just had my most fun halo game in the new maps in a multiflag ctf game on tempest. immediately out of the gate i jump in the hog with a gunner. we drive down and around the corner heading for the middle hill at breakneck speeds. apparently the other team did the exact same thing and as we both reached the crest we slammed into each other head on, both hogs launched into the air erupting in flames.
later, i take the hog with a gunner to the other base. i jump out and grab the flag, while my gunner covers me. i jump in the passenger seat, hoping for a driver and my gunner takes over as driver. just as the driver gets in and the hog starts to pull away, i get jacked from the passenger seat, leaving the flag on the ground as the hog speeds away with a player from the other team.
in another attempt at the flag, i'm escorting a teammate in an attempted flag capture. i grab the flag, but get killed, and the other team immediately drops a bubble shield over 4 of them to recover it. my teammate charges inside the bubbleshield, grabs the flag, and gets an overkill of flag beatdowns as i watch waiting to respawn.
EDIT: almost forgot, with a minute left, i used AL to reflect a rocket back into an opponent. then got his rockets and sniper rifle after a humpin :lol
game ended 0-0
i feel like i should make a ghaleon picture story post