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Halo Reach Review Thread

GillianSeed79 said:
I don't get it. I just don't fucking get it. I am buying Reach, but honestly, for the love of God, someone explain it to me. I think it's because I'm old or something. I GET that Halo is this cultural phenomenon. I get that it's multiplayer is near perfect even though I suck at it. I feel like I'm some freak because the Halo series has never clicked with me. I'm not some gaming snob either who hates on Halo because it's popular. I just got done playing MW2. I'm practically an XBOX fanboy. I WANT to love Halo. I just don't fucking get it. Every time a new Halo game comes out the reviews make it sound like the second coming of Jesus. Maybe this time will be different.

Look, this isn't meant as an insult, but my 10 year old brother isn't going to understand what's so amazing about The Godfather. He just wouldn't be able to appreciate the parts that most people would. There are obviously parts of games that you have never learned to appreciate, most likely AI from the MW2 part (possibly also music, vehicles, and any hint of a sandbox).

Metalic Sand

who is Emo-Beas?
BrLvgThrChmstry said:
I meant 'Requires'. Thanks for piontibg that out...wtf, trolling? Not really I actually really want to play reach. But unlike most of 'halogaf' community I don't have my head up my ass.

What did HaloGaf ever do to you? :lol


erotic butter maelstrom
Jax said:
so despite the promise of finishing the fight, we don't get to finish the fight?

You're playing before the fight was finished.

It's a sequel, pre- the events of Halo 3. Think of it as a presequel.


BrLvgThrChmstry said:
I meant 'Requires'. Thanks for piontibg that out...wtf, trolling? Not really I actually really want to play reach. But unlike most of 'halogaf' community I don't have my head up my ass.
I'm pretty sure calling Pokemon deeper than Halo is trolling. You're not taking into account that generally games with a leveling system don't require skill, they require time investment. However, Halo, even if it is thumb twiddling, requires some sort of coordination to be "good" along with some sort of understanding of physics and map design to be "interesting."


Snuggler said:
You're playing before the fight was finished.

It's a sequel, pre- the events of Halo 3. Think of it as a presequel.

It's a prequel to Halo 1

e.g.: It's time to start the fight


BrLvgThrChmstry said:
I meant 'Requires'. Thanks for pointing that out...wtf, trolling? Not really I actually really want to play reach. But unlike most of 'halogaf' community I don't have my head up my ass.
Well I don't think you're trolling, but you've accidentally constructed your point in a manner that will unnecessarily aggravate a few folks in this thread.
BrLvgThrChmstry said:
Small rant...

After reading the reviews and witnessing some (over)reactions concerning them in the OT, I'm sick of biasness towards indifferent opinions or statements. I get it, we all do. Reach is the pinnacle of the series, a great refinement. But it's not perfect. There is nearly zero discussion on based anything that isn't the eqivalent of a "circle jerk". 90% of the thread is "I wish I had this game!!!", 9% "I paid a premium to get the game early", and 1% "can I have a helmet code?".

Then there are those who's life mission is to invalidate any negative claims stated by people who have actually played. Apparently Reach has very minor framerate issues. It's clear as day in some footage. Stop saying there isn't!

And no, this isn't a damn Civilization sequel. Reach isn't that deep. It's a FPS. There are an abundance of options and features but nothing no one can't cover in a few days. Get over it. A single pokemon game provides more/deeper narrative and intellect than all the Halos put together...

I like the gaf community surrounding halo, but sometimes it's simply unbearable...and its funny, how smug do you have to be to call yourselves "HaloGAF". Hm? Do I get a asshat helmet code if I pledge my allegiance? /rant.

Great impressions and reviews, I look forward to playing this masterpiece.

I hope that's a copied and pasted post from you from the official Killzone 2 thread and you just swapped out Killzone for Halo because the same fucking thing applies there if not more so. Go take a look.
Redbeard said:
I have an inkling that this review is pretty on the mark. The campaign from what I've seen looks to be rather unimpressive and not a huge departure or upgrade from the typical Halo fare, but the multiplayer is indeed excellent. That's how it's been for most Halo games. Magic from Halo 1 single player hasn't been recaptured because its become too formulaic by now.

Hopefully the new devs that take over the Halo franchise will shake things up significantly.
This is why I love review threads.


Jexhius said:
Well I don't think you're trolling, but you've accidentally constructed your point in a manner that will unnecessarily aggravate a few folks in this thread.
Yeah, to put it mildly.:lol

BrLvgThrChmstry said:
I meant 'Requires'. Thanks for pointing that out...wtf, trolling? Not really I actually really want to play reach. But unlike most of 'halogaf' community I don't have my head up my ass.
Jexhius said:
Well I don't think you're trolling, but you've accidentally constructed your point in a manner that will unnecessarily aggravate a few folks in this thread.

I will admit, maybe I could of taken a more settle approach. And I apologise for any derailing.


tagged by Blackace
If your on blackout, don't even watch reviews. A lot of "spectacles" spoiled just like that, which I would find awesome discovering myself (a-la Covie cruiser going by overhead).
bhlaab said:
Finally a refined Halo game without the long stretches of boring tedium that we forgot to mention in our previous 10/10 reviews but suddenly remembered for this one. A game that, according to us, truly justifies the months and months of hype and zeitgeist that we generated. For years to come this multi-billion dollar title will be the new standard by which we judge all lesser games with smaller budgets that don't have the financial and social clout to have their each and every flaw curiously overlooked.


Okay, I have to give it to you: this is a very nice summary of the problems with reviews of super-hyped titles like this one.

My guess is Halo: Reach is fantastic. However, the above criticism is spot on in general. You just can hardly count on reviews to convey whether it really is fantastic or merely competent but has enough psychologic "clout" to get the special review treatment. Happened to Halo 2, happened to Halo 3, happened to MW2, happened to GTA IV (Oscar-worthy!), happened to ODST (a 9 on graphics? really, IGN?), happened to MGS4 (a perfect 10 on sound? rly?), happened to SSBB, etc. etc.

That said, pretty often these AAA titles really are as good as the reviews say... and I have a feeling this could be one of those times.


bhlaab said:
Ironically, Pokemon Black & White suck because they don't have enough fast paced first person shooter action.
The best part, however, is when you raise your pidgey in seclusion and then emerge victorious at the next BK meet-and-greet.


GillianSeed79 said:
I don't get it. I just don't fucking get it. I am buying Reach, but honestly, for the love of God, someone explain it to me. I think it's because I'm old or something. I GET that Halo is this cultural phenomenon. I get that it's multiplayer is near perfect even though I suck at it. I feel like I'm some freak because the Halo series has never clicked with me. I'm not some gaming snob either who hates on Halo because it's popular. I just got done playing MW2. I'm practically an XBOX fanboy. I WANT to love Halo. I just don't fucking get it. Every time a new Halo game comes out the reviews make it sound like the second coming of Jesus. Maybe this time will be different.

Sounds like you don't get Halo. That's not a crime. Some stuff just doesn't click with everyone.


BrLvgThrChmstry said:
I will admit, maybe I could of taken a more settle approach. And I apologise for any derailing.

I think maybe the best approach you could have taken is using the reviews posted up, and finding counter arguments to what they stated.

Jumping into any thread of a major flagship title and semi bashing it in anyway generally ends poorly on many levels. Call it fanboysim or whatever, but it's the same as telling someone their taste in music sucks.

I DO think all the Halo games have been over rated for MY tastes. Hell games I like more than Halo(CoD series, Gears series) I still think get over rated to a huge degree. The best thing you can do when you want to discredit something to get people to see your point/agree, is to play the game thoroughly and come up with your list of flaws.

I could probably rant for HOURS how much Gears of War 2 sucked and come up with valid reasons why, but Gearsheads will defend it like it was their first born child. You won't get through to those guys and there is a massive army of them, so don't bother.

Be polite, thought out, and to the point and at the very least those guys will acknowledge your opinion as having been worth hearing out.
BrLvgThrChmstry said:
Small rant...

After reading the reviews and witnessing some (over)reactions concerning them in the OT, I'm sick of biasness towards indifferent opinions or statements. I get it, we all do. Reach is the pinnacle of the series, a great refinement. But it's not perfect. There is nearly zero discussion on based anything that isn't the eqivalent of a "circle jerk". 90% of the thread is "I wish I had this game!!!", 9% "I paid a premium to get the game early", and 1% "can I have a helmet code?".

Then there are those who's life mission is to invalidate any negative claims stated by people who have actually played. Apparently Reach has very minor framerate issues. It's clear as day in some footage. Stop saying there isn't!

And no, this isn't a damn Civilization sequel. Reach isn't that deep. It's a FPS. There are an abundance of options and features but nothing no one can't cover in a few days. Get over it. A single pokemon game provides more/deeper narrative and intellect than all the Halos put together...

I like the gaf community surrounding halo, but sometimes it's simply unbearable...and its funny, how smug do you have to be to call yourselves "HaloGAF". Hm? Do I get a asshat helmet code if I pledge my allegiance? /rant.

Great impressions and reviews, I look forward to playing this masterpiece.
Can't decide which of these many sentences I am enjoying most.


Gram Negative Cocci said:
I hope that's a copied and pasted post from you from the official Killzone 2 thread and you just swapped out Killzone for Halo because the same fucking thing applies there if not more so. Go take a look.
C'mon! Why bring up KZ2? These games are very different to each other. :lol

big ander

Shake Appeal said:
Can't decide which of these many sentences I am enjoying most.
I like the term "asshat helmet code" personally.
C'mon chemistry, pretty much every community on GAF calls themselves something. It's not just a HaloGAF thing, in fact it's extremely popular int he OT.


BrLvgThrChmstry said:
I meant 'Requires'. Thanks for pointing that out...wtf, trolling? Not really I actually really want to play reach. But unlike most of 'halogaf' community I don't have my head up my ass.

If you honestly thought that I was comparing to Pokemon to halo (read: I was taking a shot at the lacking narrative of halo games), then you're missing the point...

Please cite specific examples of this, instead of lumping everyone into the same group. The OT is filled to the brim with people right now that will be no where to be found in a month or two, the Halo 3 thread started out the same way. The actual core group of people that have posted in these threads for years are some of the most level headed people on GAF.

The MLG review is up. They gave it an Ogre 2 out of iGotUrPistola. Pretty good score.

I was personally hoping for a Suddoth 1 out of 2.


RedRedSuit said:
That said, pretty often these AAA titles really are as good as the reviews say... and I have a feeling this could be one of those times.

I find the times the mass gaming media actually give games the best shake is when they ARE AAA titles. I mean IGN's review is 3 pages long and they usually do a page and a half at most for many games. I wish all games were put under this big of a magnifying glass, but at the same time a lot of over inflation is resulted from games being AAA titles.(Gears of War 2's multiplayer getting so many 9/10's was one of the saddest moments in human history for me)

I KNOW that even if I end up not getting into Reach that I will still give the game massive props, because of Bungie. They as a development team are worth every red cent to keep supporting, because they GET games. ODST was my first red flag with them thinking they may have lost it, but according to all I'm reading/seeing for Reach, then this more than makes up for the ODST approach for a game with them. (Sorry ODST lovers, but what started as a 40 dollar thing to add onto H3, turned into a 60 dollar "game," that for many was not the same level of quality you get when you drop that same 60 on previous Bungie titles)


Shake Appeal said:
Can't decide which of these many sentences I am enjoying most.

Indeed but he's settled so we're good. Great scores I'll wait to play thru the game before assuming the reviews are right or wrong.
zlatko said:
I think maybe the best approach you could have taken is using the reviews posted up, and finding counter arguments to what they stated.

Jumping into any thread of a major flagship title and semi bashing it in anyway generally ends poorly on many levels. Call it fanboysim or whatever, but it's the same as telling someone their taste in music sucks.

I DO think all the Halo games have been over rated for MY tastes. Hell games I like more than Halo(CoD series, Gears series) I still think get over rated to a huge degree. The best thing you can do when you want to discredit something to get people to see your point/agree, is to play the game thoroughly and come up with your list of flaws.

I could probably rant for HOURS how much Gears of War 2 sucked and come up with valid reasons why, but Gearsheads will defend it like it was their first born child. You won't get through to those guys and there is a massive army of them, so don't bother.

Be polite, thought out, and to the point and at the very least those guys will acknowledge your opinion as having been worth hearing out.

But here's the deal: I wasn't bashing the game, I took a cheapshot. Reach has more than met my expectations. In some areas, exceeded them. It's the collective ignorance of most (not all) of the community here.

Like watership, he acknowledged that halo doesn't click with everyone instead of making a smug little comment like someone would have. I respect that. He didn't write off the guy's impression. Some people are so engrossed and invested, they can't seem to comprehend that maybe not everyone shares the same opinion and refuse to discuss, instead they write off them off or whatever. Hell that's why I posted my 'rant' here and not the OT, because I at least have enough respect to not "shit up" the official thread.

big ander

zlatko said:
I find the times the mass gaming media actually give games the best shake is when they ARE AAA titles. I mean IGN's review is 3 pages long and they usually do a page and a half at most for many games. I wish all games were put under this big of a magnifying glass, but at the same time a lot of over inflation is resulted from games being AAA titles.(Gears of War 2's multiplayer getting so many 9/10's was one of the saddest moments in human history for me)

I KNOW that even if I end up not getting into Reach that I will still give the game massive props, because of Bungie. They as a development team are worth every red cent to keep supporting, because they GET games. ODST was my first red flag with them thinking they may have lost it, but according to all I'm reading/seeing for Reach, then this more than makes up for the ODST approach for a game with them. (Sorry ODST lovers, but what started as a 40 dollar thing to add onto H3, turned into a 60 dollar "game," that for many was not the same level of quality you get when you drop that same 60 on previous Bungie titles)
Don't worry about ODST lovers. I think you'll find that most agree that the price point was too high; I know I do. I didn't mind paying it, but I understand why those who are more gamers in general were disappointed. I pretty much only play Halo, so it was worth my $60.


zlatko said:
I find the times the mass gaming media actually give games the best shake is when they ARE AAA titles. I mean IGN's review is 3 pages long and they usually do a page and a half at most for many games. I wish all games were put under this big of a magnifying glass, but at the same time a lot of over inflation is resulted from games being AAA titles.(Gears of War 2's multiplayer getting so many 9/10's was one of the saddest moments in human history for me)

I KNOW that even if I end up not getting into Reach that I will still give the game massive props, because of Bungie. They as a development team are worth every red cent to keep supporting, because they GET games. ODST was my first red flag with them thinking they may have lost it, but according to all I'm reading/seeing for Reach, then this more than makes up for the ODST approach for a game with them. (Sorry ODST lovers, but what started as a 40 dollar thing to add onto H3, turned into a 60 dollar "game," that for many was not the same level of quality you get when you drop that same 60 on previous Bungie titles)

I don't believe for a second that they had anything to do with the pricing, that was all Microsoft. Microsoft made them hold back maps to pack into Halo Wars LE's and tie them into the ODST disc, these maps were practically done in August 08 around PAX and they didn't come out with ODST until a year later. I kind of hope with their next franchise they have more control over their DLC plans.


Games Radar
- Story assumes you know every detail of the Halo universe


One of Reach's immediate improvements is its storytelling. The Halo trilogy's story has been impeded by both inconsistency (a curious mix of either over-explaining or obfuscating dialogue), and by becoming a fan-only affair overflowing with series technobabble a la Star Trek. Reach rectifies this "inside baseball" feel by telling a broader, more accessible story that doesn't require knowing tons of Halo terminology beforehand.

Kholdstare said:
Games Radar



I've seen mostly all of the campaign and I can for a fact say that this is the most straightforward and easy to understand Halo story yet. That being said, there is plenty of easter eggs and fanservice for longtime fans.
zlatko said:
I find the times the mass gaming media actually give games the best shake is when they ARE AAA titles. I mean IGN's review is 3 pages long and they usually do a page and a half at most for many games. I wish all games were put under this big of a magnifying glass, but at the same time a lot of over inflation is resulted from games being AAA titles.(Gears of War 2's multiplayer getting so many 9/10's was one of the saddest moments in human history for me)

Well, yeah, that's the thing: they take AAA games and give them these giant reviews, but at the same time they just ignore problems -- in the scores at least -- that they wouldn't ignore for smaller games. Both the length of the review and the refusal to be critical shows that they just give these giant games more respect, I guess, than they would a less hyped game. It's natural and all, but I see no reason why a game like Just Cause 2 shouldn't be given the same amount of latitude as a GTA IV. I think it's all just psychology. I think the marketing and the 12:01 embargoes and the exclusive review sessions and all that just get into a lot of reviewers' heads.


Can't wait. Tbh I've really dropped off the gaming scene for a while. But this and GT5 are gonna bring me back in to it. Haven't felt this excited about a Halo game for a while! Glad to see the positive reviews!


I'm conflicted because I've been at both Halo 2 and Halo 3 launch days and had a great time with them. Since then though I've kind of stopped most of my gaming on 360. I want to play Reach but honestly I can't be bothered with paying for LIVE just so I can play one game (Reach).


YagizY said:
I'm conflicted because I've been at both Halo 2 and Halo 3 launch days and had a great time with them. Since then though I've kind of stopped most of my gaming on 360. I want to play Reach but honestly I can't be bothered with paying for LIVE just so I can play one game (Reach).

I think it comes with a 2 month Gold card in the case...better than nothing if you wanted to play for a bit...? :lol


Ramirez said:
I was personally hoping for a Suddoth 1 out of 2.

Keeping your expectations in check I see.

Shishka said:
Well then. I know I'll be picking up a copy, at least.
Sup! Will we ever learn the details of your departure from Bungie?
I'm sorry, I will say I have made some broad strokes concerning my statements. And obviously, they don't pertain to everyone. I am aware of the core 'group', the small community of gaffers that pretty much represent halo on these boards. I honestly think you guys are leveled headed and respect your opinions...you're usually the ones keeping the thread moving w/ info, discussions, etc. (and this includes some of newcomers to the reach thread as well)

Due to the unintentional nature of my post, seems there's some damage control that needs to be done.


BrLvgThrChmstry said:
Small rant...

After reading the reviews and witnessing some (over)reactions concerning them in the OT, I'm sick of biasness towards indifferent opinions or statements. I get it, we all do. Reach is the pinnacle of the series, a great refinement. But it's not perfect. There is nearly zero discussion on based anything that isn't the eqivalent of a "circle jerk". 90% of the thread is "I wish I had this game!!!", 9% "I paid a premium to get the game early", and 1% "can I have a helmet code?".

Then there are those who's life mission is to invalidate any negative claims stated by people who have actually played. Apparently Reach has very minor framerate issues. It's clear as day in some footage. Stop saying there isn't!

And no, this isn't a damn Civilization sequel. Reach isn't that deep. It's a FPS. There are an abundance of options and features but nothing no one can't cover in a few days. Get over it. A single pokemon game provides more/deeper narrative and intellect than all the Halos put together...

I like the gaf community surrounding halo, but sometimes it's simply unbearable...and its funny, how smug do you have to be to call yourselves "HaloGAF". Hm? Do I get a asshat helmet code if I pledge my allegiance? /rant.

Great impressions and reviews, I look forward to playing this masterpiece.

. . .

i will not comment on this subject, since pokemon is what got me my original tag and banning in the first place.


Smokey said:
. . .

i will not comment on this subject, since pokemon is what got me my original tag and banning in the first place.

At least say bye next time before you leave the room, don't leave me there, cold and lonely.

Mark V

watership said:
Well, that's a odd review for sure.

Note that the UGO review I linked to is the "Second Opinion," the main opinion being Thierry's from 1UP. So, that review was designed to offer a different perspective on the game, in this instance not a traditional evaluation of the campaign, MP modes, etc. Consider the day the review was posted, and consider also that the UGO offices are in New York City. Entertainment is created and consumed within a specific cultural zeitgeist and I think the writer was commenting on that fact. I found it pretty insightful and valid.
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