behind their design decisions beyond a general way in advertising, apparently most manufacturers failed basic business 101.

Probably because not all products are the same. Imagine that.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Sup GAF. My bad for not writing my impressions on the updated build that we played all weekend, I don't have a browser on my phone. Plus I figured you guys have already gotten all my impressions from E3 and Comic Con and heckfu's been doing a good job of giving you guys the details.

Still wish Claude captured game 2 of the humpday from my perspective since I went 42-15 with two flag captures so you guys would've seen plenty of action.


Probably because not all products are the same. Imagine that.

Droll comments that are completely obvious do not help you support your position.

Get better - they owe you nothing beyond value for your dollar and thinking otherwise is just self important BS. Consumers are owed value, those that provide the investment are owed justifications. That's business 101.

Sup GAF. My bad for not writing my impressions on the updated build that we played all weekend, I don't have a browser on my phone. Plus I figured you guys have already gotten all my impressions from E3 and Comic Con and heckfu's been doing a good job of giving you guys the details.

Still wish Claude captured game 2 of the humpday from my perspective since I went 42-15 with two flag captures so you guys would've seen plenty of action.

Did Ellis know he was being recorded? Were the games saved and could someone record yours after the fact?
I agree with this mostly, I'll give it a shot when it comes out but my whole way of playing will change from the sounds of it. If it works out the way it does I will avoid the flag like a plague and just focus on slaying. Having a weakness of all the things you listed turn me off from wanting to attempt picking up the flag. This isn't a fear of failing with the flag, watching over my k/d but the risk isn't worth the reward for me to give me such a disadvantage.
The reward is winning the match, along with the action-specific in-game feedback for grabbing, carrying, escorting, stopping, protecting, and returning. It sounds like slaying will earn little to no direct reward (beyond facilitating objective goals), and if they're smart, will have no bearing on your overall service record statistics for kills, deaths, slayer-related medals, etc. It shows a concerted effort to focus players on what objective games are all about, and shows promise to be an improvement.

Now, as for auto-pickup, no-drop, and flag dual-wielding, these things aren't necessary to accomplish the above, but instead seem to be an attempt to enhance accessibility. It's relatively drastic, and seemingly risky, but it could lower the barrier of entry for objective, and overall, increase its popularity. I'm still confident there will be solutions for people that want to play classic gametypes.

I used to play Halo 2 matchmaking on Xbox LIVE by myself, or with random people here and there from message boards, or with friends and family, and I was reluctant to play objective modes. For beginners, amateurs, and intermediate players trying to delve into the game and improve, they can be a daunting proposition. It takes a lot of experience, coordination, muscle memory, quick tactical logic and awareness to effectively play something like classic CTF, a mode many of us would now say is straightforward and simple.


So PAX was great. Thanks to all the HaloGAFfers and 343i employees who were there, it was a lot of fun spending time with you guys. Halo 4 plays great, and though I'm still concerned about a few specific details, I have confidence in the overall quality of the game. Crazy hyped for release and playing with GAF. Seriously, I understand the hesitation and worry, but it's going to be fine. Trust us.


No, but really, it is good. I'll try to post more in-depth impressions and answer questions when I have time.


The reward is winning the match

but at the end of the day with no ranks, everyone a winner regardless.



Droll comments that are completely obvious do not help you support your position.

Get better - they owe you nothing beyond value for your dollar and thinking otherwise is just self important BS. Consumers are owed value, those that provide the investment are owed justifications. That's business 101.

Good thing value per dollar is an objectively static amount that has no variance between individuals, cannot be altered by emotion, and cannot be increased or decreased based on responses that require no net negative investment on behalf of the manufacturer.

Halo 4 is a lot like the golf club industry though, I'll give you that.
but at the end of the day with no ranks, everyone a winner regardless.
Not so, you will presumably rise in rank more quickly, I would expect to a greater degree than in Reach. And we still haven't heard one way or the other on skill ranking, have we?


Is it Viewtiful's mission to comment on every yt video linked in this thread? He's like oh-for-four from what I've seen.

Also, the sarcasm and facetiousness being thrown around lately has gotten so thick (or advanced) that I can't even tell when someone is getting some snark in.


Something to be aware of in Wu Vid

Watch the PP lose charge while holding overcharge

Goes from 100% to 50% in 5 seconds, watching that bar drop, looks significantly faster than previous games

Also overcharge used 20% instead of 10%

Dat loadout weapon balancing :)


Some things that stuck out after watching the video:

+Ghost sounds amazing.

+The ingame scoreboard loads great

+Mountains look awesome.

+Thrusters animation is fantastic.

+The way the passenger stands on the backseat of the mongoose just looks badass.

-Ground textures still look bad. Hoping they are improved for the final game, but I guess we are getting pretty close to ship. :/

-Where is the plasma pistol charge up noise? Feels oddly silent.

-Not a fan of this Dexterity mod.

-Unicorn helmet looks Hayabusa levels of dumb.

-David Ellis is bad at video games. :lol


Good thing value per dollar is an objectively static amount that has no variance between individuals, cannot be altered by emotion, and cannot be increased or decreased based on responses that require no net negative investment on behalf of the manufacturer.

How does any of the above change what is OWED, or what is OBLIGED?

This is pretty good but may I suggest also pinning the corners of the screen like in Reach...

You can see it in slow mo here

Also you could just add screen jelly if you really wanted to make it even shittier for a player getting shot...

PM me if you need any help 343.
Sorry, but probably will not get my big PAX write-up posted tonight. It's been a crazy few days, hopefully tomorrow.

To be fair though, you guys played it in a crazy environment. It'll likely be very different night after night in my quiet house.

All the new things about the announcer are just too much IMO. Louder, more frequently, and more aggressive sounding. At least tone the volume down on him and balance him out with the rest of the audio.

It's going to be annoying but also lead to me feeling crazy.

I guess it's just one of those things that you can either believe us or not. Even if you do think the announcer is speaking too much, is it really a big deal? I'm always so baffled at how much people here find things to be a huge deal that don't have anything to do with gameplay.
So, I have a question for anyone who has played the game at PAX, or elsewhere. How is the lightrifle balanced? What are the properties of the gun, zoomed in, and out.
The Lightrifle is a mid-range rifle in the class of the BR, DMR, and Carbine. It fires a horizontal-split burst fire when unscoped and single shot when scoped. It also does different damage with scoped vs unscoped.

It take a bit of getting used to, but it is just as lethal as the BR and DMR.
Husslefu. Play shitty on Live, goto real event and crap on unsuspecting players.

Heckfu wrecks in tank, talks shit.
Heckfu finishes 3rd in an FFA game, declares it a win.
Heckfu makes out with biggy, blames it on the alcohol.
Some things that stuck out after watching the video:

+Ghost sounds amazing.

+The ingame scoreboard loads great

+Mountains look awesome.

+Thrusters animation is fantastic.

+The way the passenger stands on the backseat of the mongoose just looks badass.

-Ground textures still look bad. Hoping they are improved for the final game, but I guess we are getting pretty close to ship. :/

-Where is the plasma pistol charge up noise? Feels oddly silent.

-Not a fan of this Dexterity mod.

-Unicorn helmet looks Hayabusa levels of dumb.

-David Ellis is bad at video games. :lol

It isn't the ground textures since they're highly detailed. It looks like the AF is effecting the look at a distance.



There is ALOT of "Impostering" (as bungie put it) In Halo 4 so far

Im not complaining, its just very noticeable, watching uncut direct feed gameplay it shows its head alot

reminds me of the caps I took from UNSC weapon vid

Is this something that will be optimized, altered, or otherwise improved?
Not really sure how this stuff works

edit: bottom of page, motherf'er

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Btw, Tashi, I don't know if Duncan told you yet but we recorded a video podcast while waiting in line to play earlier today. Got some other GAFfers in the video as well as game footage to back it up so the next podcast release'll be awesome.
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