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Halo: Reach |OT4| This Thread is Not Your Grave, But You Are Welcome In It


An expansion pack with a new campaign and some new multiplayer maps might be cool to see, rolled up with the DLC maps released thus far.

Willeth said:
Nah, I'm okay with pretty much everything.

Then again I also have some odd viewpoints on most balancing issues (ie, the answer to drop shields in objective isn't to remove drop shields, it's to provide more EMP weapons).
Yeah, my general attitude is to favor the addition of counters over the removal of abilities/items. It adds an additional play element as well as a balancing element.


Ramirez said:
Then I read posts on here saying AA's are fine, and that dropshields are ok, and I wonder if I'm just a dying breed in the Halo playspace, these things are not what made me fall in love with Halo, ugh.
You're not a dying breed, I just think a lot of the fans of old-school Halo don't even care to post about Halo anymore. Enough titles come out that disappoint and eventually you just stop caring. I think they are just dormant fans, that would come back if any H1 or H2 remakes happen
and don't suck
I'm one of them btw, but I still like Reach, even though it has a lot of problems when it comes to what I like in Halo MP.
Theater is kind of sketchy sometimes. First any Armor Lock or Drop Shield, Assassination, kicks you out of their POV until you reclick back in, annoying, why'd they do that? Second after a round it tends to go to the POV of the guy thats alphabetically first on your team and since its not their file it sketches all around and you gotta rebring up the names and click through to get to the POV you have and click in and then get rid of the film options...annoying.

Having a hard ass time recording this last game by MT and MetaHalo. Gamesagers team has a lot of teamwork and they were definitely practiced in the gametypes they played, individually not that different from our upper tier players.
I will be bummed if Halo HD doesn't have MP. Don't get me wrong I will buy the shit out of it but I just need classic Halo back in my life. I want so badly to enjoy Reach MP like I did Halo 2 and 3 but I just don't.


This reminds me, as much as I want classic Halo back after playing Reach...

I remember being disappointed in Reach when I first saw the gameplay leaks. Honestly, with the way the Spartan Silhouettes looked, the planet Reach, having a full squad of Spartans, I thought it was going to be a departure from traditional Halo gameplay to something more squad based like Ghost Recon, but faster paced.

Oh well.

I want multiplayer to remain largely the Halo formula I love, but campaign could do with some extra little spice. Like a squad mechanic, perhaps classes, multiple view points (pick your Spartan to play as) Some more variety.

I want to keep the fast paced freedom of movement, just add cool mechanics on top of it that make you feel like you can utilize your suit fully.


Dani said:
Only a new unannounced Halo game could possibly warp people's hopes and expectations to such silly levels.
It's a cycle. If anything expectations are far more in check than they were during the run up to Halo 2, 3 and ODST. I've been on GAF to see the cycle since 2001, to grow familiar with it, to know its supple curves. I find rampant, semi-restrained speculation fun. We've got little to go on, might as well go a bit wild before sobering reality drags us down.

Also, Stockpile is awesome. But I think CTF could just have its options expanded so that it can be configured to accommodate it via flag and scoring zone properties; we already see Reach moving in that direction with the June update, with support for three flags and the ability to support assigning points to scoring them.

Edit: good post by Jaime Griesemer. I read this thinking of bloom.
I get that it seems pretty far-fetched. What I don't understand is why no one has come out and just squashed the rumor. Bungie, 343i, Saber Interactive, joystiq.com and others could have easily just said, that's totally fake, but they haven't. I'd like to know what is going on. If the remake is happening, great, but if it's not, then shame on all of the above for letting what could be an outrageous troll go on for so long.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Deputy Moonman said:
I get that it seems pretty far-fetched. What I don't understand is why no one has come out and just squashed the rumor. Bungie, 343i, Saber Interactive, joystiq.com and others could have easily just said, that's totally fake, but they haven't. I'd like to know what is going on. If the remake is happening, great, but if it's not, then shame on all of the above for letting what could be an outrageous troll go on for so long.

You will know. 6 more days, bro. Not that much time left.
Havok said:
Asymmetric capture points :mad:

It would be brilliant if the points were symmetric.

The problem is is that very few Reach maps are, and that gametype DOES NOT WORK on asymmetric maps.

Also, been listing through the Halo 2 soundtrack... outside of the Buttrock songs, soooo good.


Make player movement like it was in H2.

In Reach there's this wierd momentum system, where you need to slow down to drastically change directions. It makes strafing useless.
Tashi0106 said:

MLG may be "balanced" but, AND THIS IS JUST HOW I FEEL, its boring as hell. I don't like the attitude I get from "Those" MLG guys, the ones that just think they are better because they play MLG. I respect the game. It just lacks weapon variety I like. I enjoy vehicle combat.

I hated MLG Halo 3. I like Reach more... but Reach feels more stale.

No offense to anyone who enjoys MLG however :).


343i Lead Esports Producer
The fun in MLG comes from the competition and how I don't feel like any bullshit gets in the way. It's not as vanilla as it was in Halo 3 but it's very refined and pure.


GhaleonEB said:

I never thought I would say this, but reading all of his recent blog articles really makes me wish he was still in charge of the sandbox when Reach was coming out.

I would love to know the actual individual opinions of stuff like bloom among everyone that worked at Bungie, I cannot fathom that even 50% of them were cool with it. It changes the gunplay so dramatically that it's almost a different game, add in lag/host advantage and you have a system that is never the same, and produces completely random results a vast majority of the time. I feel no more in control of bloom than I did when I first played the beta, sometimes you can spam to your hearts desire, and other times you can pace with the best of them and it nets you no gain, a truly frustrating mechanic.

I loved MLG in Halo 3, it was my most played playlist after they put in that new XP system, I would usually get pooped on, by I still had fun. I just have 0 fun with competitive Reach, even in the tourney, when the teams got good, my enjoyment went out the window. I can just never shake that feeling of a guy living when he should have died because of bloom/evade or any of the other countless reasons in Vanilla Reach. It's just not a very fun game to play competitively for me personally, I don't think I've ever got as mad at a game as I do at Reach in competitive environments.

Also, I wish someone would just leak the MS conference games already, I hate waiting. :p


If they do a Halo CE/2 remake I will not buy it if it doesn't have multiplayer. It would be worth a rent for sure, but I generally don't buy games unless they have some sort of online multiplayer. If 343 releases a game like this without multiplayer, then they won't get my money. Although I find it difficult that they would be so dumb to release a game without a multiplayer component. Doesn't make sense to me.
I know it's late, but if anyone wants to run through some Reach matchmaking, shoot me an invite. I really want to play some games before I go to bed.


Deputy Moonman said:
I get that it seems pretty far-fetched. What I don't understand is why no one has come out and just squashed the rumor. Bungie, 343i, Saber Interactive, joystiq.com and others could have easily just said, that's totally fake, but they haven't. I'd like to know what is going on. If the remake is happening, great, but if it's not, then shame on all of the above for letting what could be an outrageous troll go on for so long.
If companies squash every single fake rumor, the times they stay quiet people will know the rumors are true, ruining their surprises or reveal plans.
I'm just spitballing here:

What if the "Fusion" titles that were trademarked by Microsoft were a line of remastered games from Microsoft's past?

"Fusion Genesis" and "Fusion Vault" seem to recall the beginning of something or a collection of things.

Although "Fusion Sentient" throws a wrench in that line of thought.

"Genesis" was rated PG by the Australian Classification Board for "mild science fiction violence and coarse language."


I actually like the bloom system in Reach compared to past Halo games. Yes it sucks when you get killed by someone spamming the trigger as fast as possible but being able to have that level of control over the accuracy of my shots is something I really enjoy. The one change I would make is the idea outlined in this video:


But even with the system as it is now I would absolutely take that over random spread applied to projectiles a la Halo 3. Halo 2 didn't have the spread but the burst fire nature of the BR made it so at a range it was not dependable which is really what bloom was trying to accomplish without having every shot the player takes be variable outside of their control.


stephen08 said:
I actually like the bloom system in Reach compared to past Halo games. Yes it sucks when you get killed by someone spamming the trigger as fast as possible but being able to have that level of control over the accuracy of my shots is something I really enjoy. The one change I would make is the idea outlined in this video:


But even with the system as it is now I would absolutely take that over random spread applied to projectiles a la Halo 3. Halo 2 didn't have the spread but the burst fire nature of the BR made it so at a range it was not dependable which is really what bloom was trying to accomplish without having every shot the player takes be variable outside of their control.
Reach added precision but made that precision dependent on firing speed, and the effect is to grant the DMR and Nerfle at least 2x the range the BR had. There are a lot of people here that think that's a good thing, but it does enormous damage to Reach's combat, by pushing players further apart and making open spaces on maps much less usable. Hemorrhage would be a viable map with BRs. With the DMR it's a disaster. If the DMR were in Halo 3, we'd be able to sit back at the bases on Valhalla and take out players on the center hill with ease; it would wreak the map. It would wreak most Halo 2 and Halo 3 maps, actually. It has that effect on Reach all over the place.

The burst and spread fire of the BR was a deliberate effort to limit the range of the weapon and prevent that problem. Reach fixed that "problem" by adding another and in the process hurting combat even more. I'll take the burst spread of the BR any day over Reach's constant long-range popgun fights. It's one of the main reasons I don't like Reach's MP combat.


Thagomizer said:
It would be brilliant if the points were symmetric.

The problem is is that very few Reach maps are, and that gametype DOES NOT WORK on asymmetric maps.
Stockpile seems to show up so much on Powerhouse and Swordbase. I'm not sure why since usually the score zones favor a certain team (ex: the team who's zone is on the building in Powerhouse is clearly in favor).

There's plenty of 4v4 symmetrical maps they can use for Stockpile in Team Objective. You got Zealot, Countdown, Asylum, Anchor 9, Tempest, and Condemned (close enough). Problem would persist is DLC showing up, which it does pretty often in Team Objective. But the underlining is how those maps should be the ONLY ones showing up for Stockpile.

I wished 3 Plots had more variety in the playlist, too. Where is it for maps like Powerhouse, Anchor 9, or Asylum? 3 Plots on Sanctuary was freaking fantastic, my second favorite map for it after Turf.


^ Hemorrhage would be more enjoyable to most players, I think, with Halo 2's BR. While it had hitscan and was able to hit from a decent distance, it did not have the DMR's range nor power from afar. The only positive the Halo 2 BR would have over the DMR is consistency in the short/mid-range game. The Halo 3 BR spread and DMR are too random to be relied upon and be a completely enjoyable weapon in most instances.


If the remake + Reach MP with more maps is true, at the bare minimum 343 should remove bloom.

Oh and guys Jaime doesn't like you putting bloom to the question.
Jaime Griesemer said:
Thanks for reading, GAFers. But please don’t use my blog to defame other designers, especially friends and colleagues. Besides, this post doesn’t even apply to bloom, since increasing the size of the crosshair is a great way to communicate weapon inaccuracy, so it passes “the question”.
GhaleonEB said:
343i should hire this man. He knows his stuff.
GhaleonEB said:
Reach added precision but made that precision dependent on firing speed, and the effect is to grant the DMR and Nerfle at least 2x the range the BR had. There are a lot of people here that think that's a good thing, but it does enormous damage to Reach's combat, by pushing players further apart and making open spaces on maps much less usable. Hemorrhage would be a viable map with BRs. With the DMR it's a disaster. If the DMR were in Halo 3, we'd be able to sit back at the bases on Valhalla and take out players on the center hill with ease; it would wreak the map. It would wreak most Halo 2 and Halo 3 maps, actually. It has that effect on Reach all over the place.

The burst and spread fire of the BR was a deliberate effort to limit the range of the weapon and prevent that problem. Reach fixed that "problem" by adding another and in the process hurting combat even more. I'll take the burst spread of the BR any day over Reach's constant long-range popgun fights. It's one of the main reasons I don't like Reach's MP combat.
A lot of good points here.

Detox said:
Oh and guys Jaime doesn't like you putting bloom to the question.
Zeouterlimits said:
A case of perceiving what you want to see?


343i Lead Esports Producer
I think you guys are shitting on bloom way more than it really deserves. Reading this thread makes you think this game is broken and doesn't work. I 5 shot people about the same amount of times that I used to 4 shot people. When things are clicking in Reach and I'm playing a good gametype, I'm having a blast.


Hello HaloGAFers.

I'm new to Halo Reach and multiplayer games, add me as your friend please.

I'm having to much fun playing Big team Battle. Last night was awsome.
I feel like I'm a marine fighting a war on a battlefield, people communicate and form strategies to win. Armor lock is the best power, even against vehicles. Some guy tried to run me over with his warthog and I used the armor lock at the last minute, I felt like Superman- the man of steel in that moment.

The best thing is that I can play with and against people from other countries, and talk to them while playing.

Let's play together.

My gamertag: LukenCortez51


I would love to play Reach as much as I played H3 (it was my go to game) but I really can't 'learn' bloom in multiplayer. I think it works really well against the AI especially the rhythm you get when headshotting grunts. In MP I try to pace and feel like the other guy beat me because he spammed. I try to spam and fail miserably the times I do succeed at spamming I think I shouldn't have beaten that guy but bloom is stupid. Bloom is also lower when you crouch which just goes against Halo. It just makes me rage, one stupid match is enough for me to just quit and play another game that doesn't feel like I'm fighting against it.
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